The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 15, 1907, Image 6

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER IS, ‘.907. RESOLVED You; CAN TELEPHONE FOR GROCERIES OR DRUGS-BUT when You Get clothes >50 hUST GO AND 5ELECT- FOR /\ FIRST CLASS PLACE HAS AVARiETYoF STYLES An PATTERNS THAT YOU MOST ,5eeTo appreciate • Poster brown/ COLONIAL Attractions This VVeek. “Daniel Bo ne” Tomor* row. ‘ The Great Di vide” Thursday. Sormthinu: out of the ordinary is promised our theatre-goers when Daniel B.oiu» on the Trail” visits city at the Colonial tomorrow light. Nearly every one is familiar ith the history of this fhmous pion* t»r and know of his many exciting e\- erienc* s all of which are present d in a realistic manner by this com- THI.S NOT ONLY APPLIED To CLoTHE.5. BUT AL.SO TO GIFT ARTICLED. YOU WANT To .SEE WHAT YOU ARE GIVING; YOU WANT To KNOW THAT IT \s .something worth .saying “A merry CHRIJTMA^." “FROM YOUR FRIEND.” YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT IT I.S GOOD. AND BY GOOD YOU DO NOT NECESSARILY MEAN EXPENSIVE. THIS MEANS THAT YOU HAVE To SELECT THEM AND ’PHONING WON’T HELP YOU MUCH. TWO DAYS OF RAIN -- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -- PERHAPS DISCOURAGED YOUR PLANS. COME AFTER SUPPER — YOU’LL FIND THE STORE BRIL LIANTLY ILLUMINATED. YOU’LL FIND THE GIFT ARTICLES BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGED. YOU’LL FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR — SOMETHING To GIVE AND SoMETHINC YOU KNOW WILL PLEASE AND SOMETHING To MAKE CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS HAPPY. MICHAEL’S. THE STORE GOOD GOODS MADE POPULAR ♦ TRY THE ♦ i Empire jLAUNDRY ♦ Clayton and Lumpkin Sts. 4- > Linens, Lace Curtains or Family Washes, * ♦ Economical Rates. ♦ PHONE 217. VISITORS WELCOVJE ♦ ♦ + Fowler’s Famous Old Corn Whiskey Is Now on Sale at The Athens Dispensary Supply yourself for Medicinal I urpeses before Jan. laf. No more of this celebrated pure Whiskey will be made or sold after that date. ^'flCBgwgiaE3?asgr'ft ♦ sessoossssssssss ♦ AT THE CHURCHES. •* ♦ ' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Regular s' rvices 11 a. m. and T; :*.() ;i m.. conducted by ihe pastor. It.•• . I. G. Johnson. Seats free strangers welcome. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. I). (' Harrow. Snpl.. I). I.. Earnest. Asst. Kpwortb la-aguc Devotional servic at 4 p. in. Woman's Hem - Missionary Society 4 p. m. Wednesday. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting, Wednes day 7:20 p. m. ORDER OF SERVICES EMMANUEL CHURCH. 'I hinl Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion, 7::’>0 a. m. Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer, litany and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. m. The regular quarterly meeting of thb entire Guild will he held in the chapel on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. TROY BEATTY. Rector. AT THE FIRST BAPTIST. This morning at eleven o'clock at the First Baptist church. Rev. .1. H Eager, of the Louisville Baptist Sem inary, will preach. Dr. Eager is one of the most eminent ministers of the Baptist church and his sermon will be one of rarest interest. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING. This afternoon at 4 o’clock Re, George Andrews, secretary of the Bap tist State Sunday School Board, will address a Sunday school mass meeting at the First Baptist chnrch. AT Tr.E n coNEE STREET CHURCH ! This morning ;;t , Icvcn Rev. Bryan, presiding el ior of the Athen District, will preach at Oconee Stre Methodist church. | ON SOUTH LUMPKIN STEEL L. Tonight at eight o'clock at the Bald I win street Sunday school room on ; South Lumpkin street, near Raxte Street. Rev. George E. Slnne 1 proac n. GRIFFITH & WELCH COTTON FACTORS CLAYTON ST. ATHENS, GA. Quick Sales and Settlements, and Correct Weights. Advances Made on Cotton Stored. IHE LESSON OF A MEAT STORE What Alichael’s Means to the classic Ciiy of Athens. IARKETS LESTER LONERGAN, In “The Great Divide,” Presented by Henry Miller. umy. Tf. pro;M*riy pivyrni this plr* mil hears. wolves and Indians an carried by the company, which wil be seen on the streets on the day of the show. The company number's over twenty people and there will he several dev ! PERSONAL AN'J SOJA GUILD MEETING. ! The quarterly meeting of Emmanuel I Church Guild will oo held in tha j chapel on Brine*, avenue Wtdneidav |:ifterno n at four o'clock. Every chap ter will make a report and work for the Christmas season will be discuas* ed l . Dr. W. L. Moss and Miss Sarah Moss who were to have arrived from Europe yesterday on the Arabic, did not arrive. A wireless message toldj of the delay of the Arabic on accottni of rough weather and stated that ship would orrive in New York bar •ell Monday. On December 8th in Birmingham occurred the martiage of Mr. Yancey L. Gantt, formerly of this city. Miss Annie Franklin, daughter the late John L. Feinklln, of this ciil The many friends of the young cc pie extend congratulations. . All articles for the Guild Christmas basket should be sent tomorrow to the -residence of Mrs. H. C. White. ADELAIDE NOWAK, In Henry Miller’s Superb Production of “The Great Divide.” er specialties. One of tlje most ex citing climaxes of tile hill is when Daniel Boone lias a fight with the ferocious wolves in order to save his daughter who was thrown Into their den by the Indians. This feature alone is worth the small pr'ce.of ad mission •HORT NOTES « OF INTEREST. « »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•. ave Your Prescriptions Filled at the Orr Drug Company. We '.nploy three high class pharmacists; airest drugs used in all prescriptions. Complete line of druggists' sundries ,nd smokers’ materials. We solicit our bnsiuess; satisfaction guaran tied: .prompt delivery. Phone 17. For Christmas: Guns. Hunting Coats and Leggings, at the Talmage Hardware Co. For Sale. 1-2 horse power motor. Splendid condition. P. O. Box .2717. Table Cutlery, line quality. Nut Cracker Sets, at the Talmage Hard ware Co. For Sale: One new automatic Remington gun; lsed only one day. Price $25.00. Dr. >. L. Peacock. 3t For Christmas: Pocket Knives, fine quality. Scis sors in sets, fine quality, at the Tab nage Hardware Co. r or Christmas: Select Paper Shell Pecans: Guaranteed select paper shell Pe can trees for sale. Freeman's Pecan Nursery, cor. Milk dge and Lumpkin streets. C cr Christmas: Razors in sets and Razor Straps, at ' e Talmage Hardware Co. Idle Hour Nurseries. For choice cut flowers of all kinds for receptions, weddings, funerals, etc., telephone, telegraph or write, Idle- Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga. For Christmas: "’ : Carving Sets, Fine Quality, at th? Tnlmage Hardware Co. Men: Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barbe: Cailege. Atlanta, Ga. 3t For Christmas: Chafing Dishes, at the Talmage Hardware Company. Corn and Hay For Sate: Also good milch cows and fine B^-kshire hogs. William Eberhart, Wlntervllle, Ga. su-tu-th Found: - Two Owner can have same by identifying and' paying for advertisement. A. B. C., care Banner. Hotel Fixtures: 5 year lease. 85 furnished rooms. ■Bar, billiards. For particulars ad dress lidek Box 435, Lexington, Ky, So dazzled have the people of Ath ens been by the beauty and size of the establishment of Michael's that they have scarce had time to e:,tcdi the full meaning of its importance to Athens. If one goes into this magnificent store and takes a good look over th“ splendid assortment of goods in it.- many departments and then studies a while about'the importance of suen a store to Athens, the fact dawns on him that this city is to lie congratulat ed on having such a company as one of the factors in its upbuilding. The people of any city are entitled to the very best and that at the lowest prices. It is right for a people to 1 patronize home merchants and thus help build up the ctity iu which they live, and at the same time those merchants owe the people a duty, to bring out the very best, that can be bought and to meet competition in every way. That is just what Michael's has done, ii is no longer necessary for the Athenian to go to Atlanta or to send mail orders to ilie North. The goods arc at Michael's, if they will go there and ask for them. Tile assort ments in this store are so varied that almost anything desired can be found there, and if not there it can he brought on the shortest notice. The firm makes it a business to study the tastes of their patrons and to meet every requirement, not only as to goods, but as to prices. This means that thousands of dol lars every year remain at home ani add to the circulating medium of the i city. This moons more business and more prosperity for everybody. Just now it is a treat for anyone to \isit this establishment. It is a dream of beauty at the Chrismas time. And not only is it a dream of beauty, it is also the Mecca of all those who are seeking beautiful and useful ar ticles with which to make glad the hearts cf loved ones and friends. For an evening of genuine pleasure take a stroll down to Michael's. It will do you good. STOLE A COCOANUT AND WAS ARRESTED. ' A negro man named Billups was ar rested yesterday on the charge of having stolo a rocoanut from the j Eppes Wilkins Company a few days j since. SLIGHT WRECK ON THE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Friday there was a freight ear de railed at Appaktchee. on the Cen‘ral road and the wrecking train sent out from Macon to put it hack on the track was also wrecked. The passen ger service w-as upset for the entire day. No one was hurt in the wreck and the damage was small. GRIFFITH & WELCH'S COTTON LETTER. Athens, December 14. Reviewing the cotton market for the week: we opened the week Men day with the sinners' report wliicu fully justified the late bullish esti mates on the total crop. The ilex' day we had the government estimate of 11.678.000, which was accepted t* bullish everywhere except on the New York eoiton exchange. The New Y.rk speculators proceeded to pound the market for a 05 i>oint. decline, while Liverpool and the continent immedi ately redoubled their efforts to hue spot cotton in the South. The little that was offering was quickly taken at an enormous premium on New York future figures. The consequence was that New York in about two days regained about all that had been lost and the sjsit markets of the South for tin* last half of the week were steady at about the same prices of last week. The foreign demand is almost ex clusively for white grades, and nov.- tliat the last pickings and low grades are coming in there is some difficul ty in selling them ot their proper value. The American spinner Is in Hi*, market only hand to mouth, on account of money stringency and can’» buy and lay aside the poor grades to mix later with better grades. \Vo ex- ptet sales to ho light until after Jan nary 1st. Athens, steady: St. middling. 11 5-8c. Middling, 11 7-lfic to 11 l-2c. St. low mid., li 5-lfic to 11 3-8c. Low middling, 11 3-16c to 11 l-4c. St. G. Ord.. 10 1316c. G. Ord.. 10c to 10 l-4e. Tinges. 11c to 11 l-4c. Glean stains, 10 l-4c to 10 3-4c. Dirty stains. 9 l ie to 9 3-4c. Spot Cotton Market. Atlanta, steady, 11 3-10c. New York, steady, 12.10c. New Orleans, firm 11 7-8c. Liverpool, steady, C.31d. Galveston, steady. 12c. Mobile, quiet, 11 1-2C. Savannah, quiet 11 5-lfic. Charleston s.leady. 11 l-4c. Wilmington, steady, 11 3-Sc. | Norfolk, steady. 11 5-Sc. | Baltimore, nominal. 11 7-Sc. i Boston, steady, 12.10c. Philadelphia, steady, 12.35c. Houston, steady, 12c. Memphis, steady. 11 3-4e. Augusta, steady, 11 91fic. St. Louis, quiet. 11 3-4c. Cincinnati nominal. Louisville, firm, II 5-Se. Chicago Quotation!. The following were the ruling quo tations on the exchange today: Open Close WHEAT: — December.. . . May. . . . July CORN — Decentl>' r. . May July . .93 3-8 95 1 a . .100 5-8 101 1 2 ...95 7-8 96 1-S . 55 3-8 55 3-4 ..56 7-8 57 1-4 ..56 1-8 56 3-8 Wanted: A young man who can keep our books and make himself generally useful. Address Box 422. City. Vour Vote: The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs will appreciate your vote if cast for Miss Hattie Galligher in watch contest at Dreamland; or you can give her your ticket at Davison-Nicbolson Com pany's store. 2t , OATS: — , December 50 1-8 May 53 1-2 July 48 PORK:— January 12.47 May 12.85 LARD:— January 7.75 May 7.75 SIDES:— January .6.70 May.. ...6.90 53 2-4 48 7.85 7.95 6.70 6.90