The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 18, 1916, Image 16

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"" PAGE SIXTEEN THE BANNER, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 191*. SPOUTING GOODSIA RECORD RON OF THE BUICK! THE E.-S SPORTING GOODS COM PANY TO MAKE A COMPRE HENSIVE DISPLAY. In the displays of automobile ac cessories that of the E.-S. Sporting Goods Co., will be prominent. This concern has one of the most com plete lines of automobile accessories in the state and the display will be found typical of the class of goods this iirm carries. The best make of tires, oils, gas oline, inner tubes, tanks, lamps, and every needed article for the motor ist is found in the stocks of the E.-S. Company, which is located on the corner of College avenue and Wash ington street. POPULAR CAR MAKES FINE REC-j ORD IN MOUNTAIN COUN TRY; TRAIN RECORD BEATEN. WOODRUFF BROTHERS OF WINDER IN SHOW Without doubt the most marvelous road record in motor car history was made a few days ago between Los An geles and San Francisco, a distance of four hundred and fifty-seven miles over desert and mountain country. The distance was covered by a Buick five passenger, six cylinder car, Model D-6-45, in the remarkable time of ten hours and forty-seven minutes. This beats the previous record by one hour and twenty-three minutes. The automobile which made this wonderful record carried four pas-l sengers and the time was three hours less than that made by passenger trains which make the run. BICYCLE DISPLAY ATHENS CYCLE CO. SHOWS ALSO | THE RECORD-MAKING IN DIAN MOTORCYCLE. The bicycle display and that of the | Indian Motorcycle made by the Ath ens Cycle Co., is one that will be of interest to visitors to the Anto Show next week.* The Indian is a motor cycle that has become internation ally famous and holds a number of endurance records and race track | victories. The Athens Cycle Co., handles line of the best bicycles to be had and both grown people and the chil dren will be interested in seeing the | display at the show. ATHENS CYCLE Corner Lumpkin & Washington Streets Next to SouthernExpress Co Agents For ONE OF MOST POPU LAR IS ■‘CHEVROLET’ Woodruff Brothers, of Winder, who have become famous as manufactur ers of farm implements and promoters of ono of the most succesful county fairs held in the state are coming to file auto show with a demonstration of the Inter-State cars for exhibition. The Woodruff Brothers are of the type of men who do things and in en tering the automobile show they can bo counted on for a display that will be second to none. Their cars will surely bo among those present. USING STARTER TO EXCESS IS WRONG “COLE 8”-J. H. GRIFFETH SELLS The Cole 8! There is somehow fascination in the very phrase as there is something about the car that grips one’s attention and makes one want to own it. The Cole is sold in Athens by Mr. .1. 11. Griffeth. It will be on display at the big show next week and news of the exhibit that is to be made is already causing much comment by those who know what this car stands for in the automobile world. The ('ole will be heard from during the Uiree days and this already popular ear is out for some records when the different demonstration stunts are be ing pulled off. Probably every motorist doesn’t know that for every second consumed starting a motor electrically, the generator must run at charging speed for several minutes to put the same amount of current back into the stor age battery. That means that the fellow who lets his electric starter churn and churn, maybe without the switch thrown, or too little gas, gen erally finds himself compelled to get out and crank some day because his battery is “dead.” A few sugestions for use of your starting equipment may prove of ben efit: 1. Make sure your battery is fully charged and filled with pure water. 2. Don’t let your starter churn— find out about gas and spark being right. 3. Always release the starter as soon as the motor begins to turn on its own power. 4. Keep your generator properly adjusted and cleaned. 5. Prime your motor if it is cold These things will save you both an noyance and money for electrical re pairs. One of the most popular cars that ] has been put on the market in cent years is the Chevrolet, which is handled in Athens by Bolling H. Sas- nett, assisted in the sales line by I Messrs. W. C. Denny and Harry Rhodes, two experienced automobile | men. The Chevrolet agency is one of the | youngest in the city yet it has enjoy ed a business that many of the older I dealers might be envious of. The last car load of cars was sold and delivered 'in three days and orders are now ahead of delivery and this, ] too, prevails in the face of the fact that an assembling plant has been opened in Atlanta and hence more cars are available than wovfld be if | delivery had to come from the main factory. For a medium priced car the j Chevrolet has no equal and the fact that it is backed by millions of cap-1 ital, automobile experience and qual ity in every detail, is making it also | one really finished product of the in dustry that is bringing a price that is within the reach of the average | purchaser. The Chevrolet cars on display at ] the Banner’s Auto Show will be | among the most attractive ones on | exhibition and Mr. Sasnett is plan ning a number of demonstrations for the week that will prove the | claims made for this car. INDIAN MOTORCYCLES BICY C L ES COLUMBIA IVER JOHNSON RAMBLER CRESCENT PIERCE INDIAN See our display at Auto Show in Auditorium building. We invite you to make our depart ment your headquarters. We carrry a complete stock ol bicycles, motorcycles and all accessories^ Athens Cycle Co. MORRIS YOW SELLS HUDSON SUPER-SIX BUICK HANDLED IN ATHENS: J.M. HOOD C. N. HODGSON TO SHOW DODGE CABS The Hudson SuperlSix is today considered by many to be the most attractive automobile on the market and for years the Hudson has been famous for its merits of construction and ability to hold up under heavy usage. Mr. Morris Yow has the agency for the Hudson and he will have on dis play next week some handsome mod els of this car. The many superior points that Mr. Yow will tell you of are of real interest to the motor en thusiast and the cars on display will attest the good qualities that the Hudson stands for. LAMAR OF MACON IS GA. AUTO PIONEER The Buick, handled in Athens by Mr. J. M. Hood, who has just opened new quarters on comer of Hancock and Hull streets, has always been popular car in the South and espec-| ially in this section since Mr. Hood [ took the agency. In a number of features that make I the 1916 model masterpieces in the] automobile industry the Buick leads for individuality and when it was an-| nounced that nothing but six cylinder- ed cars would be manufactured it meant that a perfection auto would be built in this model and that is what owners of the Buick have. The display of the Buick cars will be prominent on the 22-23-24 while the demonstrations made will be typical of the claims that this company makes for its cars. There will hardly be a more interesting collection on hand than the Buick Sixes. Mr. H. J. Lamar, of Macon, Is ono of the pioneer automobile men In, Georgia In point of ownership as well ] as salesmanship and that he la to have a display in the Banner’s show j of the Oldsmobile is of interest here as that car is not represented In Ath ens by an active agency although the Olds is well known here as one of the best cars on the market. Mr. Lamar will have different types of the cars on display and will make a number of demonstrations during the three days. If you are Interest-1 ed in automobiles as purchaser as an admirer you will enjoy looking at the Olds as displayed by MnJ Lamar. HUDSON SUPER-SIX An important exhibit will be that of the Dodge car, handled by Mr. C. N. Hodgson. Dodge Bros., Detroit, are one of the oldest manufacturers of automobile parts in the world and within thirteen months sold more than thirty-eight million dollars worth, making different parts for five hundred manufacturers. Since entering the field as manu facturers of the finished automobile themselves they have broken all records for sales in the same length of time, and are now leading the field for the actual months in busi ness. The Dodge is a popular car here and it is certain to attain the popu larity that many of the older ones enjoy when it is given more time to get better established. The display of the Dodge and demonstrations made by Mr. Hodgson will draw the attention of the crowds and the suc cess of this car at the show is al ready attained. MADE FASTEST MILE| dobbs fi ARMSTRONG -OVERLAND AGENCY SMITH FORM-A-TRUGK INTERESTING MACHINE The Smith Fornna-Truck will be one of the exhibits of rare Interest. This track Is sold by Bernstein Bros., furniture dealers, and up to a few months ago was something new in this section. However, this truck is becoming popular as a delivery ran and is just as the pame implies. If you have a car you form a truck with the Smith, and next week while visiting the Auto Show be sure that you pay special attention to the dis play by Bernstein Bros., and they will be pleased to demonstrate the qualities of the Smith Form-a-Truck. The Hudson Super-Six on April 29th again distinguished itself by making the fastest mile ever negotiated by an American stock car chasis, 102.53 miles per hour. This sensational speed was made over the famous Ocean Beach Course at Daytona, Fla., under the special supervision of the American Automo bile Association, sanction No. F. A. Edwards, representing tne con test board of the A. A. A., and Fred J. Wagner were present and officiated at the trials. The Super-Six was piloted by Ralph Mulford. In that trial run the mile was dashed off each time In less than 36 seconus. The fastest time was 35.11 seconds, which is equiva lent to 102.53 miles per hour. This is the highest speed ever made by a stock chassis. / While these speed trials may have been a surprise to the public, they were not unexpected among motor car people who kept tab on things. The wise ones knew that Fred Wagner was vao&ttonizing on the sunny sands of Florida, and that he probably had 'something up his sleeve.” When Wlieu Messrs. B. S. Dobbs and George Armstrong took charge of the Overland Agency in Athens they im mediately met with unprecedented success and have put a large number of Overlands on the roads in their territory. They have large show rooms on Washington street and with Mr. Dobbs in active charge of the agency will have a display at the Automobile show that will be one ot the best. The products of the Wlllys-Over- land Co. are known wherever an automobile wheel turns and in this section you will see many turned out from this factory. When you get around to the Over land display you will be accorded warm welcome indeed. btach at Daytona, the secret was out. And now it is no longer a secret. The splendid mark is one that will “take some going” to even match. The trials at Daytona are a further evidence of the correctness of the ba sic principle involved in the new Su- “smiling” Ralph Mulford showed up I per-Six compensated-crankshaft motor and soon after his wizard-like Super-1—and demonstrates the increase in Six spinning on the record-producing!power made possible by its use. AUTO SPARKS That the areoplane is destined to become a constantly increasing fac tor in our economic problems is clear* ly shown by an article appearing In “Flying,” from which we quote in part: “After five years of continuous ef forts on the part of the post office de partment, a few congressmen and senators, and others, the first step towards employing aeroplanes for mail carrying has been taken. “On February 12th, the United States post office department issued an advertisement inviting proposals for carrying the mails of the United States—by aeroplane. “There are eight routes in the of ficial announcement, one in Massa chusetts, between Nantucket and New Bedford, and seven in Alaska. “The time for these bids to be in expired May 12th. If the post of fice is successful in getting bids for these eight routes, then next year there may be added between fifty and one hundred other routes, where only the aeroplane can solve the dif ficult problems of mail transportation by cutting across canyons, moun tains, and other natural construe tions, which make it necessary, at the present time, to make long de tours, to say nothing of the tremen dous loss in time. In some cases, the aeroplane accomplishes in fifr teen or twenty minutes what now takes all the way from eighteen hours to fifteen days, by the present method of slow transportation, be one of the most potential factors “The flying machine promises to in the future development of Alaska —and of all places where the run of commerce is slow on account of lack of fast transportation. It needs neither roads nor rails nor bridges; only landing’ places at convenient in tervals.” It is said that there are more ex pensive cars used in New York than in any other efty in the world. Yet the low priced quality car is becom ing more and more a favorite In New York’s social and business affairs. In front of one of New York’s ex clusive clubs, an actual count of the cars shows two cars costing over $4,000; three costing over $2,500; two costing more than $1,500; and five Overlands. Titus It seems that the style and .snap of the New Over land is endearing Itself to the New Yorker as jnuch as Its sturdy strength and stamina has to the west ern farmer, who must have, above all, a dependable car. If the radiator of your automobile NEW CAR EXHIBITED TO BE THE STEARNES Another new car In, this section will be the Stearnes, put ou display by the Forsythe Motor Car Co., of Atlanta. A special representative of the company will be here with the display, and much interest will be shown in the car. The Stearnes ranks at the very top of the automobile list and in every section of the country the car has met with unusual success. Of the cars about which so much Is known here, there will hardly be any that will draw more attention than will the Stearnes. has been filled with some anti-freez ing solution all winter, it should be thoroughly flushed out with clean water now. There are literally thousands of small cells in every radiator which become filled with sediment, rust, etc. When this happens, it seriously interferes with the efficiency of the cooling system, and is often directly responsible for overheating and pre ignition, etc. By flushing out the cooling system thoroughly at this time, you will start the summer right and perhaps avoid expensive repairs, as well. FORD CHUG-CHUG IS HEARD’ROUND WORLD The chug-chug of the Ford has been heard literally around the world and of course the Griffeth Implement Co. who handles this famous car in Ath ens is going to be well represented at the Banner’s show which begins Tues day. The .Ford needs no introduction to any audience and in no matter what display it is placed it always gets a big share of the interest. Tfiie Ford is a car used by every class of people. It’s the farmers best friend, it’s the rich man’s companion and the one opportunity of the man who can’t afford to put so much money In an automobile. Ford de liveries and trucks are becoming as popular as Ford runabouts and there are more of them in use in Athens today than any other truck. Just keep your eye on the Ford next week. Possibly True. “Jinks is an awful liar. He says he's never spoken a cross word to his wife in the whole ten years they’ve been married.” “That doesn’t prove him a liar. Evidently you’ve never met his wife, or you'd know that it would take a brave man to speak a cross word to her. ’ THE CLARKE COUNTY MOTOR CAR COMPANY The Maxwell, handled by the Clarke County Motor Car Co., Is another car that needs no formal in troduction. It Is one of the pioneers and the models that will be on dis play are the epitome of automobile experience and knowledge. The Max well agency has arranged for some demonstrations during the week that will drive home the fine qualities of the cars. Messrs. Shouse and Downs will be pleased to have you make the Maxwell department headquar ters while visiting the show, and it will be a favor for them to show you the product of the Maxwell fac tory. No Longer Menace to Humana. Anthrax as an animal disease has been carefully studied ot recent years, but its occasional appearance among human beings has never attracted any attention until recently. Although it is described in most medical text books many physicians are not familiar with its symptoms. This ignorance of the disease is the chief source of danger. With preventive measures and cures that have been perfected within the last few years there is no reason why it should be a menace to human life. THERE'S A LOT IN KNOWING WHEN REPAIRING AN BILE. DID YOU EVER YOUR OUSINESS AUTOMO- STOP TO THINK of THAT Mr. AUTO OWNER? YOU GET EXPERT SERVICE WHEN YOUR CAR IS KEPT IN ORDER BY THIS GARAGE EPPS GARAGE East Washington St. Telephone 497