The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 3

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THE BANNER, FRIDAY MdANlNG, ;JQEJC£MBER 13, 1907. GREW MISS LEWIS’ HAIR AND WE CAN PROVE IT The Great Danderine Never Fails to Produce the Desired Results ,ss wry thin .ml it ns less ih.n two feet m length hair fairly 1V/IISS Lass is' hair was vary thin ami it f' f she began using Dandcr'r.e She t teeming with new life and vigor. That’s the main secret of tliis front icmeik s success as a ha:r grower. It en livens. invigorates and fairly electrifies ti e hair glands and tiSSUQS of the scalp, causing unusual and unheard of activity on the part of these two most impor tant organs. resulting in a strenuous and continuous growth of the hair. The following is a reproduction of Miss l ew!:.' last letter: January 3. 1905. Dear Doctor hnowlton:—* You Inmv 1 told -*.u in rm first 1. tier that u.v finir would nn, rca. lt much Mow Inv .-hot.Merit. and that nil oi It together 1 am sending >ou nr. pholoRrlipfi. ,1. el, 1 had taken at Steens Bros. It tells the win Jr ston l.clle, hnn 1 . i.n tei! tt. E\cr\ l-ndv 1 know is nsing Dun.!. t. run see 1 run doing something to show in. apprerian-m. Sutcerc ty >our s. I Miss KVA LEWIS. ami fei t ul there!, world hi e and keeps it e the greatest ever known both the hair Danderine nmk.s the scalp health) so. It is the greatest scalp [etlilizer a hair-producing remedy the It is a natural food an,I a wholesome n, an l scalp. Even a 25c bottle of it wilt put more genuine life in your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonic over made. _lt shows results from the very start. FREE, NOW at ell druggists In throe 25 cont*-. 50 cents arid SI. per bcllie Latest Photograph of r.'.!«S EVA LEWIS 2572 Hamilton Avenue, Chicago 4444444 4 444444 4 ♦ 4 NOTES FROM THE * 4 LABOR WORLD. ♦ 4 ♦ 4444*44444-4-4- + * 4 ♦ Tin* Michigan Stat*- IV.l.-i nt u. ; . :: '• Labor has k«ho on lvcor.l in : . ,• of suffrage for women. Canada’s clothing industr\ if a ! kinds gives employment to mon ' : n 26.000 men emd women. Largely through the efforts <>: ;h- women’s clubs of Florida tin iv i- . new child labor law then*, which pr ; hibits the employment of oaiM.-t n . der 12 y<«.irs oil. The day proposed by ta, International Association of Mjicbin- ists for last May. having ho* n to a certain extent unsuccessful, it i- n. w proposed to renew the agitation wih a view to a stn-cessful onteonie next spring. The Trades and Labor ('ouncil • Halifax. N. S.. 'bias decided to tak.* active part in polilios and will hav« a candidate for the Dominion Parlia ment in the field at'The next g- mo election. Enforcement of the new ciiil 1 l.t- I bor law in Minnesota has resulted in a 25 ]>er cent decrease already in t V..- | number of children under 1*1 < in ploy In stores and factories, according \V. H. Williams, s’ate l.tb r <•< mm'• The General Federation of Lahni of France has distributed am. ng tin- conscripts who have been summon:-i to join the colors <a manifesto a!lack ing the army. The government in tends to prosecute yie authors of the manifesto. In the past two years the Hr ;.i< r hood of Painters. Dec; and Pa l»erhangers of America has grown from less than 60.000 to over 70.0-m members in good standing, distrilwt- ed among 066 local unions through out the United States and Panada. A movement has been started in Pennsylvania to raise a fund vf $20. 000 among the United Mine Wo kers of America as a testimonial to John AlitChell upon his retirement from the national presidency of the organ ization. The union carpenters of Me mpliis. Tenn.:, have taken stops to estalili-li a lumber manufacturing lilant. to be run on the cooperative plan. The new concern is capitalized at <20.01)0 and all of the stock is held by union men. The fact was developed during the recent session of the convention of the blue label league of the Cigar makers’ International Union that the agitation in favor of the union label has brought good results, it was de cided to expend 31,000 during the com log year in advertising the label. Keir Hardie’s bill to provide work for the unemployed, recently intro duced in the House of Commons, proposes that local authorities must 'devise schemes for providing work, the necessary funds to come out of local taxes, and, where extreme dis tress arises. Parliament to vote money to meet the difficulty. The National Temple of Labor of Washington, D. C-. has been incor porated for the mutual Improvement of Its members and the promotion of dignity of labor. Thp Incorporators ore: Robert Q. M. Roes, John G. Schmidt, Newton E. James, William H. Schaefer, John B. Herrell. Charles A. Pfau and Samuel De Nedrey. The Massachusetts federation of HIS WISH CAME TRUE. .in i la i 111111:11 diui. extended its si It,mil body. Applicu for :t nutiomil rdta •riran l", dor: lion Made Happy by Chamber ns Cough Remedy. two months ago our baity gir sbs which sottl, d Oil lie 1 :tr last resulted in a seven f bronchitis. We had tut in. the noted lief art nome a iliiuit urkin be f iends in the Planks "At the bight ol ciiitrrel the oilier th tsing in: utcisco. Prof, lal to re mi- l* said, with a wont, n to such mutual friends. have niutttal P tsition. nightly It lank ■proach rtain ie mended then on ■d that I Short story Short thought she would die. I ;ht different stores to find ■unedy which had been ro 1 me and failed to get of the storekeepers in ry Chamberlain's Cough lb-mod;,1 did so and our baby is tlive and well today. Goo. W. Spence lolly Spring N. C. Cifimlterlain's "ouglt Remedy always cures and is ionsnnt and safe to take. For sale t-y H K. Palmer & Sons, \V. J. Smith V . I. P. Canning. E. C. MeEvoy, r>rr Drug Co. Athens. Ga t OPULAR MAGAZINE FOR JANUARY. ■Ri ll Reef. Compile novel. How- ini Fiizalan. Ill the Smoky llill trarni W. Sinclair. "Ilimcle's Cowardic A". M. U. Ferguson. •The Memloek Avenue Mystery." Seri* 1 story. Roman IVmbleday. "\h*t Voc-ording to Program." She-rt Miry. William McLeod Rain,*. The Pride of a Man." ShoiOstorv A. M. Chisholm. The Yellow Face.' Seri, 1 story I'if.l M. White. ■ Tile D. sere r " Short story II. M Rower. 1 Tb.. Wo 1 ptoss of Women." Twr ar, st tv. .1. Keiiilworllt Egerton. "nn* (in- it Volunteer Embassy.' hort story. Freeman Harding. "Oil Manzaaiia Hill." Short story harles K. Moser. "The Devil's Pulpit." Sehial story I. li. Marriot Watson. "With The Tide." Short story. T akins Hains. Tin* Hate That Kills." Short sto v. Srott Campbell. For any of tlie ordinary tliseases f the skill Chamberlain's Salve is ex client. It not only allays the itching ad smarting hut effects a care. For ale by H. R. Palmer & Sons, Warren J. Smith & Bro., L. P. Canning. E. C MeEvoy, Orr Drug Co., Athens, Ga. ending one of your old James, and you said in voulil rather live in end- with me than in bliss by ‘Well. tWletl." wish.' Blank ts 1100 Reward, 8100. The readers ot this paper will be t leasee, to learn that there Is at least one ore.ided disease -hat science has teen ride to cure in its r.uv’tv- ami hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known 1c the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a on-titutional disease, requires a con titu ional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ('tire is taken internally, acting direct ly upon Hie blood and mucous sur- laces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and ag isting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimo nials. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., To- ■do. O. Sold by all druggists 76c. Take Hall's family pills for oonstl- stlom. THIRD TERM FDR ROOSEVELT President Again Makes An nouncement to that Effect. Washington, D. C.. December 12.— President Roosevelt has unearthed a conspiracy in his own household. It is a conspiracy to the extent that the movers plot the overthrow of the president's plan of succession. Their schemes have been well laid and car ried out so far with consummate p>- liticu] ability. The positive statement iven out from the white house l*> night, in which President Roosevelt reiterates his election night promise not to stek nor accept a third term, throws a light upon a tuniHed sitna- tiou in republican politics. Key to the Secret. Unless one possesses the kev lo the secret the present state of affairs must appear confusing. Throughout the south, federal office holders are shouting for Roosevelt. Ever sine • the memorable visit through that sec tion of Frank H. Hitchcock, first as- sistont p.-si-nutster general, this chorus lias increased. At the recent gatherings of the republican national committee it was staid that thirteen southern delegates wen- pledged t,. "support Roosevelt far a third term. Among the number was .litdsoti w. Lyons, of Georgia. The Georgia com mitteomen would neither deny nor at linn the rumor that he was party v, a scheme to pledge the solid south tor the president. That lie should li fer the president in view of his per aotrai experience in the office of ng ister oT the treasury was remarkable and almost unbelievable. The secret of the whole soutbi ro program is at last forthcoming. Tit ■ president believes lie is being used us a battering ram to open the way fo: Secretary Cortelvou's presidential as pirations. Cortelyou in Race. , Convinced that the president would not run, it seems that Secretary Cur telyou and Mr. Hitchcock have used the patronage of the postuffiee and reasury department to intlate the ortelyou beam. Delegates are to in jected to ostensibly vote for Roose- elt. When it is made known that £rs»Nh-)UJtooseveR will not run, they are to be delivered into the hands of Secretary Cortelyou. By this plan delegations which could not lie elected as original ('or telyou men are finally to he controlled by him. The president is friendly to Taft who embodies more fully his-own ■luciplos and is pledged to carry out his politics. He will give to his can didacy such assistance as seem., to him meet and proper. Three days ago President Roosevelt in non need that he would not put out notlier denial *ef -any aspirations for third term for several months. Yes terday he framed a letter to be sent to all employes of the posuiffict- and treasury departments putting the ban upon any further alleged activit ills behalf. Tonight the statement hich the president declared would not he given out for three months as officially promulgated. The men. who have been wlv,oping hlngs tif) for Roosevelt, while ly planning a raid upon the candidate of his choice, have been treed. SEEN ON “ADS” Old Agency Adopts Emblem For Use in Business. The Massengale Advertising Agen cy. tlie oldest in the entire south, and the only recognized national solicitor in Dixie of the Associated Bill Pos ters and Distributors of the United Matos and Uanada, has been many years in building up a reputation such as is known throughout the entire country. Tin y have decided to adopt an emblem which illustrates their presence in tffe world of advertising in such shape that it might be re- We can offer some very desirable build ing lots on Milledge Ave.and DuBose Ave. hese lots are cheap and vve will be glad show them to you. J.R.CRANE &, CO. izr-l Win Mr. Mat one. tongalr doeidtd t!mt - hud rente for the selection a murk, many designs were d at n met ting of the heads different, departments of the which is held weekly to dis cs of improving service. Tile g was unanimously deckled appear upon copy and adver- s, of size enough to warrant as the official guarantee. I Vi Many thousands* Whih* ih.' •’•haps, option < Heart Strength MR. CARNEGIE’S JOKE. "Andrew Carnegie.” said a Pittsburg lillionain*. "enjoys a joke hugely. One f his jokes made me laugh on my 1st visit to Skiho castle. Mr. Carnegie was entertaining at In* time a Montenegran prince. Th norning after the prince’s arrival, we set out in a huge motor car for a long un. and as we whizzed past an inn, a ;rtat crowd of Highlanders rose from the benches before the inn and salut ed us. "The prince seemed amazed at the Highland dress. " Why,’ he asked, ‘do these men go bare legged?’ “ ‘It is a local custom,’ said Mr. Uarnegie. ‘a mark of respect for you sir. In some places .people take off their hats to show honor to distir. guished visitors: here they take off their trousers.’ ” No matter what the death cer tificate says, the fundamental Strength, or fierce Weakness—nothin* more. I‘o». Cause of one-half the deaths re- ilively, not one weak heart in » hundred U, In lt» I j j • ■ • ielf. actually diseased. It la almost always a Corded IS Constipation. Cure bidden tiny little nerre that really is all at fault. I i r r . i l‘lU U,. rhis obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve i VOUTSelI OI the habit bV eating —simrilY rifsvlv anti mud hnv* morn nnu-nr mnra ! ^ ) fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have rheae sams controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dr. Whoop’s Restorative has In the past done so much Tor weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought .be cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- ng heart distress. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative—this popular prescription—Is alone directed to these veak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; t stremthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, ctrouy dL •estloo. strengthen these Inerves— re-establish hem as needed, with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative H. R. PALMER & SONS. m WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD which is made from the whole I grain of the wheat berry. to, cents a package. For sale by alt Grocers Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N ., had a very remarkable experi- ?nce; he says: Doctors pot badl mixed up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney troll ble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; bn none of them helped me; so my wife advised trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than alt the five doctors prescribed.’ Guaranteed to cure blood poison weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, by \Y. J. Smith & Bro.. H. R. Palmer & Sons, drti gists, 50c A BEAUTIFUL SHAKES PEAREAN CALENDAR Among the many pleasing calui dare issued for 1908 that have come to our notice, the Shakespearean Calen dvr of the Horlick's Malted Milk Co is one tof the most unique and artis tic. It consists of three beautiful heads by C. Allen Gilbert portraying Rosalind, Juliet and Portia, Shakes peare's three leading heroines. Air Gilbert has long been conceded to be one of the greatest of American paint ere of feminine heads, and his con ception of these three characters fully maintains his reputation as an illus trator. The calendar is free from ad vertising, is 8 by 34 inches in size and will be sent to any address upon receipt of ten cents, coin or stamps by the Horlick’s Malted Milk Co. 1001 Northwestern avenue, Racine. Wis. DeWitt's Carbollzed Witch -Hazel Salve. Get DeWltt’a. Sold by all druggtsta. hly )-'ll'; ill I ♦ I iVKKTISl XL M.'sl but : wire many design.' <.; artistic ami aura: was agreed that in 1 mark such as would r all time, strength of simplicity ost inijiortam. s result the proofs of the many isi’i'ieitts that are now being •ni from this agency now bear uprint. Because uf the tremend •lorn.- of business, it is certain bn; a matter of a short time ikls Massengale Mark is as known as is the Agency which resents. Incidentally, this im upon any advertisement will as til those who see it in News* ; or magazines that back of this lands the MASSEXGALE AilKNCV. not onl; Iso ihe largest of it I in the entire Southland, and one ing recognized experts and spi lists at the lie id * f each of its many •partrnents for the placing and hand »g if many of the largest advertis g accounts in the South or the en- *< country. Through the Atlanta Office the ad- •nising of ChK’a-Uola lias made TTc‘‘s in tlu 1 (hiudler Building the ecca of advertising men of 01 ind from <*very part of the United ‘ s. Mr. Massengiile is pmbablv onally acquainted with more pu l rs ami advirtising men than any r man in the Srtuh. •ca-UoIa. Red Rv<*k Ginger Alt’ nally’s Candy. Buffalo Lthia- Wa Campbell Coal. IVnick & Ford ips and Molasses. "Grape’’ Tobac Harris Litliia Water. Sauer’s Ex is ami several hundred other •s are handb'd by the Atlanta and Richmond offices. TRE HEW LEAGUE SOT TO MATERIALIZE Cew York. December 12.—Accord tig to a story recently circulated y was fixed upon as the time fo ring birth in this city to a new base )] league which, according to plans is to make things interesting fo o National and American league before the baseball history for 11)0' had been compiled. If a meeting of the promoters was held in New Yor today they went about their husines (o quietly that even their presence as unknown. The most of those who are qualified to .speak of the baseball situation xists today agree that there is no room for a third major league in th field, and that there is small prob; bility of such an organization being floated. Talk of placing a club cities where one or two big clubs an Already established is pronounced chimerical. They cannot figure out how a TTilrd rlub cotiltl !x- put in St Louis, for instance, and made to pay The general opinion is that the N tional and American leagnes will be left to fight it out in the big cities not only next season but for a many years to come. How Diphtheria is Contracted One often hears the expression, “My child caught a severe cold which de veloped into diphtheria,” when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly sus ceptible to the wandering diphtheria germ. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger ot diph theria or any other germ disease be ing contracted. For sale by Warren J. Smith & Bro., H. R. Palmer ft Sons L. P. Canning. E. C. MeEvoy, Orr Drug Uo., Athens, Ga. The Athens Hardware Co. deals ♦ ere in Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, ♦ Woodenware, etc. Garden Hose, ♦ l.awn Mowers. Ice Cream Free- ers, etc. 213 aud 250 Broad * Street. ♦ LODGE DIRECTORY. Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and A_ M.— Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 22, F. and A. M., meets on regular communica tion every second Thursday night in each month at Masonic lial\ 3rd floor Max Joseph building, Clayton itreet. All Master Masons are cor dially invited to attend. H. R. PALMER. W. M. A.B HARPER,SEC. St. Elmo Lodge, K. of P.—St. Elmo I/idge, No. 40. Knights of Pythias meets every Monday night at 8 o'clock at its Castle Hall in the Max Joseph building, corner Clayton and Wall streets. Phone 202. 3 rings. Vis iting Knights cordially Invited to at tend. H. P. LAWRENCE,C. C. H. NICKERSON. K. of R. and 3. Keystone Chapter, R. A. M.—Keyqtonn Chapter. No. 1, Royal Arch Masons meets every third Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the lodge room in the Max Joseph building. All qualified companions invited to attend. J. T TBUSSELL, H. P. G E. STONE, SEC. Athens Lodge, No. 790, B. P. O. E.— Meets every Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock at lodge quarters cor ner Broad and Lumpkin streets. E. BRANCROET, Exatled Ruler. GEO. 11. PALMER, Secretary. Soquee Tribe, No. 54, I. O. R. M.— Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias tall. All qualified members urged to attend. A. II TUCK. Sachem. J. G. TRUSSELL, C.of R. Glenn Lodge. No. 75, I. 0. 0. F.—Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at Uxlge room in Carlton building, oa Jackson street. All Odd Fellowz In good standing invited to attend. G A. BOONE, Rec. Sec. Arrival and Departure nf Train*. CITY TIME. Georgia Railroad. Leaves Arrives 05 m. 12:00 noon : 10 p. m. 9:10 p. m. Southern Railroad. Leaves Arrives :00 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 1:00 p. ill 7:45 p. m. 7:20 a.m. (mixed train) 3:05 p.m. Seaboard Airline South Bound North Bound No. 41 6:10 a. m. No. 51 7:00 a. m. No. 33 2:58 a. m No. 53 6:23 p. m. No. 52 10:30 a. m So. 32 2:31 p. m No. 50 8:00 p. ta No. 38 1:09 a. m Trains numbered 50 and 51 are BO un north Athens. Gainesville Midland. Week Days. Arrive 11:15a. m. 7:45 p. m. Sundays Arrive 11:15 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Week Days. Leave 7:10 a. m. 2:00 p. tn. Sundayz. Leave 8:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Central of Georgia. Leaves Arrive: 7:30 a. ta. i;iq p. 4:30 p. m. 10:20 p. State Normal School There will be the usual few vacancies in our dormitories January 1. Applications for these will be registered in the order received. Write ' at once for application blankt. E. C. BRANSON, Pre*., Athene, Ga.