The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 15, 1907, Image 14

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1907. Our Position is Impregnable BECAUSE Here are some Suggestions: IF IT’S A DIAMOND we have a most thorough Fine Uumbrellas.. „ . $2.50 to $25.00 Then remember, we buy di- know’edge of the business; Watches from . . . . $1.00 to $150.00 red from the cutters in pa- because our credit enables Bracelets from . . . . $1.50 to $40.CJ us to buy direct from the Safety Razor Sets. . . $3.50 to $10.00 per lots. We ha”e an un- diamond cutters, the manu- Military Brushes fro: i. $4.00 to $17.00 usually good assortment for facturers and because of our Festoon Necklaces fr in $2.00 to $36.00 this Christmas; bought aud exceptionally fair-minded Coffee Machines froi $7.50 to $12.50 business dealings assures you Chafing Dishes from . $4.00 to $25.00 paid for. We aro selling absolute satisfaction. There- Comb, Brush and Mirrors $6 to $35.00 these flue stones at a small fore be sure to buy Christ- Fine Genuine Ebony Sets $2.25 to $15. margin. Come to see us for mas juesents for your friends Scarf Pins, Brooches [.inks Barrettes from and it pays to R. BRANDT Thousands of Other Things BUY OF FIRST HAND R. Brandt, The Jeweler Absolutely Reliable Jj Always Busy j • ■—■BBC PROTEST Of Federation of Labor Against Crusade Being Waged Against the Railroads. :u an a.l.lrt*> a ml nation. K. d* o tin.* ration of l-abor. officials of sta»v jirottst against isnl auain.-'t rail- lawmakers >ad c-.mmis ir dealings interests of the crusade being roads. Tin* addr* We call upon executives and r cis, national and conservative in the great railroa country. The subject is one of tr«*!i»eiuloti> inipottanec. and .-buld deal! \vi*J* in a., consi l: r:i*» ai.d fair man ner. The inier*‘>:. involved, from tile standpoint of the general public. a> well as of the railroads, sh nld not t-e unnecessarily made the subject of heat? d political campaigns wherein the people, led by o’liceseekers. ary apt to have their passions and |»re- judicics unduly inflamed. I/tw making lx>di b led in o to; drasi liable t'f id ill-con sid 'd legisla; 1 he ion**i hara li the trr rad:--a] wht ’hint s reformer pm that si iolem in tl •ads know speak. stall littb* of t which they And ev read commission from the effect? On such hoards found who have ing or expel ietic dozen ' of railt That who ha elintor • can fi ll train »r mu That, the railroads have, therefore, argely brought thenisUvcs under the lispleasure of the public is likewise mdeniably true. Hut they should no‘. i.i* confiscated or destroyed became if their derelictions of the past. Strong hut fair regulations should 1 a- the policy of lawmakers, execu- ’iv*s and commissions, and not laws »r m« asttres which so cripple them in •heir operations as to make them less ib!<. to perform these neglocUd du ties toward the public. And when passenger and freight rate reductions .re made, the rights «»f railroad cm idovees to fair wagts should he con- id* iv.l, 1m . ause, unless the railroads ire permit t*d \\> charge reasonable • s. i •;* •> can not afford to pay rea " 'Wf- H Oig.mized labor has tften been •mrged with being too radical, and its critics havi declared that million-- »f dollars have been uselessly lost (• the emplo>ers and the working un n themselves in less of wages, be aus*' of unnecessary strikes, hut if is absolutely true that the rampant agitation against railroads during the Us\ few years in this country has been more unreasoning and violent, ind has caused more losses to th people of America and investors ibro'd. than all strikes during th*? 'ast one hundred years, and all the ttfkes which will likely occur during I Ip* next one hundred vears. i j Aid i: is rni rely probable that fa*’ •reter damage has been done on ac count of the fear caused in the minis 'of domestic ami foreign investors in •uilroad sicurities of wors.;* evils 'hre.-teiied against railroads, than bv my ■•ttial concrete harm which has ah* ;- ly resulted from legislation en- i 'cimI. or reductions in freight ami : pass# nger rates to date. It is the fear , »f norse to c--.n»e which cause ino.-»t of the present financial trouhhs. !t s formiate for th#* people at large | the pendulum of public opinion •is beginning to swing hack the other , way. Already conservative men are Im ginning to see the destructive ef- railroids unduly mix in politics] again; nor even to witness again the old indifference to the rights and; inforts of the traveling public and shippers of freights. ’nfortunitely. this is the danger that nearly always attends violent, unreasoning reforms that so muen persecution ami punishment is inflict- 1 upon corporation offenders those who seek tc reform them, after riding into office on waves of popular livcenlicntj that the |*eople, seeiu in* coriToraiions are being unjust reated. get unduly sorry for the -ay the pimM)m< nt should fit JL] crime, and are tempted in their sjrm by for them to forget the wrong and shortcomings of the past, and llow. too quickly, such wrongs td b< epeatel. until they become unites ble again, and »h«n they fall info Mother pt rind of anger and resen* aent. punishment and proscription. Many Agreeably Surprised. <eiflVrers from rheumatism have beiii agreeably surprised at the •romp! relief afforded by applying] 'harnbei Iain's Pain Halm. It makes- •fi *m» and res! possible. For sale fi\ I. R. Palmer & Sons. \V. .1 Smith A! Hro.. L. P Panning. E C McEvoy Orr Drug Co., Athens, Ga. ^ . MR. A. L. HULL AT THE Y. M. C. A. TODAN. The men’s mooting at the Yotuv, Men’s Christian Association this tern on will be addressed by Mr, U Hull, of the Presbyterian chu He is an interesting speaker and have some good things for the who attend to think ovrr and m: their own. The *»#*r\ic#* will begin at 4 -o'efi nnd ev#.*ry reader of this notice given an urgent invitation to con an 1 spend this hour with us. e thousand lost of r. iln :siti all the through ads out th.» country during the past six months have lost t’mm largely be cause of the hostile legislation en acted. and still threatened, against the railroads, is undoubtedly true. That many of the railroads have been badly managed, especially be cause of poor schedules, lost freight an 1 wrongful failure to pay for same; delays in deliyerits of freight caused by stupid bungling or callous indiffer ence, and numerous for successful contradiction A Home Made Happy by Chambei Iain’s Cough Remedy. About two months ago our baby gi had measles which settled on h< lungs and at last resulted In a seve 4 wild clamor against attack of* bronchitis. We had doctors but no relief was obtali Kverybody thought she would dle.j went to right different stores to f a certain remedy which had heen Already, the man without a political ax to grit^l is beginning to realize that wise control, and not crucifixion of railroads, should be the watchword, ] commended to me and failed to end to deplore, especially here in when one of the storekeepers I’ south, that-railroad building and nec- jsisted that T try Chamberlain’s Coug essary improvements and extensions j Remedy. I did so and our baby *»a *#* been probably set back for ten j alive and well today. Geo. W. Spenc years to come. j Holly Spring. N. C. Chamberlaln’i !T it remoinberei, however, that Cough Remedy always cures and li right-thinking, patriotic man does pleasant and safe to take. For sab other shortcomings too not want the pendulum to swing too j by H. R. Palmer & Sons, W. J. Smitl to Me ntion, is too plain far hack: he does not want the old & Bro., L. P. Canning. E. C. McEvo; abuses to recur; he does not want to Orr Drug Co.. Athens Ga. A PARALYTIC SERIOUSLY STABBED One Hundred Wounds on the Body of Mose Green. Fridav, the I3ih, Caused Two Workmen Almost Instant Death New York. December 14.—Nervous ness and superstition regarding Fri day the thirteenth brought dangerous injury to a gang of thirteen workmen on the Third avenue elevated struc ture at Seventy-third street today. Two of the men may die. Oscar Anderson and Tony Ziznosi- skl were putting rivets in the regular elevated tracks when Andersen re marked about Its being Friday, the 13th, and said there were just thirteen men In their gang Ziznossiski started and looked up quickly. His hammer struck the third rail. An explosion followed instanlv and a second lat. r the man’s clothing was in flames. An derson rushed to his companion’s aid. hut his clothing caught fin- also and both were terribly burned. Foreman Daniel Murphy managed to tear the lazing garments from the pair, but himself terribly burned before •he rest of the laborers came to hi = ssitnnce. Anderson and Ziznosiski are not xpected to live. Waynesboro. Ga., December 11. Nothing has hapi>ened in recent years that has wrought so much excitement as the stabbing of Mose Green. Wed nesday night, about eight miles from the city. In the afternoon about dark, •he, with a party, left the city,' going cut on the Quaker road about eigh, miles. About 2 o’clock that night word was received in the city of tin- serious cutting of Mr. Green. It seems tltat the party were drink ing and Green was stabbed in re ■ riv 100 plaees, the ettis varying from nr- qnarter of an inclt to an inch d ■-p, covering almost his entire body. !>rs. Milner and Cox went to his assist ance, and at 10 o’clock Thursday he was brought to the city, and is at his heme, doing as w-ell as could be ex pected at present. Green accuses Byrom Evans of do ing the cutting, while Evans stoutly denies it- No warrants have hern issued up to this time. Green is a paralytic and! is almost helpless when well, and the cutting of him has created much excitement for he was universally liked by all who knew him. Several theories are advanced as to (how this afltack was made, but no one knows just how it happen ed. The affair seems to be a mys tery. and developments will be watch ed with interest. NOTICE. The city council at its last regular meeting instructed the superintendent of waterworks to out off the water from the premises of all persons in arrears for city water on January 1st, 190S. Please see the collector or call at Water Office and pay your water bill. Respectfully. JAMES BARROW, Acting Superintendent. Take DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills; they are for weak hack, in flammation of the bladder, backache and weak kidneys. Sold by all drug gists. DeWitt’s Carbolized Salve. Get DeWitt’s. druggists. Witch Hazel Sold by all SHOES and SLIPPERS Nothing more appropriatejfor Christmas Presents-—New stock ready for Holiday Trade Men’s and Boy’s Shoes and Slippers Nothing more useful $1.50 to $6.50 0# * , Women’s, Misses and Children’s Shoes and Slippers $1.00 to $5.00 Agents for Hallahan & Sons Women’s Shoes Agents for Boyden’s Men’s Shoes JOHNSON SHOE CO. 433 Broad Street NNN