The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 6

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VHHPIf ijspa BUYING A PIANO POR YOUR Wife, or your daughtejWhy don’t you? You couldn't get anything that will give so much real satisfaction and provide so much pleasure aud entertainment. One of our NEEDHAM pianos will he a source of pride to you always. You can’t buy a better instrument. Let me tell you about the pianos and give you terms. D. P. HASELTON. QF THE liiTIOli And there is a Strong iVlovei ment in Favor of Geo. B. Corteiyou. Campbell-Erwin Realty Company Successors to Dozier Realty Co. Real Estate, Renting, Insurance 156 College Ave. Phone 345 (Special Correspondence.) New York. December.—One of the significant events that have recently taken place in the local political sit uation is the calling off by. Chairman William J. Connors, of the New’ York Democratic Slate Committee, of the conference of local, state and national I democrats that was to have been held | here on January 7th and Stb. All sorts of conjecture lias been indulged in as i* t lie rcMson for abandoning this meeting, but it may be asserted that, the real cause lies in the fact that f»n account of the recent declaration of National Chairman Thos. Taggart in favor of the candidacy of William Jennings Hryan for the presidency neither State Chairman Connors nor Charles F. Murphy was desirous of holding a confab as it might force them to sh \v their hands thus early in tin* campaign. Neither of these men could affoul to come out in open revolt against the Nebraskan, especial ly in view of his constantly increas Ing strength, and as they are still mak ing a. pret< xt of being in favor of Lieut.--(low Chandler, as New York* favorite son. they preferred to call tli. meeting off rather than risk the possi bility of incurring Ids displeasure or of being forced by popular clamor to come out in the open and declar themselves as followers of Bryan. . waiting game is what !>oth Connor and Murphy have decided upon, and le it is possible, even probable, that the New York delegaticn will g« .ninstrueted to the national conven tion. these men will sooner or late have to declare themselves adherent f Bryan. of this "mov»o of purification/’ many are disposed to term it, but no class, perhaps, is more concerned than the hotel proprietors. These men are up in arms over the matter, especially as regards the question of prohibition, and threaten to do all sorts of direful things if further at tempts are made to place the great city of New York under blue ribbon ranks. On several occasions of late proprietors of our leading hostelries have given expression and the words of Mr. William Forster, a prominent New York lawyer, uttered at the an nual meeting of the hotel proprietors New York state, shows to what extent they have been stirred up. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Foraker said: ‘The impious reformers in their •rusado find nothing sacred t<> them. What they care for the beau tiful traditions of the old C lonial inns for the fact that the father of this country. George Washington, found it not unfit for him to Did farewell, to his companions in arms in Fraunees’ avern, for the tradition that the first American flag was sew. d in a brew- nml the account that Patrick lien imbibed the fir-t inspiration of his patriotic career in a Virginia Ja\- His Only Medicine mml oncurr* d in by are inclined i: cD f. n: hav FOR SALE One of the Prettiest Homes in Clarke County A Large 8 Room House with all conveniences, with a very large lot con taining several acres of land and or-ly a short distance from car line. See us about this at Once Prices and Terms Right Campbell-Erwin Realty Company Successors to Dozier Realty Co. Real Estate, Renting, Insurance 156 College Ave. Phone 345 J Orr’s !3 otLool. CORNER PULASKI AND DOUGHERTY STREETS. FALL TERM OPENED MONDAY, SEPT. 2, 1907. YO JNG MEN AND YOUNG LADIES PREPAR ED FOR COLLEGE. BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WISHING AID ON SPECIAL STUDIES WILL BE ACCOMMODATED. FOR TERMS APPLY TO Christmas - - Christmas A complete line of all kinds of Toys, Dolls of all sizes. Tea Rets Coffee Sets. Tool Chests, Air Guns, Pop Gfnns, Christmas Trees, Ornaments, Caudles and Santa Clan a Masks. Call early. Miss Rosa A. Von derLieth Willi (in 1 selection of Chicago as th place for the Republican National Con veiition on .lone 16th. anil the arriva Iso-no of Secretary Taft from his pro Ionped trip abroad, politicians of that faith here regard the fight for the pre idential nomination now on In dead earnest. They profess to see In the selection of the Mindy City a decided victory for Secretary of the Treasury George It. Cortelycu and a defeat for the Taft forces, as the latter were strongly in favor of Kansas City; The ialk of running Secretary Corteiyou tor governor of New York next yec is not taken seriously, especially the upstate republicans insist upon th iT-noniinathfri of Governor Hughe; who it is slid, is not averse to run ning for that office again. The fol lowers of Corteiyou insist that noth ing hut a presidential nomination will aitisfy them, and it is believed that secretary shares in their opin in. p rtHuhirly as it is becomin m lc and more apparent that Presi 1 - n! Riaisevelt will not, under any ci :mnst. men s. as he has repeatedly an nouneci. accept a third term Homin' ion. To those who keep thfir I so to tin ground the bickering and fighting when the campaign is alread .•'Sinning to develope is taken to mean hat the ciTances of several of the re- puted "dark horses’- are being mate- ri illy strengthened, and after all some such aspirants may capture the plum The gr at boom started by some of th friends of former Secretary of the Treasury Shaw is meeting with much approval, and while it is by no means certain that Mr. Shaw could be induc ed to make the fight, there is nodouht in Hie minds of many of the best past ed men in the political and busines world tint for a clean-cut, conserv tive and reliable candidate no better choice could lie made. is the great cosmopolitan city of New York getting Puritanical." To any one who has visited t!he metropolis with its Great White Way, its Tende; loin, its Bowery, its Coney Island, this question will no doubt appear rldicu ions, but there have been several -de velopments recently which go to prove thot the move of prohibition that manifesting itself strongly in the va rious parts of the country has hit tills city with great force and that there is danger of its some day being set down in the "dry" column. This of Itself has created no end of con sternation among a certain class of our citizens, but there Is added indig nation over the move to close all the daces of amusement on Sunday, consequence of this latest order many thousands, particularly among the working classes, are being depriv. el of their customary Sunday enjoy ments, and a wall has gone forth which promises to make itself heard in no uncertain manner If conditions are not scon changed. Many of these people now fesl that they are being deprived, of their constitutional rights and if pie advocates of a “closed” Sun day persist in pursuing their course as at present, the question promises to become one of the paramount ones in the next municipal election. A num ber of - the business Interests in the city are being made to feel the effect 1 ' - - 1 ■ These sentiment dorsenients from a are likewise being people at large who are sent-in the strongest |>« such efforts to rob thei ge of spending their a.y to which they h i\ tomed. It must he said in I the liquor interests tl been for years trying regulation of the liquc city ami state, but that they take n> tock in the present nioveni* nt look ing toward local option, for tile rea son that they do n t regard its spon sors as reliable or sincere. Their Intel- ests with tin* lu.irty co-eperntion of lie leading hotel men. have been con ducting a spirited warfare a *ainsr dives and all disreputable resort-; and propose to keep up this fight, hut for them to be placed under th** law .ii prohibition they consider a step in the wrong direction, as it woiil 1 t* nd to defeat the v* ry object s all those concerned in oondi Sabbath in a decent and manner. Mr. George D. Pc tier, West Medv/ay, Man 3-, a j veteran member os the , Boston Fire Departi' *cnt, ? who went to Calif: i nia - in 1850 to hunt for < fold, and vi’ho celebrated the 72d anniversary of his | birthday recently, pr T'SCS Duffy’s Pure Malt **. - Lis- ( key as a never-fa stimulant and tc;.i \ ** F~r the prut (•” do IV.-,.. h v >rk on a Ma* h l h. l-uiM-sd.d not dome any v -d. I ... c uW-d M V -■ 1 in. I <'• > I - 1 find th -t Duny’s Pur,; M..U Wbi - . rd . and I vu'dr-coii'-h ,o all ior.V.cJ with w.-.'i.i. «.•.<>; i . «*.«*■»• -p. hj. yerrs ol CF.uKGK L*. HiTiT.iL T.vay, Mass. (Mu rtatt'fnl pa*i<*nts fro-r. all p.T7t\ of tho Duffy’s Pur© is an absolutely pure distillatiru have every kernel thoroughly r and producing a prcdi^cstcd lis is the effective tonie stir softened by warmth a;ij moiui substances renders it so that i: > If you wi.-h to lter.p > the glow of perfect heal!::,!. to directions. It Is dr.: ~ - blood, while Duffy’s Fere f action and purifies the c-ii-o . It is r; : r : d ~ ft" ' : ■ml to ulant ;mgln ii; tli OF THE SPORTS one of Detroit’s star ying indoor baseball key has ctcod che*n:j.t3 durin_ and has always b‘c:i f pare zr.d to co*:tai:i r: prep or tics. CAUTION.—’When you a< Cruc.T or dealer I r i l ev be sure y n yet tbe * . i . eel-.l h .-.l'= te v re r i.le-r. en the let-el, tn.l e.irk N unhri-ken ne-Jieal bool let L'vltl; .'I’.uit Whiil UltlS Will orilor to . Kas. for George Xlullit pitchers, is ]>1 it Wabash. Ind. The Western League mag te asked for a franchise ir place a team 111 Kansas Git Another "knock" for the (1 theory. Jake Bcckley leads American Asosciatlon in halting 1907. Indianapolis has a Gliggy Dink so ciety. They are willing to go against anything in the lioosier metropolis effort to break the baseball hoodoo. If Paekie McFarland should lose a battle whom could J .- Gans pick for the lightweight champion? Frank Mantell. wlio iias a decisio i over "Homy' Midi dy, will meet ’Rube" Smith at Ihnvor Hie iattei part Of the month. Gunner .Moir didn't want to shake hands with Tommy Burns before the fight. Must have been afraid Tommy might hit him when he wasn’t look ing. There are few harder working pug ilists than the Sullivan twins, Jack and Alike. They are always willing to take on anyone at any old weigh: and then work hard to win. Chief of Police Cowles of New Haven says sparring exhibitions do not -pay because the public wants prize fights and prize lights will not be permitted in New Haven. Bowlers at the coming Cincinnati tournament wilt not be allowed to wear suspenders. This rule was pass, ed as a favor to the boys carrying \ large front addition and weighing 285 pounds or more. Gene Dement says that he lias a position in Birmingham that pays him J150 a month the year round and that he has given up playing baseball for good. A single season eften brings about remarkable changes in the careers of ball players. A yefir ago major league clubs wjnild not have Joe Kel ley at any price. Today the Bosten Nationals are willing to make almost any concession to secure the services or Sir Joseph. William J. Clymer, manager of the champion Columbus team of the American Asoctatlon, has made a bid for the Wilkes-Barre club in the New York State League. "While Pitcher Gehring heads the list In Western batting for 1907, Ra der of Pueblo is the real leader. Gehring hit for .406 in 39 games while Rader’s average was .346 for 62 sanies. At the National League meetings 'Colonel George Dovey of Boston has about the same experience as a new Favorite Base Burners No I?nuke No Dust Nc Trouble Et ms Day and Night Get Cur Pi ices Bondurani Hardware Co. All Kinds of Cook and Heating Stoves C3<3 loktia. Saturday, Dec. 1 4 The Thatians Present The Barrister A Three Act Ccmedy I rices 25c to S 1.00 Box S ’ats $1.25 £Seats Reserved at Palrr.e’s Drug Stcre Wednesday, Dec. 1 ‘th. -.Iv-J grain; great care being ttv J to thus destroying the germ of th- seed d in flic form of a pale m tit. v.hiih rr.d iiv.-igoratcr known to "'. cnee; durability and freedom fr n'urious .talced by the most sens :, .b.; tcrnach. :n j v:,-;rous and have c.i . c’. ae.-.s urv itit V/hiikey re.qti! rtrding y . ur with drucj ; i' - . nt’.'.e v a:.d ; ,r.t.,: heart senator at M’ashiugton. He always has a bunch of rules to offer, but the magnates are about as deaf and dumb as the members of the sonata when a first-termer takes the Ilxir. According to a Bostou fight and fighters there are but two out an I-cit champions in the ring today. Heavy weight Jeffries retired without any successor. The middleweight and welterweight titles are in doubt, and the same is true of the bantamweight championship. The two undisputed champions are Joe Gans in the light weight division and Abe At tell in the featherweight class. DeWitt’s Little Early Riser Pills are sold by all druggists. Here’s Good Advice. D. S. Woolever, one of tho best knov.n merchants of Le Raysville, N. Y.. savs: "If you are ever troubled "ith piles, apply Bucklen's Arnica rtalve. It cured tne of them for good •_n years ago." Cures every sore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25 at \V. J. Smith & Bro.. H. R. Palmer & Sons drug stores. CASTOR IA Tor I riants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jet udseeaKBif