The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 21, 1915, Image 10

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THE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1915. Christmas Near-Do Not Delay Your Purchase FOR CHRISTMAS OUR AGENCY ESTABLISHED COMPANIES. Continental Ins. Co .. f'idelity-Pnenlx Ins. Co. .. ..." Fidelity underwriters .. . - .. Firemen’s Insurance Co., N. J. Wihiamsburgh City, N. Y St Paul Fire & Marine .. .. Maryland casualty Co Fidelity-Bond Co. ASSETS 9 28 380,392 81 16,278,994.01 43 602.835.2t 6,839,209.99 4,872,222.82 10,162,455.01 6l490.467.77 11,417,130.74 PORTABLE LAMPS Have the best line of Dolls and Doll Carriages shown in Athens. Ill you do not believe, call and be con vinced. We also carry the greatest line of Wagons, Carts, Autos, Veloc ipedes, Tricycles, Gocarts, Wheelbar rows, both Iron and ruibber-tired. We have the greatest variety of Toys shown in Atnens, also the largest stock for wholesale as well as retail trade. Parties buying for Xmas trees given wholesale prices. Don’t fail to see our great display of Cut Glass and Cnina Dinnerware. We carry 25 patterns of open stock Din nerware. Sets made uip to suit pur chaser. Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets as low as $3.00 per set. Large line beautiful Hand-painted China in Chocolate Sets, Berry Sets, Celery And don’t forget that there is nothing that will-add to the beauty of a home like one of our CHANDELIERS. Total Capital .916.000.000 Total assets 9137,043.708.31 MILLIONS! MILLIONS! MILLIONS) Heating Appliances and Electric Flashlights make welcome gifts. Technicalities- Ars Common In Fire Insurance Policies. You usually find them when the fire comes. OUR SPECIALTY IS FIRE INSURANCE Wilson belives in preparing for foreign attack. We believe in preparing for fire attack. Wilson believes in strong navy and efficient seamen. Athens Engineering Co, Smith Bldg Phone 711 Office Phone 109. Night Phone 719. SHORT NOTES SHORT NOTES Bring your old hats to the Hospital 144 1-2 Clayton street, Athens, Ga, OF INTEREST OF INTEREST Georgtanne Cooking Oil,, more eco aomical than lard by 33 per cent. Use one-third less. Pure and sweet as Ol ive oil. For sale by Athens merchants who specialize in pure food products. Lipscomb’s Specialty—Insurance. HE LARGE8T 8AVINGS BANK IN ATHENS The Athens Savings Bank pays 4 nr oei t interest on savings deposits compounded January 1st, July 1st Deposits received from 91.00 up. Get the saving habit Room House Why not divide my fire insurance with J. C. Jester? W® feeliove in strong companies and efficient service. -Goat—For all the best grades^ call Atheis Ice Co., Phone 621. tf Parties having money to tSM on real estate should consult our appli cations. Green & Michael, Loan De- oartment 1 have a customer who wants to buy a four or five room* house In a good neighborhood. If you have such a piece of property, see me for I can sell it for you. Broad St For Rent: Store and dwelling, benstein, 467 Boulevard. For Rent: One 8-r. house, all mod- •rn conveniences; Milledge ave.; $3o >er month. Phone 255. tt For Rent: 6-room house. Davenport. For Xmas trees, phone 562-L. Ruscus Immortelle wreaths and bushes. Crucedale Greenhouse. For your Christmas wreaths, phone Will sell my piano and violins at a sacrifice. Call at 546 College avenue, or -phone 680. . 3t Found: Nice pair gold eye-glasses. Made by Moore, Atlanta Phone 272, Mrs. Ussery. it Our Agency Is Built On Intelll gent Service and Unquestion able Security. For Rent: 6-room house on Milledge enue Louis Carnap. tf For Rent: 2 desirable furnished •ooms, Milledege Ave. Phone 329. For Rent: To couple, or young men, two furnished rooms, with or without board; bath, hot and cold water; phone; three blocks from post office. Write Box 384. tf For Rent: 3 rooms, also modern 6* room cottage. Phone 1041. 4t Xmas Decorations. Furnished room, with adlolning bath, for rent. Opposite University campus. Apply 127 Broad St., Phone 1310. tuw-su Normal School Pharmacy Erwin & Co Finr Insurance. Beautiful Handker Lost: Gold bar pip. Leave at Ban- ner office. Reward. It TBEATORIUM PARHtS ^ESTHDAYi VAUDETTE Yesterday and last night there were two large theatorium parties given by the new Vaudette theater—the old Y. M. C. A. corner. In the afternoon a big children’s party was given with about thirty little folka enjoy’ng the hospitality of the hostess of the occas- 'on. Last night a large party . ot grown folks' was entertained in the same manner. (By Associated Press.) (Lexington, Va., Dec. 20.—Conflict ing testimony as to the alleged hazing of Cadet Thurber Sweet of Chicago, who died here ten days ago, was given today at an Investigation into his *eath by the board of visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. Four students of' Washington and Lee said that the day Sweet quit the V. M. I. he showed them wounds on his beck wihch he said were caused by the bayonet. The Institute officials and cadets said Sweet was not hazed and that he merely wanted to go home. Service and Security. W E have hundreds of dozens of the daintiest and most beautiful Handker. chiefs that we have ever shown—both in ladies' and gents*. Many of the materials used are new -the colors are delicate and -beautiful. Some are pure linen, some silk crepe de chine, some voile—in fact we have every thing that is new. Almost all are embroidered, some with escolloped edges, some rolled and whipped, others hemstitched. AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 1025 Dorsey Furniture Co. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 20.—A system of co-operative local associations, fed erated with the reg'onal land banks, which banks will have power to Issue bonds on land mortgages of local as- reciat'ons, is included in the rural credits bill to be introduced In con gress after the holidays by the joint committee created for thin purpose at the last session. i LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies’ voile handkerchiefs In light blue, lavender, pink and white. Hand embroidered in corner, 25c. Ladies’ escolloped voile handker chiefs, white centers with colored borders. All the pretty shades, such as pink, light blue, heliotrope and white, 25c. Ladies’ silk crepe de chine handker chiefs. Pink, blue, green, old rose, and white. Pretty colored borders, 25c. Ladles’ beautiful hind-made real lace handkerchiefs, 50c. Real hand embroidered handker chiefs. Beautiful quality, 50c, 75c. 91.00. Pretty lace handkerchiefs In beau tiful Christmas .boxes, $1£0, 92.00, 93.00. .. Exquisite hand embroidered hand kerchiefs in beautiful designs in hol iday boxes, 35c. 5c SALE OF PRETTY LADIES’ HANDKERCHIEFS. Very pretty ladies’ linen lawn hand kerchiefs that are exceptional values, at 5c. THE ATHENS AUDIT CO J. F. HART Manager Phone 418 The meeting of the city Baraca- Philathea meeting for tonight to elect officers and install them, has been postponed till the regular meeting date in January. GENTLEMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS. Gents’ all-linen~ handkerchiefs, at 15c. Gents’ all linen initial handker chiefs, 25c. Four, in holiday box, 91.00T Strong and Well as Ever. Fred Smith, Green Bay, Wis., says. "Foley Kidney Pills completely reliev ed me of all soreness and pain In tne back and I now am strong and well as ever.” Cold weather makes aching joints. Bore muscles and irregular bladder action more unbearable. Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys elimi nate pain-musing poisons. H. R. Palmer & Sons. adv Recommended for Croup. . 1 W. C. Allen, Boseley, Mo., says: ”1 have raised a family of four children and used Foley’s Honey and Tar with all of them. I find it the best cougb and croup medicine 1 ever u?ed. I used it for eight or ten years and can recommend it for croup.” Same sat isfactory results for coughs and colds.. K. R. Palmer & Sons. adv EXTRA SPECIAL 10c SALE. 200 dozen ladies’ sheer linen, hand kerchiefs, actually worth 15c, on sale today, very special, at 10c. SPECIALS IN LADIES’ GLOVES. 100 dozen pairs, of ladies’ black gloves, white stitched, and white gloves black stitched. ' Holiday box es free, 91-60. - • Gold gloves, embroidered in black.' Very stylish. $1.75, 92.00, 92.25 and 92.50. Have Strange Preference. In Cochin China, the inhabitants prefer rotten eggs to fresh ones. Optimistic Thought. Arms are worth little without wis dom nt hnmp 15c'TABLE OF BEAUTIFUL HAND KERCHIEFS. 3,000 handkerchiefs all one price. Rolled and whipped edges, escolloped edges, lace edges. Embroidered in pink, blue and white; some in white with solid color borders. Dainty de signs and patterns, 15c, Monthly Payments 200 HAND BAGS AT $1 25. Original price of these bags, 92.00. All black. Different shapes and beau tifully lined. 91-75, 92.00 and 92.50. 9-room house on South Lumpkin street, near Agricultural School. Lot 60 x 162. Twwtory store, same location, 6< x 162. 6-room house, one and one-half b'ocks of Milledge avenuet. Lot 80 x 130. 4-room house near Prince avenue and Boulevard. Lot 75 x 400. Several Desirable Lots in Growing Section Sure oE Steady Enhancement W. T. COLLINS & CO 3mrlrr . attb ©pttriart (Srnrgia D, G. Anderson & Co. RFAL ESTATE 224 Cl.v 01- A’HENS, GA