The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 04, 1911, Image 8

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THE BANNER, 8ATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1911. COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF ATHEN8 ERWIN & COMPANY LOCAL AGENT8 J. Y. Carithers PresUlcnL James White Treasurer. H. C. Stockdell Secretary L. C. Quin Asst Secretary. PATRONIZE A HOME COMPANY AND HELP BUILD UP YOUR CITY Chief Eagineer of Shaw Brick Kilo Company Here To Install Big New Plant. Sultan of Turkey Violently Insane; Murdered Two Wives; Now in Irons Salonleft, Feb. 3.—Abdul Hamid, former sultan of Turkey, has gone violently Insane, has killed two of his wives and is today confined In Irons. The murder of the two women, who were among those who accom panied Abdul Hamid from Constanti nople when he was exiled by the Young Turks, was particularly brutal. He choken one of them to death with his own hands and dashed the other so violently against the wall that she died a few ours later, according to one of tbe men who have been guard ing the deposed ruler at the villa where he Is spending his lsst days. The ex-sultan was aubdued only after a fierce struggle in which he hlmselt was severely injured. Abdul Hamid is confined In a dun geon beneath the villa AUattni, which while set apart for him as a resi dence. is In reality his prison. He was sent there on April 27, 1909, when the Turkish revolution brought about by the Young Turk party was Anally completed and Sultan Mehmid V. ascended the throne. •Abdul Hamid had reigned for 30 years up to that time, had deluged his empire in blood and kept 200,. 000 spies to betray their fellow cltl zens. He was noted for baring trick, ed the diplomats of all Europe, and from time to time shocked the world by his sensuality and crimes. When Abdul was sent to the villa Lore his suite which was allowed to accompany him was composed of three sultanas, or full wives; four cadines, or inferior wives, five halfas, or lady housekeepers, privileged to go out of the harem; two princes, his daughter, and nine servants. This really gave him the allowance of twelve wives. Tbe villa in which the ex-sultan is housed Is g lone spot overlooking the sea and can be approached only by one road, which leads to the resi dence of the governor of Salonica. It is said that a man supposed to be the sultan is seen working daily a* a carpenter. This man is said to be a guard disguised as the royal pris oner, to conceal the fact that tbe ex- sultan Is not allowed to leave bis cell. AJ. NO BREAKFAST IS COM PLETE WITHOUT A CUP * Of GOOD COffEE We carry the Marian Harlan Pots. Also the Percolator Pots, from 13c up. Other Household Accessories. Waffle and wafer irons. MulTln and stick pans. Turkey Roasters, Ham Boilers. Bread and Cake Boxes, Bread mix ers. Food choppers, Saratoga Potato Chlppers. Table Mats, crumb brush and trays. Jardiniers, 8 3-4 to 9 In., 25c. Jardiniers, 9 1-4 to 10 in. 40c. New Stock Chamber Sets. Remember. We carry the best line of English Porcelain dinner ware. French and Austrian china dinner are both in open stock and made up sets. Gold Band dinner ware In French and Bavarian china, open slock. Housefurnishing goods In great va riety. Phone 125. Quick delivery. Your Opportunity! A first-da** building lot 75x150, in splendid neighbor* hood, only 10 minutes walk from business center, accessi ble to all modem conveniences. Price $680.00. Terms: Small cash payment and $16.66.2*3 per month. Mr. A. B. Herndon was In the city yesterday on business. That paragroph might be put in a personal column somewhere and as tew know Mr. Herndon it would oc casion no special Interest. Mr. Hern don comes to Athens however, on a mission of business which will re suit In a revolution of building meth ods and construction work in this section of the state. He comes to Install one of the new Shaw kllnft at the Georgia Brick com panys* plant near this city. The new process about which tbe Banner has had something to say before, practi cally revolutionized the making of building brick. It turns out finished brick in a day when the old method required fifteen or twenty days. In saving of time and expense it enables a brick manufacturing company make brick, burn them, load them and ship them before the old process could hardly have the clay mixed. Athens is the first city In the state to contract for the new kiln—the on- pfauklill COUOtV iS PlAO* ly other city being Atlanta, where J Capt. J. W. English has also made a contract for the Installation of big plant. T. HUGGINS & SON MARKCT'S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ snr v ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » GRIFFITH A WELCH COTTON ♦ REPORT. ATHENS— Middling 14 3-8 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NEW YORK COTTON. Previous Opening. Close. Close. 14.56 14.6.1 14.83 14.84 14.84 14.54 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Feb .... 14.45 14.27 Mar .... 14.53 14.37 May .... .... 14.73 14.57 June .... 14.57 July .... .... 14.71 14.57 An*. ..... .... 14.41 14.29 Oct. .... YZ.Z9 .... 13.30 13.25 Previous Open. Close. Close. Feb .. 7.68J 7.661 7.72} Keb.-Mar. .. .. 7.661 7.66 7.72J Mar.-Apr. .. .. 7.71 7.68 7.76 Apr.-May .. .. 7.711 7.6S5 7.77 May-June .. .. 7.74 7.69J 7.78 June-July .. .. 7.72 7.68} 7.771 July-Aug. .. .. 7.721 7.67-1 7.76 Aug.-Sept. . .. 7.54 7.50 7.59 Sept-Oct .. .. 7.24 7.223 7.29 Oct.-Nov. .. .. 7.10 7.07 J 7.141 Nov.-Dee. .. .. 7.03 7.02 7.09 frsyth County Veteran Orders Suit Of Grey in Which To Be Buried / Cummins, Ga., Feb. 3.—At advanc ed age, having almost reached the summit of life, Hon. A. J. Julian, one of the most prominent cltlxens of this section of Georgia, expresses the wish that when the sumomns of the Reaper comes to him, and friends car ry his remains to the last resting place, that ho be burled In the uni form of the Confederate soldier. With this end in'view, while in Gainesville this week, be received an elegant new spit from a tailoring establishment, tbe grey suit worn by tbe boys of the sixties and In this uniform be sat for the photographer. In the war between the states Mr. Julian was one of the bravest of the brave soldiers of the Confederacy. Many are acquainted with the record he made on the field of battle. Now, at bis advanced age. be goes back In memory over the old days when be shouldered the musket and with his comrades left his north east Georgia home on the march. While those dayB were filled with hardships and privations and pain they were happy days to Mr. Julian and 1>is fellow-comrades, for he was fiFbtlng for the "Just but lost cause." After the close of the war he went to work In earnest to aid in rebuild ing the devastated land of his nativi ty and right successful he has been in his labors. He has accumulated quite an Income, has met success in his business, and has taken a leading stand in the politics and the progress of this section of the state. He now owns a large estate in Forsyth coun ty, where Is bis home, and has the fairest name, numbering his friends by the scores. ONE GEORGIA ORDINARY IS AFRAID TO MARRY COUPLES Lula, Ga.. Feb. 3.—He has been or dinary of Hall county quite awhile, and has been called on dozens of times to perform the marriage cere mony, but Judge W. E. Bolding baa never officiated at the wedding of any party. He states that he has not the least desire to try a hand at marrying people and does not want to take the Initial step In the tying of nuptial knots. "The thought of pronouncing the words that, as the officiating offi cer, shall make a man and woman husband and wife," said Ordinary Bolding, "makes me nervous and trembly, and to atand before a cou ple I believe verily I would shake all over and might not be able to make my tongue perform its function. IT the words would come at all I know they would come slow and seem weak and I am afraid my voice would qulv- er so that a minister who was accus tomed to such ceremonies would have to be called in to complete the cere mony. I can't understand why I feel that way about It, either," continued the Judge. "I am not afraid, though the wedding of loves is a most ser ious thing and many matches are mistakes.” Phone your Sunday orders to Cafe Royal for disque and vanilla cream. FOR SALE AT COST. Fifteen Oak Dressers, 20 oak beds, 10 oak washstands, 3 oak wardrobes, 2 oak hall racks, 12 cook stoves, chairs and rockers in abundance. Cobb LsmpHn. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. Open. Previous Close. Close. WHEAT— May 963 951 96} July ....' ... 95” 93} 933 Sept '... . 933 92} 92} CORN— May X. . 50 50} 50 July 50J 51} 51 Sept . 51J 52 51J OATS— May . 33 33} 33 July . .’23 321 321 Sept . 321 32} 323 PORK— May . 18.0 18.30 18.37} July . 17.771 17.70 17.82} LARD— May .. 9.90 9.82} 9.83 July .. 9.77 J 9.70 9.75 Sept .. 9.73 9.75 9.80 RIBS— May .. 9.90 9.82} 9.83 July .. 9.65 9.60 9.65 Sept .. 9.70 9.65 9.70 COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. CAMPBELL & BARROW PHONES 177, 984,910. 228* CLAYTON ST. Quick Delivery. Phone 125 Broad SL Ding To Inaugurate a Movement For a Big Bond Issue. SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST \ / 1 Real Estate—Erwin A Company. Fire Insurance—Erwin A Company. Why not divide my fire Insuranoo With J. C. Jester? THE LARGEST SAVINGS BANK IN ATHEN8 The Athens Savings Bank pays per cent interest on savings deposits compounded January 1st, July 1st. Deposits received from $1.00 up. Get the saving habit. 90t Whole Soles are better than half- soles. Martin Bros., 455 Clayton St. tf For Rent—Five rooms, bath Flat, 126 Dealing St, Phone 806. Opening. Closing. Spot . 7.1307.20 Feb. 7.00 @7.07 7.060 7.08 Mar. 7.03@7.07 7.0807.09 April 7.03@7.10 7.0707.11 May 7.0707.12 June 7.1207.15 7.1507.16 July 7.1507.16 7.1707.19 Aug. 7.1607.22 7.2007.20 Sept. 7.1607.21 7.2207.28 Tfl OlinVCD 0 V 111 uMuIilII 0 " We have secured tbe exclusive The county of Franklin, Carnes- viile tbe capital, neighbor to Clarke (the pioneer in permanent road work in Georgia) Is in earnest for a good road campaign. The following an nouncement in the I-avonta Times In dicates what is likely to be done; The Announcement. A mass meeting has been called for the citizens of Franklin county. Tbe meeting will be held in the court house of Franklin county ou the first Tuesday In February which is next Tuesday, the seventh. The purpose o? this meeting la to organise a high- for | j’-Franklin county. eiect a president, and secretary and committeeman from each militia district of the county. The direct object ot the meeting is to discuss the propriety of a bond Is sue of the county, and the means ot handling the money should bonds be issued for the county. Road Com missioner McFarlin will be on hand and will give some important informa tion in regard to the road question in Franklin county. Every citizen of the county is urged to be on hand. This notice is being published in the ether papers of the county this week and a representative crowd is ex pected on next Tuesday. It you are in favor of a bond Issue for road purposes you should go and let your view be known. If you are opposed to a bond issue for road pur- pses -you should go and give your reasons for your position. The peti tions circaiated a few days ago have been signed by about enough citizens te authorize the ordinary in calling a bond election. The citizens of the ccuntv want to get together and work the questions out and decide on some legislation necessary to the perfec tion of the road system of Franklin county. If you are Interested In the road question of Franklin county, you should be on hand next Tuesday. It f* the first Tuesday and a good crowd will naturally be In Carnes- ville. Go and make the crowd big ger. Co-operation is necessary for the accomplishment sf the best re- stilts In road construction. The ma jority of the people of the county are Interested in highway Improvement. Let's get together and talk the mat ter over and agree on a plan which will be satisfactory to all. Come out. Your presence Is urgently desired. This invitation is not Intended for your neighbor. It is for you. Cafe Royal it the place to order cream for Sunday dinner. Phone or tend your order today. Leathers A Evanson—All kinds ot tin work. Phone 264. tf Just Arrived—New shipment of those 50c books. Going fast. The McGregor Co. For Fine Custom-made harness, see Martin Bros., 453 Clayton SL tf For Rent—Three connecting rooms close In. 343 Dougherty SL Phone 990. «t Nice Room and Board tor couple or two men at 198 Barber. Fire Insurance—Lipscomb A C*. Real Estate—Lipscomb A Ce. For Rent—Second and third floors In Jester bnllding, on Clayton street, next ot Griffith & Welch'*. W. A. Jester. tl All Kinds Shoe repairing, llax M. Hubert. 120 Clayton SL, near Lump kin. We Have employed an expert type writer repair man. Give us your work. McGregor Co. Phone 77. 6t Full Line of pretty wall paper in the latest designs and patterns and nice clean work done. Phone 919. Chas. W. Parr. Estimates cheerfully given and all work guaranteed. tf For 8ale—Extra fine bred Berk shire pigs. Book your order at once. Alex Davison, Jr. Make your chickens lay by buying fresh ground bones from the Western Meat Market. Phone 451. - 3t W. M. Pittman will buy or sell your furniture. tf For Rent—New 8-room bouse, Nan- tahalla avenue; near Barber; suitable It 1* proposed to | for two small families. Rent reason able. Phone 955. 3t $5.00 Per Acre for Good Farm Land —4165 acres of good, strong, slightly tolling land. Beginning at a station on the Southern Railway in Appling county, Georgia. Saw timber has been cut out, so tbe land can be clear ed with little expense. Easy ta culti vate and will bring a bale ot cotton or fifty bushels of corn to the acre. This property Is bound to advance and will soon bring double tbe price now asked. This section of Georgia is fast coming to the front. Use your busi ness sense and buy while you may. This offer Is for a quick deal. ThI* kind of opportunity comes few and far between. Write today. Nolan P. Sammons, real estate merchant Good service and fair treatment Gray, Georgia. 3t The Magnet—Have you read It? Gee! its fine. Get a copy quick. Six teen Illustrations by Underwood. The McGregor Co. sat-tu For Sale—Black Minorcas or Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. Phone 48. agency for the the celebrated "Norma Mortlnex.” The only 6 Inch clear Havana Cohan Hand-Hade cigar in the world for which tbe dealer pays $40.00 direct from the factory, and sells for 5 cents. CAFE ROYAL. REV. J. D. McPHAIL LEAVES FOR ROYSTON Rev. J. D. McPhall, associate pastor of the First Presbyterian church of the city and special mission worker in this section, leaves this morning for Royston to be away for several days In evangelistic work CAPT. T. J. SCOTT'S ET CONDITION IS IMPROVED The mans friends of Capt. T. J. Scott, who has been quite ill for the past few days, will be glad to know that his condition was last night con- 1 'slderably Improved. They hope sin cerely that he may continue to get better. Found—Bunch of Banner office. keys. Call SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST Houses for rent. Lyndon. tf We Have just Received a large ship ment of screen wire and are prepared to make your screen doors and sash tor you. We make our sash from clear light poplar and door* from yel low pine. Call ns over phone 78 and we will send tor your measurements and make prices. Give In your order before -the ruslrf* on. the R. L. Moss ■' Mfg. Co. • . 2wks For Sunday Dinner—Give your or der today to the Cafe Royal for disque or vanilla cream. I will make application to the city council tor a license to conduct a near-beer business at 382 Broad St. J. H. Emcrick. lOt Smith Premier typewriter for sale. $25.00. McGregor Co. 2t For Rent—Store on Broad street, next door to Huggins & Son. Apply to' Charles Morris. eod-3t Niee Cottage with all modern con veniences for rent. A. H. Davison. eod-tt For Sale—Fine lot hens fattened on grain. 866 College avenue. 2t Notice—We have several nice building lots, for sale cheep, and one splendid honye, 8-room house, with all modern conveniences, one acre lot and good stable, near Normal school, at a bargain, and on good terms. J. R. Crane Co., Phone "4. tf Phone D. J. Partee at 495 for wo MANAGER OF PICTURE CO. WAS HERE YESTERDAY Says Athens Will Accept and Pa tronize Only the Highest Class of Picture*. Mr. A- C. Brombery, of Birming ham, Ala., was a visitor In Athens yesterday, coming to this city on a business trip. He Is much pleased with Athens and commented freely upon the progressiveness and enter prise of the city. Mr. Brombery Is manager of the Dixie Film Company, which furnishes Atlanta, Athens. Au gusta and Macon with most of their motion picture films, lie stated that of the cities mentioned Athens Is hardest to please—with the possible exception of Atlanta. He said that Athens demands the best picture*, best subjects, and most up to date service of any town in the south. Which I* another way of expressing the fact that Athens people appreciate good things and know the good from the bad. CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES Father Clark will celebrate mass and give benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the Catholic church to morrow (Sunday) morning at 10:40. A11 are Invited. LOST THREE MULES. Maxwell Bros, received a ment of fine mules and horse, Friday. However, for some they unloaded them In Athen3 drove them through to Lexln was late In the afternoon before til left Athens and only two negroed were with the stock. The negroes^ started home with a certain number of head and when they arrived they had a certain other number which latter was three less than the form er. Sunday morning the negroes went back and were fortunate enough to find all three of the missing mules in the same place, Just above Cherokee Corner, where they had evidently stopped for water and then failed to follow on after the others.—Ogle thorpe Echo. Fall* Victim to Thieves. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., has_ a justifiable grievance. Two thieve stole his health for twelve ye/ They were a liver and kidney tJ hie. Then Dr. King’s New Life f throttled them. He's well now., rivaled for Constipation. Ms Headache, Dyspepsia. 25c. Smith & Bro., and H. R. Pa, Sou. ¥ <3