The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 07, 1918, Image 7

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THE BANNER, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, tttfi. PAGE SEVEN J COBB WILL NOT BE IDIDATE FOR OFFICE U. S. SENATE Beyond a doubt Judfc Andrew J. Cobb la tbs choice of the people of Georgia for the office of United States senate to succeed Senator -Hardwick- For months past. Judge Cobb has been solicited and urged to allow the use of hie naifce as a candidate for office to the highest council In the nation by people from all sections of the state and from all walks of life. To their beseeching and proff .r of support he has declined to become a candidate. The following from the Walton News Indicates the high esteem in whidh Judge Cobb is held by the people of the Western Circuit as a jurist and,a oSthten: “Keep Judge Cobb on the Circuit. "In some sections of the state the uame of Judge Andrew J. Cobb has been prominently mentioned In con nection with the office of United States senate, and hundreds of his admiring trlende, fully confident of nls ability to fill the place, hare ex pressed a desire to rote for him for that exalted position and will, uoubt. Insist upon him making for mal announcement of his candidacy real soon. "On the other band, it Is the opin ion of hundreds of the best people In this section—throughout the Western Judicial Circuit—that Mr. Cobb's re tirement would be a very unfortunate step indeed. Not since the organ ization of tho Western Circuit has there been a man more eminently qualified or one .that has - given greater or more general satisfaction than Judge Cobb. He, In our optn- ,on, can do more and lasting good as the presiding officer of this circuit than he could do us in the United States senate and, while our deep esteem , for: the excellent gentleman that' he is, prompts ua in a desire to see him reach the highest pinnacle of success and honor, because of his capacity and worthiness, we are ot the candid opinion that, for the pres ent at least, his duty is to the peo ple of the Western Judicial Circuit and we believe Uje^ people of this circuit in which he is so generously esteAned, should keep him on the bench yet awhile." Judge Cobb Replies to Letter. There appeared in the Atlanta ply to yours of January IS. I appre ciate sincerely tbe kind expressions contained 'ih your letter in reference to tbe suggestion that I become a candidate for the position ot United States senator. I desire to say, how- ever, that it is utterly impossible (or a number of reasons for ms to con sider for one moment becoming a can didate tor this position. Under no circumstances will I be c candidate Constitution yesterday a letter from for this position or permit the use of Judge .Cobb addressed vto Mr. JH. jiaBie for Bennett in which the Judge declines | “I have been very much gratified absolutely to become a candidate for by a number of letters that I have the office of United States senate. The letter follows: The Letter. “Athens, Ga., Febi 2, 1918. "Mr. M. C. Bennett, Atlanta, Ga.; "My Dear Matt: Official engage- received from personal friends like yourself ahd also from others with whom I have no personal acquain tance, but 1 have no desire for any ether office in the gift of the people ot Georgia than the one that I now ments have prevented an earlier re- hold. "With best wishes and sincere re gard, yaws very truly, (Signed) “ANDREW J. COBB." When You Have a Cold. It ii when yon have a aevere sold that you appreciate the good quali ties ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pena. III., writes: "Onr five-year-old son Paul rnught a sever cold last winter that settled on his lungs and be had ter- i-ible coughing ■ pedis. We wart "great ly worried about him as the medi cine we gave him did not help-him In tbe least. A neighbor spoke so Ifthly ot Chamberlain's Cough Rem- ody that I got a bottle of it. The f.rst dose benefited blm so much that i continued giving It to him until he was cured.” * MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S . MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL'S icnaers ’ - • • ) . Were you among the Pleased Shoppers on Wednesday? Hundreds took advantage of the Art Needlework Bargains and also the many other specials which abound around the store. Today we have nine tables of stamped and finished Needlecraft at prices far below the values. TABLE A C« Here you will find finished embroidered mats, cretonne glove and handkerchief boxes, dutch dolls, pin cushions, crochet mats, stamp ed kimonos, budoir caps, baby pillows, collars, toast clothes and shirtwaists. Some of these items are 10c and 15c, others are 25c and 50c and on account of some being slightly soiled we have placed items worth up to 75c, on this table. We say ehoice of table at 6c TABLE B IQ* This table consists in part of lace trimmed ' mats, cretonne runners, budoir caps, stamp ed travelling cases, doll outfits, pin cushions, em broidered scarfs, crochet lamp shades, mending cases, card tab}e covers, pillows and shoe bags. Here you will find items as low as 25c but just a few, many that sold for 35c, 38c and 50c^ while there are many items formerly priced at 75c and $1.00. Some are slightly soidel. CHOICE 19c TABLE C pa** Here you will find among many other items crocheted mats, dusting bags, darning bags, travelling cases, pillow tops and backs, black aprons, shoe bags, night gown eases, darning cases, baby bibs, asbestos mats and many other items priced 38c, 50c, 58c and on up to $1.00, Some are slightly soiled. CHOICE 29c TABLE D OQfk On this table you will see work aprons, ta- ble covers, crochet mat sets, embroidered aprons, glove ca§es, handkerchief cases, knife cases, day pillow cases, dusting bags, dressing sacques, un derwear; laundry bags, shoe bags, bibs, collar bags and many other useful items that were 65c, 76c, $1.00 and $1.25. You take your choice now at 38c TABLED .... 4Qa A very chctke-jBeleetion will be found on this table; cretonne runners, scarfs for bureau, dressing table and chifforobe, in very pretty designs. Pin- cushions,- pillow shams, tomato bags, button bags, cuddle dolls, card table, covers, children’s dresses, baby outing gowns, Jace edge squares, form erly priced 76c, 85c, $1.00, $1.50 and up to $2:25. TABLE F QOa Here, cretonne in desirable novelties can be seen runners, pillow tops, pillows, children’s dresses, scrim squares, aprons, auto cap, center pieces, towels, crochet mats, and many other articles already embroidered and to be embroidered. You will see many items formerly priced $1.50, $1J5 and $2.25; all on one table at 98c ..TABLEG <1*4QQ Here is a table of rare bargains; not so 9 I <30 many items but values long to be re membered: $4.00 aprons, $4.00 pillow tops, $5.50 center pieces,. $5.50 towels and other good values. Of course some of these items are slightly soiled but will clean well and you choose from this table at $1.98 TABLE H • You -take your, choice .from finished cen- ter pieces that were $8.50, $10.00 and $153)0; pillows that were $7,50, $10.00, and $16.00 finished erqbroidered table set that was $9.00 and many other items that are pretty, desirable and use ful. Only one of a kind on this table and we advise you to come early if you want to get the best.. Your choice of this table at - - $4.48 TABLE K SPECIAL CQa Sere you will find many special items that are just too good to go on a,cheaper tqble and to give you an extra special below the-98c table we offer you Pullman slippers in a case $1.00 item, $1.25 center pieces, $1.25 crib quilts, made up com binations of good long cloth in large sizes only, worth $1.00, laundry bag formerly $1.00, dresser sc^ $1.25 and other veqr. desirable articles thaVafeworth up to $1,50 for your choic6- .....;[.:.. . 59c IMICHAEL’SI ECHOES FROM OUR JANUARY SALES “The Store Good Goods Made Popular” SALE OF TURKISH TO WELS, BATH MATS ALL STAMPED READY FOR EMBROIDERING LOT 1,39c—Stamped Turkish towels in neat designs for all kinds of embroidering fpnne^yt.sdld for 60c and 65c. " LOT 2, 59—Turkish Bath towels, stamped in neat designs that formerly sold for 75c, 85c and $1.00 and are worth a great deal, more now. Judt an odd lot that will pay you to wash out the stamping if you do not want them embroidered. Your choice of Lot 2, at 59c LOT 3, 58c—Turkish Bath Mats that sold formerly for 75c and are today worth$L00. Stamped in neat design and on heavy Terry cloth. You will do well to lay in a supply at this price 58c FEBRUARY SALE OF MIDDY BLOUSES We offer you a lot of white middies with assorted color collars and middy tie for 98c. These are made of Lonsdale middy cloth and are cheap at $1.50. We have all sizes from 16 to 44 and we advise you to buy all you will need for some time to come. Remember the price is only 98c each. A SALE OF-LONG-CLOTH Our long cloth in 10 yard bolts that you paid $1.75 a piece when cotton was 10.c per pound can now be bought for $1.58 during this first week of February sales. You never get too much long-cloth and when you realize that Fruit bleaching is now retailing at 23 l-2c per yard you can see what a saving you are affecting. Do not delay we have only 52 pieces in this lot. SWEATERS AT HALF-PRICE We have a table of odd lot children’s Sweaters, that we are going to sell out at HALF-PRICE: Only one and two of a size and color and though they are worth even more than they are marked we offer you the special table at HALF-PRICE. FEBRUARY SALE OF PEPPERILL SHEETS You will not get such an opportunity to replenish your sheet stock again until after the war and then per haps it will be many months but we offer you a sale on^bis well known brand qf sheets in plain and the hemstitched at prices that the mill is asking in care lots. All clean, all full sized. Plain 81x90 sheets $1.28 r Plain 90x90 sheets $1.38 H. S. 90x90 sheets $1.48 Do not confuse these sheets with the starchy sheets with seams that are offered at there prices. PRETTY UNE OF NEW SHIRTWAISTS FOR 98c We have just opened a very pretty line of new shirt waists and as we have been featuring, a table of waists at 98c we afe going to show there to you at at this price. They are well worth $1.50 but to give you something real good on the 98c table we offer you these splendid values at 98c each. Solid white and white with colored stripes. MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL'S MICHAEL’S (A MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S MICHAEL’S