The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 15, 1907, Image 15

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THB BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER IS, 1907. " A PAGE OF ADVERTISEMENTS From the Progressive Business Concerns of Athens The Standard Of Quality Meats Poultry Fish Oysters i. Van Straaten, Y. M. C. A. Building, Lumpkin St. Phone 181. P ARKER Fountain Pens SAVE MONEY By Buying Your Christmas Goods -at- WHITEHEAD’S Cash Grocery Store HUYLERS CANDIEi PERFUMES TOILET WATERS COMBS and BRUSHES COMBINATION SETS TOILET ARTICLES of all description FOR XMAS AT Palmer’s Drug Store WOOTTEN’S BOOK STORE I have the prettiest and best se lection of XMAS goods in Athens, none excepted. If you will take time to look through my stock, I will convince you, that you never had a better selection to choose from. I will guarantee to suit you in a present for anybody, from a child to a grandparent, and the price will be right too. Don’t wait, come now. T. B. Wootten Good Things to Eat All new fresh goods .Mincemeat, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Citron, Currants, Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Pineapples, Grapefruit, Eng lish Walnuts, Brazils, Pecans, Almonds and the finest line of Fancy Groceries to be found in the city. FIREWORKS GALORE We are headquarters for Fireworks of all deicriot on*. Come and buy your sup plies before the rush. Having bought a large stock you will find it to your interest to vi it our store before making your purchases. AT BOWDEN’S PLACE Ltunpkm St, Next to Windsor Hotel. Phone 300. Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Figs, Dates, Cocanuts, Amalaga G apes Citron, and everything that is goad for Christmas Eatirjp. Our stock of Fancy Groceries are the best to be found in the city. Best grades of Coffees, Teas, gr.d Sugar. Fine assort ment canned goods. We solicit your trade and assure you of the best prices and the .hast goods. Try us, we are here to please. Our lease for our store on Thomas St. expires on January 1st. We must con solidate our stock. CUT PRICES on every article TO MAKE ROOM We must have room. “Nuff Sed.” J. T. Dudley EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. Furniture, China, Crockery. House Furnishings, Floor Coverings AT J. T. Dudley’s EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. 195 Clayton St. Buy Now and Pay After Christmas. Attractions for You In Furniture We offer big inducements in new and select furniture......... New Bedroom Suites, Hat Racks, Odd Dressers, Iron Beds, Extension Tables, Leather Couches, Leather Rockers, Parlor Suits, Pictures and Rugs, Stoves and Ranges. A big lot of Comforts and Blankets at prices that move. Cousar Furniture Co. “The Store That Saves You Money.” 10 College Ave. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS.... Christmas is drawing near and the time to make your purchase is growing shorter. We are better pre pared than ever to serve you with fruits of all kinds. Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Nuts of all kinds, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Amalaga Grapes, California Grapes. SPECIAL PRICES made if purchased now. Kutres & Petropol, 205 BROAD STREET. FOR THE XMAS Season Canning Drug Co. OFFERS MANY DESIRABLE ARTICLES Corner Clayton and Jackson Sts. Buy Your Christmas Fruits Now freeman &co. And Avoid the Rush. W E have the largest assortment of FRUITS, NUTS, FIGS, RAISINS, CANDY, ORANGES, APPLES and BANANAS to be found in the city. Two car loads of the famous INDIAN RIVER ORANGES, thin skin, sweet and ju'cy. MALAGA and CALIFORNIA GRAPES a specialty FIREWORKS - We ^ ave * n stock enough to supply ■" i ■— this entire section. See our dis play before you purchase elsnwhere. 7 Clayton Street ATHENS FRUIT COMPANY. Telephone 369 We are better prepared than ever to serve you with the best the market affords at OUR UP-TO-DATE LUNCH COUNTER. THE LEADERS IN FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES The best of everything to eat can be had at all times at our store. We make a specialty of Country Produce, Chicken, Eggs and Butter. SPECIAL—Give us your order for "your Xmas Turkey, we will PLEASEiYOU. ]| Freeman & Co. £Phone 232." Thomas St cor. Clayton.