The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 18, 1907, Image 1

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capital *i«ym THE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK of Athens. Offers to depositors every facility their balances, business and respon sibility warrant ESTABLISHED 1832. THE BANNER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1807. CAPITAL tmgm. THE GEORGIA NATIONAL of Offers to depositors every their balances, business and atbtllty warrant *5.00 A YEAR. ELECTRIC Atlanta-Carolina Surveyors Commence Work This Morning Near Winter 1 ville on This Line. The surveyors of the Atlanta and Carolina Electric Railway Co., will stnt surveying this morning at Win- ten ilie and proceed towards August:!. PRISONERS Pay Tribute to the Late Sheriff. They Remember Him for His Many Kindnesses. •ounty iiml Mr. vl.i Washington work as rapidly PMnorton is alotiR and thf work of lions uIouk t.H* being rarrlod on ; with the surveyiii); in that section an the securing of t their subscriptions have h*v liberal. The success of the is assured and within y»prs time the will have been compiett d and cars running into ties illy. * That the electric line will lie <>f push s possible, ith the surveyors dicitiim subscrip- ropised route is tlie same time orps. The ptople enthusiastic over i* new road an \ enter thro*; mm-h 1m icflt At hi ople sin Id encourage r the agrees and our in their power t jeer. The Oglethorpe Keho It: lowing to say in regard to the line: We saw a letter from Mr. I'hjger ton. of the Atlanta and Carolina El ectric Hail way (Vmpuny yesterday pnd he states that in the course oi The next few days he will bu her among « ur people. He says that tie' company is acting as rapidly as id: cmnsiatices will allow, that ever; thing iias been jHrfected as far Athens as regards the preliminaM details of the work, and that he i- now nady to go ahead on the othe end of the line. Our people will he glad to agat: greet Mr. Edgerton. We are, tup r vi t« d In the building of this Urn and there Is little or no doubt bu that the line will soop he built. Tie lit Oglethorpe who own tie land through which the road finally he built, will he liberal in thei subscriptions, and In the grant In. of rightsofways. Mr. Kufo Knaves who lives bet * ell here and At hen. has agred to give the road ahou twenty-live jicrcs of good land v ilu«*. at about $1,000. and otheis will <1 likewise. • deral prison* jail lament pat It of Sheriff .If hr Sheriff Wier was U oftin is in tin* w risoiiers liked him manner in which h comfort and the mai: he sought to make i c mfortahb*. The f■ floral prism * in the Clarke ery deeply the W. Wier. lie of the kind- rid and all the for the careful looked after their ways in which dr stay in jail s rent to tin* lhn dr feel Athens, (la.. De \\\ i.ra id over jail, f sheriff. Wi Twice a da; ways coming a stnile UjHin his some kindness f-.i ways looking aftu fed like we will kind again, lie w heart* and goo,! would feel good if people of Clarke ct more like him. -ember IT in Clirke the loss ith 1 POT sounty >f our very much, to set' us al joke iind with face, always doing his prisoners, al- our eomior*. We never find one so as a m u of kind principle, and Ve thought til nnty could g it tin OLD Fll E5 BANNER VERY JHfERESTWB Many herns Which A p, peared Tweniv*S v Yea s Ag i of kilt rusi Tods'. ROCKFELL On Convict’s Foot and Mash d it so Badly That Two Toes Had to be Amputated. Yesterday at tlie convict camp near the city on the Jefferson road a no cro convict, sustained painful inju- NTEST Among Football Players for Mr. Hodgson’s Silver Cup Will be Held Next ,1 January. SeV He was at work in the quarry and so tie way i heavy rock slipped f the quarry and roll bottom, striking Har- and mashing two of m from the side i d down to t 1 er on tlie f his toes sevc Hr. Conway it mcessary Harper wn hospital and former! thf'i have built a \ little house that any sick receive the > rch idled in and found relate two of rh-‘ the rrieii to the camp operation was per 1 ingvjj The commissioners ! < •y neat and convenient j r hospital purjsises so ! dr-QMj >r injured eonvic* may , the'f ry host attention. Thi.- weeks since Mr. Harry Hodgaoi^of this city, offered a beau tiful silver cup as a trophy for th footbsju-ipla y e r in the University of HVho was prtnottneed the best ntests wore to have come nonth, hut on account of ex- 4s being on a, present. It deemed best to postpone until next month, ngly there will be three eon- on January Sth. at which players will contest in punt. ^January 11 th there will be place kicking and op Jan- there will be contests In |tiug. After these contests on of the judges will lie ren tin' prise cup will be award- REGISTRY List for the Special Election for Sheriff. Require 1 ments for Voting in That Election. coin is something new in this state, Imt ii will w rk well j The necessity for some piac • of this j kind was evident and the coipmis- ! sioners provided it vs hen it was odl- j *-d to their attention. They are al • ways, willing to do all in their power j to see that the convicts under their- I ‘•are are properly cared f'»v COMMITTEE MEETS j 10 DISCUSS plans; For the Holding of Rhodes Scholarship Exanfna* lion Next Year. t-d.y |1» is a handsome prise and MU he quite a number of en- 4 Hie cc nlest, In i«» king through th# ill jthe Athens II nil ol It id fibs iy tor i the » fh( the official: ) the attention of .- tin* llaum-i in lie i* of December D'.th 1 notice of Sheriff *d. Tne -irsicle w i - • to ihe man and his f chm SPECIAL FUR SALE AT THE BIG STORE Davison'Nicholson Ccmpnn Offer Adr-C'ive Bar* gains in Furs. \Ye will sell it lot of small iiml me dium nookplt ecs of real mink, slim- martin and seal at mantifacttirers' cost. They are the prettiest line of line furs ever brought to Athens. Reg ulaT price front $10 to $65; they will tp iplj at a reduction of from £5 to 23 1-3 per cent. This is yonr chance to buy a rca fur at a great deal less than value. Like solid jewelry, they will last a lifo time. We qre rcceivjng now ship wonts ot furs by every express tram Rig shipment of silk stockings foi Christmas trade. • 11. chi d of tii lie exercises Masons, tin icing worship ni"ii Lnilc -isttil ny ihc lohnsnii. win tin lull Re served Watkins Hits the late H■ First Raptisi ivere confine'- laic Robert ul m.isief of lie IMIS as .loan Calvin is worshipful ilie lodge for iliie Saye Conducted Seiv ces Yesterday Afternoon. lay afternoon at three o’clock mdertaklng parlors of Dorsey lenstein occurred the funeral Minus McQueen, who died morning of meninigtlis. . friends gathered at the ap- polhlei place' and the services were solemn and impressive, being con ducted by Rev. Willie 8a,ye. The choir sang “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” "Rock of Ages," and “Near- A great many questions have been asked by tlie people as to the require ments for voting in the special elec tion which has been called for the 17th of January In this county. In order for a voter to cast his vote in this election it will be neces sary thnt taxes for the present year. If07. ho paid. These taxes must be paid because the law requires the voter to have paid all taxes required since the constitution of 1877, not including the year In which the elec tion Is held. This election having been called for January, it therefore beoomes necessary for the taxes for 1907 to be paid. Tax Collector Linton will take the registration list for 1905 and will strike front that list-the names of all persons who do not pay their taxes for this year and.those who do pay thetr taxes for 1907 will he left on tile list and will then lie registered voters for this special election. Those whose names do not appear on the list for 190fi„ ut who neverthe less pay up their taxes, including the taxes for 1907. will have their names put on the list by the tax collector and will then he qualified to vote. This procedure is rendered necessa ry on account of the short time that Is to elapse between the closing of the tax hooks on the 20th inst- anil thy holding of tlie election on the 17til of January. Last night at Km home of Chi t llrir Barrow the Rood' s Scoimrsfilr omnilttee for the state of Georgia ' Id a meeting at which arrangements a- the holding tf the next examine. on of applicants were discussed. It is likely that tills examination j er. My God. to Thee," and Mr. Saye ill lie held some, time in January. j preached the funeral sermon. Tin* members of the committee are j The remains of the young man •faticelior narrow. Prof. W. H. Bo- ! were interred in Oconee cemetery. His Oik. Of the Fniversity of Georgia; father came down frwu Hall coun'y ’ri.f. Murray, of Mercer University, to attenii the ruueral. nil Pn f. Pee l, of Kmon College. 1 — a r«*il MR. AND MRS. LINDER GAVE DINNER PARTY Hartwell. Ga.. Di'cembor 17.— iSp‘- rial.)—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Unde- were the gracious hosts at a delight fill dinner party Sunday, cnmplimenta ry to Misses Carrie Adams and Jen pie Adams, of Rock Hill, S. C., their attractive guests. Their palatial house was becomingly decorated in bamboo and the other winter vines. Those present were Miss Carrie Adqms. Mis? Jennie Adams. Miss Eth el Henson, Miss Marie MaGill, Miss Annie Lizzie Carter, Messrs. Amos fpasley, Julian B. McCurry Fred. Richardson, Red Skelton and Owen Alford- mil' thirty-seven vein Tlie following ill that issue of the paper. Election For Sheriff. "Under an order from lhe ordinary the election for sheriff lo fill the tin- xi.lreil term of J, A. Browning will take place January 7th. 1K\2. Tlinc are siid to ho’fonrteen candidates. The Banner at that time was advo cating a ti lephono lire tp lie con structed from the conn ii u»e \o the pol ce hoadounrters. T te cotton market that day. De- con.her 13th, was 10 7-Sc. The question of the appointment !> f a ptisUnautor at lids place iva.s of much interest. W. A Plidger. tco|..t i local celebrity in imlitics. was th-- leading candidate, and had gone on lo Washington lo urge Ids claims with President Arthur. Judge Emory Spoor was congressman from this dictrlct mil he was opposing lhe appointment of Pledger. The Banner urged our people to get up a petition and for ward to Judge Speer immediately, as the president wag anxious to mike the appointment, and Pledger had secur 'd a strong endorsement here from some of our prominent citizens;. The late Dr. J. C. On- was then postmaster, and the Banner advocat ed him. but if « republican was to he appointed, then Eugene Brydle, fool.) was the choice of our people. H, W, J, HAM DEAD Ii GAjWILlF, GA Prominent Lecturer Expired Yesterday After Brief Illness. REV. J, 1. IS SELECTED LARGE NEW GIN GIVEN TD COLLEGE Continental Gin Company of Atlanta Helps State College. President A. M. Soule, of the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, is in receipt of a -letter from the Continental Gin Company, of At lanta. in which that company makes a present to the state college of a new eighty-saw hand gin. which costs not less than seventy dollars. This will he a splendid addition to the college ill Its experimental labora tory. COTTON Receipts are Not so Heaxy Now as They Have Been. Greater Portion of , Crop is in. It is extremely doubtful whether the receipts of cotton in Athens for the present season will go to the fig ures they did lust season. The receipts last season mounted to nearly one hundred and ten thous and bales: this season they will prob ably not go beyond one hundred thous. and. This is caused by the fact that the crop in this section is undoubtedly shorter than it was,last year. This fact is shown by tlie decreasing re ceipts over tlie railroads and also in wagon cotton at tlie present time. The total receipts for the presen season are but a little ahead of those of last season up to this time, and the railroad receipts are behind those of last season. The stock on hand continues very large. Cotton is scattered all along the streets and at the depots, and ehe warehouses are full. More than twen- ty-two thousand hales of cotton make up the stork on hand in this city at present. Tin- comparative statement of re ceipts and shipments for the present season and last season is as follows: Season 1907-8. Stock on hand September 1st, 1907. 1.3fi I. Receipts, wagon. 23.5112. Receipts, railroad. 58.421. Total. 8:;. m ■ Less: 9 Local spinners. 1.108. • ’ Shipments. 00,182. ** Stock on hull 1, 22.154. Season 1906-7. Stock oil hand September 1st, 1900. 1.557. Receipts, wagon. 17,771. Receipts, railroad. 02,290. Total 81.61 S Less: laical spinners 2,042. Shipments, 57,712. Stock on hand. 21.804. I v tf AGAIN IN JAIL Recently Released from Jait on Bond by Judge Brand for Murder. Gainesville, Ga., December 17.—H. W. J. Ham, known as 'Snollygoslet Hatn." died at Ids home at East High lands last night at 12:25 o'clock, af- a four weeks' illness. He was stricken with asthma and heart trou ble in Chicago four weeks ago while "tt a lecture tour and had two se vere attacks on the train while er. | itatte home. It was necessary for hint to cancel all engagements. After arriving at home he grew bet ter at. I was up yesterday. He was sitting tip when his lit art stopped heating and he died. Col. Ham was an ex-member of the legislature and had edited many news- paperq. He became famous as an orator and humorist during the early days of Populism in Georgia and be came known throughout the country for h',T flue humor and unique ex- resslons. After the campaign was over he was urged by many dally papers to reduce ids speeches to a lecture, lie took the lecture platform and made a magnificent success, he- 1 0 n the best wav Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy—cures Doughs, Colds, Croup and consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c, 50c and *1.00 per bottle. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. On account of the death of Mr. J. \V. Wier the members of the Oconee Benefit Fund are hereby notified that an assessment is due. Please be pre pared when the collector calls or send to J. H. Mealor at lift Athens Foundry \ age There are a few in arrears on the last j assessment which is past due and i For Sale. should be paid at onoe. 1-2 horse power motor. Splendid 4t J. H. MEALOR. condltlop, P. O. Bog 357- In? in demand throughout the tion. —" But among those who knew b'm at home he was loved and admired for Ins beautiful dharacter, genial nature and manly qualities. In the death of Colonel Ham the South has lost one of her most unique and pictures que figures. He was 56 years of As Head of the Atlanta Methodist Ministers’ Association, Atlanta. Ga., December 17,.—Rev. Joe| T. Daves, presiding elder of the Atlanta District of Methodist churahes, was elected president of 'lie Atlanta Methodist Ministers' As sociation at its regular weekly meet ing Monday morning. Dr. Daves will succeed Presiding Elder Eakcs, who has been transferred to tihe Griffin [ District. The meeting Monday was devoted to the annual reorganization of ths society and a number of informal re ports were submitted by new minis ters who have been assigned to At lanta churches. Dr. Daves is recognised as one of the strongest ministers of the state. He has always been prominently Iden tified with the educational work of the church and has received the high est commendation from the North Georgia Conference. He Is a minis ter of the broadest education and m!- turo. Dr. Daves will have charge of the meeting next Monday and will speak of local ministers GEORGIA STAYS There will be No Further Effort tj Withdraw From S. LA A. working together for the advancement of the Methodist denomination in At lanta. After much talk about getting ou of the Southern intercollegiate Ath letic Association, the University of Georgia will make no move in that direction. It can be safely stated that an en j has come to all such movement and that Georgia will remain in the as sociation. though she is privileged to get out now if she so desires. The adoption of the one-year rule, even as amended, the restriction of the card system of remuneration of players and the election of Prof. Pat- trson to the position of vice prosi dent from Georgia seems to have met witlh the requirements so far as Geor gia is concerned and all seem to he satisfied. The framing of the baseball and football schedules for the corning sea sons will now he entered into. Hartwell. Ga.. December 17.—(Spe cial )—Thomas Crumpton was lodged n Hart county jail this morning with the offense of shooting a son of Vtr- il Mahoney charged against him. Fri in the facts as gathered Mahoney nt to Crumpton's house last night on some errand anil Crumpton dhot through tlie door intlicting a mortal wound. Crumpton killed Joe Morrison at Laconia in October and was releas- (1 last week by Judge Brand on $750 bond. Virgil Mahoney and Crumpton serv ed together on the imlice force ot Lavonia. TRUSTEES HERE ON INSPECTION Several of the trustees of the Sta‘e College of Agriculture were here ystrrday on a visit of inspection. The trustees came at the instance of Dr. Soule who wished to consult with them on matters of importance to the rollege. The trustees of the college take a great interest in its affairs and are giving to their work a great deal of time and attention and interest. MR. F. O. DANIELL BURIED YESTERDAY. Yesterday afternoon at Bogart, Ga. was preached the funeral of Mr. F. O. Daniell, who died Monday In Bir mingham. Quite a number of the friends of Mr. Daniell attended the funeral. The services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Sears, pastor of Oconee Street church In this city. MRS. BLACKWELL’S FUNERAL YESTERDAY The funeral of Mrs. B. W. Black- well, of thla city, who died Sunday afternoon at her home here, was con ducted yesterday afternoon In Dan- lelsville and the interment took place there. A number of Athens friends of’the deceased attended the funeral. DeWItt’s Little Early Riser Pills are sold by all druggists. NOTICE. The city council at its last regular meeting Instructed the superintendent of waterworks to cut off the water from the premises of all persons In arrears for city water on January 1st. t908. Please see the collector or call at Water Office and pay your water bill. Respectfully, JAMES BARROW, . Acting Superintendent.