The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 21, 1916, Image 1

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ATHENS, GA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1916. ESTABLISH EB 1W w To present] times—to the resujtsl on wanted ay Sale Is at Its Best-MICHAEL’S iw, always-to show the best of the latest models—to maintain a standard of quality which one can be certain of at all most in value tor the price asked; this is always our endeavor. But at these May sales which we hold every year endeavors are possible more signally apparrent, in many respects than at any other time... We offer such values tandise that you will find it hard to refuse to investigate. - Here «jPP r Suit Opportunity This sale pUNtfP *° n °thing short of a sensation. As we have ap«0 e ^ previously this month we are going to sell every wo^b 03 * SU1 * * n our house. The start we got during the flVEew days of the sale was very encour aging and ma^yits were sold. It is true that the sales were made^&£P e losses great but with the policy oE this store ever|E9f e us and thedeterminationnottocarry over a single gRBlBt, we enter this week with prices that are truly sen@P*al- We do not wait until the season is over and wheJP" 1 wtll have little use for a suit but now, just when g^Reed a new suit most we oEEer you the choice oE any lj^rsuit in our stock at less than the eost oE produc. fion.gWany suits as low as halE price, some even less price. Think oE the real advantages oE a new Suit. At the prices we oEEe r toem today you pay is skirt only. IE you are going to the mountains or seashore you can not do without a coat suit. Every iit which we oEEer is beautiEul, stylish, seasonable and ^desirable, Plainjtailored, Semi-tailored and dressy mod els all at May sale savings. Attractive Dresses Eor AH Occasions You need have no worry if you need a dress in a hurry. We have a most complete stock oE dresses Eor all occasions and you will be surpris ed at tbe reasonable prices. We are endeavoring to make this May Sale a banner sale and are arranging to sell dresses at prices that will allow you to replish your wardrobe at small cost. IE it is silk you want, our stock oE Silk dresses is a large one. Many dresses that will be good all the sum- mer'and in the early Eall. IE it is a light airy summer dress, and iE you have not been here during the past Eew days be sure to come and see the new summery dresses. You wiU be delighted with the stylish and beatiEul color combinations. Every good color is rep- ersented and sizes Eor the misses’ and ladies' are here for your easy choosing. The last week, we received a number oE pretty and late models and by taking advantage oE the May sale you will save Erom $5.00 to $15.00 on your dress purchase. Many dresses Eor commencment are shown in special models Eor the young miss and pre ty little dance Erocks that will save you hours oE worry, New Shipment oE 98c Waists QO _ This announcement you will hale with delight. vOC We have received a new shipment of these won derful waists which have caused such excitement in Ath ens. You wiU marvel at the values which this sale oEfers to you and you will never Eully realize your saving untU you have investigated our 98c oEEer. Waists oE organdie, Voile and lingerie in plain and fancy models that equal in value most waists sold for $2.00- Be sure to be here on time and get your supply oE the new models. White Skirts at the May Sale 98c You will need many wash skirts during the the summer. You will not care to buy all oE them oE expensive material. For our May sale we oEEer a lot oE cotton cor duroy and garbardine skirts at 98c that are worth much more. They are the very latest styles: Eull Baring and with or without pockets. You wiU be suprised at finding such clever models so reasonably priced. Remember the price—Only 98c each May Sale oE Millinery The prices which we oEEer our entire stock of colored trimmed hats wiU allow you that extra hat that you have longed Eor. If you have not as yet bought a new hat there is no need oE wating longer; the prices have been reduced to such an extent that any one can buy the hat oE their choice. The cheaper hats have been lowered in price and the better hats are brought to the plane oE the cheap—but in price only. The quality is oE Michael's standard and that is suEEicient to say oE anything- Below we quote the revised prices on our stock oE colored trimmed hats. AQ Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced 9£-‘iO $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50. gjO >40 Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced q)O.W $6.00, $6.50 and $7.50 ^ QO Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced $‘1.30 $8.00, $8.50, $9.00 and $9.50 (C QO Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced 90.90 $10, $11, $12 and $12.50 C“T QO Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced 91.90 $15, $16 and $17 (Q QO for choice ol any trimmed hat priced 93*30 $18,50,^19 and $20 O. QO Eor choice oE any trimmed hat priced 9X6.90 $22.50, $23.50 and $25. Remember this sale will not last Eorever and you will need a new hat soon. Do not wait until the hat you want is sold. Most Good Trunks that you Buy Bear this Guarantee We guarantee this trunk to be oE Eirst-class materials andworkmanship; and should any deEect exist or hardware be torn oEE; we will make all repairs Eree oE charge; Get that? A guarantee on materials and workmanship! What is said about guaranteed service? Nothing! When you pay a fair price for a trunk you rather expect to get first-class materials and workmanship, don't you? What you want to know when you buy a trunk is, “How much service am I going to get for the money I spend?" You get a new trunk if your Indestruct is destroyed from any cause within 5 years from the day you buy it. That's the way we express our confidence in the In- destructo to you. Doesn't it sound like we knew our product? Remember, When you go to buy a trunk, to "Look twice at the guarantee." It will mean money to you in the end. The Indestructo is the only trunk guaranteed for your protectton. IE you will need a new hand bag or a suif case let us show you real travelins goods. You wiU not find such mer chandise in any other store in this section. You will find luggage at Michel’s from $1.00 to $80.00 Madame Lyra Corsets Corsetry has reached such per fection today, that any figure— not deformed, of course—can obtain shapely lines and good poise. It is due to haste and carelessness that the majority of figures do not look better than they do. The well fitted corset is not necessarily a matter of ex pense. Two things are neces-. sary—first, select a model, in dividually designed for the figure in question; second, adjusting the corset properly to that figure. Even at $3.50 Madame Lyra Corsets come in a wide range of models of varying proportions for all types of figures—in a wide range of materials—beautiful brocades, coutils,'bat istes, etc. Other models, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and up. There is a Madame Lyra model for “you.” Will you not ask to see It? It will afford you style and comfort—and the price is reasonable, too. New and BeautiEul Shirtwaists Never was there a seasom when a pretty shirtwaist should be more appreciated. With the return of the sep arate skirt the shirtwaist has gained in importance. We have assembled a line of blouses, shirts and waists for ladies' and the young miss that we feel a rightful pride in. Tailored blouses of Crepe de Chine and Radium Silk as well as a few simple models in Georgette Crepe. Fluffy, Lacy models of Georgette Crepe combined with laces in neat effects. Every one a beauty and a wide range to select Erom. Striped silk that will wash are shown in a large number oE color cambinations. We are showing a special lot oE silk waists at $2.48 in all the leading colors. Standard Patterns Eor the Summer The new Summer styles of Standard patterns will save you many hours of worry. There are stylishly designed Eor the young, the old and the middle aged* Standard patterns are cut to fit and you do not have to make allowances. You can rest easy iE you use Standard patterns, every one has deen moulded over a living perfect model. We picture here a neat model which is one of the many standard styles which make Standard Patterns so popular. The June issue of ihe “Designer” show many pretty late designs of Stand ard Patterns Adpation. 10c per copy. The summer fashion boob, which shows hundred oE the latest fashions can be our Standard Pattern department Eor 5c with any 15c pattern. May Sale of Pillow Cases Michael's Special Pillow Cases, made of specially pre pared bleached cotton with "NoRip” corded border, Our special price has been 18c each and worth 20c' For the May Sale we offer these large sizes 45 x 36 inch cases at 15c each.