The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, November 21, 1915, Image 1

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!.y;v;v.* - ,«.• COTTON 11 l-2c WEATHER ATHENS, GA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1915. ESTABLISHED 1832. our o Tke Most Astounding Sale of Dresses “It is truly astonishing, the sale of dresses a, Michael’s.” This remark can be heard on all Proud of her figure? Of course she is, for a good figure is a sign of Intelligence. It proves the selec tion of the right corset, and no wo man who is wise will select her cor se; carelessly. On your corset depends not only your appearance, but your comfort and health as well. In continuing our record-breaking sale of Suits we add many special values that sur pass any previous offer. As the sale pro gresses many lines bi come broken, and these are offered Monday at prices that will sur prise those not acquainted with MICHAEL’S method of merchandising. You cannot afford to miss thi3 sale if you contemplate the purchase of a suit. All the good colors are represented and the styles, yrithout an equal. We have also received a new shipment of suits for etOut people a&d these are also offered at special prices. Suits, smartly tailored in plain effects or suits trimmed in fur of all descriptions. In fact, any style you desire. sides after visiting the dress section at Michael s. Dresses of silk, of wool and combinations of silk and wool, and dresses of laces and Georgette crepe form a pleasing line to cnoos from. Should a special occasion arise, do not worry; we always have dresses for all occasions and for this special occasion we are offering some ex tra special inducements. Warner’s Rust-Proof are a first st p in the right direction, for they 'are| designed by experts who understand every need of the hu man figure, but there is a Warner’s Corset for every type of figure, and you need to make your selection with this in niind. The predicted cold weather came; it came suddenly and those who failed to take advantage of our warning suffered a little, others came to us when the weather chapged. Now while coats occupy the minds of those seeking warmth and comfort from the wintry winds we offer our entire stock of handsome coats at sp ecial (prices. * Tweeds, Broadcloths, Satin and Fur Coats in lengths to suit all offered at prices far below their actual value. You save $5.00 to $10.00 on each coat. tamers Our salesgirls understand exactly the type of corset that is needed, and from our up-to-date stock of Warner's we can readily supply you with the style that you require, so that you in turn will be The season is young. You will have many months to wear a new V hat. Why wait when you can get the benefit of a phenomenal sale of millinery just when you may need a new hat? You will save many dollars by visiting our millinery department this week. We show the very latest styles as soon as shown in the fashion marts of the world. You need have no fear when you are chapeaud in a Michael hat. If you want all-wool sweaters, let us show you our line. We have had a remarkable season on sweaters but we still have a fair stock on hand. If you need a sweater, come while your size and style is here. All- wool sweaters, $2.75 to $12.50. Proud of Your Warner What adds more to your appearance than a pretty, stylish set of furs? Needless to direct your attention to the store that sells the best and most stylish furs because Michael’s reputation as the fur store of Athens is not a late issue but one of long standing. We continue to show the greatest variety of furs and our connections allow us to save you many dollars on your purchase. Fur sets, separate collars and separate muffs; also full line of children’s sets in all colors. Our line of Silk Sweaters in all colors and solid white is beautiful. With and without sashes and in combination of colors. See the special values offered this week. $5.00 and up. As is customary, Michael’s always have the best of everything. “Merode” is by far the best underwear- sold for ladies and children. "Merode” underwear is all hand finished and locked seams. The shape and fit of “Merode” underwear is perfect Our large and well assorted stock will help you in your underwear troubles. TURKISH TOWELS A Bargain in Blankets We have the most superb line o f Turkish Towels ever brought to this ;i y. With the arrival of ten new ca ses of “MARTEX” TURKISH TOW- •LS, we now have a line of towels to be proud of. Solid white in a wide range of styles and weights—colored bordered and colored designs for monogram work are seen in a large variety. “Martex” Turkish Towels are well known for their superior durability and with the assortment which we are showing it is a pleasure to investigate. Priced, 25c to 65c. Mark Your Linen WITH CASH’S Woven Names For hard service there is no better blanket made than the Nasnua Woolnap Blanket Though all cotton it is remarkably warm and gs. strong, has (ubens Infant Shirt a deep, soft nap that is permanent, won’t shrink or tear out easily. Knowing what splendid satisfaction these low-priced Blankets give, we are glad to Prevent loss at the laundry. They are neat and durable. Made in many styles in fast colors of Red, Blue, Black. Navy, Yel low or Green. ‘ ci >. offer them to our customers. We have s. practically all sizes, colors, weights. Plain or plaid with borders. Special display No Buttons Nolrouble. Three days more—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. When it la known that Ruben's Blankets L -t QQ 001131818 42 Pieces of gold edge OT ’ J. ^ and Dresden china pieces, six pieces of each; just what the newly weds or small families need. These sets look double the price, Our offer, $4.98 complete. Shirts can be had in all weights and sites it is all the information needed. S-rYus S3 Your Full Name for 85 cents for 3 dozen. We carry a full line of Ruben's Shirts T . Q djQ QQ Gold band and etched edge china, LOt Jhr^ «])t7a JU fall set of 100 pieces. You would ordinarily pay $16.00 or more,’ but our Thanksgiving sale at $9.98 com plete is a wonderful offer. in cotton, wool and silk and wool. $2.00 " 12 M Quick Delivery -You will save the price of the round tapes In a very short while. 'Orders taken in our art depart ment. Ruben’s Vests mean modi to the particular mother. It will mean a T , O (j*1 Q J* i"V famIly would be pleased to own JL/Ot i]) these sets. A neat floral design with rather a plain effect. Complete set worth $18.00 to $20.00. Our Thanks giving offer $12.50 set. great deal to those who have never The Store Good Goods Made Popular‘ tried them. r@i@i©i©i@i©' ©i@i©i©i@i@i® 1