The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 15, 1907, Image 5

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 15, 1907. BUYING A PIANO fOR YOUR Wife, or your daughter? Why don't you? You couldn't get anything that will give so much real satisfaction and provide so much pleasure and entertainment. Oue of our NEEDHAM pianos will lie a source of pride to )ou always. You can't Vmy a better instrument. Let me tell you about the pianos and give you terms. D. P. HASELTON. A Large 8 Room House with all conveniences, with a very large lot con taining several acres of land and only a short distance from car line. FADS AND FASHIONS OF INTEREST TO LADIES By Florence Fairbanks. Now York, December I I.—Embroid eries i>lay an Important part in the fashions of the present day. Flounces and insertions in all widths. ar e un usually beautiful. English eyelet is the favorite and the newest pieces siiows this combined with filet. Eye let and blind embroidery, openwork and solid embroidery are shown in attractive and dainty patterns. The new embroidered shirtwaist front bids fair to be popular, it Is by no means like what has been used so commonly and it can be made so that the waist may fistoti in from or back. Natur ally the widest and most elaborate row of the embroidery is in the cen ter. and which of course, runs per- petiilieitlur. After a plain space conies a liner row and a slill line.' one for the last. Soutache, diamond mesh. English eyelet, sh.nijw and blind an i lilet are the new styles in embroidery and the latter seems to be the general favorite. Broadcloth suits and many worsted ones are increasing in popuarity. Just tlt'.s part of the season the more braiding on tile coat for the fur was too long, but it was fastened in front by ornaments, buttons and braid in gold and white, another pretty cloak was of gray squirel fur made long au-1 loose. The cnfTs and collar were of ermine edged with the squirrel. This coat fastened up close to the throat with large buttons and loops of silk cord. MASONIC LODGE AT FREDERICSBURG Places Wreath on Tomb ol Washington at Mount Vernon. Campbell-Erwin Realty Company Successors to Dozier Really Co. Real Estate, Renting, Insurance 156 College Ave. Phone 345 FOR SALE One of the Prettiest Homes in Clarke County Alexandria, Ya.. December II.— In accordance with a custom inaugural ed many years ago, a representative of the Masonic Lodge at Fredericks burg, visited Mt. Vernon today an 1 placed a wreath on the tomb of Wash ington, in commemoration of the a a niversary of the death of the first president. It was in the Fredericks burg Lodge that General Washington was made a Mascn. and the old record books of the lodge containing th minutes of the meeting at which Washington received his degrees arc still preserved by the lodge, as are a number of other relics of Washing ton as a Mason. NOTICE •!. The rt th-■ braid- h'evc' iff tin a bias fold of silk, fb low this dr'cp square yoke of Irish croehf large armhole effect and wbei yoke ended was formed by the ed silk. The three-quarter s were finished with a mitten <•: dersheve of Irish crochet. Silk stockings are shown i 11 every imaginable shade to match evening in different colored silks In neat de signs and small flowers. The black ones show two or three distinct col ors. and some have a cluster of small flowers embroidered in white whien are sfemingfly tied 'with a ribbon. Tiie fancy colored hose are made oi the finest gauze silk. Plaid hose for «trrH r us Limong ti style See us about this at Once Prices and Terms Right Campbell-Erwin Realty Company Successors to Dozier Realty Co. Real Estate, Renting, Insurance 156 College Ave. Phone 345 Orr's Sotiool. CORNER PULASKI AND DOUGHERTY STREETS. FALL TERM OPENED MONDAY, SEPT. 2. 1907. YO JNG MEN AND YOUNG LADIES PREPAR ED FOR COLLEGE. BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WISHING AID ON SPECIAL STUDIES WILL BE ACCOMMODATED. FOR TERMS APPLY TO ♦ *■ i ♦ A complete line of all kinds of Toys. Dolls of all sizes. Tea Set* _J. Coffee Seta, Tool Chests, Air Guns, Pop Guns, Christmas Trees, • Ornaments, Candles and Santa Clau s Masks. Cali early. I Miss Rosa A. Von der Lieth Christmas - - Christmas t A COmnlete line of all kinds of Tors Dolls of nil sices. Tea Set* ^ 1 >•1——M1—fa# * li is an accepted fashion Hull the ions,, shall match tin- color of tin- nil whin worn on social or inform'd pension* or to the theatre. It gives lc appearance of an entire frock of cm t.r while in handkerchief linen my he worn whenever a tailor e. n- >n shirtwaist would look out of place. Net chiffon cloth and messa- line are the most popular fabrics for the dressy blouses and are trimmed with lilet net, German Val. or Re naissance, dyed to match. Tiie embroidered linen collars are ,orn as much this winter as they fere in the summer. On the very itest ones the band is niy slightly tiffeneil so the collar does not ap ical' to be starched. Little bows, some plain, some fancy are worn a great deal The latter'have bits of ice or medallions set In the bow art or in the ends. Some are made f soft ribbon with two haws on one ide and the two pointed ends on the other. There are shaded hows, con sisting of one rather large bow at the bottom of a dark color and two over that each growing smaller and lighter. The monish string tie is worn by many and also the extreme contrast, ihe dainty lace-trimmed embroidered tie of sheer mull. The short plaited jabot is not as common, for it was among the first novelties to he shown, so naturally people are looking for a change. Hats fer everyday wear are seen chiefly in felts, many shapes being copied from the dressy hats although they are usually made smaller and modified in some way. Ribbon bows, wired or not, silk and velvet cbou\ and wings are the favorite trimmings. Coque plumes are growing very popu lar but the marabouts, which have had quite a run are not worn as much as they have been. Large hall top hatpins ore still used, but the pear- shaped tops are a hit newer, these' coming very long and slender. For dressy hats, roses are considered- most fashionable. Several different colors arc used i* these flowers, some corresponding with the color of the' hat and others harmonizing. Bunchet of grapes in delicate colorings are seen on many elaborate hats. The fur coats -that are worn are very handsome indeed.- I saw one of soft long, white fur which reached almost to the hem of the skirt. Hie heavy cuffs and collar were of the same for. There was very little By direction of the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Athens, the follow ing call of an election for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, with notice of the time and place of said election is hereby given. This December 9th. 1907. W. L. WOOD. Clerk of Council. Whereas; By reason of the death of alderman- elect T. P. Oliver, a vacancy bus oc curred in the office of alderman from the Fourth Ward in Ihe incoming council, and that said Fourth ward will be without full representation at the expiration of the present term of Alderman Rowe, whose term of of fice expires on the first Wednesday in January. 1908, And. whereas, it being provided by law tliat in ease of a vacancy, it shall lie the duty of the Mayor and Conn Ml of the City of Athens to advertise for a new election to till such vacancy. Now, therefore, by virtue of the au thority as vested by law in the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens, an election is hereby calltd lo he had ill the said Fourth Ward on the 20th day of December. 1907, for tbe purpose of electing an alderman from sail ward to fill said vacancy. And. whereas, under ilie charter and laws of the City of At hen it is made tiie duty of the Mayor and Council of the City of Athens to designate the managers of such elections, and also the place in the ward where the said election is to he held and the time when the polls of said election shall tie opened and closed. Therefore. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Ath ens. that the -place for holding said election in said Fourth ward shall he at the county court house, located on Prince avenue, in said city, and that the following freeholders b?, and they are hereby appointed man agers to hold said election in "said ward, towit: H. C. Conway, I oil is Camak and John Bird. Be it further resolved. That the polls of said election shall be open ed at 9 o'clock, a. m., and closed at 4 o’clock, p. m.. on the day of said election. Be it further resolved. That the Clerk of Council he and is hereby di reefed to give notice of such election by advertising (as notice of the time and place of said election) these reso lutions in the Athens Banner, for at least ten days before the date at which said election is to be held. Arthur Flatau Is Going Out of Business On January the First And Offer* His Entire Stock of Furniture At Actual Cost Bed-Room Suits, Iron and Brass Beds, China Closets, Library Tables ane Rockers These poods must be sold at on,:e, as I have given tip the store room I am now occupying and must get i ill of i he stock BY JANUARY the FIRST at ANY BRICK. Call at once. Arthur Flatau Lumpkin St. Next Door to Banner Office. Can You Find a Xmas Rememberance That will give old and young alike more p'easure than Victor Talking Machine or an Edison Phonograph OUR DISPLAY OF=~ ~ = Pocket Knives Razors Scissors Coal V ases (Juris, etc., is complete ET OUR PRICES Bondurant Hardware Go. Low Chiistmas Holiday Rates Between all points on Seaboard Air Line Railway The usual t In ap round-trip rates will be made h -tween all points in this territory this season. 'tickets will be sold Dec. *2 th to 25th, inclusive, 30th 31st, 1907, and Jan. 1st, 1908, final limit of all tickets Jan. fith, 19 8 Information as to schedules, rates, etc., will be cheerfuully furniaued upon application to: J. Z, Hoke, Agent, Athens, Ga, J. S. Etchberger, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. J.J. Puller, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Cold Weather is Here To avoid colds, have your shoes repaired at Martin Bros. Best White Osk Sole Leather uead in all our re pair work. . Satisfaction guaranteed ormoney refunded. Phone 621 . . New Tuck Bldg.