The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 21, 1915, Image 7

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THE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21,, 1915. £ag£ SEVEN Electric gifts bring Christmas cheer That lingers on throughout the year. For usefulness and beauty rare ' None with them can compare. Electric breakfast while you eat, Without arising from your seat. Steak, eggs, toast, without a waiter, And coffee in the percolator. For luncheon or for midnight bites Electric cooking ware delights. A flameless chafing dish, say we; A samovar for perfect tea. At dead of night, when baby wakes, Don’t grumble at the time it takes To warm his food, just turn the switch And it is warmed without a hitch. Don’t Fail to See Our Fine Line Of Electric Gifts Athens Railway & Electr ic Company - ' Santa Claus Advance Man Bill- . ing the City From End to Center The advance man for the main big show of the year for the children, the one night performance of “The Real Santa Claus,’* who will give exhibi tions Ibetween dark and day on the date of Dec. 24th to 25th, inclusive, in every home in Athens, has been get ting in some good work hilling the town the past few days. The show windows of the enterpris ing Athens merchants were first util ized and the merchants gladly gave the advance man free rein to get the colors and the emblems and the signs and symbols in every window. The lighting men also caught the spirit' end there are Christmas lights shining everywhere—white and red and green. In many places the deco rations have been put up—in cafes, stores, shops and offices. Even the court house has its bits of holly and mistletoe and greenery and red bells and poinsettias in evidence. The (business men of the city were tired last night—and happy. The day, which threatened to bring a lot of inclement weather, decided differ ently and let the folks loose—and by night the sun beat the ,grey east wind out and smiled> a triumph as he went down. Busines was good—it was like a Christmas Eve rush in every store In every section. To Senders of Christmas Parcels а. Wrap packages securely. 2. Write address plainly. 3. Write return address in upper left-hand corner. 4. Do not seal with Christmas seals or otherwise unless first-class post age is desired. б. If parcels contain perishable or fragile matter, mark them “perish able” or “fragile.” 6. Parcels may be insured for three cents if not valued over 35,00; may be insured up to 325 for five cents; up to 350 for ten cents; up to 3100 for twenty-five cents. 7. Get insurance tags for, all par cels to be insured, fill them out and attach to parcels before presenting at registry window. Sample tag to be filled out by send er of parcel contains three detachable portions—one receipt for the parcel to be retained by the sender; another with name of sender' and person to whon\ sent to be kept for a year by the post office; and the third strong ly made to be attached to the parcel, containing the name and full address of the person to whom the parcel is sent. Lime Starvation Causes Tuberculosis The Medical Record (.\r»v York) of December 18, 1000, contain* an article on “The Treatment of.;Pul monary Tabercdltnla, llnxrd on the Aaxnmption That the Dietetic Cmuce of the Otxmxe la Lime Starvation,” by Dr. John F. Rnaaell. who >h)k: —The condition which la rceogniacd ax preceding the active development of tabereuloaia Sn the ndnlt may be considered ax dne'to lime atarvation. • * * Among Inorganic xubxtancrs lime xnltx appear to -be of apecinl phyxlological Importance • *\ • but if the Malta-are not In organic combination it la difficult to aappoxe that the cella can appropriate them for food.” Years of widespread use cdnflrm us In the belief that the success of Eckman’s Alterative In cases of pul monary tuberculosis (consumption) and chronic Ojrroat and bronchia! troubles is due in large measure to Its content of lime, so combined with other ingredients as to be easily ap propriated'by the cells. Doubtless this has had much to do with the results olitnined In many cases of these affections, which ap pear to have yielded t'o Eckman’s Alterative. - As it contains' ho opiates, narcotics or habit-forming drugs, it is safe to try. Your druggist will order It for you or you can send direct. Eckmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia. CHRISTMAS RUSH THE HOLIDAY CRUSH STARTED IN FULL FORCE AT THE POST OFFICE YESTERDAY. Roberts 9 Rook Store MAKE THE CHILDREN HAPPY =Games for the Old and Young= An Acceptable Gift for Christmas is one of our Games. We have every game and at prices to suit the purchasers. Games for the children; games for the young people apd games for the older people. A complete line of Christmas Novelties, at all times; Fancy and Plain Stationery, Holi day Stationery, Books and the latest Novels. You cannot give a present which will be more appreciated than a Bible. Our stock is complete. Give a Bible for a Xmas present. We take subscriptions for all Magazines and Periodicals. Ingersol Watches $1.00, Best time keepers'on the market. Roberts 9 Book Store The Christmas rush and crush and push started early yesterday at the post office. The lobbies at the office were crowded with only brief intermittent recesses from the time the office opened in the morning till the win dows closed down for the evening. Tables have been placed in the lob by to accommodate the patrons of the office who mail parcels—where they may wrap and address and stamp these packages which are going out by the thousands a day; from Athens to friends in other places. A little later an additional clerk will be fur nished in the lobby armed with par cels scales to weigh and mark the amount of postage required on the packages. (Red Cross Seals are also for sale at the post .office, Mrs. .Whitlock, in charge of the sale of these stamps in Athens, having a table and chair in one comer of the lobby. In another place In this Issue of the Danner appears a list *of suggestions from the postmaster, Oapt. Rucker, which will enable the senders of par cels to more rapidly and correctly prepare their packages for posting and will insure their going promptly and being delivered to the correct ad dresses. Grateful Mothers Tell Experiences Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wls., writes: "Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound cured my boy of a very severe attack of croup after other remedies had failed. Our milkman cured ,his children of whooping cough. I recommend It to every one, as we know from our own experience that it is a wonderful remedy for coughs, colds, croup, and whooping cough.' Mrs. D. Gilkcson, Youngstown. O., writes: “My little girl had a severe cold an-1 coughed almost coDtiam us- ly. I tried lots of cough remedies, but she didn’t get any better. My sister recommended Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound to me. The first dose I gave her relieved tho inflammation in her throat, and after using one bottle the cough left her.” This sterling old remedy has-been U'use for years and is just as effi cient for adults as for children, it gives relief for Irritated and tickling throat, tight and sore chest, grippe ar.d bronchial coughs. H. R. PALMER & SON8. HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICERS ARE ELECTED FOR AN- OTHER YEAR BY THE ATH ENS ORGANIZATION. The Athens Humane Society has elected jthe following officers for an- jther year: Miss Etta Park,' president. Mrs. R. M. Wade, vice president Miss Annie Linton, secretary. Miss Maude Townsend, treasurer. An educational or publicity commit- ee will he also named to keep the matter of the work end the need 61 the work of the society before the people of Athens. As winter approaches the society will feel grateful for larger and more constant co-operation on the part of all citizens in protecting animals from suffering, exposure, and abuse. . Miss-Linton recently attended the national humane society gathering in 3t. .-Augustine, Fla., and brought back with her to Athens the wonderful in spiration which that convention dis seminated. . Just a Word in Season. If you are not altogether a selfish and inconsiderate creature, you will remember the helpless animals which come within the radius of your in fluence. You will not go down street and order a spool of thread to he sent several miles by an overworked de-. livery horse. You will take it your self. You will not forget to place your orders for groceries and other things early in the day, so that poor,, tired horses will not have to make special trips -and cover the same ground heedlessly. In other words, it you are a decent citizen and con siderate of man and beast, you will shop early and considerately. - — - We shall soon ha coming to the time of the year when the birds which linger through the-winter will be de pendent, upon the bounty-of man for something to fill their, stomachs and keep their little hearts aflutter. '•< Cul tivate the, habit of throwing some of your crumbs (where ; pur feathered guests can find them, Imagine your self in city, or hi field, amongs gusts of snow and fierce winds, seeking for some crumbs of food with which to arm you against the cold and starva tion which produce suffering.* Follow the example of good Saint Francis of Assisi, who loved all the children of God, whether human or subhuman, and, regarding them with spiritual insight, worked for the happiness and salvation of the brute as much as for his brother man. W. O. S. TREE OF LIGHT IN THE FRONT YARD OF THE EM MANUEL CHURCH TO FRUIT FRIDAY EVE. “The Tree of Light” will bloom- forth again Christmas Eve in a daz zling scene of beauty. Set just be fore the building on the grounds of Emmanuel church, It was put into place yesterday. All will be in read iness for its blossoming and bearing •fruit next Friday night. The usual impressive and inspiring exercises, singing of the iGferristmas carols, and other appropriate program will be rendered. HOW TO GET RID OF CHRONIC DANDRUFF The only sure way to get perman ently rid of either oily or dry dandruff is to remove the conditions that cause It and then keep the hair and scalp in a permanet, clean, healthy, vig orous state bo dandruff will never re turn. This beats shampoos or head washes which merely drive away dandruff for a few days at most H. R. Palmer & Sons and a number of other better druggists in this vicinity are now strongly recommending a harmless, Inexpensive and quick act ing preparation called Parisian Sage that they Say is guaranteed to act di rectly on the cause of dandruff'and which already has become known f&r and wide qs a safe and efficient treat ment which cannot possibly injure hair or scalp. .Here is a test worth trying. Get a package of Parisian Sage. Rub a lit tle of it Into the scalp with the finger tii»s and see for yourself how the dandruff disappears, the hair stops falling out, the itching vanishes, and a: new end vigorously healthy appear ance comes over the hair. Good look ing hair is half the battle in any man or waman’s personal appearance and nothing -hurts the hair more than dandruff. Try a little Parisian Sage and begin at once to he rid of it. adv Advertise your wants. The Christmas Dream You Can Make Come True l When there arc such wonderful things you could get for Christmas, it scenes tough to always get instead a lot of junk that no self-respecting boy would admit owning. T h 'f lk vMt at-'rycli will n.-an next Spring nndSummer- 100-miictnp3.e::plormi.-tliocoumry, getting to thedistant trout brook nobooy knov.-3 about, doing errands quicker, to scliool cooJ * strong muscles, bavins tho best fun IVER JOHNSON • Boy Scout Bicycle Yon know tho Ivor Johnson is the highest erode bicycle made; or. il you don’t know it. our tO-psge catalog will con- vince you that the Ivor Johnson has the Vest bearings, best tubing, best enamel and finest equipment ti;r.t cvrr went into n bicycle. \oa ran own an Ivor Johnson il yon wi.l loiiowour ?£y* ce - Ctj* out this advertisement, sign your name at the bottom and mail it to the right person—you know. Send tor Mr bis SO-pase eatnto- ot McrcKs. U»"butlx koo k*s &a upcaslve ATHENS CYCLE COMPANY LUMPKIN STREET Give Books and for once you can enjoy your Christmas shop ping—this year especially, for fine books are much less expen sive than other fine gifts. There is nothing more complimentary you can give than a book. All the new books. Make this a book -Christmas . The McGregor Company ORR’s SCHOOL : FALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 30.1915 No deductions fo rabeence, unless providential and protracted for At least one-fourth of a month, 1 will teach in the Athena Business College in the afternoon be ginning September first. S. P. ORR, 182 Wray St., Athens, Ga. * ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT—SOLICITOR GENERAL. To the White Citizens of the West- ren Circuit: I desire to let the white citizens of this circuit know that 1 will appreciate their help, influence and votes for re-election as Solicitor- GeneraL It has been my ambition to serve you in a manner that would meet with your approvaL I have given my time and attention (day and night) to the luties of the office. and if you should see fit to honor me with another term, it shall be my policy to continue to try to suppress crime in all of its forms. of the home, the pro tection of property, and the safe guarding of the citizens liberty, de pend upon the enforcement of the law, and a respect for the Court’s de crees .and sentences, by those in au- chority, as well as by private citizens. The Solicitor-General, in a large measure, is : the officer upon whom our people rely to Insure this protection. This being my first term in office and in public life, I have, no doubt, made mistakes; they were due, how ever, to “an error of the head and not of the heart.” I therefore feel and believe that my experience and acquaintance with the people have equipped me fof better service and more usefulness for another term than I have been able to render dur ing the past three years. In the light of the kind expres sions from the Grand Juries under whom 1 have been permitted to serve, and from the people generally,I be* lieve it Is the will of the God-fearing and law-abiding white citizens, that I should be re-elected and given an indorsement. As stated in my race before you saw fit to elect me,—"It I give satis faction and you see fit to re-elect me, and I deem it to my interest, we will keep company”; so, if In your judg ment, my public service has been sat isfactory, I will ask you to give me another term as an indorsement of my efforts to measure up to the re sponsibilities of the office. In order to keep up with the work of the Solicitor-General’s office, it practicallly takes one’s entire time. We are holding Court from ten to eleven months in the year, and when not actually engaged in the Court house, my time is given to the prep aration of cases. As you well know, Monarchs Named Alike. All the kings of Prussia have been ailed Frederick or William. I have attended committal trials and inquests and made personal ammiwn. tion ot witnesses, In order to have my cases ready for trial. I will, there fore, have very little time, if any, to call upon the people In person and ask them for their votes. In view of this fuct, I earnestly request yon to look after my interest on the outside, while I am on the inside, fighting for your welfare and protection. Thanking yon for your past sup port, and trusting that I may be deemed worthy of your suffrage, and that you will honor me with a second term, I am, Yours for service, JOHN B. GAMBLE. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. To the voters and people of the Weet- arn Circuit: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Solicitor Gen eral for the Western Circuit I will appreciate the votes and the support of the people of this circuit and if elected to this high office will do my duty. Yours respectfully, P. COOLEY. Why You Should Use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Because it has ad established repu tation won by Its good works. Because it is most steemed by those who have used it for many years, as occasion required, and are best acquainted with its good qual ities. Because it loosens and relieves a cold and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Because it does not contain opium or any other narcotic. Because it Is within reach of ad. It only costs a quarter. For sale by all dealers. / adv Help Your Liver—It Pays. When your liver gets torpid and your stomach acts queer, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills and you will find yourself feeling better. They purify the blood, give you freedom from constipation biliousness, diz ziness and indigestion. You feel fine —just like you want to feel. Clear the complexion too. 25c at Drug gists. adv