The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 15, 1907, Image 10

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORFTTNG, DECEMBER 15, 1907. Only a Few More Days i J Christmas is drawing near and the time to make your 1 purchase is growing shorter. We are better pre pared than ever to serve you with fruits of all kinds. | Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Nuts of all kinds, Raisins, [ Figs, Dates, Amalaga Grapes, California Grapes. 1 Special Prices made if purchased now. I Kutres & Fetropol aJastwet i TT Vi /x I 1 i r\ Comer Broad Street 1 110 1I10H an d College Avenue T ♦ Attractive, Conveniently located and the best of * everything: in Creams, Sherbet and Soft Drinks. ! ! Fine selection and a large stock of French Can- T dies, the best made. Fruits. Here is the place to 1 buy your Christmas Fruits. | Special prices to those buying now. ♦ j Kutres & Petropol Broad-Let 1 t 4 ; 1 SPECIAL: Fine Cigars Tobaccos and Smokers materials. • While waiting for the cars, call to see us where comfortable chairs will be provided for the ladies. * 1 - - - HOW ROYAL CHILDREN ARE BEING BROUGHT UP Great Care is Exercised by Parents in the Rearing of Their Children. Royal Children Have Their Pecu liarities as Well as Those of Other People and They Sometimes Show Them. London. foiirtwn a Might < Europe tic children w 1 4 ' Mill! m | rohably in fifteen of i*s and kingdoms of families of young rowing u p as heirs i The ] tml Kiri eared are direct or presumptive to tin* throne. In a few cases they are children of the sovereign. oftener they are grandchildren or nephews In the ease of Sweden there is a great- grandson. The most pathetic of the childless courts is that of Holland. In Aus tria and Portugal the ultimate living heirs are youn*g men still unmar ried. The doubtful case is Turkey. The “Aimanach re Gotha” give no par ticulars as to the domestic status of Selim Effendi. the Sultan's eldest son. Hut he is 37. and it is highly probable that be is childless. As a rule, efforts are made to bring royal children up simply and modestly and to shield their nursery life from the gaze, but it is inevita ble that a great many details leak our. Norway's Young Heir. One little Prince who has been very much before the public in his brief life of four years is Olaf. Crown prim e of Norway. When he visited his grand-father in England a few months ago with his father my father's plac« it tie visitor lcm g H lakon hasi 'ried to corn- The King picked him uj him 0:1 his knee, but the riiu-e Olaf became even more He stamped bis foot agair irly shouted: out of there; that my TllO :u. arr; one •Way. give it to the Prince, to whom it is directed, of course!” The secretary, with his best obei sance. laid it on the royal cradle. The baby grabbed at it and smiled. •’Well, what does the Prince say it? asked the King after a pause, turning to th* nurse. Really, your majesty, he appears in* to say nothing,” was the mat- repl> policy station.” he growled. And. first of all. what is your name and who are your parents?” •.My name is Victoria Louisa,” re plied the little girl, with a fine air of offended dignity, "and m\ father is the Kaiser.” Then apologies followed freely. Tly Prince of Wales' cliildr»*n art- all animal lovers. Their grandmoth er. Queen Alexandra, instilled this heirs direct are the baby princes Spain and Germany, born within few months, the Princ e, the other son. Both are s so ]/»Tsonal anecdotes are lacking hut there are stories about the Spanish heir, all the same*. Appeal to llaby Prince. One tells of the appeal of a poor woman, tire widow of an officer who fell in Cuba, for an increase of pen sion. She had repeatedly made ap plication through the ordinary chan nels. hip wi’hout result.* Then she hit on the* device of addressing a memorial to his royal highness, Al fonso, heir apparent of Spain. The letter was opened by the prince's Sj-<-re : ary - he has a whole suite of officials and equerries to re inforce his buxom Andalusian nurse —who. of course, referred the me morial to the King. The King read "All light, silence give consent," i characteristic into them. mid tlie King. .Mr. Secretary, seel Prince Albert’s pony. Mid .set. is that tlie letter is forwarded to the his pet. Prince Edwari . tli • h-ir War Department with the proper eu- presumptive, is devoted to it is ter- dorsement, and write to tile woman tier. Puck. Both hoys :u • go ..1 fen- that tlie Prince grants her request." cers and can go through the manual Tly Russian imperial children of arms in good style, b; t it :s saidj lead a healthful, outdoor life, for the their sister Victoria can gi\ e points most part at Tsarskoe-Selo, always to either. with a powerful guard of soldiers She cannot box. how* v» •r. as d they and secret police agents, just beyond can. and they do. Oiy da.. when their range of vision. It is a won- they quarreled and start cd tl pain- dor that the poor little Grand Duke. mei each other there \\ i,l » ash of who is the ly*ir to the dignity of Czar, is not already overwhelmed to separate them. itv his title. "Oh, nonsense.” ^xc 1 aimed the II.. is now just three years and King, who happened to be o(»king three months old. and lu* is hetman on. “let them fight it on of all the Cossacks, chief of tb r e regi- All Good Mothers. mein of the Guard of Finland, col- Royal mothers are. in t he /resell t onel of the Fifty-first Regiment of day at least, good mothers. There Infantrv of Zlttovsk, of the Twelfth is not a single case in wh eh 1 l’,e Regiment of Infantry of Eastern SI- queens and princesses who have 1 , Iteris, of the Corps of Cadets of children growing up lo the honors QURJIQADS | Are Being Made the Best Roads in This Section of the State. Good Work of Commission. Tashkend. captain of the Battery of Horse Artillery of thej Guard, commandant of the military | school at Moscow, of the Forty-fourth Regiment of Dragoons of Nijni-Nov- gorod and of the Forty-fifth Regi ment of Dragoons of Seversk. He is also a chevalier of the* Order of St. Andrew. Fights His Sister. Notwithstanding these dignities it is said that his greatest, joy in life is a red and blue Punchinello, and that he occasionally scraps with his younger sister. Princess Anastasia, who is six years old. for possession of if. Sometimes odd things happen to royal children. Not. long ago the carriage in which the youngest daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm was driving with her governess in the outskirts of Berlin ran over a little boy The princess, who is la. jumped out and ran after the crowd that was carrying the little chap to a drug store nearby. Then a vigilant j>olice- man who formed the plea that she was trying to escape, dashed after her and caught her by the anm. You must and mother lie attracted almost, as j it and smiled. much notice as King Haakon and j Quern Maud. He is said to be a very self-willed Holding it in his band, he made is ay through th.e corridors of the :curial, the secretary and a few young gentleman, with a large-siz-1 other attendants tagging on behind ed idea of his own and his parents’| him. In the nursery they found the rights. The last story told of him! Queen and the baby prinee sitting represents him as stamping his foot j up in his crib. ■when a little playmate climbed into I The King explained th<e situation a big armchair in one of the pri-jnnd then, with a formal bow,-return- vale salons in the palace or Chris-led the letter to the secretary, tiana. | * But what shall I do with It, sire? ”Get out of there!” he ordered,! the latter asked. Fourth I and responsibilities of royalty do not devote much of their time to direct ing their education and earing for their health. The Queen of Spain began by nur sing the little prince, and she plan- tied the nursery for him herself. The Czarina not only directs her chil dren’s study, but makes Lerself their playmate. In other courts conditions are in general the same. The time when eitquette was a barrier between kings and queens and their families seent to have completely passed away. About Digestion. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets invigorate '.he stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions. The re sult is a relish for your food, increas ed strength and weight, greater en durance and a clear head. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons. Warren J. Smith & Bro., L. P. Canning, E. C. come with me to thejMcEvoy, Orr Drug Co., Athens, Ga. Work on the country roads for the; present year has been pnuctically ; finished. Of course there will he; some \vo)k done as weather may | permit, but the active proseeuiion! of the work of road improvement j will necessarily be put off until the I opening of the spring. I Still this work will be pushed wherever it can be done profitably, even in the winter, for the county road force under the direction of Mr. William S. Holman, a member of the county commission ami super intendent of ftouri construction, is never idle. Mr. Holman has been very suc cessful in the work since taking charge of this part, of the county’s business. He has given the county some of its best roads and is pre paring to continue the work with even greater success and rapidity next year. Thus far the road from »lu* city limits to the Seaboard crossing on j the Jefferson road has been m:ic;*da-l mized: the Princeton mad has b •**n macadamized from the lop of Lump- 1 , kin hill to Princeton factory ih* j Mitchell’s bridge road has been ma cadamized from the State Normal! School some distance into the conn- ! try; Lumpkin street has been paved i with Belgian block from the lanyard | branch to the top of the hill and! some distance of road has *» *»u im proved from Princeton bridge to the old papear mill, and from the Sea board bridge on the Jefferson road to the county line. Mr. Holman is satisfied that by : the proper mixture of sand and •ounty it will do better than the macadam road. The county has purchased several small road working machines, some what similar to the machine owned by the city but smaller in size. With these machines the country roads can be worked much more efficiently and satisfactorily than in the past, and at less cost. The new system of collecting so much per capita for road tax and paying for the working of the roads instead of leaving it to the farmers and citizens of the rural districts themselves to work the roads will prove to he beneficial. 1 * is believed that with the re maining money on hand from the sale of the county road improvement bonds at least thirty miles of road way ran be constructed. It is quite certain that when the entire sum is expended, the county of Clarke will , have the best roads of any county i in this entire section of the state and ; as good as any county in Georgia. The commission has not yet de- 1 c'nbd which road will next be im prove.1. but it will in all probability i **itl»or be the Lexington road or the DanieJsvilJe road. It Is the Intention ! of the commission to first attend to j the main roads leading out from the :ity to the four adjoining counties. This has been done as regards Oco nee and Jackson counties and the uoads loading to Oglethorpe and Madison counties will probably be the ones next attended to. A Home Made Happy by Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. About two months ago our baby girl had measles which settled on he? hums and at last resulted in a severe attack of bronchitis. We had two d (tors but no relief <tas obtained Everybody thought she would die. 1 went to « ighi different stores to find a certain remedy which had been re commended to me and failed to get it. win n one of the storekeepers in listed that I try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 did so and our baby is alive and well today. Geo. \V. Spence, Holly Spring. N. C. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy always cures and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by H R. Palmer & Sons. \V. J. Smith Canning clay and the proper treatment of the £ j* m j, j» road thus improved from time to 0rr nri.fTCo.. Athens. Ga. time a better road run be secured than the macadam road, and at a Kennedy less cost. This roadway is now in causes a f use on the end of the Princeton road bowels nearest to the Oconee line. It is forced givingfl satisfaction and it is lieliev- j Mice it. ed that in certain portions of the'eotics. C. McKvoy, Laxative Cough Syrup i free yet gentle action of tito through which the cold is mt of the system. Children Contains no opiates nor ttar- Sold by all druggists. START A BANK ACCOUNT ' On the Installment Plan - You Can’t Save Money When Do You Expect And see how it will grow to large proportions. After You Are Dead or Old To Begin Saving^? ^Tomorrow Never Comes You buy goods on that plan and pay good interest on your purchases And Nobody is Going to .. We Are Open .. Saturday Afternoons We Pay 4 Per cent. Interest to You Knock You Down with a Stick to get you to To Receive'Savings Deposits When You Lay Up Your Savings with us for a Rainy Day Save it Now Can’t Blame Us If You Never Have Any Money CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO.