The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, November 21, 1915, Image 12

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Another Great Ready-to-Wear Sale Starts Monday 'Monday begins another great COAT AND SUIT SALE. Many new coats and suits have been received and will he included in Monday’s sale. .You can buy a stylish, up to the minute suit or coat mig:h less than the real value. - 75 Fancy Mixture Wool Coats All of the newest styles, flared bottom, wide collars trimmed with fur. Every one in the lot a handsome coat, up to the minute in every respect. Worth up to $15.00, special price $8.50 85 Stylish New Coats, Special at $10 In this lot of 85 coats you’ll find all sizes in fancy mixtures, worth up to $18.50. Special price $10.00 62 New Fancy Mixture Coats, Special at $12.50 You’ll be sure to find just the coat you want among this lot of 62 stylish fancy mixture coats. Real values up to $22.50. 250 Stylish Coats of Astrican, Bouclay, Plush and Corduroy, trimmed end plain to go on sale Monday. All prices. Fur 300 Children’s Coats from one to Sixteen year sizes made of serges, fancy mixtures, matalamb, plush and Astrican. All prices. THOUSAND DEAD, WOUNDED, AND CAPTURED LEFT; OTHER FORCES TO VILLA'S AID. (By Associated Press). Douglas, Arizi, Nov. 20.—Carranza officials tonight announced Villa forces retreating from HermosUlo, leaving 1,000 dead, wounded and cap tured; and that Villa forces near Cananea have broken through the Carranza cordon and are rushing to Villa’s aid. REGISTRATION REACHED NEAR TO THE NINE TEEN HUNDRED MARK FOR THE TUESDAY PRIMARY. The registration books closed yes terday at 2 o’clock—for the election of mayor and councilmen for this year. The primary election occurs Tuesday. The general election at which the hospital maintenance ques tion is to be settled—in addition to the cliosing of a mayor and four al d.ermen—will be December 1. The registration list is published in full in this issue of the Banner, there being about 1,900 names on this list of qualified voters of the city of Ath ens. About two hundred registered yesterday. WEAK, AILING CHILDREN For A Gift of Dining Room Furniture Would be very timely just now—and, if selected from our stock of Quality Furniture, a source of joy and satisfaction Cor years to come. Our Stock Is Full and Complete Never have we shown so many pretty suites of High Grade Dining Room Furniture. If you want Grand Rapids Period Productions, we have them. If you want honestly made, correctly designed pieces at moderate cost, we have them, if you want only an odd piece or so to fill in, we have them. See the two handsome suites on display In our windows. See the two displayed in Michael Bros.’ win dows. Come into our store and see the large stock we have selected for your inspection. It is all well up to the Dorsey Quality Standard. The best values thirty odd years’ buying experience has ever brought to gether. And don’t forget this: DORSEYS CREDIT PLAN IS DIFFERENT. Dorsey Furniture Company A Modern Furniture House Demonstration of Toilet V/aters Clayton Street Store The regular meeting of the Clarke County Choir will be held this after noon at 3:30 o'clock at Arnoldsville. Several singers from Athens—includ ing the officers of the choir—will at tend. Many Suits for Monday’s Sale Hundreds of new suits are here for your selection. Every good new style is here. Wide, full skirts and long flared coats. Belted effects. Fur trimmed. Shown in broadcloths, gabardines and pop lins, in sizes 14 to 47. ( Suits worth up to $25.00, priced at $15.00 Suits worth up to $30.00 priced at $18.50 Suits worth up to $37.50 priced at $25.00 Suits worth up to $50.00 priced at $28.50 “ 1 Co. COLORED CHURCHES. St. Timothy’s K E. Church. Corner Pope and Hancock. J. R. Lewis, minister. Services for the Sunday next be fore Advent are announced as fol lows: ' < Sunday school at 10 A. M. Morning prayer, Ante-Communion and sermon at 11:15 A. M. Choral Evensong at 8:15 P. M. Thursday, 25th, Thanksgiving serv ice at 11:15 A. M. All arc cordially invited to attend these services. Made Well and Strong by Simple Remedy.' Here is another letter that has just come to our attention, showing the power of Vinol to build up health and strength for weak, puny, ailing chil dren. W. A. Smith, of Shanesville, Ohio, says:—“My little child was puny( weak and ailing, could not rest at night and would not eat. I learned about Vinol and tried it, and within a week noticed an improvement. The child’s appetite improved, it slept well, strength and health were soon built up. We think Vinol Is excel lent for weak, puny children.” Vinol is a delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil, containing beef peptone, which creates an appetite tones up the digestive organs, en riches the blood and creates strength children love to take It. We ask all parents of weak, sickly, delicate children in this vicinity to try Vinol with the understanding that we will return your money if it fails to benefit your little ones. H. R. Palmer & Sons, Athens, Ga, REVIVAL BEGINS AT BAPTIST TABERNACLE TO DAY REV. R. E. NEIGHBOUR OPENS CAMPAIGN. The special evangelistic meetings as widely announced over the city of Athens will begin on today. Dr. P. W. Pbilphott, of Hamilton, Ontario, was to have been the preacher, but at the last moment he found he was not able to come. The men of the church urged the pastor to conduct the meet ing himself, and this he will do. They are heartily advertising the revival and giving it their time. The Tabernacle will not expect the other churches to yield their Sunday ser vices for their meeting, but they do cordially invite every pastor and the members of all the chuyches to not only attend the meeting, but also to help In personal work. MANY BURT WHEN GRANDSTAND FALLS AT FOOTBALL GAME (By Associated Press). Madison, Wis., Nov. 20.—Fifteen persons were injured, four seriously, wben stands holding 2,500 spectators at the Minnesota-Wisconsin game fell this afternoon. CONGRESSMAN DEFEATS GOVERNOR AND SENATOR IN THE PRIMARV SENATOR LUKE LEA OF TEN NESSEE CONCEDES DEFEAT; WILLSUPPORT NOMINEE (By Associated Press.) Nashville, Nov 20—Unoficial re turns tonight from eighty-five out of the ninety-six Tennessee counties gave Congressman K. D. McKellar 30,000 votes; former Governor Pat* terson, 37,774; and Senator Luke Lea, 29,857, in the democratic primary to select a nominee for the United senatorship to succeed Lea. Returns, however, were not com* plete in all those counties reported. Lea issued a statement concerning his defeat and saying he would support the nominee. GOMPERS AGAIN IS HEAD OF FEDERATION (By Associated Press). San Francisco, Nov. 20.—Samuel Gompers was re-elected president of the American Federation of Labor here tonight at its concluding ses sion with only three dissenting votes. The convention voted down resolu tions asking whether it wculd not be advisable for officers of the fed eration to be elected by a referendum vote and providing for the Initiative, referendum, and recall. LEGISLATION AT PRESENT SESSION (Special to the Banner). Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 20.—Definite an nouncement was made tonight that there will be no state warehouse leg islation in the extra session. Rep resentative Shipp says on account of the desire to get home by members he will not press the bill to passage now. MUSICAL TBEATER Has a splendid program for the week. Coming Monday, “Refuge” a drama. "Hello BUI,” with Billie Richie, the universal comedian, and the “Ele phant Circus.* - Tuesday, “His Beloved Violin,” a 2 reel drama and “Driven by Fate” a 3 reel drama. Continuous picture house; the the ater that appreciates your patronage. Coming December 1st "Broken Coin.” Clarke County Choir to Gather ATHENS, GEORGIA Faithful Service A. man may be judged by the company lie keeps. A tank may be judged by tbe depositors it keeps. And tbat is wby tbe management of tbis bank feels suck keen satisfac tion in recounting tbe many depositors whose names kave appeared on tbe bank s books since its organization. ^iVe prize these old friends whom we have served so long. Their constancy pro claims to tke world tbat we kave served tkem faitkfully and well. ATHENS, GEORGIA