The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 21, 1915, Image 5

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p; ' ■ m'■ . ..-.m-.juj THE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1915. SILK PrtQENTY HOSE A" SIMPLIFIED GIFT LIST-- PHOENIX SILK HOSE Just glance over your gift list and you’ll find there isn’t a friend but what would welcome a present of Phoenix Silk Hosiery. We have an unusually fine assortment and can give your wants careful attention. A gift of Phoenix is made doubly attractive by the knowledge that it,is enduring and that most everyone wants to wear silk hose. Besides the box is handsome and durable and has no advertising matter. W. T. COLLINS & CO. WITH THE POLICE COMMERCE HAS A Tho recorder’s court had a big busi ness yesterday morning. Whether the closing of the near beer “stands” Saturday n'ght, the east wind, or the perversion of the Christmas spirit was responsible did not clearly ap pear. But there was unusual busi- less. THIRD BIG FIRE Between Saturday morning and! SAID TO HAVE ORIGINATED FROM CARELESSNESS OF ALLEGED “JOY-RIDERS.” (Special to the Banner.) Commerce, Ga., Dec. 20.—What very near being one of the most serious conflagrations Commerce has along the streets generally traversed cant for the present year, the base- by the automobiles. He has turned ment having been used as a stall for up several alleged violators in the horses and mules. In addition Mr. past few days—some for speeding and j^Mann had several thousand bundles some' for failing to have nuu&lDelK 9i fodder and several hundred bush- equipped with proper lights. fete of corn stored in the basement. |Tke floor level with the street was H. W. Pelfrey, a white man was vsut for the storage of a few auto- tried yesterday morning for being' mobiles and was also occupied by drunk and disorderly and was fined Mr. J. H. Thompson as a shoe shop. $10 and bound over to the city court The fire is said to have occurred for carrying a pistol. It was charg- last night by some one attempting ed that 'he had stabbed a negro named to fill up the tank of Dr. G. H. Dun- Will Harris Saturday night. He was lap’s automobile with a view of tak- found on Strong street; the stabbing is said to have been near the Georgia Railroad; Pelfry said he had not been off of Thomas street. The officers said that the pistol they found on him was bloody, however, and the negro, Harris, identified him as the man who cut him. junk were found on the person of John j then ensued one of the biggest fights Finch picked up by Officers Burpee! that our fire department has ever ex- and Bradley—and it is said that he Is' perienced. The building itself is an wanted on serious statutory charges j old wooden building and consequently YESTERDAY WAS LAST DAY TO PAY COUNTY AND STATE TAX County Tax Collector W. A. Mallory and his assistant, Mr. Burch, were busy men yesterday. Yesterday was the last day allowed by law for the collection of state and county taxes. The office of the collector was almost as busy a place as the post office. The line of tax-payers was easily handled, however, for Mr. Mallory has a sys tem of work which saves time and ac commodates many in a short time. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cqses, no matter of how long a tan Jlng, are enrol by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. rorter'a Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heala at the same time. 25c, 50c. $100 GEORGIA UNIVERSITY TO BE REPRESENTED The American Association for the Advancement of Science will hold its sixty-eighth session in Columbus, Ohio, from Dec. 27 to January 1. Dr. fj. R. Geissler and Dr. J. P. Campbell, of the University of Georgia, will probably attend this session. Drs. White, Hendren, Black, Reade and Fountain are members of the society and some of them may also attend. FIREWORKS Plenty of fire works for sale near Normal School. v sun-tues For Christmas The “Social Prestige” ol your Christmas gilts is often m jre important than the actual cost in Dollars and Cents. When you give a box ot Nunnally’s Candy you don’t have to apologize or explain—it stands on it's reputation. Nunnally’s has enjoyed a “quality” reputa* tation for the past thirty years. It is the utmost in Candy Perfection. Leave your card rest. r« v/j vijf PHONE 697 INSURANCE BLDG. Monday morning there were forty-one J ever known occurred on Saturday cases in all set down on the desh ttlgW/about 9 o’clock. The place ot sergeant’s blotter—many of them' conflagration was in the Bob Echols plain drunks, who requested of the old wagon and carriage shop, which officers that as a special favor- they j Is practically the only wooden busi- request that the “newspaper did not ness building left in Commerce, get l^old of the names,” several, a I This building fronts on South Elm larger number than usual, indeed, for' street, and extends through the entire state cases, and quite a number of. block, and is two stories high includ- cases of alleged violation of the auto mobile law. G. E. Bray has been put on the force as a special traffic ordinance and is patrolling the city, especially ing the basement. This building was purchased several years ago by Mr. W. D. Mann, with a view of'tearing it down and building a handsome up to date department store on its site, and it' has practically remained va- ing a “joy ride.” Considerable gaso line was spilled out in the dark fall ing on the floor and thence into the I basement which was filled with sev- ! eral thousand bundles of fodder. It la Two dollars, two watches, two knlve3, two purses, and two lots of said that the parties struck a match in order to see how to finish filling up the tank and conflagration result ed immediately. The fire alarm was quickly given and the “fire fighters” promptly responded to the call and in Oglethorpe county—several differ- j a very easy prey to the flameB and ent charges being alleged against addition thereto it was filled with him. He had been to Xissimee, Fla., fodder and com, and to make it still and on his arrival here was arrested, j more inflamable the fodder had been He will go to the Lexington officers! soaked with the gasoline which was today. Henry Brown, colored, jyas appre hended here by officers for the Wal ton county authorities, who held a warrant for him charging a misde* spilled thereon, and hence the won-1 der is that the entire building was not burned. . | Commerce -"flrl laddies” however have eliminated the word "fail” from their vocabulary and they finally sub- meanor. The man was traced to dued the flames after a hard fought Royston, and located by officers. A battle. As the result of the fire, sev- letter with a warrant was sent to eral thousand bundles of fodder, and Royston officers, and the man got • several hundred bushels of com have wind of the action and fled to Ath-. been ruined by fire and water, but ens. The day the letter and warrant reached Athens, being forwarded from Royston, Brown was taken and held for the Walton county officers at Monroe. Flipper Howard was arrested Sun day by County Special Criminal fortunately all of the horses and mules which were kept in the base ment were gotten out except one which wag so badly burned that It was necessary to shoot him immedi ately. The automobile belonging to Dr. G. H. Dunlap was badly damaged, by reason of the fire, while the shoe Bailiff Saye and locked up in the city . shop belonging to Mr. J. H, Thomp- prison. He was charged with being son was practically a total loss, implicated in the steaiing of a cow : This building is located in the ce^i- from Mr. Joe Comer. John White, 1 ter of town, being situated just a few a colored man, had already been ar- feet across a small alley from the rested and identified—hut better evl* Northeastern Banking Co., but the dence turned up and re was released.’• local fire fighters kept the flames Officers also yesterday afternoon ap-’ confined to the building and finally prehended another man said to be succeeded in extinguishing the fire mixed up in this affair. | and left the walls and roof of the old —- * Echols carriage shop standing intact, Zada West was taken by the offi- althou Eh badly scortched and dam- cere on a state warrant yesterday— a sed by the-flames, barged with stealing a washing board, or scrub board, from Fleming- Dearing Hardware Company. He will answer to the state courts for the offense. Cleveland Callaway, colored, was arrested, charged with violation ot sect’on three-seventeen. His case was continued to today. Section three-seventeen, be it known to all men by these presents, is the law on the city books prohibiting the keeping for the purpose of illegal sale spiritu ous, malt; or intoxicating liquors. EAT A SQUARE HEAL AND NOT FEAR INDIGESTION Rob Hill; colored, was arrested by Officer Potter of the police force— and with him was taken also Giles Watson, another negro. The officer saw in the act of disorder, as he be lieved—saw them In personal combat and thought they were fighting. It transpired, from the statement of Watson, that Hill had slipped his hand into a hip pocket of Watson and slipped a purse out of the pocket. Watson had slipped his hand around behind himself and detected the pock et-picking. He had grabbed at the hand that offended but it slipped from his grasp. He seized the coat tail of hill, however. But the coat slipped from Hill and was left, like the fa mous coat of Joseph of old (In the Potlpher’s wife incident) and then Watson pursued Hill, overtook him and was scuffling to get his purse back when the officer arrested them both for fighting. Watson was immediately released Hill was turned over to the sheriff and will await trial In the “big jail. 1 There are hundreds of people in Athens who were not the least bit surprised when they read in the Ban ner that iH. R. Palmer & Sons are selling Mi-o-na on a guarantee to re fund the money in case it did not re lieve. This remarkable dyspepsia remedy will relieve the worst case of indigestion, headache, dizziness, or the general played-out condition that afflicts every one suffering with stom ach trouble. Mi-o-na does not simply relieve, it alms to cure. H. R. Palmer & Sons can tell you of many well known people In this city who this remedy has restored to health, often after they have tried many other methods of treatment with little or no benefit. No other dyspepsia remedy has made so large a percentage of cures as Ml-o-na. It Is so large that H. R. Palmer & Sons stand ready to refund the price to any customer whom It does not help. The best kind of advertising is the praise of a pleased customer, and there are hundreds in Athens today praising Mi-o-na because it does what It is advertised to do. A few months ago they could .eat nothing without wondering what the result would be. Since using Mi o-na, they eat what they want and when they want with no fear of suffering. adv Advertise your wants. W ITH cases full of the choicest selection of useful Christmas Gifts, we invite you to do your shopping here. Never have we shown such a variety of gifts, we have selected them all with the idea in view to please all. You will find ?n our stocks many items that will be most acceptable gifts. . , . ... more CANDIES. Hnylers’ Candies, Mary Garden Candies. Cranes’ Candies. All in Christmas 'packages, attract ive to the eye and making good, sensi ble selections for Christmas gifts. 80c to $1.00 the pound; in 1, 2. J, 5 pound boxes. PERFUMES. Nothing makes better tasty gifts for ladies. Ooty’s Imported Perfumes. Coty’s Imported Toilet Waters. Houbigant’s Extracts. Pivers Extract and Toilet Water. Hudnut’s Extract In gift package. Palmer’s Christmas Packages. Prices from 50 Cents to $10.00. FERN DISHES IN WELER CROCK ERY. These little articles are used in every home by lovers of flowers. They are attractively gotten up, handsome ly colored, and priced very low. LEATHER GOODS FOR MEN. , Bill Folds, Card Oases—that are Real Leather. Something every man carries, and ours are the kind that will wear. 50c to $4.00. We think we can assist you with your Christmas shopping: It will be a pleasure for us to show you through our store. Don’t hesitate to call, we will gladly do all we can to lighten yonr shopping burden. FOR MEN. All the popular brands of hight- grade Cigars, packed in boxes of 25. Cortez. Principe. Portinas. Gonzales-ISanchez. Stachelbergs. Paolay-Francesca. > La Preferencia. Pipes, Cigar Holders, Ash Trays. All useful gifts for men. R. A. M. TO NAME OFFICERS TONIGHT SPECIAL CONVOCATION OF THE CHAPTER MASONS OF KEY STONE CHAPTER. There will he a regular convocation of Keystone Chapter No. 1, R. A. M. this, Tuesday evening, at 8-o’clock at Masonic Hall,' and officers for the en suing masonic year will he elected. It is important that all qualified companions he present as there is matters of importance that will come before the chapter at this time. Visi tors are cordially invited to meet with us. A. L. HARPER. H. P. M. T. SUMMERLIN, Sec. V Two college boys can get a nice fur nished room with bath, after the holi days, in good location, by applying to Phone 947. dhtf Wave of Thriving Begins in Atjh | iFrom reports to the police\ a past few days it would seem a wave of stealing and thieving and house-breaking is about to break over the city of Athens. The officers will keep an extra vigilant and vigorous outlook for these things and try to stop the practice before it grows to larger proportions. The Southern Railway station mis broken open early Sunday morning and a small amount of small change was taken from the cash drawer. The burglars effected an entrance, it is said, by breaking a glass in the door and reaching in to unlock it from the inside. Blood was found on the glass and the burglar must have injured himself in the attempt. .The cash drawer was taken, to a rise near the Texas Oil Company's place, not far from the station, rifled and left, there. A bicycle was stolen late Sunday or Sunday night from a son of City Clerk and Treasurer W. L. Wood. Mr. Geo. Mell, city auditor, had a fine umbrella stolen from him Satur day or Sunday. , Unknown parties- entered the res idence of Mr. E. H. Dorsey on Mil- ledge avenue, early Sunday morning,, effecting an' entrance from the rear door. The family were aroused, 'how ever, and nothing was missed from the home. Our Jitney Offer—This nd 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, HI., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Folcv Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartie Pills. H. R. Palmer & Sons. ■\ /.-■