The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 18, 1915, Image 8

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OF INTEREST FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ' TO WORSHIP WITH CHRISTIAN Tomorrow evening there will be no services at the First Methodist church —the congregation attending the spe cial services at the First Christian church. Dr. Herbert Yeuell of Chi cago will preach tomorrow evening at the Christian church. When You Sponge Clothes. The troublesome rings which often appear on clothes after they have been sponged with gasoline or naphtha can be avoided by adding a couple of ta blespoonfuls of table salt to the cleans ing fluid. MADISON TAN GETS CUT A MAGNIFICENT EDITION Scene of Much Fighting. ■ With the exception of Gibraltar, Constantinople has probably experi enced more fighting right up to its walls than any other important town in the world. The Madisonian of . Madison came out yesterdhy with a forty-eight page holiday edition, with beautifully col ored Christmas cover, a world of ad vertising indicating the enterprise of the city of Madison and plenty of good Christmassy reading, news and special holiday features. It is one of the best editions of a weekly paper published in years in. this part of the state. To Open 8ardines. When a box of sardines is opened, it should be drained of its oil at once and the fish turned out Daily Thought To forgive and forget is to throw away a dearly bought experience.— Schopenhauer. Time to Look Out It’s time to look out when a busi ness will not bear looking into. footing of equality with all other citi zens and be exempt from military service, similar terms being agreed regards Manchus, Mongols, Mohammedans and Tibetans. Impov erished princes and dukes were to be provided with means of livelihood, while .provision was also to be made for the Eight Banners, or professional ancient soldiers, who were hence forth to be free in respect to trade and residence. The term ‘•favorable” was amply justified considering all the circumstances of the moment at which the • agreement was drawn up. To Prince Ching, however, the duty of negotiating for its revision will be a task rich in opportunities, especially as the imperial seal appears to be a Bine qua. non of a revival of mon archy. lit the eyes of Europeans, the important^ attached to the seal ap pears amusingly exaggerated; to the Chinese, on the other hand, formal ism is everything and It is of the es sence of the present situation that the the Manchus an- Room House slightly I have a customer who wants to buy a four or five room house in a good neighborhood. If you have such a piece of property, see me for I can sell it for you. edicts Iii which nounced their abdication delegated to Yuan Shi-kai authority to “organize with full powers a provisional repub lican government.” Theoretically, therefore!: as long as the Manchus re tain the seal they retain the source and- symbol of the authority. which they' allowed Yuan Shi-kai to use. liP|..gWm Real Estate and Fire Insurance. Advertise your wants. PAGE EIGHT m r.*: .... _ , „ ^ THE BANNER,. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1915 Wilson is For It—So Are We Wilson, belives in preparing for foreign attack. We believe in preparing for fire attack. Wilson believes in strong navy and efficient seamen. We believe in strong companies and efficient service. Our Agency Is Built On Intelli gent Service and Unquestion able Security. ALL POLICIES CHECKED BY TWO MEN Erwin Service and Security. AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 1025 Dorsey Furniture Co. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING THE ATHENS AUDIT CO. J. F. HART Manager Phone 418 FOR CHRISTMAS See Our New Line o£ PORTABLE LAMPS And don’t forget that there is nothing that will add to the beauty of a home like one of our CHANDELIERS. Heating Appliances and Electric Flashlights make welcome gifts. < Athens Engineering Co. .Phone 711 Smith Bldg — FRANK A LIPSCOMB - OUR AGENCY SHORT NOTES LipscoiWs Specialty—Insurance. Why not divide my fire insurance with J. C. Jester? Coal—For all the best grades^ call Athens Ice Co., Phone 521. tf For Rent: One 8-r. house, .all mod- I ern conveniences; Milledge are.; 530 | per month. Phone 255. tf Fish! Fish! Fish! Spanish mack erel, King mackerel and. Trout and extra fine oysters. Adam3’ Market. If you want to make your wife handsome Christmas present, go to John L. Arnold’s and buy her a suit of wall paper at reduced prices until | Christmas. Georgianne Cooking Oil, more eco nomical than lard by 33 per cent Use I one-third less. Pure and sweet as Ol< ive oil. For sale by Athens merchants who specialise in pore food products. Fresh Market. Meats of all kinds. Adams’ SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST • HE LARGEST SAVINGS BANK IN ATHEN8 The Athens Savings Bank pays >>er ceit interect on savings deposits compounded January 1st July 1st Deposits received from 51.OO up. Get the saving habit For Rent: 5-room boose. Davenport Fancy Oyster Plants, globe arti chokes, radish and lettuce. Adams' Market. For Xmas trees, phone 562-L. Bring your old hats to the Hospital 144 1-2 Clayton street, Athens, Ga. Timely Hint on Over-Eating. Big dinners cause disturbed diges tions. The stomach and bowels should not be clogged with undigested poi sonous waste matter! Foley Cathartic Tablets relieve distress after eating, stop belching, banish bloating and gas on stomach, regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and tone up the liver. H. R. Palmer & Sons. adv Share Your Blessings. No blessing can he perfectly enjoyed unless shared with a friend. Help Your Liver—It Pays. When your liver gets torpid and your stomach acts queer, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills and you will find yourself feeling better. They purify the blood, give you freedom from constipation biliousness, diz ziness and indigestion. You feel fine —just like' you want to feel. Clear the complexion too. 25c at Drug gists. adv A Great Summer. * This has been a great summer not u> go camping. If you have got broken glass out of your 4 window and want to keep the cool air but of your house, go to John L. Arnold. If you live in the city of Athens we can have youv-glaBs put in [ for you. John L. Arnold.' For your Christmas wreaths, phone 12100. ' 6t Lost: Between Costa’s and Colum- I bia Tailoring Co., a black silk purse containing about 520 in' bills and also q little change. 'Finder return to 1 Banner and receive reward. tf Fancy Celery, cauliflower and bell peppers.' Adams’ Market. If you want anything in the line of paints, wall paper or glass, picture framing, we have made a reduction in everything until Christmas on this line. Don’t forget the Old. Reliable firm, John L. Arnold. Demonstration of Georgianne Oil I now going on at Rest Room, Cham ber of Commerce. (Refreshments glv- I en away. Public invited. 5t For Rent: 2 desirable furnished rooms, Milledege Ave. Phone 329. For Sale: Good feather bed, cheap. “H.,” care Banner. 2t Will sell my piano and violins at a I sacrifice. Call at 545 College avenue, | or phone 680/ 3t Fresh Spinach, beets, carrots, bunch turnips. Adams’ Market Lost: A watch with gold fob with my initials, “J. B. V.,” engraved. Will give handsome reward for same. J. B. Vaghan, Olive Lawn. “Eq.-Llfe”6%loans: noCom.T.L.M itched Parties 'having money to loan on real estate should consult our appli cations. Green & Michael, Loan De partment Genuine Indian River oranges, tan gerine orangeB, grapefruit, cocoanuta and Winesap and Albermarle Pippen apples. Adams’ Market if ever you found anybody that has ever bought anything from John L. Arnold in line of wall paper, paint and glass and it didn’t come up to what he represented it to be, come to him and talk about it and not to other people, as we make a guarantee on everything done. John L. Arnold. Two college boys can get a nice "ur- nished room with bath, after the holi days, in good location, by applying to Phone 947. dhtf Don’t overlook ordering your Christ* masmas cranberries from The Adams’ Market Xmas Decorations. Phone 562-L. Young lady would like to get a nice ly furnished room, by January 1st Address P. O. Box No. 569, City. For Rent: 3 rooms, also modern 6- room cottage. Phone 1041. 4t Lost: Between the high school and 1390 >S. Lumpkin street, pair eye glasses in black case. Finder, please phone 571. 2t /Have your orders for Christmas cut flowers reserved now by Jones Gren- honse Co.,' Phone 364. sa-su-w-th Mustard and Turnip Salad, Georgia collards and white cabbage. Adams’ .Market AT THE FRONT OUT OF LONG RETIREMENT IL- ! LUSTROUS CHINAMAN HAS EMERGED TO TAKE PART IN AFFAIRS. (By Associated Press.) Peking, Nov. 2.—(By Mail.)—Prince Ching. who has suddenly cope out of long retirement to participate in the negotiations concerning the rights the deposed Manchu dynasty is to enjoy under the prospective re-establish ment of the monarchy, was for many years one of the most important fig ures iu Chinese politics. (He has been living quietly at Tien tsin and was summoned to Peking to look after the interests of the deposed boy emperor who is living as a pris oner in the Forbidden City at Peking, Prince Ching was born in 1839, and when 13 years of age was adopted by grandson of Emperor Chien Lung, and was continually advanced until 1908, when, upon the death of Em peror Kuang Hsu, he was admitted to the rank of a hereditary prince of the first order. Many of his sons and daughters have married into the Chinese royal family. In Manchu circles, therefore, Prince Ching is a person of very great conse quence on the ground of family ties alone. In addition he is exceedingly wealthy and for many years was the most powerful minister in Peking. In April, 1884, he became president of the Tsungli Yamen, the old board of foreign affairs, and in that capacity his name is associated with many of the outstanding events of China’s re cent history. There was, in fact, a period of many years when practically nothing could be done without Prince Ching’s cognizance and help, when his front door was a market place at which ap pointments, promotions and conces sions were bought and sold, when his favor was the passport that open ed the most intimate and closely guarded portals, when his frown meant ruin to the most elaborate schemes. And now, after a period of retirement and comparative unim portance, he re-emerges again to “put through” what may well prove to be the last big deal of his life. The terms on which the Manchus abdicated, the "favorable treatment” agreement that Prince Ching Is going to revise, included a stipulation that 'after abdication the emperor should be allowed to retain his title and should receive from the republic the respect 'dire to a foreign sovereign. Article two arranged that the throne should receive from the republic an annuity of Taels 4,000,000 (56,600,600 Mexican) until the establishment of a new currency, when the sum should be 54,000,000 (Mexican.) By article three the emperor was to be allowed to reside temporarily in the imperial plalace, but was later to remove to the Eho Park, retaining his bodyguard at the same strength as hitherto. Oth er articles allowed him to continue to perform the religious ritual con nected with the imperial ancestral temples and mausolea, which were to be protected by guards provided by tbe republic to retain his retinue as hitherto, appointing, however, no more enumlch; to enjoy possession of Ms private property under the re public’s protection and to retain the Imperial guards, which, however, were to be placed under the control of the department of war. The imperial clansmen were to re tain their titles and private property enjoy public and private rights on a 1898- ESTABLISBED COMPANIES. Continental Ins. Co. FideUty-Pnenix Ins. Co. .. .. Fidelity underwriters .. .. ... Firemen’s Insurance Co., N. J. Wiliiamsburgh City, N. Y St Paul Fire & Marine .. .. Maryland casualty Co Fidelity-Bond Co. Total Capital CAPITAL ..5 2,000,000 2,6000,000 .. 4,500,009 .. l.oOO.OOO .. t.UUO.OOO ... 1,000,000 .. 1,000.000 .. 3,000,000 -1898 assets 28 380,392 86 15,278,994.00 43 602,835.20 6,839,209.99 4,872,222.82 10.162,455.00 6,490,467.77 H.417A30.74 .516.000,000 Total assets 5127,043,708.37 MILLIONS! MILLIONS! MILLIONS! Technicalities Are Common In Fire Insurance Policies. You usually find them when the fire comes. OUR SPECIALTY IS FIRE INSURANCE Lipscomb Fire Insurance Agency Office Phone 109. Night Phone 719. A3K THE MAN WHO HAD THE LOSS. Germany Would Exchange For mer Postmaster General of Cana da for a Captain, Name of Franz (By Associated Press.) (Montreal, Canada, 'Dec. 17.—Ger many has offered to exchange Dr. Henri IS. Boland, former postmaster general of Canada, captured at the fall of Antwerp, for Captain Franz Von Rintelen, according to word re ceived by Arthur Ecrement, a former member of parliament, from Premier Borden. • Andrew] Bonar Law, the British colonial secretary, is aid to have re quested the Vatican to effect Bo land’s release. Von Rintelen was removed from the steamer while en route from the ■United States to Holland and report ed under death sentence in-the Lon don Tower... (He has been mentioned as a director of a conspiracy to fo ment strikes in the United States. Mrs. Ed. Hayes Died Yesterday Near Normal School Offer fbr quick sale 6-room house iu shady grove, lot about 4% acres, on Aitbens-Atianta highway, half. mile of city limits; very cheap. 53000; terms. See us at once. D* G. Anderson & Co. REAL ESTATE 224 Clayton Street ATHENS, GA. . South Georgia*Farm for Sale: 202J/£ acres in South Georgia, five miles westr of MoRae and Helena, three- horse farm open .balance can all be put in cultivation by the clearing. 160 acres under wire fence. Side track and flag station. Most desira ble location for store,'grist mill and gin. Climate and water excellent. For quick sale, 520.00 per acre. Will give terms on half. P. O. Box 162, McRae, Ga. 4t $50.00 REWARD. Stolen from Georgian Hotel Friday afternoon, 10th Inst, a heavy weight, long plain black overcoat, size 40, fine quality material, but worn. A reward of 550.00 will be paid for the arrest and evidence sufficient to convict the guilty party. The above reward to remain open and in force until December 1st, 1916. When arrested notify Chief of Po lice, Athens, Ga. C. -D. MOORE, Care Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Ed Hayes, aged about fifty years, died at her home at 243 Geor gia Railroad 'street, yesterday after noon about 4 o’clock. She had been 111 for some time and it is said that serious burns she experienced some weeks ago had much to do with' her death. ^ The-funeral will be conducted this afternoon from Oconee street Meth odist church, Rev. E. W. Jones, the pastor, to lead the services. The in terment will be in Oconee cemetery. The following will be the pall bear ers: Messrs. Charles McKinnon, Em ory Kirk, Weldon Wood, Henry Winn. Win James, and A. G. Dudley. Mrs. Hayes * Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Hal Wright Mrs. delta Harris, and Miss Belle Hayes, and by one sister, Mrs. A. W. Smith. She was a good Christian woman and her death is mourned by a large cir cle of relatives, neighbors and friends. PASTOR QF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN HUNTING Rev. E. L. Hill, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, will return v today from Montgomery, where he has been enjoying a season of several days of hunting—enjoying the excellent sport of shooiting duck along the rivers and marshes in Ala bama. He will return today* y and will occupy his pulpit tomorrow. ; •: