The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 7

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THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, cifXEMBER 13, 1907. AMERICA ALONE HAS HUMMING BIRDS. From t!. Outing Magazine. Tnough llie art museums of Europe may have some treasures of which America cannot boast, our continent has the distinction of a monojioly oi the worlds supply of humming birds, the gems of all the feathered creation. Of these there arc said to be some 400 species—the 400 we may well call them—nolrly all of which are pecu- tlje tropical regions. Only eighteen cress the borders of the United Suites .rom Mexico and occu’- only in our Southwestern states. The popular Idea is that the hum mer lives only on honey, gathered from flowers. This is a mistake. The 'bird does secure some honey, but its fool consist* mainly (r.f the small insects which ferquent the flowers Some of these insects are injurious to the blossoms, and the tint bird fill fills a useful function in destroying them. That the hummer is insectit orous is also shown by its habit of catching tiny insects on the wing which is occasionally observed. THE WONDERS OF CORN. From the Philadelphia North Ameri can. At th“ i-om exposition held recently in Chicago.' Harlow \. at ling as cl, i;. .. :. . the dedication, d the following remarkable tribute corn: When Moses was a 1 in Egypt tin 1 the tribes of Israel w re culti- ting on the banks of the Nile their arley and wheat, pulse an 1 millet— for these constituted the corn of the ancients—the American Indian hail idy become a gentleman farmer on t lie plains of Auahuac, in Mexico, xml In the viilley of the Apurimac, in Peru. in for countless generations be that time the slowly developing Indiin on this great continent had In -n patiently planting and cultivat ing his little crop of wild grass, fron Ich in time In was t._> give to lie world ilia! which we are here touigli to honor and to glorify -Indian cor: PANIC MAY HELP BRYAN. From the Louisville Courier-Journal. The winter which is upon us holds out few engagements to the lowly and the poor. The ''stringency” through which we have been passing may be fairly described as a rich man's "panic.' It has chiefly affected the great corporations, the banks and the trusts. Whole strength and all the resources of the government have been put forth to rescu the party power from disaster. The administr tlon has only saved itself by subter fuge and evasion. The president popularity has been stretched to its NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION. JiJbtlce is hereby given to the quali- ] fied voters of the City of Athens: First. That the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens, are desirous or issuing bonds of the City of Athens, to the amount of Seventy-five Thous- 1 and Dollars, of the denomination of I rtf Ir-rliict i-iac and Hpi One Hundred to J’ive Hundred Dollars ' * IBuUSlncS 30(1 U£ THE TRADESMAN’S WEEKLY REVIEW each, and to become due and payabl at the end of thirty years after their date of issue; said bonds to bear in terest from date at the rate of five per cent per annum, and said interest to become payable semi-annually on WHY THEY HAVE WHITE TEETH Th whiteness and beauty of th* teeth of the African negrot s hav through a mistaken idea, been gen*-: ally ascribed to the food which th**’ eat and to favorable climatic cond. tions; but according to a (Vernur medical journal, the Muenchcnc Medizinisohe Wochenschrift, th«*s unschooled natives take special oar of the teeth and are familiar wit many remedies for the treatment dental diseases. From f he observations of oflic: -Is i Orman colonies it appears that th natives exercise more care in prosor ing the teeth than do most European They may owe the possesion of sound teeth of ivory whiteness partly to th influence of environment an i h; hut in addition they employ man herbs, barks and juices as prophvla tic and emotive agents. Thus, in NVgombo it is customar, when a child has finished teethin rinse the mouth with an infusion ot the. leaves of a native tree with th object of tightening the teeth, action of the infusion is probabb to the presence of a styptic const in cut in the leaves which causes th gums to shrink. Th** natives 1 near the source of the Nile emplo, the roots of noxylon. to relieve tooth ache, while the natives to th** of the source of the same ri\e an infusion of the seeds of k < -so. climbing vine, for the same purpose It is interesting to notice that th- use of the tooth-brush is not restrict c*d to the so-called civilized |>»* pb>. The African negroes fnshicn toot i •brush(s out of the wood of a specie - of adansonia and other trees. In this respect, the natives probably have an advantage over those who use at* ordinary 'bristle V oth-brush. wliicr- is frequently used for six months ot even longer—indeed, until it becomes too offensive to be toK rated longer The sticks of wood such as the na tives employ are. on the ether hand, easy to make and c:st nothing, an 1 they are probably used for only a short time. And they possess the ad ditkmal advantage of offering less op port unity for particles of fool and other debris to be retained meehani rally than is the case with a bristl* brush. :.r all the lankind by **oni«* an taii.v this blessings gi mtineir the uttermost tension. What will happen lof each year, but that none of the if the banking and business Hurry is | principal of said bonds is to be paid succeeded by a y< t worse depression I annually, but shall not become due air.'ttg the work-people it is not bari I and payable until the maturity of o conceive, and if the season of I sail bonds respectively, which shall deuiy which we have‘enjoyed yields I be at the expirui-m of thirty years t last to the periodical season rflfi-.m their respective dates, and famine--long overdue—the excess of I that all of said le nds, both principal confidence of the republicans will land interest, shall he fully paid off gi\.«> place to in-turning*. I at the expiration of thirty years fron* n the ibunestead riots trans*1 their date, and are to be issued and red tbe labor union h-alily from th;* Isold for the purpose of purchasing .» imrty to the other, triumphantlv I school property, erecting •and equip ►cling .Mr. C’h veland, who up to that I ping new buildings for school * r * i dn- Chattanooga, Tenn., December 12.— The South maintains a fair average of the first. days of January. and | industrial strenuosity at the opening of tho winter season, despite the tide of financial tightness which seems to have made its influence felt to some extent in all lilies of trade. There Is Pocahontas—$150,000 coal and- ogty company. West Virginia. Clarksburg—$50,000 land company; mining company. Elkins—$25,000 oil and gas compa ny. Fleeton—$10,000 canning factory. Charleston—$50,000 oil and gas com. pany. Moutidsville—$500,000 lime and stone company. Wheeling—$25,000 amusement com pany. OLD MEDICINES UNSAFE. From the New York Times. Some medicines never lose their j healing power, while others not only perceptible and uiost gratifying relief | fni] to produce the desired effect, but Horn this depressed situation, liowev- mid development Is progressing at vclopmcnts in the South for the Past Week. : ing for I mu i*l no what*. it of 1\ and valm.b's hundreds of y* .pM'tani factor > f th* 'ontimiji ill Hu* ’ Tit*- i.i wnd s.Misibb* thing for •VnuKTats to i<* ti*»w is to close ranks ,n I k« *•;» -t*. ;* lo tb«* drum-boils 01 I* liny which announce tho thirl '•oming of i ho man fro in Nebraska. R •s iill t ‘ faith Lo n»‘*rc> cationai purposes. repairing atul im proving school buildings horotofop* erected, and for school and c-thoi •• purposes and uses within the limits of tho City of Athens. Second. That tho net proceeds of Fifty Thousand Dollars of said bond to dispute his leader-1 issue, when sold, is to l»e appropriat all will he forgiven; | ed and used by the Mayor and C un cil of the City of Athens for pun has ; ng school property, erecting and ‘quipping new school buildings fo«* HARD FIGURE'S AND FACTS. I sdi/?ol or other educational purpose* mi tin* X**w York Sun. land for repairing or improving school .1 iv.»»; Mr. McKinb-Cs plurality in I buildings heretofore erected in said s si .f was 2»’* s .hip. and in F.*00.1 City of Athens. an*l that the net pro- .ii a large ininiber of g 1 1 d**mo-1 reeds of the remaining Twenty-five u r* tii'ii* d to their party, finding I Thousand Dollars of said bond issue. ♦ yens** in the paramount issue of I when sold, shall be by said Mayo: ..ordalism. Presid*»n: McKinley’s I and Council of the City of Ath«*ns. ap :r;ility w is 1 •»*>«’>. In tin s figure-I propriated to the University cf tleor r** is certainlv no hope f, r Mr. Hr.-I git, through its officers or trustees, in N * ■ w York. ] »:t 11 icttlarlx as hisltho said University being within th* rtisans knifed Alton R Hark* r it. I limits of the City of Athens. * i. a*i act of ret 'Ration which t«>ok I Third: That an Act of tit** O ner ii*,j*• of eonsevative .-npport of Mr. | tl Assembly of Georgia, authorizing a lively pace, 'fhe principal new In dustries established in the South dur ing the week ending yesterday are enumerated in the following list, com piled from reports made to The Tradesman There are several nota bly larg** concerns, judged by the capitalizition. One of these is a $1. -dn.noo timber company in Arkansas; a $lbo.duo manufacturing company in Georgia; a $200,000 hardware compel- nv in Louisiana: a $100,000 mining and smelting company in Missouri; a fjuu.uoo cotton mill in North Caroli na: a $100,000 cotton mill in Oklaho sii;t; a $ if.*).ooo coal and coke company in Virginia: a $r»fl0.000 lime and stone c mpany in West Virginia. The Tradesman’s list for the week is as f. Hows: Alabama. Birmingham—Manufacturing com pany. Samantha—Hope ami yarn mill. Arkansas St. doe.—Mines. Ft. Smith—Hardwood factory. Little Hock—$1,200,000 timber coin- I panv. lxTome i*ositiv*.*ly harmful -after standing a few months. The length of tint** a medicine retains it efficacy *kpends up n th** ingredients. Some combinations of drugs keep on good terms with each other indefinitely, while others get into a row after be ing mixed together for a while, and tho man who swallows a dose of the stuff is apt to feel a good deal worse than before he took it. As a rule medicines that are quite sweet keep tin it* curative virtues longer than those that are acid or bitter. Moat any medicine can be taken in safety six months after compounding, and many will be all right six years hence. Those that are not good gen erally take on a curdled, milky ap pearance; but that is by no means an infallible t* >t. and the person who wishes to save his system uncom* fort*ibit* complications would do well to let old medicine strictly alone. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new I Laxative, stimulates, but does not Ir ritate. It is the best Laxative. Guir- [anteed or your money back. Sold by all druggists. in I v id left an indilibl* an • pi* st loll could *:*! think Mil ftubar •king dcnioci world: • nit r: fnt un their AN UNAPPRECIATIVE SON. ••Just after his election as (iovernot of Massachusetts.” says Represent.i live McCall, according to th** Sai Francisco Chronicle. "Mr. Crane sent his son Robert to attend a military school in New York. The youn Crane, by reason of his manly w; and modest disposition, soon mad* himself solid with the faculty. Then was an oral examination one day during the course of which young Crane was asked to give the name the Governor of Massachusetts. Af ter a moment’s hesitation Robert re plied : *• I don’t know, sir.* “Amazed by this unexpected an swer,' the teacher exclaimed. •“What! You don’t know who is the governor of your own state? R*’ fleet, my hov!* “ ’Very sorry, sir,’ said the boy quietly, ‘but I really don’t know.* “ ‘Why. Robert.’ cried the instruc tor, ’don’t you know that your father Is the governor of Massachusetts?’ “ *Oh. come to think of it.’ respond ed the youngster. I believe he did tell me something of the sort; hut 1 didn’t take much stock in it 1 thought he was joshing me.' ’’ years would math *>u\ product ion : f gold for tit til’s, ami -SO |>* r <•• *ur oi corn rrop i< produced w i of about one day’s rid** o! t a wonderful an 1 ins; re file vast fields of corn rip* n ' th** us** of man. St u***d with m each grain is not. onh wealth f«»• I sons of toil, fim th»- g*-n ; fields that are to c me re tie* seasons an* to r*:ur. vii good time. IMaced with it the bosom < f mother earth. e..c- rain is the cradle of the infant germ ontaining as w* 11 food for it.- nour ishment dining its young life, until i -hall sufficiently develop to send it- ender feet down into the soil and its irms tip into tin* sunligln. to gather • ml abserb food for its lif«* and .hns ii.sure again the harvest. I would have the farm* r and th farmer’s boy know and appreciate tho beauty, the strength and tin* glory o* lh«* corn, as well jus its commercial value, so that they would Ik* in love with their work, and tints trmsforti: th** drudgery into an everlasting joy f would have the plowman go whist ling down the long rows of growing corn, glad and 'nappy, and blessing G'od for f* r tie* privilege, and in his Ik art sorry f**r the man shut up in factory or behind the counter in the country store or in the larger mor- a utile establishments of our great cities. tug to lington during congress, he- itter futility of •ign with him Jiilcit<* for pres id' nt. The more tie* question is risk •d and tie* more the seur.'vd for tie ].* -toral votes needed is pr S*eu1* (l b> the augurs, the greater will be tlu n *linrtion to consider calmly the ex pedleticy of suhstitntin i democrat who would mollify, com tin**, ami inspire, and at the sane ime draw upon the independent re el-die *tt \«»t<\ infiarrimatory Rheumatism Cured ir 3 Days. Mort«<n L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., ■ays: ‘My wife had Inflammatory j th**umatism in every muscle and oint: her suffering was terrible and * r body and face were swollen al ■tost beyond recognition; had been n bed for six weeks and had eight hysieians. but received no benefit ’iitil she tried Dr. Detchon’s Relief or Rheumatism. It gave immediate « li**f and she was able to walk about n tbrefi days. I am sure it saved hei ifo.” Sold by H. R. Fainter & Sons HOW TO DO IT. An Irishman out of work applied to th© ’’boss” of a large repair shop in Detroit, says the Philadelphia Ledger, When the Celt had stated his sundry and divers qualifications for a ‘‘job,’ the superintendent began quizzing him a hit. Starting quite at random he asked: “Do you know anything about car pentry?” “Shore!” “Do you know how to make a Vene tian blind ?" “Shore!” “How would you do it?” “Shore, rd po>e me finger In his •ye!” POOR GEORGE. Miss Iva il(> CliiiK-nhum. a lt-cturer ■V Now York, holds that beautiful • bought.-: make beautiful faces an.l fig ures. and that ugly thoughts deform, even as unwholesome work does, says n exchange. "Uy taking thought," said Miss d* ’liiiH-nliani. in an interview in Cliicu go, "you cannot, perhaps, add a culdi o your stature, but you can eradicate itiiind sir:aiders and sponge wrinkles away. "Our thoughts mold our faces, form expression. Thus they give us away. They give us away a« much is the sjioken thought of a Chicago girl once gave her away. "This girl sat in si dim-lit parlor on i winter evening with a young man. A fire of oak logs blazed in the grate and. looking int<5 the pink and gold heart of the flame, the girl, who was very pretty, murmured: " How divine, my dearest Hilary— "But the young man frowned and tarted. " •Hilary?" she said. ‘You mean George, don't you, pet?' "The girl flushed and bit her lip. "‘Oh. dear,’ she said; 'how silly of It** Mayor and Council of tile (Tt> o; liliens, to issue said bonds. wa- inly approved oil the 22nd day el August. 1 BO?. subject to the ratiiicn tit n of Tile provisions of said Act. a' an election to lie held j'or such pm poses as provided by the gi non laws of tlie state of Georgia. «n-1 em bodied in Sections 277. 27s. 27'.'. 2mi •and 381 of Y lnme I of the Cod< o 1S95. Fourth. That an election will hi held on the 15th day of January. 1!ih"> in each of tbe several wards of th- City of Athens, under the same rules for Mr. Ilrvan | and regulations, as provided for elec tions for Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Athens, and that at said elec- ion the question of incurring said ndehtedness, the issuance of said bonds, and the ratification of said Act of the General Assembly, will b.’ submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of the City of Athens and I hat .ill persons voting ai said election, who favor the ratification of the Act if the General Assembly, as above •eferred to. tile incurring of said in debtedness and the .issuing of said bends, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words—For Bond-- —und that all persons voting at said "lection who are opposed to the rati fication of said Act, the incurring of said indebtedness and the issuing of said bonds shall have written or printed uj>on Iheir ballots the words —Against Bonds. Fifth. That the liolls of said elec tion shall be opened at nine o'clock M. and closed at four o'clock P. M. on tiie day of said election. The above notice given by authority and direction of the Mayor and Conn cil of the City of Athens. \V. L. WOOD. Clerk of Council. December 10, 1007. Van Huron—Three $25,000 panning factories. Florida. Tallahassee — $10,000 tobacco com pany. Tampa—Stone and brick company. Georgia. llazlidiurst—Oil and devol pmenl company. Augusta—$100,000 manufacturing company. Woodbury—$10,000 manufacturing company. Kentuck. Barbourville—Mining company. Lexington—Cement works. Louisiana. N.w Orleans—$100,000 development company; $100,000 land an-1 develop- lient company; $50,000 lumber com pany $5,000,000 machinery plant. Minden- $100,0(10 oil and gas compa ny. A GENTLE HINT. got a neat rebuke for my curios ity once," said a well known Balti more man to Lippinciott's Magazine, and it was administered to me by i native of the Cheat river regi n in West Virginia. 1 had stopped overnight in the ills trict in question, and in the morning was strolling about the place, tasking all sorts of questions. Presently I met ft lanky mountaineer, who greet ed me with ‘Howdy* and passed the time of day most pleasantly. Seeing I me - | thought this was Saturday that he was barefooted, ia circum- stance it seemed to me quite odd in a mountainous region, I-asked; Is it the custom of this country for the men to go without shoes?’ ‘Waal.* the native drawled, some on us. but most on us atten's our own business.' ” Take DeWftt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills; they are for weak back. In (lamination of the bladder, backache rnd weak kidneys. Sold by all drug gists. The Thalians Saturday night. About Digestion. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets Invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions. The re sult is a relish tor your food, increas ed strength and weight, greater en durance and a clear head. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons, Warren Smith & Bro., L. P. Canning, E. C. ilc'Evoy, Orr Drag Co., Athena, Ga. QUIET IN ARKANSAS. “Things are*quiet down in Arkan sas." says a traveling man, according to the Philadelphia lyedger, "to judge from a conversation that I overheard recently in ‘the New York store’ of that town in that state. “A tall, slab-sided native entered the tore and asked; “ ‘Is there airy letter heah for we ns?’ “ ‘No letters,’ res|>onded the post master, storekeeper and station mas ler. ‘Airy postal card?’ ‘No.* 'Airy newspaper?’ ’ ‘No pfcpers.’ 1 ‘Has you any almernacks?' ‘No.’ ’ ‘Well-er, I reckon I’ll take a hunk o’ side meat an’ a bottle o’ quinine.’ ” Passed Examination Successfully James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes.' “I tried several kidney- remedies, and was treated by bur best physicians for diabetes, hut did not improve until I took Foley’s Kidney Cure. After the second bottle I show ed Improvement, and five bottles cured me completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life Insurance.' Foley’s Kidney Cure cures back-ache and all forms of lddney and bladder trotdde. »I •' t 'o*l if X V'raiiklinton -JUKl.tlDu oil company. Shreveport — $25,000 construction ui.-truction company; $200,000 hard- rare company. Lecompte -Electric light plant. West Monroe—$100,000 ice factory. Mississippi Mo-nlville—$25,000 brick and liini- it*r company. Natchez- -Harness factory. Bay St. Louis—$8,000 transportation ompa.ny. Noxnpater--$2,t>oo warehouse com- M issouri. Kansas City—$150,000 manufactur ing company; $25,000 land company: gas company. St. Louis—$15,000 manufacturing ‘.ompany: power plant. Aurora—Mines. Palmyra—$'fi,000 telephone system. Damsel—$100,000 mining and smep- j ing company. Oronogo- -Contratiug mill. North Carolina. Asheville—$50,000 construction com pany. Hugh Point—$200.00 cotton mill. $125.00 chair factory. Supply—$20,000 milling company. M >nroe—$100,00 development com pany. Greensboro—$100,000 manufacturing | company. King—$25,000 telephone system. Oklahoma. Mangum—$100,000 cotton mill. Nowata—$10,000 investemnt compa ny. Tulsa—$100,000 oil company. Oklahoma City—$50,000 automobile company: $100,000 gas and oil compa ny. Tennessee Knoxville—$25,000 machine compa ny. Chattanooga—Telephone cross arms and pins factory. Memphis—$10,000 construction com pany. Bristol—$10,000 hardware compa ny. Texas. Celina—Warehouse company. Kopperi—$10,000 trust company. Virginia. Schoolfleld—$25,000 building and loan company. Farmville—$50,000 tobacco compa ny. Richmond — $25,000 development com puny. Boone Mill—Lumber company. Radford—$25,000 lumber company. (Manchester—$10,000 mining compa ny. MONDAY, 1 ft DECEMBER The Big Scenic Production Daniel Boone on the Trail Real Wolves, Bears and Souix Indians Populer Prices Gallery - 25 and 50cts Balcony - 25 and 50cts All Lower Floor 50cts T hursday |Q DECEMBER 17 HENRY MILLER Presents A Supeib Company In “The Long Awaited ‘Great American Play’.” The Great Divide By William Vaughan Moody. With Entire Scenic Production Just As Presented Over 500 Times in New York Prices $1.50. $1.00, 75c and 50c. Electroliers for Xmas See our tine before buying, if we can save you money we think we are more entitled to the Elec trical business than the Dry Goods Mer« chant who never spent a d o 11 a r to learn the business P. Taylor