The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 18, 1915, Image 5

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THE BANNER, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1915. One of the most thrilling Kleine-Edison pictures produced. Six reels of thrills and “par excellence” photography, Former Y. M. C. A. Building—^ ou Know the Place Special Exercises to Mark Opening STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Y. M. C. A. PLANNING TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETINGS FOR BOYS SUNDAY. LIKELY TO ANNOUNCE FOR GOV ERNOR IN THE STATE PA PERS OF TOMORROW. (Special to the Banner.) Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17—Providing adequate facilities for handling travel incident to the holiday season and also to take care of the moving of mail and express the Southern Rail way has arranged to run trains 35, 36, 37, and 38 between Washington and Atlanta in two sections up to and in cluding December 24th. Numbers 35 and 36 in two sections beginning December 15th, and num bers 37 and 38 wil be run in two sec tions from today. Additional sleeping cars and coach es will be handled on other trains as the travel may demand. Located at Athens, Georgia, at the close of business December 8, 1915, RESOURCES. American claimants, $50,000 to Brit ish, and $114,000 will be required for the expenses of the suits. The claimants’ committee, 'represented by forty-four lawyers which fixed the damages last summer at $2,500,000, is said to he willing to accept the proposition, which must be signed by December 31st. Time Loans Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and stocks owned by the bank Banking house Furniture and fixtures Other real estate ... , Due from banks and bankers in this state . Due from banks and bankers in other states Currency Gold Silver, Nickels, etc., ... ... Cash items ... ... Clearing house ... Internal revenue stamps . (By Y. Me A.) An 1 eighth committee (Special to the Banner.) Atlanta ,Ga„ Dec. 17.—It became known tonight that a publicity agency this morning sent out to state papers generality a statement quoting Gover nor Harris as saying that while he “had not contemplated having any thing to say at this time but since my Mends have put me in the race I am going to stick with them to the end.”' This bureau is informed locally to night that Dr. Hardman will formally announce his candidacy Sunday but has not up to this hour been able to verify the information by communica tion with Dr. Hardman. among the boys of the Y. M. C. A. was 'organized yesterday afternon to adopt the eighth family to make happy during the Christmas holidays. This makes, so far, eight committees of forty-eight boys who are at work on this plan of bringing good cheer and an expres sion of love into the lives of many whose Christmas-time would be dull and dreary. If there are other boys who are willing to do this work, Mr. Forbes is ready to organize committees as fast as boys will , express themselves as desirious of cooperating in this splendid Christian service. Meeting for Boys Sunday Afternoon. Miss Millie Rutherford will address the boys’ meeting on Sunday after noon at 3:30 o’clock in the headquar ters of the Y. M. C. A. Her subject will be: “The True Christmas Spirit.” The boys of Athens are urged to at tend. There is no mord attractive speaker the boys will have to address them than this noble, Christian wo man. The committee is especially anxi ous that the boys attend in large num bers the meeting Sunday, because this is the last Sunday before Christ mas, and definite details of the Christ mas plan will be announced at this time, and the last offering for the Christmas fund-taken. No Men’s Meeting Sunday. The men’s meeting has been called in on account of the congratulatory services, which will be held at the new Christian church Sunday after noon at 3:30 o’clock. The religious committee felt that they should join in with the brethern of the Christian church in their expressions of grati tude to God over the wonderful work and faith shown by the members of this congregation. Tomorrow week the regular men’s meeting will be held at the Elite The- $28,352.00 $ 1,500.00 .$ 2,176.38 ,$ 499.08 $16,421.28 Church to Install 185 Officers of Departments Tomorrow a. m WALTER ANDREWS TOTAL HEADS MYSTIC SHRINE other officers of the congregation. There are about 90 of the Sunday school officials and teachers. There aVe fully 50 of the officers of the board of lay activities. There are in all, therefore, about about 185 officers and official mem bers to be “sworn in” to office. There' is a membership of about 1300 of the First Methodist church. With nearly fifteen per cent of the membership holding offices there is arrayed a responsible and active pro portion of the membership, in harness and at work, that is rarely found in There will be one hundred and eighty-five officers and officials install ed for service in the first Methodist church tomorrow morning—in a spe cially impressive and unique service, to follow the regular preaching serv ice. The pastor will preach upon an ap propriate theme at the 11 o’clock ser vice and after the sermon the instal lation exercises will be held. All the officers of the church and Sunday (Special to the Banner.) Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17.—The election of Walter P. Andrews of Atlanta, as potentate of Yaarab Temple, Nobles of the Mystic (Shrine, will be received with general interest not only throughout the state but throughout the nation. For a long time Colonel Andrews has been identified with the best in terests and Ideals of this organization. He has an acquaintanceship and friendship among Shriners that stretches from coast to coast, and he Is regarded as the logical successor to Potentate Forrest Adair under whose administration the Yaarab Temple has splendidly prospered. Colonel Andrews is a member of the Georgia assembly,, and Is promi nent In the civic, political and social life of Atlanta. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 268,082,22 Due to banks and bankers in this state 4,827.67 Individual deposits subject to check 247,405.99 Savings deposits ... .... ... ».; .w 152,468.57 Tima Certificates ... ... ... ..., 90,383.40 Certified checks 30.00 490,287.96 6ills payable ... ... ... .... ... y.. ; % 25.000.00 War Upon Pain! > Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every emergency if you keep a small bottle of Sloan’s Liniment handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discovered Simply laid on the skin—no rubbing required—it drives the pain aWay. It is really wonderful. , . Mervin H. Soister, Berkeley, Cal. writes: “Last Saturday, after tramp ing around the Panama Exposition with wet feet, I came home with my neck so stiff that I couldn’t turn it I applied Sloan’s Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had almost dis appeared, four hours :after the second application I was as good as new.’ March, 1915. At DruggiBts, 25c adv. • TOTAL .... ... .... '. $838,197.85 STATE OF GEORGIA, Clarke County. Before me came G. A. Mell, Cashier, of The Athens Savings Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. G. A. MELL, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 17th day of December, 1915. J. C. JESTER, N. P. C. C. Ga. Method of Awaking the Deaf. An alarm -clock for the deaf that awakens a sleeper: by administering tight blows with ajaddle has been in vented in England. v - " Land Without Gas. Burma is one of the very few lands in which gas is not used for lighting nor industrial purposes. Territory of Hawaii. The proper regional address for a etter to Honolulu is -“T. H.,” Terrl- »ry of Hawaii.. No Joke. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but when a mantis short it’s no joke. VAUDETTE THEATER OPENS SATURDAY. Advertise your wants. TRUSTEE’S SALE Armstrong & Dobbs Automobiles f8|fg)mK/t)U(ovf-»igniroHCOHC->W(»)w(->K(.)KC-)MQ)(0K@KQ)(QKQ)(QyQ)(QXOXe>«P)Mr.>vf-v( , '-.»u^) • J m<.j»<0H W >ioH©n©)(©X©X©X©X©)(©)(©)(©)(©) VAUDETTE THEATER OPENS SATURDAY. WILL sell at auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday, De- •L cember 21st, at the office of F. L. Upson, Referee, the J. N. Webb house and lot on Prince Avenue, adjoining lot of Mrs. Beacham. This lot fronts ninety feet -90- on Prince Avenue and runs back t:o the depth of Three Hundred feet -300-. The dwelling on this lot contains twelve rooms besides bath rooms. There is on the lot a servant house, barn and other out houses. . The terms of the sale are one-third of the purchase price to be paid on January 1st, 1916 and remaining two thirds to be paid on July 1st, 1916. Deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum. The sale will be made subject to con firmation of the Court. A payment of Two Hundred' Fifty Dol lars will be required when the property is bid off, which will be credited on the first payment if the sale is confirmed by the Court and if the bid be rejected to be returned to purchaser. This is one of the most desirable homes in the City of Athens and it is an opportunity of a life time to buy a home complete in every particular, on easy terms and at a reasonable price. 5leeve-Vc£ve Moto** New York, Dec. 17.—-Phillip C. Wadsworth, indicted in Atlanta for using the mails to defraud, in con nection .with the Cotton Growers’ Co- Operative Society, was freed today when Federal Judge Mayer here dis missed the bill as defective. GNEEN & MICHAEL 417 421 SOUTHERN MUTUAL BUILDING LOAN DEPARTMENT We have money to loan on real estate secdrity In any amounts desired at 6, 7 or 8 per cent interest Rate of interest determined, by amount of loan and character of security. A limited amount of 6 per cent money repaid in monthly Installments. . Apply in person or by letter. ,(By Associated Presst) New York, Dec. 17.—Nearly six hundred Texas horses, Valued at $200 each, consigned to France were drowned in North river this afternoon when a barge sank. BROKEN AUTOMOBILES S AND Machine. Parts Repaired by ACETYLENE WELDING PROCESS We have the most complete equipment in the South. Work called Eor-and delivered. Satisfaction Guaranteed' SASNETT & YOW 133 W. Clayton St. Phone 531 Athens, Ga. PRINCIPAL OF BOSTWICK HIGH SCHOOL IN CITYL Prof. C. Lee Gowan, principal of the Bostwick High School, having had a most successful year at the head of that good school in that good section of the state, is in Athens for the week-end. He is delighted with his work and his location and is building the Bostwick schools up to a high standard. VAUDETTE THEATER OPENS SATURDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dearing, of St. Loui3, and Mr. Harry Dearing arrive next week to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albon Dearing on Miledge avenue. FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 30, 1915 No deductions fo rabeence, unless providential and protracted for at least one-fourth of a month. I will teach In the Athens Business College In the afternoon be ginning September first. S. P. ORR, 182 Wray St., Athens, Ga. -ppueme eqj ton ?nq „*pa}oiu}suoo -m„ eq Xeux sauo;s snopead -suia*) jaqto 9M!l u fl PIBJauig , .