The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 14, 1907, Image 3

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sSfe k&Smra! 5 >:; L' IHHHBi THE BANNER, SATURDAY MORN.NG, DECEMBER 14, 1907. FOP Ladles IBIS J-22 Great suffering is the lot of all women, who neglect the health of their wo manly organs. No reason to do so, any more than to neglect a sore throat, colic, or any other disease, that the right kind of medicine will [cure. Take Wine of Cardui n for all your womanly ills. It can never do harm, and is certain to do good. Mrs. Sallle H. Blair, of Johnson City. Tenn., writes: ‘‘I had suffered from womanly troubles for six teen months, and had four doctors, but they could not help me, until I began to take Wine of Cardui. Now I think I am about well.” At all reliable druggists, in $1.00 bottles. Try it UJD1TF IIC A I CTI’CD Write today for a free copy of valuable G4-pa*e Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical I* i\| I r U.l l\ I 111 1 I Alvice. describe your symptoms, statin* age. and reply will be sent In plain sealed envelope. * * ■ lalrn a Ur.<c■ I i.tu. *i> icnr U The Ch^" WITH POLITICIANS m- ! John M. T»*n»*r may Ik* a canilitlatt* nxahist (’on.pressman K. F. Acli<*so:i for lh<* republican nomination f r ooiigrons in iht* Twenty-fourth district of Piiin.sylvania. Mr. Tenet* is Oran ! Exalted Uulcr of the Elks. United States Senator Stout* ot Mis souri, whose l« nu will expire March 4, 1909, is said V> have writ erous dtmoeratie friends recently sound party on the suhje «>f Ills re t lection. The Lincoln League, the leading i publican organization of Nc-rth.ii New York state, has -adopted resol lions recomnu tiding Governor Clin les F. Hughes to all republicans ; the next republican nominee for pro* By direction of the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Athens, the follow ing call of an election for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, with notice of :he time and place of said election is hereby given. This December 9th, 19C7. W. L. WOOD. Clerk of Council... \Y! • Tic. aid .ild* nn:m- y has oc nan from u rt It Ward in «t , and that said without full rear •irttion «»f tin- pr*. i lit t- rm ot L11 U<1 Will <1( nt. ’ullough d his ci . initiation f.r Mr. McCullo :md business overnor NY. 'I Ander- lacy for iih i- Dur- Carroll K Me son. has announc the democratic ernor of Indiana, a broth* : in law date of former ( bin. The latest rumor in Michigan poli tical circles is that Uharles B. Kel sey. of Grand Kanitls. will be a can didate next u-ar for the republican nomination for state treasurer. M’\ Kelsey is a prominent banker and business man of the Furniture City. Congressman Allen Ci.oper. who a’ tncki-d Speaker Cannon and the rules of th - lower house at the opening s« s- sioii of congress, is the representative from the First district of Wisconsin and has been in congress for fourteen years. An uninstructed delegation from New Ycrk to the democratic national contention is said to be the program of Leader Murphy of Tammany Hall. yor and (\>un 'i! to advertise foi such vacancy. City of At liens Ward on the 1907, for the pin aldorman fnun n.; th. dm > vention next spring which will nam<- the national delegates. Governor Hughes, like President Roosevelt, will net permit himself to he quoted on public questions. If h*- has anything to say to the public he prepares it carefully and delivers P in the form of speeches, for which he is constuntly/'in demand. The subcommittee of the House committee on banking and currency intrusted with the task of framing a currency bill is composed of Repre sentatives Fowler of New Jersey. Prince of Illinois, Calderhead of Kan sas. Lewis of Georgia and Gillespie of Texas. Of the eight men elect el directly to the White House to fill the twelve presidential terms since I860 Lincoln. Grant. Garfield, Cleveland. Harrison and Roosevelt were named in Chica go. The two exceptions were Hayes and McKinley. The Cillisoum in Chicago which will be the scene of the republican nation al convention next. June, has an or dinary seating capacity of 10.000. which can be increased to 12.000 with out overcrowding. It is proposed further increase the capacity by a re arrangement of the galleries. William B. Wilson, who has just taken his seat in congress as repre sentative from the Fifteenth Pennsyl vania district, has been for many years conspicuous in the labor world, ami is national secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers. Mr. Wil son is the son of a miner and began tolling in the mines himself at the age cf nine. To the city of Baltimore belongs the double distinction of having ot one? the oldest and the youngest member of the Sixtieth congress. Almost three-score years separate them age. The oldest man is Senator Wil liam Pinckney Whyte, who is now 84 years old. The youngest member is Representative Ilarry Wolf, who is still under 26, and was just old enough to qualify after his election. iiv* City ol manager- the place Mat or and Council o ♦ ns to d'-signn^o t.l uich ehcfi.ns. and al the ward wh< re the said election o T»e held and the time when the s of said election shall he opened and closed. Then fore. Be it resolved by th• • nor and Council of the City of \tli ens, that the place for boiling said •tion in said Fourth ward shall be at the county court house, located op Prince avenue, in said city, and that the 7 following freeholders be and they are hereby appointed man igors to hold said election in sal 1 vard. towit: H. C. Conway, Louis "amak and John Bird. Pa nils further resolved. That tin said election shall be open o’clock, a. Hi., and closed at a SPLENDID BOOK A hi* what :>f P< the mont LOST HIS SIGHT it further nf Council »lv- d. T ' •d to giv ie and is her** ice of such ep ; notice of the •lection 1 these »y advertising is ind place of said 'uTions in the Athens Banner, for Va>t ten days before the date which said election is to he held. etion time reso REST MADE EASY. Cured of Bright's Disease. Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y., writes: “Before I started to use Fo ley’s Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my family across the room. I had given up hope of llv Ing, when a friend recommended Fo ley's Kidney Core. One 50 cent bot tle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as all other symptoms of Bright's disease.” 8old by all drag- gists. There Will be Less Sleeplessn-* s When Athens People Learn This. Can't rest at night with a bad back. A lame, a weak or an aching one. Doan’s Kidney Bills are for bad backs. They cure every form of kidney ills, Freni common backache to diabetes. They are endorsed by Athens peo ple. Mrs. S. II. Hemphill, living at 311 Prince avenue, says: ‘ Doan’s Kid- Pills are certainly a reliable kid remedy. They strengthened mv back in a very quick time, although 1 had suffered with it for a number of ears. It was very weak and there was always a dull pain right in the small of it. This kept me awake nights and bothered me all day. I could hardly get off my chair some times. or tur nover in bed after sit- or lying in one position for an length of time. I had used a great many different brands of medicine and had tried liniments without the de sired effect. Doan’s Kidney Pills which I procured at H. R. Palmer £r Sons drug store seemed to fit mv case exactly. They drove the pain out of my back and I was soon able to move about without any Inconvenience and to sleep well at night. I had none of the old pains that used to bother me.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. (>1<1 South iiiul th ‘ have desiri d for a years. The Southern peo •laiimred for a correct his ssihly the greatest country >rbl. \Ye have rt id of vilizaiimi and K in ir. dove:- .1 grandeur and progressive. Gr H'iati gnatnoss and Roman giaiideiir are two stars radiating bril liant. in tin* history of the world, lmt o my mind tip. Southern star \the brightest of them all with the distin guished exception of the "Stir of th* 1 Fa i.“ - St »r of Bethlehem. -- Prof, (’harles Morris’ offer of the Aryan Ka •(*.’ flu* hist* tv of eiviliz it ion. tin* : ’.r--ater R. public, etc.. ♦ te.. has writ ten a complete illustrated history of tie S -utliern States, their resource-*, flu ir people and their cities, and the inspiring story of their wonderful gif wth. industry and riches. In a cla sh nl burst of super-rhetoric and hu:ui- t!:'..l sentiment. Prof, (’barbs Morris starts: "It is the South that fonn^ our theme, the land of the palmetto, the cotton plant and the magnolia, tie* !u ie of the planter and the eanalidas th - ^unum-rland of the greater .Vine - ic*n republic. In diction lov-able and •1* in lie writes the >tory of the gro.V- .*st country in the world. In beauty illustrated, in sentinu nt charming, ha describes the South as "the nursery of orators.*' and declares "the Monroe by-trine the palladium of liberty in \ne riea." A sentiment Southern in its incipience and maturation. Along hi. thrilling and intelligent line lie «*:*s the story truthfully and inter 's! inuly of the South. One of the most beautiful features in the book is a great aud perfect portrait of Robert E. Lee. the first ideal citizen cf the world, the prince- Host of men. There is a picture of Jefferson Davis one of the fcreinos! statesman of the world: a statue of Henry Clay, group of distinguished men of the Confederacy composed or Jud th P. Benjamin. John Slid. 11. \Yil ["• m L. Yancey. Maj.-Gen. John C. lr clienridge. Governor Henry A. | Wise, James M. Mason, and the great- in'iiiiin ?’ of them all) Alexander ephens. John <\ Ualhoun. Caro- greates* orator and statesman. ;> pictured, as well as Patrick j Henry, the greatest revolutionary ora or. Thomas Jeff : rson, author of the 4eelarati .ii of Independence, profound liinker and great friend of the mass ’s is also beautifully illustrated. The ugning <*f the Lniisiani purchase le.-tty i- proiograplied in an attrac- ivi* sculpture exhibited in Ft. Louis !i B.m>i showing the figures repr» s «ont- ng Livingston. Monroe and Marbois. There is also a sublime picture show ing the battle, of Resaca tie la Palma, where Oiptaln May leaps his steej uver the parapet, followed by his n. The constitution of the Confed- ite States of America is also por- vel in the handwriting of Gener- Thomas R. R. Cobb, who was a mber of the committee, taken from the original, which is new in the pos ition of Hon. A. L. Hull, of Athens, !a.. and used by permission. This is briefly some of the inter- sTing points in this most admirable and charming history that should hi* in every Southern home. Prof. Mor a writer of brilliancy and impar tialitv. an eloquent and logical think and the book is eminently merito rious and classical in every particu lar. WILLIAM MERRITT HAIRSTON. R ss Cox, <if R< in^.txpiijdes Powder ard L ises Ejesight. linin' December 13.— A very distressing accident happen'd this morning to Ross Cox, the 10-yetir-ohl sen of Dr. U. I’. Cox. at the home of iii; father on Eighth Avenue. He unleaded a No. 13 shell, and pit: the powder in a bottl", with t'le Inten tion of exploding the Imttle with ii While h e was leaning over atempting to light tile’ imwder with a match ii ignited and exploded, putting out oir< of his eves and probably damaging th ■ other. Tin- boy was also bad! about the face by the explc powder, and is suffering today. His father. Dr. It an eye specialist. Valdosta, Ga., December 13.—Can tlie sheriff in a prohibition county on and sell at sheriffs sale a stock of whiskey? is the interesting question which has arisen in this county. As the result of the local option election held last June, ■owndes county became dry on the th of July, at which time all of the aloons were put out, of business. One loonlsts stored his surplus took in a warehouse here, after the ising day. Recently his creditors been pressing liim and this week stock of whiskey, worth about dt, was levied on by the credi- and advertised for sale before ■ourt bouse on the 21st of Decern The matter involves a neat legal t. but it is understood that the riff has been advised that there to law against his selling any com- tditt levied oil iii a legml way. The being advertised in the local tiers, and it is safe to say that crowd will be attracted by tlm t of getting "booze" at auction ■hot burned nt of the ry much . Cox, is TF.XAS COTTON RAISERS SEEK BETTER LAWS Now lie is Serving a Sen terce ia the Alabama Penitentiary. Lcne Star State is Vitally lntereste-1 In This Industry. Antonio, T**xns. December 13.- al.)—Thi* Texas Caul* Raisers' I A* ->relation is preparing to wage lively battle in Washington for the passage of three laws, much neeikJ to pro mote Gie cattle industry. The firs; is a measure requiring railroads ti supply sufficient cars to enable stock nu n to get their cattle to market The second is a reciprocal ilemurrag- bill. Under the present law, if tlu rail read furnishes cars and the cat tlemen does not load them promptly he ma^nay demurrage to the rail road. '.Tie proposed reciprocal law proposes to make the railroads pay demurrage if they fail to furnish th ars on the day agreed upon, or a ter duo notice and demand. The third is a law favored by the presiden regulating the lease of g ivernmeir lands to cattlemen. The Texas stix*k men are a unit in supporting the pres iibmt in this law. These proposed laws have been *n dorsed by the National Live Stoci Association, anil by lesser state an section associations, and are support ed by most of the cattlemen of tlu West. Texas stockmen are takin the initiative because this state pro duces one-sixth of the cattle of til Unitid States. The value of Iiv stock interests of Texas in 1904, ac cording to official figures, was $9S, 088.4.36. and amounts now to mor than a hundred million dollars. The protection of an industry of this mag nitude is a matter of prime impor this state. l» is estimate thirds of the cattle busines is centered in Texas and the Wester states. It is certain that this immens industry will uphold Ike T. Pryor president of the Texas Cattle Raisers Association, and Sam H. Cowan, th counsel, in the fight they will mak in congress this winter. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt*s Kidney end Bladder Pills Here’s Good Advice. O. S. Woolevpr, one of the best known merchants of Le RavsviUe, N V.. says: "if you ate ever troubled with piles, apply Bttcklen's Arnica Salve, it cured me of them for good 20 years ago." Cures every sore wound, burn or abrasion. 25 at W Smith & Bro.. H. R. Palmer & Sons drug stores. TEAS MARRIAGES SHOW NO DECREASE San Antonio. Texas, December 13.— (Special).—Financial stringency ha not affected tile business of the blind god Cupid in tJiis eity this year. Th clerk's office shows that all records for issuance of marriage licenses have been broken already and Christmas rush is yet to come. Th number will run from fifteen hundred to two thousand. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup causes a free yet gentle action of the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the system. Children like it Contains no opiates nor nar cotics. Sold by all druggists. A Week’s Treatment 25c V. C. DeWITT * CO.. Chicago, XU. FOR SALE BY ALL ORUQBIBTB. CASTOR IA For Iuxants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bong Bears the Signature of THE THALIANS TONIGHT. i A SHERIFF SELL a County lhat is Under Prohibition Laws? We can offer some very desirable build ing lots on Milledge Ave.and DuBose Ave. These lots are cheap and we will be glad to show them to you. P J R.CRANE &. CO. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ The Athens Hardware Co. deals ♦ ers in Hardware. Cutlery, Guns, ♦ Woodenware, etc. Garden Hose, ♦ Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Free- 4 ers, etc. 243 and 250 Broad 4 Street ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ice.- TOLL MAN’S HUFF, E Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and A M.— Mount Vernou Lodge, No. 22. F. and A. M., meets on regular communica tion every second Thursday night in each month at Masonic Hall, 3rd floor Max Joseph building, Clayton street. All Master Masons are cor dially invited to attend. H. R. PALMER, \V. M. A.B.HARPER,SEC. Montgomery. Ala . December 13.— I Gilmer, a long and rather good- thing farmer boy. from Crenshaw unity, came to the city in charge of leer on the way to the peniten- St. Elmo Lodge, K of P.—St. Elmo I/udge, No. 10. Knights of Pythias meets every Monday night at 8 o'clock at Its Castle Ha'l in the Max Joseph building, corner Clayton and Wall streets. Phone 202, 3 rings. Vis iting Knights cordially Invited to at tend. H. P. LAWRENCE,C. C. T. H. NICKERSON. K. of R. and 9. Nt" tills onvicted of stealing a wife, his horse aud his buggy, going to serve a sentence of ars for die offense. He became fatuatod with the better half of s Ighltor. who liked hint right well and they agreed to run away. Tit* horse and buggy of the husband be ing handy, they took it, and fled to Georgia. There they were captured and brought back for trial. The woman returned to her (teople. URET MILK AGITATION IN CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. -tan Antonio. Texas, December 13.— peciall.— San Antonio is involved another pure milk agitation. A* j instance of the mayor, the coun passed a milk ordinance which the aid of Health declares ineffective a- Hoard of Health wants the nmn r of germs restricted to 100,000 per hie centimetre, and a temperature 50 per cent. The milk-men say e conditions are impossible, that m Antonio is the center of the ntes- Ittite grass country that produces ■st grade milk, and the agita'ion [Warranted. Meanwhile the Wo ait's Club has taken up the cudgel pure milk, and a shindy of largt zed prontTtioiis seems imminent. Home Made Happy by Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. About two months ago our baby girl ad measles which settled on het limes and at last resulted in a severe It of bronchitis. We had two dt etors but no relief was obtained Everybody thought she would die. went to eight different stores to find certain remedy which had been re ommended to me and failed to gel it. when one of the storekeepers in vsted that I try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 did so and our baby is alive and well today. Geo. W. Spence, Holly Spring. N. C. Chamberlain Cough Remedy always cures and pleasant and safe to take. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons. W. J. Smith & Dro.. L. P. Canning. E. C. McEvoy, Orr Drug Co.. Athens. Ga. LODGE DIRECTORY. Keystone Chapter, R. A. M.—Keystone Chapter, No. 1, Royal Arch Masons meets every third Tuesday night at S o'clock at the lodge room in the Max Joseph building. All qualified companions invited to attend. J. T TRUSSELL. H. P. G. E. STONE. SEC. Athens Lodge, No. 790, B. P. O. E.— Meets every Wednesday night at 8:30. ^clock at lodge quarters cor- ner‘ Broad and Ltunpkin streets. E. BRANCROFT, Exatled Ruler. GEO. H. PALMER, Secretary. Soquee Tribe, No. 54, I. O. R. M.— Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias Hall All qualified members urged to attend. A. H. TUCK, Sachem. J. G. TRUSSELL. C.of R. Glenn Lodge. No. 75, t. O. O. F.—Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock at Lodge room in Carlton building, on Jackson street. All Odd Fellows In good standing Invited to attend. G. A. BOONE, Rec. Sec. Southern Railroad. Leaves 5:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m 7:20 a. m. (mixed train) Seaboard Airline South Bound North Bound No. 41 C: 10 a. m. No. 51 7:00 a. m. No. 33 2:58 a. m No. 53 0:23 p. nt. Arrival and Departure of Trains. CITY TIME. Georgia Railroad. Leaves Arrives 7:05 a. m. 12:00 noon 4:10 p. m. 9:10 p. m Arrives 8:45 a. m. 7:45 p. m. 3:05 p. m. No. 52 10:30 a. m. No. 32 2:31 p. m. No. 50 8:00 p. m. No. 38 1:09 a. m. Trains numbered 50 and 51 are not run north Athens. ARE YOU FOND OF GOOD READING. Look where you may and you'll not be able to find such a wonderful vol ume of live news, stories, pictures, editorials, comic drawings, poetry, puzzles &c„ &c.. cost considered, as yen can get for a few cents if you or der from your newsdealer a copy of next Sunday's New York World, the biggest and best magazine-newspaper published on earth. Agreeably Surprised. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been agreeably surprised at the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It makes sleep and rest possible. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons, W. J. Smith & Bro., L. P. Canning, E. C. McEvoy. Orr Drug Co., Athens, Ga. Gainesville Midland. Week Days. Week Days. Arrive 11:15 a. m. Leave 7:10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. 2:00 p. m. Sundays. ' Sundays. Arrive 11:15 a. m. Leave 8:30 a. m. 7:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Central of~ Georgia. Leaves Arrives 7:30 a. m. l:io p. in. ♦:30 p. m. 10:20 p. m. State Normal School There will be the usual few vacancies in our dormitories January 1. Applications for these will be registered in the order received. Write at once for application blanks. E. C. BRANSON, Pres., Athens, Ga.