The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 18, 1915, Image 6

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and nuts. An4 please remember all our little school mates. So good by Santa. We are your little friends, SARAH WALTON, AND MATTJE JULIA MIZE, P. S.—Don’t forget our pappas and mammas. This Is The Christmas Store You’ll find hundreds for men and boy’s of useful gifts here—things that can read ily be used. Let us help you choose your Holiday Gifts. We invite you to see the great varie ty of things welcome to man or boy, which we have here. Dear Santa dans: I am a smart little boy 6 years old, going to school, and I want you to bring me a little rocking horse, and a, lots qf good things to eat, and I have two little friends, Bob Smith— please bring him a stick of'candy— ' * *•' •" • i H ‘ * • ' / Jefferson, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915. Dear Santa Claus: I am ma smart little girls; have been picking cotton and thinking of you, and I will no$v tell you what I want you to bring me: A stove, safe! table, a sack of flowers and a lots of Nicholson, Ga., Dec. 13. 1915. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy-ten years old and I want you to bring me a wagon, The Home of Good Clothes ■ " " V PAGE SIX THE BANNER, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1915. Lett* rs to Santa THE RED CROSiS SEAL. Many Children Over the State Are Helping the Great Fight Against the White Plague by Using These Pretty Stamps on Their Christmas Letters. wagon, a trunk, a stove and all kinds of fruits and nuts. Youre very truly, ODELL GIBSON. Jefferson, Ga., Dec. 16, 1915. Dear Old Santa Clause: How will you be Christmas? Well and able enough te bring me what 1 ask fer? If you are, bring me some oranges, apples and about two boxes of 22-cal bre cartridges and a cap pis tol and four or five boxes of caps and some fire works. That is about all I will ask for this time. Good by. Sweet dreams. I am gone. ETON WHELOHBL. Red Stone, Ga., Dec. 12, 1915, Dear Old Santa: I am a little girl 14 years old, and] going to school every day. Mr. C. A. Maxwell is my teacher. I like him fine. Santa I want you to bring me| a locket and ring for Christmas. And be sure not to forget my lit-1 tie friend at Attica. So good bye] Santa 1 am your little friend, RUBY OLIVER. Jefferson, Ga., Dec. 14, 1915. Dearest Santa Claus: I am the smartest little boy you ever saw. I have been working hard all the fall .and thinking about you all the time dear Old Santa. Now Santa 1 Claus 1 want you to bring me a little cap pistol and a little wagon and some fire crackers and a whole lot of stick candy. My little friend Buck Archer wants a trycicle, a horn and; a rocking horse. Please remember! Jefferson, Ga., Dec. 16, 191o. little Joe and Lorena Pinson and Dear Old Santa: bring them a rubber doll and a rattler I want you to bring me one box of box. Well 1 will close and look for long range 22-calibre cartridges and Good-bye Santa Clause. Your one box of L. C. BJs and all kinds ] Athens. Ga., Dec. 11, 1915. Dear Old Santa. I am a little girl 10 years old. 1| want you to bring me a doll and trunk and whole lots of fruits and] candy. Your little friend, DAISY GIBSON. you. iifctle friend. BOSS BLACKSTOCK. of fruits and a little candy, and a cap pistol and two or three rolls, and a | few ' fire works, and a good story book. By by, Santa. R. D. WHELCHEL. Jeffrson, Ga., Dec. 16, 1915. Dear Old Santa: I am a sweet little girl two years ] Stephens, Ga., Dec. 7, 1915. Dear Santa Claus: I am a litle boy six years old. I am sending you a picture of the kind of automobile I want you bring we. You will find it at Dorsey Furniture Co. I have a sister 10 years old and bring 0 ici and I wish you would bring me a [ her something nice for girls. Your | itt i e rag doll and all kinds of fruit good little boy. WALTER BOWLING. Dec. 13, 1915. and a little A. B. C. book to learn my A. B, C.’s, and a little string of beads. | Your sweet baby, KATE WHELCHEL. Athens, Ga., Dear Santa Claus: Bring me some candy, nuts, apples, Athens, Ga. and some fireworks, and also a sweet- I)oar g^a Claus: heart, and bring my little sister some ( j have moved from where j was | doll, don’t forget mamma and papa. lagt Christmas x thought I would Good-bj e Santa. | W rite so you could find me. I want JOE WAL ON. , yor< tQ .-bring me a tricycle and an au , „ j tomobile that turns with a crank, and Athens, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915. 1 Dear Santa Claus: I wart you to bring me some candy, nuts and Indian suit and negro toes. I guess that is all. Don’t forget mam ma and papa. Your little boy, CLIDE JOHNSON. a lots of something good to. eat. \our little friend, MADISON LEE ST. JOHN. Pulaski Street. The End is Near—A re You Prepared? We mean the end of The Banner's Great Christmas Gift Subscription Campaign is near at hand and are you prepared with enough votes on hand to be successful? IF NOT, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BIG AND LAST OPPORTU NITY WHICH ENDS TONIGHT AT 1 O O’CLOCK 50,000 EXTRA VOTES FOR NEW YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION (Two Six-Months or Four Three-Months Count Same as One Yearly Subscription) First Grand Capital Premium—1916 Hudson- uper-Six, palmer Touring Car Second Grand Capital Premium—Ford 5 Passenger Touring Car 1916 Model Other Premiums to be Given Away Incliide Two Handsome $400. Cable-Nelson Pianos. Two $75. Columbia GraEanolas. Two Scholarships in the Athens Business College and Two $20. Ladies’ Gold Watches. A Check for Cash Com missions to All Non-Winning Candidates. December Campaign Closes Tuesday At 6 O'Clock P. M., and All Ballots -Issued lor Subscriptions Must be Deposited in Ballot Box at Campaign Headquarters Before that Time so that They Can be Counted By the Judges FINAL STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN SUNDAY’S BANNER 13. 1915. Dear Santa: I am a little girl 7 years old and. 1 go to school and I love my teacher. Her name-hr-Miss Barget and I want old and y° u 1)0 bring me a doll bed and a I want you to bring me a pair of j tea-set and a stove and all kinds of gloves and a great big doll and a fruit and nuts and candy, whole lot of nuts and fruits. I won’t all 1 want this Christmas, so goodjby, ask for nothing else as you will have Santa. MARY JOHNSON. so many little toys to see after and It will be so cold too. Dear Old Santa Athens, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915, I have three little friends I don’t Dear Old Santa Claus: want you to forget them, Sallie Smith, | i a m a little girl of 6 years. I L'zzie Pinson and Ida Roberts. Well ( want you to bring me a doll, a piano, Old Santa I will close and look for and a broom. And dear Old Santa you Christmas Eve night. Wishing please don’t forget my little sister. you a happy Christmas, I am your sweet little friend, MATTIE B. OLIVER. Dear Santa: 1 urn a little girl 3 years old. 1 wnnt to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a tea set and a big doll and a doll bed and a carriage to ride my doll in. That is all 1 want for this Christmas, so good-by, Santa. HAZEL WIGLEY. Athens, Ga., Dec. 12, 1915. Dear Santa: Please bring me an Indian suit, gun and bulets, a horse, a little Ford automobile, a bouncing ball and plenty of fire works. I am only four years old and am veTy smart and 1 help mamma. Don’t forget and little children. Bring me some fruit, nuts and candy, also. Your little friend. WIALTBR JENNINGS. Normal Avenue. bring her a rubby doll and a rubby ratle, and whole lots of fruit, candy j and nuts. ,Your dear little friends JUNE AND GUSSIE YARBROUGH. | Athens, Ga., Dec. 14, 1915. Dear Santa Clans: a gun, a banjo, a horn, and all kinds | of fruits and nuts. iBy by, Santa. Yours very truly, .AUBREY: GIBSON. P. S. Bring a wagon that I can | take the body off. H. G. Athens, Ga., Dec. 11, 1915. Dear Old Santa: I, want you to bring me a doll and doll carriage and a broom, and my little sister—bring her a doll and a doll carriage, and a whole lots of fruits, candies, and nuts.. Your little friendst MARY F. & MILDRED GIBSON. Athens, Ga. Dear Santa Claus: I am glad Xmas has come around again. I am only six years old and go to school. I am in the first grade. I want you to bring me a doll, some I am a little boy three and a half ***** frults - nuts - ™ at ls years' old. Wont you please bring me •» I thlllk for this Ume ' t forget a fire wagon, a pony and a doll and I a H tke rest °* tke children. lots of good things to eat. Don’t forget sister and brother and all the | rest of the little children. I hope you will get a lot of Christmas pres-| ents. Your little friend CLAUD NELMS. Dear Santa Claus: Your little friend, LUOILE NELMS. Athens, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915. My Dear Old Santa Claus: Will you please bring me some apples, nuts, and oranges? And please bring a little 'baby girl, and Please bring me a train that will I remember all the rest of the children. run on a track, and a gun, and a | Good by. wagon, and a horn; some raisins and some nuts. A Merry Christmas to you. JAMBS GORDON. JOE PINSON- Athens, Ga., Dec. 13. 1915. Dear Old Santa Claus:'- 1 am a little boy 14 years old and want you to bring me a little sweet heart that is what I want. Well, Athena, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy five years old and I bring some candies, nuts, and bring this ismy first letter to you. Please I my sweet heart a doll. Hoping you bring me a wagon, police suit, bath I will see every one Christmas and do good when we are a sleep. Every boy j ral>e rom 8 i i pp erSi a bj g train (you I not forget my mama and papa. Good up here are married but us thTee, and j ^ ' tod It at McClure ’s); also Borne by. BBUBEN JOHNSON. w e are not old a nufe to do that little flpe and frult> ^ „ spa re them. From your loving friend, I Pendergrass, Ga., Dec. 16, 1915. CHESTER GRAHAM. I My Dear Old Santa Claus: 712 N. Jackson SL, City. I I am a little boy eleven years old P. S. Please don’t forget the little I and in the fifth grade. Well, Santa, poor children. 11 do not want much this Xmas. I want you to bring me some books Athens, Ga., Dec. 13, 19(15. I to read. Please remember my little Dear Old Santa Claus: j brother. Amen. Bring him nrts, I a am little boy 6 years old and I fruits, and not many toys. Good bye. want you to bring me a tricycle and I HUGH SIMS some candies, nuts, apples and or anges; that }s all, Santa. Good by. J. D. JOHNSON, Red Stone, Ga. Dear Santa: We are three little boys, and are stunt. So please bring us a doll a- piece and don’t forget our papas and mammas. Raydo wants a little red wagon to carry bis girl to Sunday school in and Walter wants a little horse will standstill, and Drew wants a red headed girl for he hasn’t one so don’t forget us. From your loving friends RAYDO SEGARS. WALTER ARCHER, DREW WILLIAMSON. good things to eat, and I have a lover ly little friend, Bascom Oliver, and i want you to bring him a ,little wagon and some fire crackers, and Old San ta, remember little Bunnie and Ear nest Spencer; they want a rubber doll and a rattler. Well, Santa, I guess this is enough for this time, and I am going to be smart and look for you and want you to remember all of y little friends, be sure and not forget Nettie Hardy and Hubert Gal ley. Oh! I was about to forget grand pa; please bring him a co>b pipe. Your friend, GRACE OLIVER. Athens, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915. Dear Santa Claus: : 1 want you to bring me some can died, nuts, and raisins. And also bring me a little baby boy and cradle, too, so I can sit the rainy days and rock it. And remember all the rest. Thlk is all. Good by, Sianta. BASCOM OLIVER. Athens, Gla., Dec. 13, 1915. My Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 3 years old, as I do not go to school 1 want you to please bring me a doll and teaset to play with these long cold days, and some candies, nuts; also' remember all the rest of the little girls. Good by, Santa. MINNIE MAY JOHNSON. Jefferson, Ga., Dec. 14, 1915. Dear Santa: I am a little boy 7 years old and go to school. I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a tool box and a horn and Indian suit, and all kinds of fruit. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy -New Year, (My name is ROY WIGLEY. Athens, Ga. Dear Santa Clause: {Please bring me an Irish mail, pair of gloves and a story book and lire works. And my little brother, Spencer, who is eleven months old, something that you think will* suit him. Your little friend. THOMAS^ ST. JOHN. and little Bass Biackstock wants a rubber doll to gnaw, for he is cutting his teeth- And do remember Bob Pinson and bring him a sack of pea nuts and a sack of stick candy. This Is,' all I ask of you for I am going to look for you. Your little friend, BEN OLIVER. Red Stone, Ga., Dec. 12,1915* Dear Old Santa: We are two sweet little girls from Red Stone. We want you to bring us & big doll and cradle and some fruits Red Stone, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915. Dear Old Santa: 1 thought I would write you a few lines to let you know what I want this Christmas. I am a little girl 3 years old and want you to bring me a big doll and a carriage, and a whole lot of fruits. And Santa don’t forget my little brother Ralph. He is 1 year bid and bring him a little boy doll and a little wagon to play with. ‘ I will <A8Se for this time. Your sweet little girl and boy. HILDER AND RALPH HARDY. ( P. S.—Don’t forget daddyi and mamma Athens, Ga., !Dec. 13, 1915. Dear Old Santa Olaus: Please bring me a sweetheart; all of them have married off from rr a, and that is all I want. (FIRED JOHNSON. Overcoats Gloves Full Dress Suits Fur Lined Gloves Rain Coats Automobile Gauntlets Smoking Jackets Full Dress Sets Driving Gloves Silk Suspenders Initial Handkerchiefs Silk Hose Silk Handkerchiefs Collar Ties Bath Robes, All Kinds Pullman Slippers Suit Cases Umbrellas Gladstone Bags ' Silk Pajamas Silk Shirts Neck Ties Traveling Sets Nicholson, Ga., Dec. 13, 1915, Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl eight years old. I am going to school. I like my teach er very well; his name is Curtis Max well. Santa please bring me a doll, a [©l©I©l©jI©l©X©X©XsXj§Xj3X®I©]