The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, November 21, 1915, Image 16

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hen the country was in the throes of were staring every merchant and face, the electrical m CJne year ago w panic and hard times manufacturer m the f usual optimism, de^ci Prosperity ^Veek, beginning November 29, 1915. The week will be celehratedin every city m the United States The larger cities will arrange very elaborate decorations dustry with its National Electrical TLe Athens Engineering Company, Taylor Electric pany ar. the Athens Railway fe? Electric Company united to make the week a success m Athens. ? . J D. C. DAILEY BK0&&17REST ATHENS, GA PAGE SIXTEEN. THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1915. Fire Insurance Erwin & Company “Service—Security” ' AMBULANCE SERVICE D^V) PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 1025 Dorsey Furniture Co. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUILDERS LADY HOUSEKEEPERS Get Ready for Thanksgiving, Cold Weather and X-mas THE ATHENS AUDIT CO J. F. HART Manager Phons 41b SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST SHORT NOTES Lipscomb’s Specialty—Insurance. Why not divide my fire insurance with J. C. Jester? Georjianne Cooking Oil, more eco nomical than lard by 33 per cent. Use one-third less. Pure and sweet as Ol ive oil. For sale by Athens merchants who specialize In pure food products. Felt roofing, 85c per roll and up. E. D. Sledge. eod Used automobiles. Phone 521. Athens Ice Co., tf OF INTEREST You may represent a wide variety of business, professional and social interests, but you have one trait in common. You are all seekers after quality and service. Your cement, lime and piaster must be delivered promptly and must give you service for years—it should for a life time. Your roof, in addition to turning water, should retard fires, thereby reducing your insurance rate, and at the siTme time pre sent a pleasing appearance. It should last and render service, with a minimum fer repairs. Your electric light wiring should be safety first and efficient. Your mantels, grates and tile should be modern In design, pleasing in appearance and in harmony with surroundings. Your electric light fixture •> should serve the double .purpose of beautifying and illuminating the home. They should be efficient. On the above requirements for buildings, see us. Athens Engineering Co. Phone 711 \ Smith Bldg Soiled Hats made over, just like new at Hospital for Sick Hats, 144% Clayton street. tl For Rent: One 8-r. house, all mod ern conveniences; Milledge ave.; $30 per month. Phone 255. tf For Sale—New crop, Improved pe can nuts, any quantity. S’. K. Free man, Milledge Ave. tf For Sale—Five-passenger Ford; GOOD; bargain. Apply 206 So. Mu tual iBldg. 3t Wanted—A good second hand cook stove. Phone 52-L. eod-tf Wanted to Rent—6 or 7 room house by family of four, must have garden and stable. Address Box 72, care Banner. 3t For Rent—Dec. 1, six room house on Meigs St., $25 a month. C. H. Pliinlzy. 2t Lost—White pointer, with fiver spots; about 6 months; old. Return to 590 S. Lumpkin St., or phone 300. W. P. Marbut. For Sale—1 vacant lot on Bloom field St.; one vacant lot on S. Lump kin St. J. C. Graham, City. tf Watch the window at Palmer & Sons’ next Tuesday. It will remind you of something you may have for gotten. Big Line of Thanksgiving Place Cards at Davison-Nicholson Cc. Advertise your wants. CANADIANNS WOULD AID BLUFF OF NICARAUGA (By Associated Press). Washington, ‘Nov. 20-^—Canadian capitalists are trying to get permis sion from Nlcarauga to build a rail way across Nlcarauga from the At lantic to the Pacific, and it is under stood that Nlcarauga has indicated she might give this permission if the next session of the United States sen ate does not ratify the NicaraugaTan treaty designed to rebuild and rehabil itate Nlcarauguan finances. Advertise your wants. THE LARGEST SAVINGS BANK IN ATHENS The Athens Savings Bank. pays 4 per cent interest cn savings deposits compounded January 1st, July Ibl Deposits received from $1.00 up. Get the saving habit For Rent: 6-room house. Davenport. Money to loan on improved farm lands. Apply Tate Wright, Athens, Ga. For Whipping Cream—Order one day for next day’s delivery. Phone 1000. Henry Comer. ; lw Fresh peas and cone forage. Phone Georgia Plow & Foundry Co. eod4t Parties having money to loan on real estate should consult our appli cations. Green & Michael, Loan De partment. Bargains in second-hand Motor cycles. Athens Cycle Co. It For Sale—One No. 206 Cole’s heater good as new. Bargain. Write P. O. Box 668. su-tu-fri Wanted—Man cook; must have very best reference. 501 S. Mut Bldg. For Sale—5-passenger Ford; good order. Clarke Co. Motor Co. Desirable room for rent to couple or 2 students on Milledge Ave. Private family. Address Box 100, cf Banner. It Lost—Gold watch fob locket, “H. T. A." engraved on one side, “1915” on other. Return to Howard Abney and rrceve reward. It Salesman—Good proposition for en ergetic worker. Full particulars giv en by writing Peerless Mfg, Co., 605 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Big Line of Thanksgiving Place Cards at Davison-Nicholson Co. For Sale—A National Cash Register with A and B drawer, in first class condition. Can be seen at Classic City Bottling Works. Jas. Warner, Phone 1166. / It For Sale—26 shares Union Point Bank stock. Apply to “N,” cf Banner. sun-tus-thur Wanted—A second-hand Ford car in good condition. Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co. „ 3t For Rent—Newly furnished room, hot water, modern conveniences; men preferred. Apply 279 1-2 Lumpkin. It Dressmaking: I make a specialty— remodeling ladies’ cloaks, coat suits, and dresses, to the latest styles, at very lowest prices. Phone Nol 415. Ellen Winkfleld, 188 Strong St. It IN THE BANNER’S GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT CAMPAIGN Great Friendly Rivalry Exists in the De sire to Become the Banner’s Guests on Monday Night to View the Much Ap preciated Musical Comedy “The Prince of Pilsen.” An Agreeable Surprise is in Store for all Candidates-Look Out for the Announcement in Tuesday Morning Banner SPECIAL ATTENTION toasters, Self Basting, Seam less, Sanitary Lisks, En ameled, at Cut Prices No. 1, 8 pound 'Roster, $1.25; $1.50 value. No. 2, 12 pound Roaster, $1.50; $2.00 value. No. 3, 16 pound Roaster, $1.75; $2.25 value. No. 4, 20 pound Roaster, $2.00; $2.50 value. These are the best and all guaran teed. The special invitation extended can didates in each district to become a guest of the Banner on Monday even ing to view the Prince of Pilsen has proven a very Interesting feature of the campaign. The offer of securing two tickets is good until Monday noon and the same will be awarded to a candidate in each district turning in the greatest amount on subscriptions. A still bigger feature is to be intro duced to the candidates and same will be announced in Tuesday morning’s Banner and will no doubt prove of great interest to all candidates in both districts. “Straws show which way the wind blows” and the real interest in the Athens Banner Great Christmas Gift Subscription Campaign was best man ifested yesterday when thousands of votes came from all over the territory in both districts. Almost all of the nominees for the big Hudson-Six, the Ford Touring Car or some of the oth er valuable Christmas Gifts have been heard from and there are many who will take part in the campaign. The wonderful amount of voting that has been done by the public iu general is positive evidence that the voting has just beguA, and the future voting is going to be very heavy. There is no one who will feei that the Hudson-Six and the othe: Christmas awards have been won until the end of the cam paign which is only a short time off. Listen Candidates, and listen well; the offer of the extra vote of 200,000 beside the regular schedule for each club of collected subscriptions to the amount of $20,00 is your opportunity of claiming first honors in this cam paign and an opportunity for you to make a most excellent showing In piling up a substantial vote that will stand the strain of competition in the •end. Those who are just making the start can by taking advantage of this special ofTer secure a big vote quick ly and have as many votes as any of the other candidates. It is an oppor tunity that the subscribers of the pa per will no jdoubt take advantage of in order to assist their favorite can- FRANK A LIPSCOMB OUR AGENCY 18Pb- ESTABLISHED -1898 COMPANIES. CAPITAL ASSETS Continental Ins. Co $ 2,000,000 $ 28 380,392.85 Fidelity-Phenix Ins. Co 2,5000,000 15,278,994.00 Fidelity underwriters 4,500,000 43.002,835.20 ■Firemen’s Insurance Co., N. J. .. l.oOO.OOO ' 6,839,209.99 WiLiamsburgh City, N. Y 1,000,000 4,872,222.82 St. Paul Fire & Marine 1,000,000 10,162,455.00 Maryland casualty Co. .. 1,000,000 6,490,467.77 Fidelity-Bond Co 3,000,000 11,417,130.74 Total Capital $16,000,000 Total assets $127,043,708.37 MILLIONS! MILLIONS! MILLIONS! Technicalities Are Common In Fire Insurance Policies. You usually find them when the fire comes. OUR SPECIALTY IS FIRE INSURANCE Lipscomb Fire Insurance Agency Office Phone 109. Night Phone 719. ASK THE MAN WHO HAD THE LOSS. Special Prices on Gold Band Dinner- ware. 42-piece Dinner Sets, $3.50. 47-piece Dinner Sets, $4.50. 100-piece Dinner Sets, $9.50. We carry twenty-five patterns of open stock Dinner-ware Sets, from the cheapest grades up to Haviland’s, Gold Band, Violet and Pink Decora tions. MISUNDERSTANDING CORRECTED CONCERNING ELECTION MANAGERS Two Carloads of Toys, Dolls, Holiday Novelties For the wholesale and retail trade. It will pay you to see our line before buying. They are now on display. didato in the list of popudar nomina tions. Any amount paid on subscrip tions can be credited on this club of fer, besides the regular vote that will be issued on same. Those who pay their subscriptions 1 to the regular col lectors have the right to ask for votes and the? will be issued and the amount will count on making up the $20.00 clubs. The Banner Santa Claus will make his proverbial visit four days before his regular scheduled time to dis tribute to the ladies of Athens and ad jacent territory an array of Christ mas Gifts that will galdden 'the hearts of the energetic candidates participat ing in this campaign who take ad vantage of the opportunities as they are offered, and the 200,000 extra votes on each $20.00 club of either old or new subscriptions is the opportu nity for this week and one that can assure your ultimate success. Have the chimney ready and the gate swung open for his pack will con tain a Hudson-Six, a Ford Touring Car, two pianos and several other beautiful and useful presents; make your home the first visited. Be ready and wide-awake. Take advantage of your opportunity and make his visit worth while. H. T. HUGGINS & SON Phone 125. Broad St. Man’o Debt to the Candle. After the lamp came the candie, whose modest ray we are inclined to regard with a considerable amount of kindliness and esteem. But for the candle the dark ages of the world would have been dark In a still more literal sense than they already were, and to this humble # servant civilized mankind was indebted for the very best illuminant it possessed, certainly until the latter end ol the eighteenth century, and probably right up to the time of the invention of gas. The following communication from Col. Howell 'ey. Erwin, chairman of the executive committee, explains itself— in reference to a misapprehension concerning the managers of tne pri mary election of Tuesday, the 23rd: Chairman's Letter Editor of the Banner, City. Dear Sir: I have been informed by some of the parties that I appointed as man agers and clerks for the primary to be held on November 23rd that some confusion has arisen on account of the publication of the managers for the general city election to be held in December. Some of the parties appointed have gotten the impression'that there is but one election to be held and that there is some conflict between the city council and the chairman of the democratic executive committee in the appointment of the managers and clerks. I shall be very glad if you will publish this statement so that all mis apprehension on the subject, may be cleared up ^ ' I have not notified the managers and clerks that I have appointed other than by publication In the paper, and I will thank you, in connection with this card, to republish the appoint ments of clerks and managers which I have heretofore made. I trust that any of my appointees who cannot serve will let me know at once so that there will be no trou ble in supplying their places. Yours very truly, HOWELL C. ERWIN, Chairman. The Managers for Tuesday. First Ward. v Managers: T. R. Crawford, P. M. B. Y. Davis, F. IS- Patat. Clerks: R. T. Dottery, Emory Kirk. , Second Ward. Managers: C. T. Young, George H. Palmer, J. F. Hart. Clerks: B. H. Weatherly, J. M. Head. Third Ward Managers: A. O. jHarper, O. R. Dobbs, Carlisle Cobb. Clerks: S. C. Reese, M. G. Bearing. Fourth Ward. Managers: J. C. McConnell, D. D. Stynchcomb, C. F. Crossley. Clerks: Carl Von der Leith, Prescott Briggs. If any of the managers or clerks for any reason cannot serve, they will please notify the chairman promptly to that effect so that their places filled. This 15th day of November, 1915. HOWELL C. ERWIN, China. Advertise your wants. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. In Oconee Burial fund on account of the death of Mrs. Julia Derricotte, an assessment of twenty-five cents is due and must be paid at once. Leave the amount with W. J. Smith & Bro., or pay the same to J. H. Mealor. 3t Big Line of Thanksgiving Place Cards at Davison-Nicholson Co. Change In ^weather coming; get your heater today. E. D. Sledge, eod For Whipping Cream—Order one day for next day’s delivery. Phone 1000. Henry Comer. lw Big stock felt roofing, 85c per roll and up. E. D. Sledge. eod Small Farm Close-In Good Highway Reason able Price and Terms 50 acres, good 4-room house, new barn. 22 acres, tenant house, well wooded. t 13 acres, mo improvements. One-fourth cash, balance one, two and three years. I B, G. Anderson & Co. REAL ESTATE 224 Ciaylon Street ATHENS, GA. mi The Cold Wave is Here Now is the. time to buy your winter Suit, • Overcoat and Shoes. Get a KAHN BROS, tailor made suit and you will be well dressed. ' We invite the public to inspect our stock. Come to at least one deliv ery ON HOLIDAYS (By Associated Press). Washington, Nov. 20.—The postof fice department has ordere dthat here after at least one delivery of mail must be made on all holidays.