The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 1

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Bank collectors by an arrangement w'th the board of education weekly visited hundreds of schools for pen* nies. Officials said today that a fifty per cent dividend will be paid depositors shortly. SAYS EXPERT, UNLESS U. S. PRO- dECTS THE SALT PETRE MINES INvCHILE. Prominent Young Citizen of Oco nee Died Suddenly from Paralysis (By Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 22.—Dr. Lee Hen drik Baekeland, chairman of thi food ’and sanitation committee, told mem-‘ bers of the Naval Advisory Board, f meeting here, that the United States would be whipped in a year in case of war unless the navy could protect the salt petre mines in Chile or tbe government could establ'sh a plant to produce nitrogen for explosives from the a'r. Salt petre is the only chem ical, he said, not easily produced in the United States. the Hudson Ford road The funeral will be held today at 2 p. m. at John son’s church, Jtev. W. W. Carroll to preach the funerai sermon. Mr. Ward is survived by his wife, Mrs. Susie Ward, by eight children, and by his parents, Mr r and Mrs. Jno. T. Ward. Beautiful Hazel Dawn again proves her wonderful ability as a dramatio Btar in the Paramount photo-produc tion, “The Masqueraders," the at traction at the Elite today. Her beauty, charm and bewitching sm’le that won her fame in “The Pink Lady,” combined with her powerful dramatic ability have placed her in the foremost ranks of the film stars, and in “The Masqueraders” she un doubtedly surpasses any of her pre vious screen and stage sucesses, and w'ns new laurels. Hazel Dawn in “The Masqueraders” is tbe attraction at tb? Elite today, Many fr’ends of Mrs. T. P. Shippen here and of her daughter, Miss Eliza beth Shippen, will be grieved to learn of Mrs. Shippen’s death yesterday morning at her home in Ellljay. She was well known in Athens and, her daughter has been a frequent visitor here. Fresh Country Rabbits. Fresh Dressed Friers. Fresh Pork Sausage. Fresh Jones Dairy Farm Sausage. At OTARiREHA/S, Phone 1052-1053. Fancy Pecans. Only a limited quantity of those large Pecans at 35c, or 3 pounds for $1.00. 1 ARNOLD & ABNEY, Phone 1076. Only a limited amount of Fruit Cake left. Give us your order today. Extra Fine Mince Meat, hancy Cranberries, Plum Puddihg, Cranberry Sauce, proach. His position 1 nscholaxship Good Grade Chocolates, 15c. ■Better Quality Chocolates, 30c. ARNOLD & ABNEY, Phone 1076. 9 Coupons Elite Theatre. while” features of the seasoih Advertise your wants. Advertise your wants. I COTTON 11 5-8c THE BANNER, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1915. CAN NOT BE PREDICTED WHEN GENERAL'TRAFFIC THROUGH PANAMA CANAL CAN BE , RESUMED. (By Associated Press.) THINGS OF ELEGANCE AND BEAU- TY ARE TO BE FOUND IN (By Associated Press.) London, Dec. 22.—The second erlcan note to Austria is described in London newspapers as “of tone.” It shared the center or Interest with reports of the Rifssian capture of Varna, the Bulgarian chief Black Sea port. While the news of Russian suc cesses is not officially confirmed, crit ics believe it will be the prelude to a new elfort for Constantinpole, less than 150 miles distant. The heaviest fighting on any front .appeereHo benjaderway in the Vosges mountains at Harmann-Wellerkolf. The French captured an important position and 1.300 men there Tues day, but the Germans claim that they regained, some ground. The Cessation of fighting seems complete along the eastern front An Austrian report is that the Ital ian attack on the Tolmine bridge head was repulsed. Word is lacking on the progress the army Field Marshal Von Der Golts Bays is preparing for a march on Suez and Egypt Qu’et prevails apparently In the Dardanelles and in Mesopotamia. Without division the British parlia ment today voted to Increase the strength of the British army to four million. Leading British bankers appealed, to the nation for the united task of meeting the war’s responsibilities. Peace debates in tbe Reichstag are said to have caused a hopeless split in tbe Socialist party. THANKS RETURNED The Banner is in receipt of the fol* 1 owing expressions of appreciation, in tite matter of the winnings in the recent Banner circulation campaign: TY rnuruaiun. If you know what you are going to get her or him for Christmas remem brance, and have decided exactly what it shall be—you’ll find it at Scudder’s. And if, as is more frequently-the case, you have “not” decided and-se lected; then you are sure to find it at Scudder’s. The Banner representative took in Scudder’s yesterday—with bis eyes. The window, makes you break the tenth commandment; the inside of the store is even more tempting and satisfactory.’ Silver ware of the ster ling sort in the best patterns made— and an endless variety of staple and novelty articles of silver; jewelry that is elegant and taBtetul and in a variety large enough to meet any need and any restriction of price; china and cut glass that keep the ladies lingering about the display and delighting in the scene; leather goods in new and artistic and practical de- sings of scores of articles; umbrellas, clocks of all patterns for every room or use; ornamental and decorative goods Of the highest class—the kinds which appeal to the discriminating taste and judgment of the people of Athens and this section. Mr. Scudder has done the Christ mas shopping for this part of the state—and availing yourself of his Washington, Dec. 22.—The war de partment statement issued tonight says that no prediction could be made as to when a stable channel will be opened in tbe Panama Canal. Tbe statement was prepared from recent information from Col. Goethals, and declared that tbe 'recent passage through the canal -by vessels of light draught, held up when slides occur red, did not mean that the channel is ready for general traffic, and a rush of ships to Panama will mean delay in shipment, THE ADAMS MARKET CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Fancy Tennessee dressed turkeys. Dressed bens and friers. Spanish and King, mackerel. Extra select Norfolk oysters. Stall-fed beef, pork jmd veal. Little pig hams. Just the size for a Christmas ainner. We have everything in the meat line. Give us your orders early to in sure first pick and choice cuts. Also we have a specially. fine assortment of vegetables. Fancy head lettuce. (Fancy Lousiana cauliflower. Fancy Cuban tomatoes. Fancy Bell Peppers. Fancy Fresh English peas. Fancy celery, parsley, French breakfast radishes, choice spinach. Fresh beets, turnips, mustard sal ad, carrots, water cress. Soup bunches, California arti- _ celery is fine fine. Especially packed good services already performed, you f er OT oyster plants, and celery. Our will find purchasing tbe gift for Christmas this year a pleasure and a real satisfaction. I w’sb to very sincerely thank all my fri^nd^ Jn Athens and throughout the surrounding country for their splendid efforts in my behalf in the recent Banner circulation campaign- in which I was very fortunate in se- cur'ng the “Big Hudson Six Auto mobile.” NADIA HEARD, Athens, Ga. I desire to sincerely thank the many friends who gave m © their un stinting support in the recent cam paign conducted by The Banner. Their every effort is thorough appre ciated—and as there are so many of them that it is impossible to ac- knowlege the apprec'ation Individual ly, I wish to express my thanks through The Banner. (Miss) NELLE McDORMAN. HAMBURG-AMERICNA COMPANY IS PROBED celery is^extra fine Especially packed for tbe Christmas trade; also choice fruits. Indian TtrvefOTSHlges. - Indian River grape fruit. Wlnesap and Albemarle Pippin apples. Phone ns your wants; we will do the rest. THE ADAM]3 MARKET. , BUT BEING (By Associated .Press.) Washington, Dec. 22.—Although the whereabouts of Villa are in doubt, of ficials here seemed satisfied with the report from El Paso that General Ochoa, the Villa commander at Jaurez, had agreed to 1 surrender;; his .men and accepted a Carranza com mission. General Trevino, -Carranza leader in the state of Chihuahua, according to Laredo reports, defeated the re maning Villa troops in a battle south of Chihuahua city, killing or captur ing 900. In Chihuahua it is believed that Villa is hiding in the mountains with a smell band. WALL STREET CELEBRATES THE END OF A YEAR OF PROSPERITY (By Associated Press.) •. New- YoritrDec. 22.—As a result of the general prosperity and the brisk business in war shares, the financial district* at Christmas presents a sharp contrast to the gloom of last year. Wail street institutions and banks have already distributed gifts or bonuses to employes and many have adopted tbe “profit-sharing plan,-” p.ypraging from ten to as high as fifty per cent of the annual salaries of employees. All the former forms of celebration indulged in by the various exchanges will be renewed this year. Tho extent of the Wall street pros perity is shown in the sales this year of 173,000,000 sbares against 47,000,- 000 last year. TWO BIG LEAGUES CHANGE HANDS: FEDERAL PLATERS RE-INSTATEI (By Associated Press.) Cincinnati, Dec. 22.—Two major league clubs changed bands and all Federal players are reinstated as a result of a peace treaty formally sign ed tonight between the Federal league and organized baseball, In wh'cii the Federal league after base ball’s most disastrous war passes out of existence. By the terns of agreement Charles Weeghman, president of the Chicago ■Feds, purchased a controlling interest in tho Chicago Nationals from Chas. -■■ ■ , . _.f — P. Taft. Phil Ball, of the SL Louis Federate, gains control of the SL Louis Amer icans. The Federal players reinstated, ex cept in two cases above, will doubt less be sold to the highest bidden. Chicago and St. Louis will have the pick of the Federal players in those cities. There is a rumor that Benny Kauff, the Federal star batter be comes a Giant. Ward’s Federal inter ests in Brooklyn will be reimbursed for $400,000. “ ■. — -Ti..Tv— jdBgaaaafeaa WEATHER Fair ESTABLISHED 1832 1 RFrFIPIS Til IIP DECEMBER 2IST 94,833 BALES IREE OF LIGHT’’ WILL BLOOM FORTH IN DAZZLING BEAUTY TOMORROW EVEN ING AT 6:30. Tomorrow evening is—Christmas Eve. „ * * ~ Any who may happen to be in the neighborhood of the intersection of Prince avenue and Pope street tomor row evening at balf after six o’clock will witness one of the most beautiful and impressive sights of the Holiday season—for at that hour (the time having been changed from 6 to 6:30) the light will be switched on the “Tree of Light” The great cedar has appeared as by magic on the lawn of Emmanuel church and it will be a blaze ot glory tomorrow evening. About tbe tree tbe entire community, so far as it may be inclined, is cor dially Invited to assemble. Tbe pro gram of hymns and carols has been arranged to meet tbe occasion- familiar selections in which all can join—and all will be asked to join. Tbe occasion will be a joyous one of praise, and worship, and celebration. THAT IS THE NAME OF EXCEL LENT PLAY TO BE GIVEN BY WINTERVILLE TALENT. BY RAIL 69,813; STOCK CAR RIED OVER WAS 6,452 BALES V From sources which are believed to be accurate it is learned that re* ceipts of cotton for Athens by rail and wagon from Sept 1,1915, to Tues day of this week, Dec. 21st, were' 88.- 481 bales. This is considerably ahead of tbe receipts for the similar period of last year. There were received from SepL 1 to Dec. 21 by rail 69,813 bales; tbe wagon receipts for the same time were 18,668 bales; the stock carried over from last year amounted to $.* 452 bales. Tbere had been shtpped out to the same date 42,596 bales; there had been sold to local mills, 3,100—a total of 45,696.- - / ~ The stock on hand' to the date of this week, was ''$,■237; with stock on han<^ last year, 31,217 bales. The 42,596 bales shipped out were distributed as follows: Export, 600; North Atlantic ports, 6.988; South At lantic ports, 2,906; New England and Canadian ports, 7,273; Carolina and Virginia mills, 21,693; Alabama, Ten nessee and Georgia (exclusive of lo cal mills), 3,136. From the 15th to the 21st of Decem ber there were received by wagon 500 bales and by rail over the Georgia, Central of Georgia, Southern, Sea board Air Line, and Gainesville M d- land roads, 3,799 bales. Of this none was exported; 502 bales went to North Atlantic 'ports; 201 to Soutn (Special to the Banner.) Winterville, Ga., Dec. 22.—“A No ble Outcast” will be presented at the auditorium bere on next Tuesday ^Atlantic ports; 473 to New England evening at 8 o’clock. | ana Canadian ports; 1,658 to Virginia For several years the young people a nd Carolina mills; and 468 to Geor- of Winterville have had an enviable gia mills—a total of 3,302 bales ship- reputation as amateur dramatic per- ped during the week’s period. formers. Some of the very bestj talent of the town will appear in “A | Noble Outcast.” and a rare treatjsin IN NEW CASE COMPANY PUTS UP $30,000 BOND—BONDS AGGRE GATE $100,000. Miss Olief 'Wingfield wishes to thank The Banner for the premium she received in the recent circulation campaign and also desires to express her gratitude for tbe support of her many friends who helped her to win IL (By Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 22.—Federal offi cials investigating the alleged plot of Paul Koenig, the Hamburg-American Line detective, to blow up the Wel land Canal, declared tonight that the arre3t today of Edmund Justice, an employe of Koenig, supplied the miss ing link in tbe chain of evidence proving tbat the steamship company was tbe financial agent of the German government in various plots. Justice gave a bond of $30,000, mak ing the total ol' the bonds supplied by the Hamburg-American Company $100,000. An indictment in the Welland Canal case is expected tomorrow. Notice: My place will be closed on Saturday; will appreciate it if you remember this and place orders for your wants before Saturday. Re spectfully, G. H. WILLIAMSON. 2 Fresh Spanish Mackerel. ■Fresh Salt Water Trout. Fresh Perch and Bream. At O’FAiRRELL’S, Phone 1052-105S. Nice Headed Lettuce, Large White Celery, Fine Sound Cranberries, In dian River Oranges, Grape Fruit, Fine Bating Apples, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Raisins, Shelled Nuts, Nuts in Shell, Dates, Figs, Pium Pudding, Mince Meat, Fruit Cakes, Stone’s Cakes, Ma laga Grapes. Place your orders to day, eo we .can put them up tonight and get them v *o you early Frida* morning. Respectfully, G. H. WIL LIAM SON. 1 WILL MOVE UPTOWN On and after Jan. 1, the Fears Gro cery Company, (Mr. A. F. Comer, pro prietor, announces, will be located at the corner of Bloomfield and Baxter streets, having bought out the Harper Grocery Co., at that site. The name of the firm will be then “A. F. Co mer.” The business will be moved in its entirety—and securing this location, in the very heart of the best residen tial section of tbe city, the business will cater to the-demands ot the trade with some especial advantages at its command. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS. We will close Christmas Day. Will be open till 12:00 Friday night HILLEY & JONES BARBER SHOP. Save 10 Admit SerVW Coupons M 1 * Elite Theatre. Advertise your wants. Son of Serbian Prince, Cousin of King Peter, Porter in a Fur House, New York, Slain by Foes OSSEY’S QUICK SALE PRICES FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Fresh country eggs, 33 l-3c doz. Nice fries, 3 for $1.00. Extra large fries, 37 l-2c each. Fat hens, 47 1-2C. Fresh Cal. Prunes, 12 1-2 c lb. Fresh Cal. Raisins, 12 l-2c lb. Fresh nuts of all kinds, 17 l-2c lb. Sweet Florida oranges, 17 l-2c doz. Best Va. apples, 17 l-2c doz. Large cocoanuts, 10c each. Pumpkin yam potatoes 25c pk. Black walnuts, 5c. qt Sweet peas 10c can. Fame brand sweet com, 10c. 3 lb lye hominy 25c. 2 lb best tomatoes 8 l-2c. Cultivated blackberries, IQ l-2c can. Pride of Ga. okra 10c can. Little lady peas, 10c qt Onions 5c lb. ' White cabbage, 2c lb. Large bead collards 5c bead. Mt. dried apples, 3 lbs for 25c. Fresh Cal., peaches 3 lbs. for 25c. PHONE 1176. THE “MSQUERADERS” (By Associated Press.) (New York, Dec. 22.—Harmos Merchowitch, a son of Prince John, oi Serbia, and second cousin to King Peter, wbo has been employed for years as porter in a furrier’s estab lishment here, died today from a frac tured skull, received yesterday in a street fight with two Austrians, father and son. store for those who attend. A small admission fee will be charg ed. Don’t forgot the date: Tuesday evening, Dec. 28th, at 8 o’clock. Cast of Characters. Gerald Weston, known as Jerry the while for tbe same date in the pre- Tramp—Mr. 6. K. Graham. j vious year there was only 31,217 and Col. Matthew Lee, a Southern Bank- the vear before 25,252. This large $160,000, Saved in Pennies, Lost by School Children When Bank Failed (By Associated Press.) Pittsburgh, ■r Dec. 22.—Forty-one thousand school children had deposits or more than $160,000 In the Pitts burgh Bank for SavlngB, which closed today. -HAZEL DAWN STAR SPECIALS AT DELI- 11 CATESSEN SHOP Ice Berg lettuce, cabbage head, nicest ever brought to Athens. Carrots, endive, ceiery, parsley. Egg plant, onions, tomatoes. Beets,'radishes, string Deans, green and wax. . Extra fine grape fruit, 75c dozen. (Extra fancy Stayman Winesap ap ples. PHONE 1131. . .We have everything of the best in the line of groceries, vegetables and fruits. To avoid the rush give us and exceptional combination of star your orders eariy today for later de- and story make it one of the “worth livery if wanted. BUOFTWALD13, Phone 646. Don’t worry about tbat Christmas dinner for we have everything you need in our line on hand. The best native and western meats, turkeys, alf sizes; chickens, fresh eggs, fresh hatns also, ion may also expect fresh trout and Spanish mackerel Norfolk oysters. SOUTHERN MARKET, 265 Broad St. Pnone 931. Some Interesting Facts. From statistical reports compiled by tbe Athens. fotton Committee,, a committee composed of tbe various railroads entering Athens, It Is notea that tbere is an extra large amount of cotton on hand in Athens, figures for week ending December 21st show ing a total of 49,237 bales of cotton -Mr. er—Mr. Jep Dawson. James Blackburn, his nephew- Grady Pittard. Mrs. Lee, wife of tbe Colonel—Miss Emma Sue Coile. stock is due to the European war en tirely. For period from September 1st, 1913 to and including December 21st,' France, a disputed possession— Miss Adie Noell. , Sadie, faithful trot free—Miss Erin Coile. 1913, 24,342 bales of cotton were ex* ' a- m «. 1(114 Anltr MAY BLOCK IHSFBAll PEACE PLANS AT UST Baltimore, Dec. 22.—It was learned here tonight that the Baltimore Fed eral League club officials w'll try to block the peace plans of the Federal* *>T'd orgenized baseball by requesting that the anti-trust suit before Judge Landis be not dissolved. Lady Fingers. ■Almond Macaroons. French Layer Cakes. ARNOLD & ABNEY, Phone 1076. - "■ iftHM ported, for same period in 1914 only 8,712 bales were exported and for tho same period in the present year there is only 600 bales exported. Should the English government lift their con traband order, there would be a gen eral congestion and extreme car shortage on all railroads. in getting the staple to the ports for transpor tation to foreign countries. The total receipts on the Athens market for years 1913-1914 were 118,- 420 bales, out of this 117,970 bales were shipped from Athens, leav ng a total of 530 baleB on September 1st, 1914, which was the start of the sea son 1914-1915. Season 1914-1915 there were 1271414. bales of cotton received, in the Athens market, out of this total 120,826 bales were shipped—leav’ng a balance of 6,552 bales. Had tho dealers been able to export cotton in season 1914-1915 as they did in 1913- 1914 nc such balance would have oc curred. Receipts for present season (Sept. 1st, 1915, to and inc’uding Dec. 21st, 1915) show 88,481 bales, 12,190 Fine Celery and Cranberries. Twelve hundred stalks of Fine White Celery for Christmas trade. Finest quality we could buy. ■Fancy red ripe cranberries, sound and dry. ARNOLD & ABNEY, Phone 1076. Indian River Oranges. Indian River Tangerines. Indian River Grape Fruit. Positively the finest fruit grown. Get a box. ARNOLD & ABNEY, Phone 1076.