The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 12, 1907, Image 2

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THE BANNER, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 12, 1907. For Christmas Shopping R. Brandt is the best Jeweler in the world to you —WHY?— Because he has the biggest stock —AND— Because heguar- anteesev’rything he sells. I I I I I I R. Brandt The Jeweler Absolutely Reliable ^mBmsssasssaBagammmma^ Need Any Stationery? We are building up a good trade in this line. Let us show you our assortment. E. C. McEvoy Up-Town Drugstore CALL UP 297. Contributions for this page of The Banner are always welcomed and gladly given space. All written notices must bear the name of the send er, not for publication, but for protection. Send long notice* to The Bon ier office and telephone personals to the above number. CALENDAR OF THE WEEK. THURSDAY. Meeting of Mothers’ Club. Mrs. Cantak’s reception. FRI DAY. M* eting of the Fhilathea Clas s. Meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Y. M. C. ' Mr. Bob,” at the Seney Stovall Chapel. SATU RDAY. “The Barrister/’ at the Colonial. Meeting of Board of Directors of Y. \Y. C. A. THE THIN SANTA CLAUS. They t. II me Santa Claus has swunk To half his former size - I s< » n it in the paper, an’ the paper n**v* r lies-— This y. ar they say he’s fell plum off in weight an’ color, too. An' tf yo’ fail to recognize him. whai d’yer s pose you’d do? They say he feeds on greenbacks Jan' on gnhl most all the time. But this year lie's been scufflin' ’roun - a dollar er ;« (linn* ur seeli small change as he could brows,- was all he could get to live rpon tliis panic* time; an’ now you s'pose lie's much to give? Bu >«I ol' saint is not so fip* aroun’ the girth Perhaps lie’s healthier the while an’ jest as full o' mirth; Peril i ps the prosperous year or tw'o had bloated him a lilt. An’ now perhaj s he’ll prove to be a livelier saint for it. —n. g. % b. HUCER-BARROW. * The marriage tonight of Miss Emma Muddleton Huger to Mr. David Cren* shaw Barrow will lie an event of much social prominence and interest, it will t :ke place at Chr/st church at hnIf-past eight o’clock, the Rev. Fran cis Alan Bin w n officiating. Miss lingers ouly attendant will be her sister. Miss Caroline Pinckn^J* n Passion Play ii A r- product ion of the entire iif of Christ is now being shown at Fairy land in ?.:• subjects from birth to as- c^w*iion. One of the grandest and most won derful seems ever produced in th.* moving picture films. This is the new Pathe film in five sections, and is aluut one hour show, and on account of the length of the show the price of admission for adults for this o«-c:ision is 10 nuts; chiHn 5 cents. Useful Articles For Xmas Presents Comfortable Morris Chairs, Rockers Leal her and Velours Couches Princess Dressers, Toilet Tables Cellarets for the Prohibition Days that are coming China Cases in Mahogany and Oak And numerous other Artistic Articles •II • • II • : • III • ' • I i! Huger, and Mr. Barrow's best man will be his brother, Dr./Craig Barrow. The ushers will bo Mr. Ferris Caun, Mr. Charlesworth J. Hunter. Mr. J. Ward Motte, Mr. Percy Huger, Mr. John Morris and Mr. Frjucis P. Mc- itlre. ijfThe bride will be given In marriage by her father, Mr. Joseph A. Huger. She will wear a beautiful wedding gown of white faille simply made in a grace ful empire—princess style. The bodice has a transparent yoke of white chif fon, set in tiny band tucks and about the shoulders is a broad berth t of beautiful Honiton lace. Her flowers will be white roses. The nirtid of honor's gown is of pale pink chiffon, with hands of satin in deeper tone, and the corsage ts trimmed in deep cream lace. She will carry a bouquet of pink roses. After the •ceremony ;u the church a small reception from h until 1: o'clock will lie given at tin- home of thin b.-Me's parents. on Static stretd, east, for wi'icn invitations have been limited ta th • wedding party ami relatives. Tin- house decorations will In in urt-eu and white. The drawing rooms will lie lit V numberless tapers in silver c.imlela- bra. and roses ami ferns t.’ll tom bino to make the iT-el t sin-.; 1- but very lovely one. Mr. Barrow and !ii.„ bride will i.-nv - qt midnight for tin- X rtlt end will sail the last of the week for H irope, where they will spend some time, on their return they will be at home ttt N;y. 22K Oglethorpe avenu -. etst. - Savannah Press. 444444444- 4444 4 MEETINGS. 4 H U ♦ ♦ m ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ 1 v 4 ♦ 4 MOTHERS' CLUB. ♦ 4 The Mothers and Teaeli rs' Co. 4 ♦ Operative Club of tip- l’ractiee ♦ 4 School wilf meet ties i Thins 4 4 day) afternoon, at f at* o'eltt.--k 4 4 in Miss Parrish's let-nt 4 ♦ 4 Y. M. C. A. AUILIARY. 4 4 The Ladies' Auxiliary of tin- 1 4 4 M. C. A. will tile -1 Fri '.at after 4 4 noon ,-tt 1 o'clock. All m.-mbt rs 4 4; are requested to be prt s*-m. ♦ PHILATHEA CLASS. 4 The PMLHlieti Class tf the * 4 First Baptist church will meet 4 with Mrs. A. S. Parker Fa,.lay af- 4 4 ternoon at four n't loci;. All 4 4 members will please h pro.-ent. 4 t + I hiorL.., DIRECTORS’ MEETING. ,* Sflcity T,ne- Bo^rd of Directors of the 4 T Is—«r. TV. C. A. will men Saturday 4 j'l 4 morning at half-past ton. As bus- 4 Iness of importance Is to come 4 up, all members arc urgently re 4 quested t"' attend 4 >T-T lr, n I | 4 II Dwelling for Rent j.I jnJ.4_4.4 Dorsey & Funkfnstein 6 Rooms in Lynwood Park Store for Rent Jan. I, On Thomas St. New and Up-to-date Size 27 x 110 Ft. J. T. Anderson. Clayton Street Phone 106 -4 Athens, Georgia —♦ © ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ — 4 + - rt i a GENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrival and Departure of Tralni at Athens, effective Sept, t, 1907. Central Time. DEPART. For Macon 6:30 a m. for Macon 3:30 p. m. ARRIVE. From Macon 12:10 p m. j From Macon 9:20 p. m. Connections made at Madison with | Georgia Railroad east and west, and j \t Maoon for ail points south For information ’phone 610. H. R. McLEAN. Soliciting Agent, tfnr tnfornntiom, ’phone 16. n A. NOLAN. 4zr.«t Holiday Goods Don’t delay buying your Xmas present until the stock is broken. • ••••• • • • • c • * Come early choice. and select your A Fine Investment! Inexhaustible!! Stores of Tin in North Carolina Piedmont Mines. Machinery in suc cessful operation extracting ore for shipment Stock nearly at par—limit ed number of shares for sale. For further Information apply to E. C. KINNEBREW, Agt. Residence Phone 638. 264 1-2 N. Lumpkin SL An unusual large and hand some line of Useful Holiday Pres ents for Men and Boys. E. H. Dorsey Men’s Softs i And Overcoats That will Stand Any Test £nd a variety of S : y ! es and Fabrics that will satisfy every clothing need you may have. The Largest Sleek and the Best end Finest Clothing ever shown in Athens. Youmustvvearc* suit from us to appreciate the quaiity of the clothes we sail. HEAD & McMAHAN ■hurcii. An inform;il r< ollowi •! tin* c- t t undo on being n the 'lining roo Tin* punch ho' (•(•option hall. ; the p hllffr Jenkins (tin* ison B. Dick. ]) ia detective Linton K. Al- .inv; howl ami i ia la; i grape! erved 1 At half-past Holtzclaw PEAVY-HOLTZCLAW. The marriage today at noon of Miss Claribel lVavy ami Mr. Robert Holtzclaw. of Atlanta, wis a beautiful affair, at the home of the bride's par ents. .Mr. and Mrs. (\ D. FVavy. ir, Vin ville, the ceremony was witness ed by tin* wo familbs and a few cl:so friends. The entire lower lloor was thrown open to the guests and was beautifully decorated, the color m :if of white and green charmingly carried out. Ta • house is splendidly arranged for en tertaining ..ind the soft past'd walls and polished woodwork make an ef fective background for cut II. wers. The walls were hung with bamboo and Japanese smilax. the stairway was trimmed with the same greens and on cabinets and mantels luxuriant fol iage and white flowers were banked. The bridal party came down tin* wide stairway and the ceremony took place in the drawing room before an altar of Boston ferns and palms ar ranged just in front of the high colon- ian mantel. Frcm the improvised al tar to the folding door opening into the hall, an aisle was made of white gauze ribbons and above the door hung a 'huge pure white wedding bell —suspended with tulle. The champ liers were trimmed with ropes o smilax, tied with big. fluffy hows of gauze. Just before the coining of the bride. Miss Rach, who has a wonderfully smart voice, sang ’’Happy Day.” and the wedding march was delightfully rendered by Guttenbearg’s orchestra. Miss Muy Feavy, the bride’s young er sister, was the only attendant. Sin? looked very sweet and girlish in her suit of white broadcloth worn with dainty net waist and a picture hat white felt, trimmed in long grace! feathers. She carried a boquet white carnations. The bride with her lovely cob blue cloth, made with long tailor < opening over a pretty lace and waist of pure white. Het hat ws soft' iblue hearn to match the Nickel son. of Athens, and Miss Ruth M umford. Miss Nickerson wore a dainty t'ro.-L of him* mull ami Miss Mumfonl u attractively gowned in pink mull, trimmed with quantities of lace. Mrs. Pcavy, the bride's mother, w• i lovely toilette cf black sill; trimm d with lace. The many handsome presents wer.* displayed in the library one o’clock Mr. and .\ left f r Atlanta, when* they £ to housekeping in a cottage i Knd.— Macon News. THE THALIANS. Saturday ev« ning at the i the Thaliatis. the University D Club, will present "The Ram cl* vor comedy in three acts. Music will lie furnished by det Band and the I’niversit t**tt*\ The following is the cast: Mr. Arthur Maxwell (The ter.)—John M. Cozart. Capt. Arthur Walker, teim Miss Foyri )— ('barb's H. Cox. liter • at Sandbank H tel. Bi --Ralph it. Hodgson. >m Brice (Walker's •> <>. Smith. <. Maxwell (the Barrister’s v -s Mary Lyndon, ty |)r y ton. Miss Mary Gen -.s Kllen Fayre—Miss Camilla (engage d to tie* m. Brand. Fox is in Madison. The Mascot. Wilbur Cox. : role. K D. (’ le to S< th lending mole Mrs. U bert Oriffeth. of Winder, is j visiting Mrs. J. \Y. Weir. CLOUDY DATES. ! Are as good as sunshine for sittings | as we are equipped for it. Time is Uhort ft r your Christmas Photographs, ! mi don't dehiy. Go to Clifton's Studio. ! ( <*11* ge avenue. Phone 4 Hi J calls. Visit Dr. Mason, the careful Dentist. MANICURING SHAMPOOING Phone 575. BOOKHAMER’S HAIR DRESSING PARLORS beauty roses. groom and his best mail, Mr. Holtzclaw, of Perry. The cere Major Drayton (Mrs. Maxwell's fa-i t her. > — Harry P. Jones. Jack Rolerick. Gngag d t-> Kitty » 1 -Morton S. Hodgson. t <)v ' Facial and Scalp Massage 107 Clayton St. ATHENS,GA. r Balin' r’s Drug Store. Buy Your Chris!mas Fresents Now Shop Early — Shop Now Stocks are full of new, fresh and stylish articles A Few Suggestions of Holiday Requisites Silk Mufflers Bath Robes Holiday Neckwear Smoking Jackets Fine Umbrellas Rain Coats Cuff Boxes Travelling Bags| Collar Boxes Suit Cases Initial Lawn Handk’ch’fs Fancy Vests Silk Suspenders Silk Hose Wool Gloves. Kid Gloves Silk Handkerchiefs N ;w Hats Chas. Stern Co. Clayton St. t