The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 13, 1907, Image 8

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THE BANNER, FR1DAV MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1907. "V Your Christmas Selection Of Suit or Overcoat will be very easy if you see our Kuppenheimer line. V; WAS NO DIVISION OF PEABODY FUND Style,without unseemly extremes; individuality, without eccentricity; character without caricature; worthy fabrics and worthy workmanship, are the distinguishing qualities for which thousands of careful dressers selcect clothes made by The House of Kuppenheimer Almost any one who kDOWi anj • thing about men’s fine clothes w ill tell jou that Kiippknheimkr Suits are unquestionably the Rest. Even the high-priced custom tailor shrugs his shoul ders and frankly admits that he does not undeistand how the makers do it. John B. Stetson’s Hats. Sole Agents for W. L. Doug las Shoes. A full line of Gents’ Furnishings. Tustees Decide Not to Di 1 vide the Fund for Some* time Yet. . J. FELL And was Painfully Bruised by the Fall. Not Sc* ricusly Hurt. MARKETS GRIFFITH & WELCH’S COTTON LETTER. M. & L. MORRIS, Corner Broadband Jackson Sts. Athens, Georgia. (0 IU 0 c (A Bed-Room Slippers Romeos and Juliets In Black, Red, Wine, Gray and Blue Lanier Footwear Co. “Just Around the Corner” 0 > H rn x V) A Few Suggestions for Christmas Presents Football* Teauw Rackets, Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pin*, Calendars. Bibles, New Fic tion, Dennison’s Handy Boxes, Collar and Cut! Boxes, G'ove Boxes, Manicure JSets, Writing Disks, Rost rd Albums and Box es Fancy Ink Stoids and Novelties, Pic tur<*s and Frames. Pennants and Pillow Tops, Fine Stationery. .\ BOOKS MAKE TH Z BEST PRESENTS Li-t us have your orders for Visiting Cards and Monogram Statioae y not later than 15th Xtw York, December 12.—The an nual meeting of the board of trustees of the Peabody Educational Fund was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yester- afternoon. Beyond the election of officers and the annual report, little as done, that is, in such shape that an announcement could be made with certainty. The meeting was held be hind closed doors. No Final Distribution. Samuel A. Green, of Massachusetts, secretary of "the board, said that while there had been talk for some time o lal distribution, the trustees did n. t consider it wise lo take detinite lotion at present. He said that possi bly within a year or two the trustees would make definite provision to dispose finally of the fund. Hoke Smith Present. There were present at the meeting: Hon. Joseph H. Choate, Governor Hoke Smith, cf Georgia: J. Pierpont Morgan. Hen. James D. Porter, Hon. Henderson M Somerville, of Ala bama; Hon. Charles E. Fenner, of Imuisiaiia; Hon. George Peabody Wet- more, of Rhode Island; Hon. Richard Olney. of Massachusetts; Right Rev. William C. Doane, of New York, and Right Rev. William Lawrence, of Mas sachusetts. Chief Justice Melville Fuller was prevented from lteing present by the d-.ath of his grandson. Following the report made by Chancellor Porter, of Pt aliody Normal College, Nashville, jTenn.. the officers for the following I year were chosen. Annual Election Held. J Chief Justice Fuller was first. II leeted ebiirnian; Mr. Choate first . vice-chairman and Mr Daniel C. Gi man. second vice chairman. | J. P Morgan was re-elected treas urer and Dr. Green secretary. Tit J executive committee for the coming year will ho composed of Messrs. Gil i man. Choate. Fenner, Porter, Smith and Chief Justice Fuller, .ex-officio. The fiiseal committee is composed -if Messrs. Wetmore. Fuller, Somer ville. O'.ney. Morris K. Jessup and Mr M .rgun, ex-officio. I The next meeting will be held in New York e-n Wednesday,'October 5. next. A semi-annual meeting will be hoi! in Washington some time during the winter, when a special report will be held. Last night Mr. Jefferson Jennings fell from a street car on the c.rnei of Clayton street and College avenue and was severely bruised. Mr. Jennings thought the car had stopped and stepped off too soon. He received a slight cut above one of his eyes and was bruised about Ills legs. He was able to walk to his room after the accident, however. Mr. Jennings is a man of advanced years, and his escape from more se rious injury was miraculous. June and July. . . ,5.9a 5.95 July and Aug. . . .5.94 5.96 1-2 Aug and Sept. . . . .5.84 5.83 1-2 Sept and Oct.. .. 6.71 Oct and Nov. . . . .6.611-2 5.60 December. . . . ....5.90 5.901-2 Dec and Jan. . . . . 5.SS 5.90 1-2 MR. KEITH CONWAY THE McGREGOR COMPANY As Manager of he Tele phone txch uige Seim.?. W . short while since ' way, who bad been for manager of tae Hell T party at Anniston. Ala , red to the position of n Selma exchange, a disti as Selma is one of ill taut points lit the s:a Since going to S in has made a sur e that important po brought that exchange est point of effie: noy. Mr, O: ttway is oto phone nttn in Sou has a great future in ! of work. He is a foi being the son of Mr. : Conway, of this ei:'. Athens, December 12. Liverpool opened with a good ad vance this morning and New York fol lowed suit with a rise of about 30 points above yesterday's closing. Spot cotton prices are hardening in the South and almost nothing offering for sales except low grades, whien come from the last pickings. The white grades are in the hands of strong holders who have made ua their minds to hold until January or February. Many of them confidently believe they will get from 12c to 15'- per pound. Europe continues to take the offerings at advancing prices. The American spinners and manufac turers are in a sad plight. A little over three mouths ago there was a handsome profit in spinning I2e cot ton: now there is no profit In ill 1-2e cotton and a loss in 11 I-2e rollon Spring business may advance man ufacturers' prices and easy financial affairs would put them ill tin- market for summer supplies of raw cotton. Athens, firm: St. middling, 11 5-Sc. Middling, 11 12c. St. low middling, 11 3-8r. I saw middling. It 1 - Jo. St G. Ord., 10 T-'c. f.\ Ot-d., 10 11c. Tinges, lie to 11 Me. Clean stains, 10 l-2o to in 3-lr. Dirty stains & blurs 9 Mo to 9 3 Spot Cotton Market. Atlanta, steady, 11 l-2c. New York, steady, 12.20c. New Orleans, firm 11 7-Sc. Liverpool, steady, 6.30d. Galveston steady, 12c. Mobile, quiet. 11 3-Sc. Savannah, quiet. 11 l-2c. Charleston steady, ll l-4c. Wilmington steady, 11 l-2c. Norfolk, steady, 11 l-2e. Baltimore, nominal, 11 7-Sc. Boston, steady, 12.20e. Houston steady, 11 7-Sc. Philadelphia steady. 12.45c. Memphis, steady. 11 3-ir. Augusta, steady. 11 1 -2c. St. Igulls, quiet 11 2-4c. Cincinnati, nominal. Louisville firm, 11 7-Sc. Estimated Cotton Receipts. Houston expects tomorrow 7.000 to s.000 bales, against. 19.5S5 hales last > ear. New Orleans expects tomorrow 6,- 000 to S.000 halos against 18.107 hale3 Galveston expects tomorrow 10.000 to 12,000 bales, against 23.439 bales last year. Daily interior Receipts. Last Y i. TH : OBPHEUM SHOW AT HE COLONIAL ■ will h. pupils ♦ t- ♦ 4'♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 8H0RT NOTES + 4> OF INTEREST. ♦ 444444444 4 44444 Have Your Prescriptions Filled at the Orr Drug Company. We employ three high class pharmacists; purest drugs used In all prescriptions. Complete line of druggists’ sundries and smokers' materials. We solicit your business; satisfaction guaran teed; prompt delivery. Phone 17. For Sale. 1 2 horse condition. I power motor. '. O. Box 357. Splendid SPLENDID SCHOLARSHIP RECORD OF NEGRO SCHOOL The West Athens colored city school is making a splendid showing in all of Its departments of work. The at tendance has been good and the en- rcllinent at present is about as large us o', the -ill of the school year la .May la. t year. I! is very likely that a large number of ■r in January. work in domestic science is itished right along, following is a list of pupils who are exempted in all subjects: 9th grade, Maggie Stovall; 7th grade Juanita Jones; 6th grade. Inez Harris. Daisy Morse; 5th grade, Juliet Derrioott, Lucile Mack; 4th grade, Maggie Harris. There were about 20 other pupils who were exempted In from one to five subjects. These pu pils have made the record of 85 to 98 per cent, in their work and will be exempted from attendance the re maining 7 days of the fall term. being The xhristmas Matinee and Night. StlenJid Vau* deviiD Company. toll -The 1 adv the aotivi oiling wiili Hi illlle ,-ille pro- :oked to the Or- The first and only \ gram of real merit ei play an Athens theati phettm Show that, comes to the Colon ial Christmas matinee and night. Th - program of the evening i uti rtuiuinent will number eight acts of the high standard set by the Orpheum circuit which has one of the largest circuits of theatres in America. A full list of the -acts and prices for the engagement will be announc ed in Sunday's paper. For Parna Violets phone 229. Rooms For Rent Apply to 390 Hancock avenue. Select Paper Shell Pecans: Guaranteed select paper shell Pe can trees for sale. Freeman's Pecua Nursery, cor. Milkdge and Lumpkin streets. NOTICE. The city council at its last regular meeting instructed the superintendent of waterworks to cut off the water from the premises of all persons In arrears for city water on January 1st, 1908. Please see the collector or call at Water Office and pay your water bill. Respectfully, JAMES BARROW, Acting Superintendent. MRS. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH UNDER SURGEON’S KNIFE Daughter of The President Undergoes Operation For ^Appendicitis. Washington. D. C., December 12.— Surgeon General Rixey, of the navy, announced today that tihe operation on Mrs. Nicholas Longworth fer ap pendicitis has been perfectly success ful. He says her condition Is satis factory. ID BE HANGED New York Cotton. w York. December 1 -. - narket opened linn at mi • to 27 points on active cover: a$rj?ressive bull support, \vh encouraged by the firmness English market and bullish ports from the South as to spot cot t ions. Trading was ve Wall street, hears v.ince and during the < al ly sessi n the market showed some irregularif hue held well up to the best, the ac tive months being about. 20 points net higher during the .middle of the morn ing. The big Liverpool spot s’les were among the bullish factors and wires were received from the eastern belt reporting a good demand from domestic and foreign spinners with business restricted by the firmness of holders and light, offerings. The market was very firm late in the forenoon on covering nnd general buying by local bulls and the South. Prices at midday were 2S to 2,2 points net higher with March selling 5^ points above the low level of yester day morning. Stop cotton quiet; middling upland 12.10; middling gulf 12.35. The following were the ruling prices In the exchange today: Tone, steady; middling 12.20c steady; sales 2.200 on contra?t. Open Closed January 11.0 Peruary March April May 11.17 June ll.if, July 11.12 August 10.90 December 11.05 Negro Murderer in Chicago to Pay Death Penalty. 11.1.7 11.25 102 Chicago. Ill.. December 12.— Richard Walton, the negro who strangle 1 Mrs. Lillian Grant, u. school tench> r, to death in her home last September, will pay the penalty of his crime upon the gallows tomorrow unless lie is grant ed a respite eleventh hour Liverpool Market. New York, December 12.—Li cobles were due to come 6 to 5 higher on near anil 7 to S points hig:i- er on distant positions. Opened ir regular, 13 points higher on near and \ujrust:i . 3.0S4 2.802 Memphis 13.9SS 4,922 St. Ix)uis .7.299 2.110 Cincinnati . 5G7 702 Houston 12.131 12.613 Comparative Port Receipts. 1906-7 1907-8 (* ill vos ton ..11.439 14,021 Now Orleans. . . . .12.814 15,787 M. bile . .. 914 2.123 Savannah .10.629 10,113 Carries ton SI 1 1.132 Wilmington . .1,098 4,218 Norfolk ...6.792 4,679 New York ... 564 .... Boston . . 666 19 Philadelphia . . 123 50 .7.013 4 942 Total to all ports. . . .58,020 57,177 Chicago Quotations. The following were the ruling quo tations on the exchange today: Open Close WHEAT:— December ...93 93.1-4 May .1001-4 1001-4 July ...95 1-4 95 1-1 CORN:— December . . 54 5-8 54 7-8 May .. . 56 3-8 56 5-8 July . . 55 3-4 56 OATS: — December . .50 50 1-8 May ...53 5-8 53 7-8 lul v 47 7.3 47 7-3 PORK:— January ..13.00 12.S5 Mnv 13 35 13 27 LARD:— January . ..8.00 7.90 May . . . -S.02 7.97 SIDES: — January. . ..7.00 6.95 May 7.20 7.12 Receipts In Chicago. Est. Today Tom Wheat, cars .. .. * 17 It Corn, cars .. 205 208 Oits cars. . 144 191 Hogs, head ...21,000 21.009 It lKiints higher on distant positi n-. At 12:15 p. m. was steady, net 12 to 12 1-2 points higher on near and 11 12 to 12 1-2 points higher on distant posi- tion. Spot, rotten steady. 10 points FORMER GEORGIA TEACHER MURDERED IN MEXICO. Denver, Col.. December 12. A let ter reached here today giving details of the murder of William Robertson Boggs, .tie of the foremost metallur gists of this country and a former res- higher; middling 6.30d; sales lS.OoO . f this stale, the gevernor at the | i, a i cs; export. 1,500 bales; Imports j He was waylaid and stoned to death ° cnmc ' xaa G *j 13.000 bales, including 13.400 bales mar Topia, Mexico, bv a gang of Mex- mosL atrocious, caaracter and stirred , American; American sales 11.300 bales man miners in his employ on Decern- ie po ct an pun it ■<> t tat armed j The following were the -.-tiling prices j i,. r 1. Because of the financial strin- posses scoured the city and vicinity : In the exchange today for several d.-ys looking for the mur- j Tone steady, sale derer. The murderer pawned jewelry G ,'10d 1.000; middling belonging to bis victim and through j tills means his identity w-is learned. I Jan and Feb | He was finally captured in Spring- Feb and Mar. Simon field and returned to Chicago. The j \[ ar , an ,] ,\ llr j] April and May. May and June. Open Clone The many friends of Mr. Michael will be pleased to learn of negro made a plea of guilty and his improvement, immediately sentenced tic. death. gency, Boggs was unable to pay his men their wages and they angrily at tacked and killed him. Fifteen men have been arrested for the murder. Boggs was formerly a. professor of chemistry at Howard Vunversitv, in Alabama. Professor Boggs was born at Au gusta. Ga. -4-04— 4e4—4*4—+04 Since th e subject of gift-giving concerns prac tically every body, our suggestions at to what would be a-ppropriate for Christmas Remembran ces will surely be of interest to you. We are carrying in Sterling Silver Combination Sets put up in attractive green moreen cases and leather rolls. Besides a large variety of handle goods, Mir rors, Hair Brushes, Coffee Sets, Candle Sticks an-1 Vases we have seme very desirable Novelties suita ble for favors. Aside from our Sterling Ware, we have an enormous line of fine Gold Fill ed Jewelry, Including some unique styles In Lock- ets and Chains, Lace, Veil Scarft and Hat Pins, Link Buttons, Bracelets and Neck Chains. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS G A. SCUDDER, JEWELER, C0 ^8gjfi£f VE We Import Direct Odd Pieces of Fine China Handsome Plates, Fancy DBhe?, Chocolate Pots—scores of beautifu 1 sing’e pieces fromjhe best potteries and most artistic decorators of the old world—are here for your choosing.