The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 06, 1918, Image 1

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HEAVY CASUALTIES IT IS BELIEVED Military Activity Growing In'Intensity and Big Bat tle May Soon; Break— , 13 Enemy Planes- 4 MB*. )k „ <A ■ A^Jowned by Alliedrei, Airmen. ,(Dy Associated Press.) Prom the NorthSSea to the Swiss frontier, military activity dally seems growing in Intensity, and It may ba fair .to assume that some of the blgr battles already forecast’ soon will break. ' American; British and French ermtes have been taking whacks at the German line, while the Germans hare been giving'considerable atten tion on-various sectors to their ene mies. -V Ttie Americans last Saturday again nipped in the bud an impending sur prise' attack on' their trenches. The Teutons were (awaiting word to go over the top for the attack when the Americans opened a heavy fire on the enemy's trench positions. Heavy casualties are believed to have' been Inflicted and the German trenches considerably damaged. Thirteen enemy airplanes clowned by the British and Italian airmen.' '• Norway Firmly Re- Pursuant to tie order Uiued l a n, mi . Judge Andrew J. Cobh, re-convenlng solves, to May lieutraj the grand jury recently serriRt. for ■''tel',... - - ' -I the purpose of Investigating the ;un HER- REPLY TO -WAR TRAtlB fortunate occurrence In BOARD . 'SAYS SHE -.dANT BREAK WITH ONE BELIG- ERANT AND DO IT. SAMMIES THINK THEY CAN COPE WITH BOSCH. Paris, Feb. 5.—“The qualities that meet Impressed me In the American troops at the tfSnt," said- Captain Konald Amundsen, Norwegian explor er. today, "are their cheerftilness, confidence and certainty of being able to (lo tl^r part In beating the Germans.” \_ TARTAR FORCES ADVANCE ON RUS8IAN NAVAL BASE. Petrograd, Feb. 2.—Tartar forces have occupied Yaleta, In the prov ince of Taureda, and are advancing on Sebastopol, Russia’s chief fortress and naval base on the Black sea, says a dispatch to the Petrograd Evening Post from Sebastopol. The dispatch adds that the Tartars are dealing mercilessly with the red guards, sail ors and soldiers. • - Heatless Mondays Must Be Continued (By Associated Press.) Washington, Fob. 6.—After a con ference today between Director Gen eral -McAdoo and Fuel Administrator Garfield it was definitely decided that heatless Mondays cannot be aban doned as has been hoped because storms and cold waves have so badly crippled the tael movements. Washington, ’ Feb.' 6.—-The blizzard has cut the coal production and move ment to sdeft an extent, officials pointed out'tonight, that even had Monday closings been abandoned, in dustry would be faided to close to considerable extent .-because of lack :of fuel.. In' fact reports tonight shew ed that plants ore already closing in large numbers, i-. . - ■ - . Ai- bps ^—h’ I -Mu Fine Mules Have Just Arrived Here room on the' University campus' sqffie days since, the jury met yesterday morning ten otiock and alter rdfcelving a >■' charge from the judge retired to the ChriStla^a,"Feb.”5.—Norway's* re- grabd lur f r '°° m ' »f re a Ply to the proposals from the Amer- flW Investigation lean war trade hoard regarding sup-W “b.'» o. Hies from the United States to Nor-; 16 grand Jury auled by Sol,<;,t01 waj- was published today, emphasizes , ean ' a firm;resolve of the Norwegian pee- * T T™ . MXn V"* were ex Flo' hnd government to remain neu- a “ lned , abd , exha “ 8ti y e testlmonj tral. 'It was said that Norway could U * eD , - “ 9* i“ veat,gatlon wh,bh r ® not break with one belligerent with.:™ 116 * 5 ln the ab9olute exoneration ot out imperilling her general neutral ity :V. Czernins Speech Distorted Cleverly VERSION WHICH REACHED AM ERICA WAS COMPLETELY' CHANGED IN MEANING BY GERMANS. (By Associated Press.) London, Feb. 6.—The most Impor tant passage In the speech of Count Cz^rnln, Austro-Hungarian, foreign . , minister, delivered before the relchs- u gb ° . :—1 _ .. Jt , iTo the Hcnorane A. J. Cobb, Judge | the three-young men, Messrs. Holli day, Pendergrass and Dadlsman, oc cupants of the room ln which Jamie Johnson’ shot and killed Miss Belle Hill and then turned the weapon upon himself and committed suicide. Tlie young men are all from splen did families, of Jackson county, and the investigation made by the grand Jurors will set at rest any wild ru mors which may he afloat or have been circulated since the unfortunate occurrence on the morning of Jan uary the 30th. At the conclusion of the Investiga tion, the members of the grand Jury prepared and reported as fpllows to of the Western Circuit: a Committee Wants . Wilson To Fix Rates tag January 24th, which Is now caus ing a storm of anti-Austrian agita tion-in Germany and Bulgaria, waa cleverly distorted to completely change its meaning ln the version which the German war bureau per mitted to go to England and America. By removing a comma bet*** 1. German: possessions antTBelglum and by, dropping the Important adjective, pro-war, Czornto was made to appear a authority ln fixing that he would defend Germany's poa- 1 . v a , ' * u ^ session of Belgium. This-is the dming -go^emnent tblnghe- emphatically disclaimed. He contr ° 1 ln the ha ^_ o£ the presidcnt ' definitely disassociated Belgium from I German possessions, and declared | Washington, Feb. 6.-The amand- that Austria would defend only pro- m0 nt to the administration railroad war possesslons'ot her allies. :—:—:—i— by We, beg leaf-e to make the follow ing report: We have caused’ all witnesses to trar'knowlcdge, knowing any facts material tp; tfje tragedy 1 that occurred ln the room .on the College Campus on the night of January 29th, 1918, re sulting in the death of Jamie Johnson and Belle Hill to bo brought before us and have made a thorough examina tion Into &H, the fact3 and are satisfied fronHthe evidence' as disclosed that Miss Belle Hill came to her death from a pistol shot In' the hands of Jamie Johnson and that he came to Ills death from shots'Inflicted by him- self. We further find that the young men In whose room the tragedy occurred, to-wit: Alva Pendergrass, Tom C. Holliday, and H. D. Dadlsman, are ex onerated from any criminal connec tion in any. way with .the death of either of the parties. \H. Glover, Storey, __ ... m .... m M. HiUlatd, R. T. Yarbrough, H. E. Martin, fi.' F. Woods,' A. W, Wler, W. P. Brooke, H. P. Lawrence, W. W. Hayes, T, C. Piiryear, Homer Stark, J. H. Oriffeth, Albert E. Davison, W. C. Wingfield.' It Is ordered the foregoing recom mendation) be entered upoh the min ute* of this court. This Feby; 6, 1918. ANDREW J.. COBB, _ ^ •' ’* Judge S. C. W. C. - W. 0. DfeAN, Sol. Gen’l. r ~ "My Soldier Girl” Arrived Last Night • t»_.- - BIG MU8ICAL COMEDY HERE.FOR MATINEE AND NIGHT AT THE CbLp^L-THfeATER.. There will pe jjo disappointment this afternoon fori the matinee,- peith- er will .there be disappointment toy President Abney, of The Chamber .of Commerce, Member of the Execu tive Committee For ■. -T Athens., It Is announced .th(it< the Georgia State Automobile Association, of which'-the Athens Motor Club is' a Ptt MAM night at the Colonial,. “My Soldier mem ber, has . adopted the plan of nirl" boo (I rrloo/l with o mninenv rwf I .... Girl” has arrived, with a company of fifty peoplu and a -carload of scenery; a chorus of -pretty girls, catchy mu sic; all star cast for leads and. a brilliant musical spectacle the .equal to any which has appeared here this season. . .. , v During the past thirty days^ Mana ger- Funkenstein has met with unpar alleled misfortunes bn account of the railroads refusing to haul the big companies, booked here, with one and two .Cfrs of special scenery and electrical effects, but this misfortune has not dampened his interest ln giv ing to the ffroplo of' this city high class attractions and he has kept digging at the ralroads for better cervce until he succeeded In prevail ing upon the railroads to haul "My holding the monthly meetings ot Its executive committee in'the different cities of the state ’?*>.” which Its branches are located,’and .the first of these meetings will be hold ln Athens on Monday, February 18th. The executive committee consists ;>f members of the organization from each of the larger cities of Georgia, the meeting In March held ln Macon, and will continue in rotation until each of the more important points have been, covered ln this manner, thereby permitting the mem bers to get in closer touch with the organization and giving opportunity tor closer co-operation in ithe much r.ceded work of Improving our public roads throughout the state. At the meeting here it .is expected Soldier Girl" Into Athens and then to that every member of the Athens (#y A***el«t*^Fr***i> Washington, Feb. 5..—The house in terstate commerce committee voted J. L. BOOTH RECEIVES CAR LOAD OF FINE ANIMAL8 THAT HAVE QUALITY-AND FINISH... I have Jnst, received a car ot the finest mules I have ever brought to Athens. These mnles are of the most desirable grade, they have a beautiful quality and finish. , If you want mules that you'll be proud ot don’t fall to see these. They are at my sales stables on the corner ot Broad and Hull streets, and I Invite you to come and Inspect them. J. L. BOOTH. The very best of everything to eat PEOPLES’ MARKET, 229 Broad x reet, Phone 1052. Lemons, Lemons, Lemons. . .. . . Fresh goods. Just arrived. - ARNOLD & ABNEY. The best baking and pan fish. PEO PLES' MARKET, 229 Broad street. Phone 1062. Delay In.Senate of War Cabinet Bill (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 6.—Developments today promised Indefinite extension of the controversy ln the senate over American war efficiency and military committee's bills for a war cabinet, and munition director, Senator Wads worth spoke ln behalf of proposed legislation, criticizing what he declar ed as an utter lack ot system and comprehensive planning In the gov ernment war activities. l( Therfl, were no replies today to Wadsworth, but the administration spokesman expects to speak tomor : row. Further disclosures of the gov ernment’s military-program are ex pected tomorrow when Secretary Ba ker reeppeara before the ml.H^y committee for cross examination. 1 -seven Held ** ~ e (By Associated Press.) ' St. Liphls, Fob. 6.—Federal,-War rants charging conspiracy and viola tion.of the espionage act were issued today against twenty-seven members of S. L W. who were arrested in a raid on their meeting place here Sunday.' It Is charged that they ad vocated sabotage. Labor Leaders Put Blame On Management (By Associated Press.) , Washington, Feb. 6.—Inefficient op eration of railroads, resulting ln trafflo congestion with Its grave at tendant evils, was- charged by -union labor leaders at a bearing today be fore the railroad wage commission, to a desire on the part of the manage ment .of the system to direct the eight hour law and make a failure ot government controL Good sound sweet potatoes, 40c the peck. ARNOLD & ABNEY. measure was adopted providing that the president may initiate rates, and upon complaint the Interstate com merce commission shall hold hearings and submit findings to the president for such action ss he may deem is required In the public interest. As Introduced -in the senate -the bill pro vides that the president may Initiate ates subject to rcv'ow, and’alteration >y the Interstate commerce cominis- Ion upon complaint either of shippers ir carrier. A similar amendment was net lh the house committee. Raids Safe of Veder !, For the Government the next stand, but this was only ac complished by a great' sacrifice’ to both Manager Funkenstein and the manager of the company. When It was made known to the management ot the Soldier Girl Company the many disappointments' met with recently,- a lay off was agreed upon and last nljht' was “playless night” for the members of the company ln order that their engagement for this city could he given without having to hold the curtain for several hours or maybe the company not reach here (By Aiaoeiatedy Ppta.) ^ ^ Chicago. Feb. 5.—Armed with fed- Funkenstein spent a restful night eral warrant, Francis J. Heney, fed- feeling certain that the people of eral trade commission attorney, made I thens would he thankful for the a sensational raid on the . vault of! performance of the big musical com- Henry Veder,' general couneel 'forlcdy which will he presented this aft- Swift & Ccz, and seized hundreds of omoon and evening, the matinee at letters, records, and documents for '3:30 and the evening performance at use in the federal investigation-of the at 8:301 Motor Club will be present, take part In the discussions, making sugges tions and assisting in every way -.Hsible in arriving at plans which It Is hoped may be developed that ill result in a better understanding, and the local members are requested to’ invite others interested in the subject to meet with' them, whether they may be actual members of the club or not, because the one great object of these meetings Is the im provement of our road'system. The rule adopted by this commit- packing industry. Amy Balloon Fired > On by Eastman Man (By Associated Preat.) Macon, Ga., Feb. 5.—One of the big gest balloons of the local school was fired (upon while passing over East man early today. Clem Clements, aged forty-five was arrested ln con nection with the shooting. Local Food Products Prices as Quoted by Food Administrator The following is a full and detailed, copy of the food price bulla- ; tin issued by the local food administration officials: • OFFICIAL FOOD ADMINISTRATION PRICE-LIST. United States Food Administration, ” >’ Jl ANDREW M. SOULE ' Federal Food Administrator for Georgia. fe- ' H. J. ROWE, .■(*,,'• !• Food Adminlstotorfor Clarke County. T HE following prices are published as a guide to housewives ln Athens and Clarke county. If you pay cash and earnr your purchases with you the lowest prices should prevail. Credit and delivery Is expensive to the merchant and he is allowed to charge up to the highest listed prices on all purchases which are charged and de livered: , i Wholesale Cash and Maximum kl) Macaroni, per pound, domestic . Broad, 17 ounce loaf Meal, per pound 1 Grits, per pound Rice, fancy full head, per pound Rice, Blue Rose, per pound .... Beans, dried Navy, per pound . Peas, white, per pound Oil, cooking, Wesson brand, pr. qt. Lard, Silver Leaf brand- ... Lard, compound, per pound Butter, creamery, per pound .) Butter, country, per pound .... Cheese, N. Y. full cream, pr P°und ; Prunes, according to size ... Sun dried apples Calif, dried peaches Syrups, South Oa., per gallon Syrups, compounds ......... Molasses, per gallon ...... Sugar, ln 51t> packages Green peas ln cans, per can (Tiny) Peas, soaked No. 2 cans, per can.. Green peas, early June, No. 2 cans.. Corn, canned, per can Cabbage, per pound v .. Sweet potatoes, per pound Irish potatoes, per pound Rutabaga turnips; per pound Cost. Carry Away Price .09 .12% .15 .03 .10 • .10 ” .04% .05 .06 - .06 .07% .08 .09% .11 M2% .08% .10 .11 •16 . .20 .16 16% .48 .60 ■ .65 .27 .31 -.»’ 36 .23 .26 27% .65 WaV* .66 ..... 40 & 45 a* * .50 und. .33 h .35 • v .40 14%,16%, 21% 17%, 20, & 25 .16 .20 13%. 15 17%. 20 .90 1.00 1.16 .66 to .90 .76 to 1. .60 .75 .80 .08% .20 .07% .12% to .16 "o’o .03% .09% .26 .10 .10% ' M .12% .17% to .20 ... .20 to 25 .07 .08 .03% .04 .04% .05 .04 .06 at all. All that trouble has been Ue ^ Uut n0 fotm dismissed wiriLJaatj pm** expected or permitted on the * part'of the local-club or Individuals, each visitor will pay his own ex- pens'es personally .including'transport tatlon and hotel bills, not a cent will 1 be drawn from the treasury of the V state association'’or the local clubs for these meetings, which are to be , strictly business ln their nature and devoted entirely to the one great ob ject ln view, eliminating all banquets and the usual hot air accompani ments. Since Monday is comparatively a holiday now on account of thp fuel situation it is desired that the mem bers get together for lunch at the Georgian hotel, each one paying for bis own lunch - and nothing more, and Immediately afterwards the mat ters will be taken up, discussed thor oughly and freely, by all present and in that way no time will be lost c-r inconvenience caused to any one. Mr. Martin J. Abney, president of the Chamber of Commerce, has been named as the Athens member of the executive committee, and he, in com pany with the other menders ot this committee will visit the other cities ra‘rotation for th* succaeilng meet- IngJ which will be held monthly, ttiefeby getting In. closer touch--with , the mfen Ih ! all sections who are In terested In this great subject and Hr,,-5 6- 1 hoped and confidently believed,,, that thls iadhe beginning-of a move,-,! meat that -wlll become statewide Ir. fit ecope. and that will certainly proye, beneficial to all parts of the state. ' • , ■ It ib earnestly requested that each member of the Athens -Motor Club tgke note the date and arran.; - matters now in order that every one mav be present at this first of the statewide meetings and give the movement a splendid send-off ln jreg , ular Athena style. A short synopsis’.of the many good things which will be seen ln "My Sol dier Girl”: "My Soldier Girl.” a glittering whirl of gorgeous cost’-’tnes, a world of novelties, flirtation walk—Illumin ated—bewitching girls in novel dance ensembles, "The- Soldier Dance;” girls’ aviation corps In action: the aerial flight; a brilliant lawn fete; ballet from the. Roof Garden of the New York Theatre; tableaux (battle field) “Somewhere ln France.”—Lib erty Forever, U. S. A. Twenty smash ing song hits Including “My Soldier Girl,” "Some Nigh).” "A Wonderful Thing,” "Sailin’ Away on the Henry Clay,” "Kisses," "Lavender Girls,” Colonial Days,” "Naughty, Naughty, Naughty.” “Dixie Doodle,” “Joan d’Arc,” “I Cant’ TeUere Your Byes" and "Liberty.Forever/’ Decrees Confiscation of All Church Property . —^. (By Associated Press.) Petrpgrad, Feb. 5.—The soclallatir issued a decree today, signed bj Npo-. ilal Lenine and^Sther members of-the defacto government absolutely sep- j aratlng chutoh and state, and- elimi nating the church- Income from staje, I and confiscating all church realty and | furnishings, j - ' - Fish Commissioner Protests to Hoover (iBy Associated Press.) Tampa, Fla., Feb. 6.—State Fish Commissioner Williams left tonight for Washington- where he will enter a protest with Hod Administrator Hoover regarding cancellation of Florida laws governing the taking of fish from seacoast waters. Fresh smoked bloaters. Fresh Philadelphia cream cheese. Imported Roquefort cheese. Fiftsh Frank’s Meat Treats. COSTA’S DELTCATESSEN SHOP. Phone 1131. JK) Jill 54* Victory Rye 'Bread. Victory Whole Wheat-Bread. Fresh this morning. ARNOLD & ABNEY. Spinach, lOo bunch. Bunch carrots,. 10c, 3 for 25e. Fancy Iceberg lettnee. Celery, bests, eoup bunches. White cauliflower. COSTA'S DELICATESSEN SHOP. Phone 113L Plenty fresh fish and oysters. PEO PLES’ MARKET, Phone 1062. Choice fish of all kinds. PEOPLES’ Market, Phone 1052. , , western beef and lamb.'PEO- CET. Phone 1052. handsome show wall cases. 8s* bargain. Shack- W<