The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 17, 1907, Image 2

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THE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17. 1907. For Christmas Shopping R. Brandt is the best Jeweler in the world to you —WHY?— Because he has the biggest stock —AND— Because heguar- anteesev’rything Personal and Social CALL UP 297. Contributions tor this page ot The Bainer are always welcomed and gladly given space. All written notices must bear the name ot the send er, not for publication, bu; for protection. Send long notices to The Ban ner office and telephone personals to the above number. he sells. R. Brandt The Jeweler Absolutely Reliable Need Any Stationery? We are building up a good trade in this line. Let us show you our assortment. E. C. McEvoy Up-Town Drugstore CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. TUESDAY. Recital at Seney.Stovall chapel. Meeting of Ladles' Auxiliary of Y. M. C. A. Meeting of Card Club at Klks' Home. WEDN ESDAY. Meeting of Home Mission Society. Quarterly meeting of ’Emmanuel Church Guild. Schildkret Hungarian Orchestra a t Y. M. C-. A. THUR SDAY. Meeting of Elijah Clarke Chapter, D. A. R. Meeting of Baptist Missionary Society. •'Tile Great Divide," at the Colonial. FRI DAY. Meeting of the Mission Study Class. SATU RDAY. Co-Workers' meeting tit four o'clocy at Mrs. E. H. Dorsey's. Passion Play A reproduction of the entire life of Christ is now being shown at Fairy land In ft!l subjects from birth to as- ce^iion. One of the grandest and most won ■ derfnl scenes ever produced in th ? moving picture flints. This is tho new Pathe film in five . sections, and Is about one hour show, t and on Account of the length of the show the price of admission for adults for this occasion Is 10 cents; children 5 cents. On the Corner of WrayS, dull St. 1 can sell you at a bargain a lot 140x175 feet and a. six room house thereon. This piece of property is in five minutes walk of the business par; of Athens, and in a splendid neighbor hood. This is an estate piece of prop erty and must be soil for division. So me at once and I will tell you all about it. J. T. Anderson. KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. smmht KnowHMgo. I wonM find All information; ml 1 1'uii; » hor living with \s.-r r intion. sought for Wisdom. 1 would hold i 'ommuniration iili her. I found she dwelt With Contemplation. RECITAL LUCY COBB INSTITUTE. \r * no o’clock this evening there will be a concert in Seney-Stovall chapel given by the pupils from the voice, oratory and piano departments. A most cordial invitation is extended to all friends present. de, ol the Lucy Cobh tol be WOODBERRY-KOPS. Invitations have been issued by Mr, Stratford II. VVoodherry to the mar riage of his daughter. May. to Mr Julian de Hruvn Kops. Thursday even ing. December 2Cth, at 8 o'clock, No. 806 Henry street, east.—Savannah s: ♦ 4 • • ♦ 4 n ♦ Useful Artides For Xmas Presents ! I v; • • 4 ♦ Mlt u a ; * Comfortable Morris Chairs, Rockers Leather and Velours Couches Princess Dressers, Toilet Tables Cellarets for the Prohibition Days that are coming China- Cases-in Mahogany and Oak And numerous other Artistic Articles 'm i • - ii • • ii • • ii • • ii ii 11! 'Dorsey &Funkenstein FI ♦ ;♦ | j] Clayton Street Phone 106 I Athens, Georgia t —4*4 4#4—*«4 — 4 t ►•4—♦•4yy> -••4—51 CENTRAL OF CEORCIA RAILWAY. Arrival and Departure of Tralna at Athena, effective SepL I, 1907. Central Time. DEPART. For Macoa .. .. 6:30 a m. for Macon 3:30 p. m. ARRIVE. From Macon 12:10 p. m. From Macon 9:20 p. m. Connections made at Madison with Georgia Rallroail east and west, and at Maeon for ail points south For Information ’phone 640. H. R. MCLEAN. Soliciting Agent T*r Information, ’phone 16. n A. NOLAN. Areat A Fine Investment! Inexhaustible!! Stores of Tin in North Carolina Piedmont Mines. Machinery in suc cessful operation extracting ore for shipment Stock nearly at par—limit ed number of shares for sale. For further Information apply to E. C. K1NNEBREW, Agt Residence Phone 638. 264 1-2 N. Lumpkin SL Holiday Goods Don’t delay buying your Xmas present until the stock is broken. Come early and select your choice. An unusual large and hand some line of Useful Holiday Pres ents for Men and Boys. E. H. Doresy Press. WINTER-JONES. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Winter announce the engagement of their sister. Sophie Elizabeth, to Mr. W. A. Jones, of Au- gusa, the marriage to take place at their home in Winterville, December 22nd. MISS JULIA DEAN TO WED ATHENS MAN. A wedding of much interest to Rome people will take place on Thursday afternoon at half-past five ’clock, when Miss Julia Dean will become the wife of Mr. David Ander son, of Athens, Ga., the wedding to take place at "Coligne,” the country home of Col. and Mrs. Linton A. Dean. It will he a very quiet, homo affair and will be witnessed only hv tho kinspeople of the contracting parties and the neighboring inmates of tho Dean family. Tho young people will leave Tues day for an eastern trip and will ho at home at Athens after the first of the ear. Among the out-of-town guests will be Mr. Ewing Dean, of Atlanta, and Miss Mary Dean Towers, of Mariet- Rome Herald. MEETINGS. ♦ ♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4- 4 Y. M. C. A. AUILIARY. ♦ The ladles’ Auxiliary of the 4 ♦ Young Men’s Christian Associa- ♦ ♦ tion will meet this afternoon at ♦ 4 four o'clock in the parlors of the ♦ association. ♦ All members are requested to 4 ♦ attend. ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦■4444444 4444 YOUNG WOMEN OF AUGUSTA COMPLIMENTED IN ATHENS. Tile group of bright and interesting young girls of Augusta who atv now attending the S. N. S. at Athens wore rtained most delightfully at the Winnie Davis parlors. The parlors were beautifully deco rated with hot house plants and smi- lax. Those present we're: s Rosa Le Vere, Miss Sophia Harris, Miss Alice Berry. Miss Annie Laurie Clapp, Miss Elizabeth Milligan, Miss Kffie Johnson, Miss Pearl Ham rick, Miss Bertha Blasengante. Miss Clifford Oliver and Miss Nellie Ver- derv, of Augusta: Miss Ruth Turner, of Washington, and Miss Gertrude Clark, of Hepzibah.—Augusta Chroni cle. CHRISTMAS TREE AT WEST END. The Baptist church at West End Is planning to give the children a big time on Friday in Xmas. They hope to have a nice tree and a short pro gram by the children. Any one- wishing to help in any way with toys or money can have the privilege of so doing and can send same to M. M. Arnold, Miss Mary Harper or E. M. Belton. CARDS THIS AFTERNOON. This afternoon at four o'clock bridge will he played at tho Elks' Home. All members of the Card Club and their out-of-town guests are invited to he present. Mrs. I. T. Kilpatrick left yesterday for Madison, to visit relatives. Mr. Asa Thornton, of .Norfolk, is in the city. Mrs. Dave Elder, of Watkinsville. was in Athens shopping Monday. Judge an-d Mrs Charles H. Brand and the Misses Brand leave today for Florida to spend several weeks. Mrs. Thomas A. Burke -and children, of Atlanta, arrived yesterday to spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Lyndon. Mrs. Tom Poss, of McLeroy, was in the city for a few hours yesterday. Miss Bessie Breedlove, of Monroe, is the attractive guest of Miss Jessie McGregor. Miss Josephine Stonev, who is at tending the Lucy Cobb, left yesterday for Atlanta, where she will spend th holidays. Miss Lou A. from Atlanta. Brown has returned Men’s Suits And Overcoats That will Stand Any Test And a variety of Styies and Fabrics that will satisfy every clothing need you may have. The Largest Stock and the Best and Finest Clothing ever shown in Athens. You must wear a suit from us to appreciate the quality of the clothes we sell HEAD & McMAHAN Miss Lizzie Reynolds lias- rcturne 1 Mr. T. C. Moore is suffering from to Comer after a short visit to Ath- an attack of lagrippe at his home on s. Jackson street. Mrs. I). L. Earnest and ii'lle sou j Miss Mary Dillard, of Arnoldsville, ive Friday for Columbus to visit was in the city yesterday for a short relatives. while. iss Sarah Dorsey leaves the la: part of the week for Atlanta io spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. Harry Dealing has returned to Savannah, after visiting his mother. Mrs. A. P. Dearing. liss Jennie Du Rose will visit Co iunibus during the holidays. Mr. Sam Marks, of New York, ar rives today to visit Mrs. S. P. Marks. Miss Nellie Stewart will arrive the 18t.h from the Lucy Cobb Institute in Athens to spend Christmas with her parents. On the 26th Miss Stew art will leave for Savannah to spend the remainder of the holidays with Miss Ruth Beynier.—Atlanta Journal. Miss Moselle Scudder will return today from Waynesboro where sin- has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Nee ly. Judge and Mrs. B. E. Thrasher and Miss Annie Thrasher, of Watkinsville. were in Athens Monday. Mr. Longstreet Hull arrived in the city yesterday from Roswell. New Mexico, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hull. Only a tittle cold in the head may ■lii. tin- beginning of an obstinate case j of Nasal Catarrh. Drive out the in valid- with Ely's Cream Balm applied straight to the Inflamed stuffed up ‘air passiges. Price 50c. If you pre- j fer to use an atomizer .ask for Liquid j Cream Balm. it has all the good ! qualities of the solid form of this rem edy and will rid you of actarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a ; dreadful habit. No mercury to dry I out the secretion. Price 75c., with spraying tube. All druggists, or mail- | ed by Ely Bros.. 56 Warren Street, i New York. CLOUDY DATES. ' Are as good as sunshine for sittings las we are equipped for it. Time is ; short for your Christmas Photographs. I so don't delay. Go to Clifton's Studio, j College avenue. Phone 443-2 calls. 1 | Visit Dr. Mason, the careful Dentist i MANICURING SHAMPOOING Phone 575. BOOKHAMER’S HAIR DRESSING PARLORS Facial and Scalp Massage 107 Clayton St. ATHENS,GA j Over Palmer's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Erwin, of Chattanooga, arrive the latter part of this week to visit Mrs. Julius Tal madge. Misses Erin and Gladys O’Neal will leave Thursday for Macon. The Co-Workers’ of the First Bap tist church will meet Saturday after noon at four o’clock at the home of Mrs. E. H. Dorsey. All members are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. J. H. Fleming will spend the holidays with Mrs. Tom Brightwell. Buy Your Christmas Presents Now Shop Early Shop Now Stocks are full of new, fresh and stylish articles A Few Suggestions of Holiday Requisites Silk Mufflers Holiday Neckwear Fine Umbrellas Cuff Boxes Collar Boxes" Initial Lawn Handk’ch’fs Silk Suspenders Wool Gloves. Silk Handkerchiefs Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Rain Coats Travelling Bags) Suit Cases Fancy Vests Silk Hose Kid Gloves New Hats Chas. Stern Co. Clayton St.