The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 18, 1915, Image 3

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THE BANNER, SATURDAY MORNING, PAGE THRE» — “ The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers”— said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced. FARMER SUFFERED FOR (OVER TWENTY YEARS AND PAID OUT THOUSANDS. (Special to the Banner.) Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17.—The next ses sion of the Georgia legislature will see, in all probability, a State High way Commissione created, as a result of the co-operation of all interested forces in the state, and as the culmi nation of the efforts of Good Roads enthusiasts and the commercial or ganizations of Georgia. Working to that end. President Charles J. Haden of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, announces the appointment of a spec ial committee to prepare and submit a bill which will include the best points and of all previous bills which have failed of adoption. This committee consists of Chas. L. Davis, of Warm Springs, Judge Moses Wright, of Rome, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, and a Good Roads worker whose efforts have had effect throughout Georgia; and John A. Smith, of Gainesville, supervisor of road construction in Hall county, who is devoting his life to the building of good roads, and has given the subject exhaustive study. This committee’ is so enthused over the possibilities of benefits to the en tire state through the By BeSig Constantly Supplied With Thedford’s Black-Dranglii. mas Eve and he will come and All your stockings, and you will be so happy. Listen now, there are a great many little boys and girls that Santa Claus don’t know where they live, so these poor little children will wake up Christ mas morning and their little stokings will be empty/ Do you want to make these little children happy? Well, each little boy and girl get a present, tie it up in Christmas style, write on the card whether it is for a boy or girl and drop it in the Christmas Box that will be at the Banner Office, and Christmas Eve old Santa Claus will get these bundles and carry them to the poor little children whose stock ings will be empty unless you think about them and help' to make them happy. Jesus said “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of “My father has suffered from chron ic stomach trouble for over 20 years and has paid out thousands of dol lars on medicines and doctors,” said G. W. Slayton, a well-known Cobb county fanner, who lives near Smyr na, a short distance out of Atlanta. “We tried nearly everything try ing to cure him, and he went off to the springs, thinking maybe the water would help him, but it just looked like nothing would reach his trou ble. Then he tried dieting, and lived on liquid food until he almost starved —but even that failed to do any good, and he just kept going from bad to worse. “I don’t , guess there ever was a case as stubborn as his, and if there ever was a confirmed dyspeptic he was one of .them, and I guess he would have been one yet if It hadn't been for this Tanlac. ‘•The first we heard of this medi cine was when my father saw an advertisement in the papers from par ties he knew in Tennessee, who were friends of his, and he knew what they said about it was the truth—so he got it right away and began tak ing it “Well, sir, it acted just like magic —and everybody notices the change in father now—why, he is just like a different man, and sits down to the table and eats like a farm hand. Only yesterday, he ate pork and tur nips for his dinner, and ate so much we were actually afraid he was over doing the thing, but he laughed and said nothing hurt him now, and that he was hungry and expected to eal and make up for lost time. "Now, Tobacco For The Brain Worker— must be mild. He can’t afford to use a strong, rank / tobacco with its come-back yt on the nerves. But PICNIC TWIST was just made for the folks who don’t use their heads merely as a hat rack. - As mild and mellow as tobacco can rnA be, yet as full of taste and as long-last- fc/gM ing as the strongest chew. That is the jpjgj right combination. McDuff, Va.—“I suffered for seven! fears,” says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ol this place, "with sick headache, and Stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to fry Thedford’s Black-Draught, which I did and 1 found it to be the best iamily medi cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when nr> children feel s little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford’s Black-Draught is purely vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similai symptoms. It has been in constant use for more than 70 years, and has. benefited more than a million people. Your druggist sells arid recommends Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a Package to-day- N. c ua National Parks as a Valuable Undeveloped Asset of Country Washington, Dec. 17.—Secretary Lane, in his forthcoing annual report, calls attention to the national parks as a valuable and undeveloped asset of the country. mediately on the shoulder of Mount Rainier, in Paradise Valley, another in the valley of the Yosemite, with an annex high overhead on Glacier Point, while more modest chalets are to be dotted about in the obscurer spots to make accessible the rarer beauties of the inner Yosemite. For with the new Tioga road which, through the generosity of Mr.'Stephen T. .Mather and a few others, the gov ernment has acquired, there is to be revealed a new Yosemite, which only John Muir and others of similar beni have seen. This is a Yosemite far different from .the quiet incomparable valley. 'It is a land of forests, snow, and glaciersi. From Mount Lyell one rooks, as from an island, upon a tumbled sea of snowy (peaks. Its lakes, many of which have never (been fished, are alive with trout. And through it foams the Tuolumne river which in a mile drops a mile, ,a water spectacle destined to world celebrity. Meeting obstructions in its slanting rush, the water now and again rises nearly perpendicularly, forming upright foaming arcs some times 60 feet in height. These “water wheels,” a dozen or more In number, will be accessible next summer by a trail to be built when the snow melts In June. “While as the years have passed we have 'been modestly developing the superb scenic possibilities of the Yel lowstone, nature has made of it the largest and most (populous game pre serve in the Western Hemisphere. Its great size, its altitude, its vast wilder nesses, its plentiful waters, its fa: voratole oonfonation of rugged moun tain and Sheltered valley, and the nearly protection afforded by the pol icy and the scietnific care of the made this park, He says: “The United States furnishes play grounds to the people of this coun try which are, we may modestly state, without any rivals in the world. Just as the cities are seeing the wisdom and the necessity of open spaces for the children, so, with a very large view, the nation has been saving from its domain the rarest places of grandeur and beauty for the enjoy ment of the world. And this fact has ’been discovered by many only this year. Having ah Incentive in the expositions on the Pacific codst, and Europe 'being clos ed, thousands have for the first time crossed the continent and seen one or more of the national parks. That such mountains and glaciers, lakes and canyons, forests and waterfalls building of highways of the most permanent type lines On* Way Out. The only way to beat your wife in an argument is to avoid having the argument CHEWING TOBACCO and the co-ordination of through the various counties so as to link them into great arteries of travel and commerce, that they will ge to work Immediately and spend a great deal of time between now and the time the legislature convenes next summer In working out the best pos sible bill for the interests of Geor- Try a 5c TWIST, then get one those air-tight freshness-preserving drums of eleven TWISTS. As a feature that will’idd to the in terest of the public in Good Roads, as well as being of great convenience and benefit to autoists, the Georgia issue, ren Circuit: I desire to let the white citizens of this circuit, know that 1 will appreciate their help, influence and votes for re-election as Solicitor- General. It has been my ambition to serve you In a manner that would meet with your approval. I have given my time and attention (day and night) to the duties of the office, and if you should see fit to honor me with another term, It shall he my policy to continue to try to suppress crime in all of its forms. The security of the home, the pro tection of property, and the safe guarding of the citizens liberty, de pend upon the enforcement of the law, and a respect for the Court’s de crees and sentences, by those In au thority, as well as by private citizens. The Solicitor-General, in a large measure, Is the officer upon whom our people rely to Insure this protection. This being my first term in office and In. publlo life, I have, no doubt, made mistakes; they were due, how ever, to **an error ol the head and not of the. heart” I therefore feel and believe that my experience and acquaintance with the people have equipped me for better service and more usefulness for another term than I have been abl» to render dur ing the past three years. In the light of the kind expres sions from the Grand Juries under whom I have been permitted to serve, and from the people generally,I be lieve it is the will of the God-fearing and law-abiding white citizens, that I should be reflected and given an Indorsement As stated In my race before you saw fit to elect me,- -'If I give satis faction and yon see fit to re-elect me, and I deem-It to my Interest we will keep company”; bo. if in your Judg ment, my public serrice has been sat isfactory. I will ask yon to give me another term as an Indorsement of my efforts to measure up to the re sponsibilities of the office. In order to keep up with the work of the Solicitor-General’s office. It practicality takes one’s entire time. We are holding Coart from ten to eleven months. In the year, and when not actually engaged in the Court house, my time la given to the prep aration of cases. As yon well know, I have attended committal trials and inquests and made personal examina tion of witnesses, In order to have my cases ready for trial. I will, there- Chamber of Commerce about January 1st, the first complete and up-to-date route-book of all high ways in Georgia, every route being covered by mile-by-mile logging cor rected up to the hour. medicine .will do things like that, I think people ought to know about it, and 1 want to say right now that I would not give one bottle of Tanlac for all the other medicines and health resorts in the country put together. 1 !’ Tanlac Is sold exclusively in Ath ens by the Citizens’ Pharmacy, adt Give Books and for once you can enjoy your Christmas shop ping—this year especially, for fine books are much less expen sive than other fine gifts. There is nothing more complimentary Worked in the Hay Field. Arthur Jones, Allen, Kas., writes: ‘‘I have been troubled with bladder and kidney trouble for a good many years. If it were not for Foley Kidney Pills I would never be able to work Men end women in my hay field, past middle age find these pills a splendid remedy for weak, overwork ed or diseased kidneys. H. R. palmer & Sons. adv you can give than a book. All the new books. Make this a book Christmas . . . The McGregor Company SAFEGUARDING THE (Special to the Banner.) Atlanta, Ga., Dec. IT^MMalntenahce. safeguarding and Improvement of the telephone lines in Georgia and nine southern states were discussed at an important conference here this week between the toll chiefs aqd plant su perintendents of the Southern Bell and Cumberland government have since its inauguration in 1872, the na tural and inevitable center of game conservation for this nation. There is something of significance in this. It is the destiny of the national parks, If wisely controlled, to become the public laboratorries of nature study for the nation. And from them spec imens may be distributed to the city and state preserves, as is now being done with the elk of the Yellowstone which are too abundant, and may (be jater with the antelope. “If congress will but make the funds available tor the construction of roads over which automobiles may travel with safety (for all the parks are now open to motors) and for trails to hunt out the hidden places of beau ty and dignity, we may expect that year by * r ear these parks will become a more precious possession of the peo ple, holding them to the further dis covery of America and making them still prouder of its resources, esthet ic as well as material.” Washington, Dec. 17, 1916.—In his forthcoming annual repbrt Secretary Lane says that the government should continue Its sympathetic oo-operation in the development of Alaska. He urges that .the confusion in adminis trative action in Alaskan affairs should be abolished. “It would be railroads, hotels, and their support ing enterprises in this country. “During the year a new national park of distinction and unusual ac cessibility has come into existence. It crosses the Rockies in Colorado at a point of supreme magnificence; hence its title, the RoCky Mountain National Park. Through it from north to south, winds the Continental Di vide—the Snowy (Range in name and fact. Two hundred lakes grace this rocky paradise, and bear and bighorn Inhabit its fastnesses. It has an area of 350 square miles and lies only 70 miles from Denver. Many hotels lie 5 ale Of Lawson Effects Telephone Com panies. Representatives were here from every southeastern state and import ant plans were announced for im provements during the coming sea son. A feature of the meeting was tne splendid address by First Vice President J. Epps Brown, welcoming the representatives to Atlanta. T HE Personal property of Mrs. Thomas G. Lawson, late of Eatonton, will be sold at public outcry, on the premisis, in Eatonton, Ga., Monday, Dec. 20, 1915. Among the articles are the mules, household goods, china, and the miscellaneous library, and the. Law Li brary of the late Hon. Thomas G. Lawson, former con gressman from this district. Terms Cash. SUSAN R, WALTON, Administratrix* Madison, Ga. A. G. and JULIAN McCURRY, Attorneys, Hartwell, Ga. Our Jitney Offer—This nd 5c. DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, HI., writing your name, and address clearly. Yon will receive In return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Oompaund, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Pills. H. R. Palmer & Sons. adv NEW SET OF MINING LAWS NOW PROPOSED "PUTS HEAT IN COLD FEET” = ABSOLUTELY SAFE — For Sale by Electrical Dealers Washington, Dec. 17.—Secretary Lane id his forthcoing annual report speaks of the necessity for a new set “The old code,” he of mining laws, says, “is so elaborate and complicated that the best of brains can not tell The truth seems to be ask them for their votes. In view of this fact, I earnestly request you to look after my Interest on the outside, while I am on the Inside, fighting for your welfare and protection. Thanking you for your past sup port; and trusting that I may be deemed worthy of your suffrage, and that yon will honor me with a second term, I am, Yours for service, JOHN B. GAMBLE. what law is. that between -mining engineers and mining lawyers the rules of the game have been refined into obscurity; and If congress were to say to the presi dent that he anight select three men familiar with mining laws and min ers’ difficulties to Hugest a new min ing code to congress, it would, I be lieve, be giving In earnest a new freedom to the mining industry.” Removing the Cause of Much Sickness Weaving in China. Weaving was practiced in China more than a thousand years before it was known in Europe. Blind Men and Women. It is estimated that throughout the world blind men outnumber blind wom en in the proportion of two to one. The advantage in taking Foley Cathartic Tablets Is that in addition to carrying off the entire congested mass without griping or nausea, they thoroughly cleanse the walls of the intestines and' keep them free of all dogging matter. It is this caking on the walls of the intestines that prevents their nat ural action and function, and Is the direct cause of so much of the sick ness and misery that makes constl- S atlon the curse of our present day. 'or it is constipation that is respon sible for a large share of headaches, depressed feelings, and many other serious bodily ills. W. A. McRae, an elderly gentleman living at Raleigh, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets are the only ones 1 have ever taken that cleanse my system thoroughly and do not gripe or hurt me at all. They are entirely Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous. Few of us realize the danger of Coughs and Colds. We consider them common and harmless ailments. How ever statistics tell ns every third per son dies of a long ailment. Danger ous Bronchial and Lung diseases tol low a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no fet ter aid can be had than Dr. King’s New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a bottle today. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments Druggists. adv Colds Need Attention. Internal throat and chest troubles produce inflammation, irritation, swelling or soreness and unless check ed at once, are likely to lead to se rious trouble. Caught in time Dr. Beil’s Pine-Tar-Honey loosens the phlegm and destroys the germs which have settled In the throat or nose. It it soothing and healing. Pine is anti septic; honey is soothing—-both te v gether possess excellent medicinal qualities for fighting cold germs. In sist on Dr. Bells Pine-Tar-Honey. 25c. all Druggists. adt Observe the Warning. A cold that promises to "hang on all winter” is to he dreaded. Prompt action should be taken at the first warning of a cold—sneezing, chilli ness, slight shivering. Foley’s Honey Bear This In Mind. ‘I consider Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy by far the best medicine in the market for colds and croup.” says Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio. Many others are of the same opinion. For sale oy all dealers. adv VAUDETTE THEATER SATURDAY. I have ever used.” H. R. PALMER & SONS. breathing.