The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, November 20, 1915, Image 2

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PAGE TWO THE BANNER, SATURDAY CONDUCTED BY MRS. ALICE ADAMS. Worn* Phono 832. Office Phono 7ft. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY— Meeting Lady Principals of State Normal Schools Georgia, State Normal School. and Colleges in BETTER DAY. There was never a day so misty or gray That the blue was not somewhere above it; There is never a mountain top ever so bleak That some little flower does not love it. There was never a night so dreary and dark That the stars were not somewhere shining; There is never a cloud so heavy and black That it has not a silver lining. There is never a waiting time, weary and long. That it will not some time have an ending; The most beautiful part of the land scape is where The shadows and sunshine are blending Upon every life some shadows will fall, But heaven sends the sunshine of love; Through the rifts in the cloud above, See the beautiful blue as we may, if we will. Then let us hope on, though the way be long, And darkness be gathering fast; For the turn in the road is a little way on, Where the home lights will greet us at last. —Anonymous. THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. Let others cheer the winning man, there’s one I hold worth while, ’Tis he who does the best he can, that loses with a smile. Beaten he is, but not to stay down with the rank and file. The man will live another day who who loses with a smile. —Arthur Beer. • • • Mortality is a fine thing when it is real, but Alas! it Is so often the at titude we adopt towards people to ward whom we feel a grudge that it is often very difficult to discover the actual condition of the code. —Selected. We do not know how cheap the seeds of happiness are, or we should scatter them oftener. —Selected. MISSES ELIZABETH AND EUGENIA ARNOLD ENTERTAIN Misses Elizabeth and Eugenia Ar nold were joint hostesses at a lovely party yesterday afternoon at which number of their friends were the hap^ py guests. The house was decorated with quantities of autumn leaves and all of the lights were shaded with crim son. The older girls and boys played rook and the prizes were won by Miss Frances Comer and Charles San ford. Miss Nora Fortson and Wiliam Mel won the prizes for pinning “the ha on grandfather’s head.” The girls’ prizes were dainty broidered handkerchiefs, and th hoys’ boxes of candy. Delicious refreshments were serve after the games. ENGAGEMENT OF MISS MARIAN PHINIZY AND MR. DAVIL BLAC Mr. and' Mrs. Leonard Phinizy an nounce the engagement and approach ing marriage of their daughter, Marian Coles, to Mr. David C. Black, of Atlanta. No announcement of the season, will bo the occasion of more cordial and sincere interest than the above. Miss Marian Phinizy is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phinizy, and there is no young woman in the state who has a wider circle of devoted friends and admirers than she. Miss Phinizy naturally inherits brains and beauty from both sides of the family, and she has fully lived up to what might be expected of her, as she is beautiful, with a charming piquant brunette beauty, and also noted for her cleverness and bright sparkling wit She has also a sincere and love ly nature, and is loved by her girl friends as much as she is admired by all the men who know her. She has been a reigning belle both here and in Atlanta where she visits her aunt, Mrs. Albert Howell, Jr., fre quently, and in Athens. x Mr. Black is a member of one of Full Showing of Children’s, Boys’ and Men’s You cannot afford to be without an Overcoat this kind of weather. You cannot afford to overlook those ■ r ' '■< ') at this store. Stylish, comfortable and reason ably priced. E. H. DORSEY Clayton Street, ATHENS, GA. Holiday Opening TODAY Santa Clause will be at tlie store from 9 o clock in tbe morning until 6 m tke evening. Let tbe children bring a list of Toys they would like for X-mas. Complete line of Toys, Dolls, Books, Games and Tree Ornaments, all at KRESS PRICES. NOMINATION BLANK. Good For 5,000 Votes in Banner Great Christmas Gift Subscrip tion Campaign. I Nominate Address SL No. ► Nominated by NOTE.—Only the first nomination blank received when pro- +- perly filled out, will count 5,000 votes. Tbe management reserves t the right to reject any objectionable nominations. Those who 4 make the nominations can, upon request, have their names with- held by the manager, who will under no circumstances divulge name. Any one can make nominations. Nominate yourself or 4 a friend. interesting facts that do not bear di rectly on missions are brought out. The class will meet again next Fri day and Korea will be the country for study. BLACK-WRIGHT. Miss Mary McLeroy announces the marriage of her mother, Mrs. W. F. Black, to Mr. J. S. Wright, Thursday evening, November 18th, at 8 o’clock, at her home in Center. HARDY-SPENCER. On Sunday morning of last weeji at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. Ernest Spencer and Miss Bunnie Hardy were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, Rev. Mr. Stuckling per forming the ceremony. Besides the family only a few friends were pres ent. Immediately after the ceremany the bridal couple repaired to the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Spencer, where they are making their home. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hardy, and is a young lady of charming personality and sweetness of character, and has hundreds of friends who wish for her a life of unalloyed happiness. The groom is a successful planter, being popular and influential with an enviable reputation. They are receiv ing congratulations from their many friends. * • • RECEPTION TO TEACHERS. At Lucy Cohb Institute this after- oon at 5 o’clock, Misses Brumby and Lrdine, associate principals of the ptitution, will entertain at a recep- in honor of the members of the jincil of lady principals and deans [ women’s schools, in session here ly. Invited to meet the visitors the present and former teachers Aicy Cobb. i3S Agnes Goss, of Athens, librar- of the State Normal School, visit- the Commerce school last Mon- to Inspect the library and to give ,e suggestions regarding the pro arrangement and cataloguing ot hooks. The library now contains Approximately sixteen hundred vol es. During the present year it is oped that this number may be in ert to two thousand. Already the cal U. D. C.’s have arranged to make a liberal donation for the pur chase of books.—Commerce Observer. Mrs. James Montgomery Lynch and little daughter, Elizabeth Lucas, of Florence, S. C.. arrive today to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Smith. the most prominent families in Geor gia and is as well known in the busi ness world as the social of Atlanta; he is a brother of Mrs. Phillip North ot Augusta, and has many friends here who will be sincere in their con gratulations, though they regret that the marriage of this lovely Augusta girl will take her from here to make her home in Atlanta. The exact date of the marriage has not been settled as yet but it will take place in the very near future, and will be a quiet home wedding. The above announcement, which appeared in Friday’s Chronicle, is of cordial interest here where Miss Phinizy. has frequently visited- At the Georgia commencements no one ever was more popular than she and not only members of tbe college set bnt many others who knew her less well remember her pleasantly for (her charming personality and cordial manner. WOMAN’S CLUB. The Woman’s Club will meet Mon day afternoon at 4 o’clock in the Electric Building. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Service of Praise, Sunday eves*} tag November 21, 1915: Organ Prelude—Romanza—Horatio Parker. Hymn 706, Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand—Alford. Scripture Lesson. Cut Flowers AMD FLORAL OFFER- INGS OF ALL KINDS Bulbs JOKES GREENHOUSE CO. Phone 364 Prayer. Hymn 503, Christian, Seek Not Yet Repose—Vigilate. Organ—Berceuse—Ralph Kinder. (During this number the offering will be taken.) Solo—Give Ear to My Prayer O God —Berwald. Anthem—O Brightness of Ithe Im mortal Father’s Face—Gaul. Duett—In the Cross of Christ I Glory—Howe. Anthem—The Lord is My Rock— Rogers. Hymn 196, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name—Coronation. Prayer and benediction. Organ Postlude—Toccata in D min. —Alphonse MaiUy. MISSIONARY STUDY CLASS. An Interesting session of the Mis sion Study Class was held yesterday at the home of Mrs. D. D. Quillian. The class is studying "The King’s Highway,” a book which Is almost a9 interesting to those who care not for mission work, as those who are vital ly interested in having the Light car ried to the onee who sit in darkness. It is the. impressions made on Mrs. Montgomery during a. recent trip around the world aid is written in a very pleasing Btyle. The countries disowned'are Egypt, India, China, Ko rea, and Japan, and though the need for Christianity and the progress it has made in each of these countries, is the main thought in the hook, many Bulbs! Bulbs! Bulbs! We have received a complete shipment of fall bulbs. Now is the time to transplant. Crncedale Greenhouse Phone 1167 Mrs. R. E. Fullilove, was in the city yester*. High Shoals, Mrs. Howard, Scott and children have returned from Biunswick where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Miller. Mrs. Olin Dozier and little son, Thomas Dozier III, arrived from Ath ens Monday to visit at the home ot Mr. G. L. Carson, Sr. Up until the middle of last week, Mr. Dozier’s headquarters were in Evansville, In diana, where he located late in the summer. Recently he and his family returned to Athens—Commerce , Ob server. 0 The friends of Mr. E. H. Dorsey regret that he has been confined to his home for several days. Miss Susie Medlin spent several days in Athens last week with her sister, Mrs. Welbom DuBose, who has been quite ill.—Walton News. Mrs. >F|. H. Kroner, of Winterville, was in the city yesterday for a few hours. Mises Serena Crawford and Lucile Reynolds, of Lexington, were in Ath ens yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. William Garrard, Jr., spent the early part of their honey moon at the Georgian Terrace Hotel, in Atlanta, and they have now gone to housekeeping. Mrs. Garrard was Miss Margaret Lawton, daughter of Maj. and Mrs. Edward T. Lawson, of Washington City, formerly of Savan nah.—Savannah News. Dr. Andrew M. Soule has returned from Atlanta. Mr. Laurence Smith, of Riverside, will be the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith. 1 The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Cheuxirs **— said one of the greatest thinkers tnis country ever produced. A Straight Shot His true eye and steady hand are not the result of over-stimulating, strong, rank tobacco, but of mild CHEWING TOBACCO PICNIC TWIST is so soft and mild you can chew it all day; with a taste as lasting and more enjoyable than that of strong tobacco. 5c twists and drums of 11 twists. Get the genuine. ^gefeit^/ffyuuSofaecodi GREEN & MICHAEL 417 421 SOUTHERN MUTUAL^UILDING LOAN DEPARTMENT We have money to loan on real estate security in any amounts desired at 6, 7 or 8 per cent interest Rate of interest determined by amount of loan and character of security. A limited amount of 6 per cent money to be repaid in monthly Installments. Apply in person or by letter. ■■■ All Ford Owners For the next thirty days? we! willTover- haul your Ford engine throughout fori,$12.50. Expert work guaranteed. SASNETT & YOWf 133 Clayton St. Phone|531 Athens, Ga. ORR’s SCHOOL FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 30,1915 No deductions fo rabsence, unless providential and protracted tor at least one-fourth of a month. I will teach In the Athens Business College in the afternoon be ginning September first \ S. P. ORR, 182 Wray St., Athens, Ga.' Miss Marion Jennings, of Dawson, arrives today to visit Miss Louise Kytle. Mrs. R. H. Cornwell will leave to day for Athens, to attend the mar riage of her niece, Miss Brightwell, to Dr. Harvey Cabaniss, which will take place Wednesday. Mrs. Corn- well will be away Cor some time.— Savannah News. > Mrs. T. C. Duncan and daughter, Miss Louise Duncan, of Union, S. C, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Coleman at 230 Milledge Circle. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bryan and Mrs. Peebles Proctor have returned from Virginia. Mrs. Frances Barnes and Mrs. H. H. Steiner are the gnests of Mrs. L. D. DuBose. Mrs. Steiner is pleasantly remembered here as Miss Ludle Barnes. PARTY IS POSTPONED. The bridge party which was to have been given this morning to- Mrs. Roy Strickland, has been post poned until next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Jossey have just returned from Atlanta, where they spent several days enjoying the big harvest festival. v Mrs. J. T. Pittard, of Winterville, was shopping here yesterday. Mrs. Tom Brightwell, of Maxeys, spent yesterday here. Miss Annie Mae Bell has returned from Monroe. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening t**, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC.drrrea out. Ma!aria,enrichea the blood, builds up the system. A true Tonic. For adults and children. 60c. COOL EVENINGS The Cool Autumn Evenings Will make the dainty "snack” prepared over the Chafing Dish most enjoy able—a wonderfully delightful way ot preparing appetizing dishes for an impromptu "bite” after the day’s work. In nickel, copper and sliver, we have many styles to show you. C. A. SCUDDER, Jeweler