Newspaper Page Text
y ; ■ . • ' : WSml
' • •* ‘ V'* 7
Fair and Cooler.
1?:50 Cent*
We Eat Too Much Meat
Which Clogs Kidneys,
Then the Back Hurts.
| intelligence.
j Accepted candidates will be turn*
i islied transportation from their homes
j to the camp and return, and travel
j rations for the necessary number of
j days' travel, or they may be relmburs-
| ed by the government for actual cost
i of meals for time actually consumed
I in travel at a rate not to exceed $3
per day. In lieu of such transporta- j
tion and meals they may be paid five
j cents per mile for the distance by the |
♦ • 1 shortest usually traveled routes from j
The following announcement from | their homes to camp and return. !
headquarters fourth Corps area con- Upon arrival at camp, the candidates
cernlng a civilian training ^amp 1st will be furnished clothing, , meals. Mo8t *kat Hie k dneys
*f special interest to civilians resid-j equipment, ammunition, etc., at gov- like the bowels, get sluggish and clog
ing within the following named states: ; moment expense, for the duration ofjged and need a flushing occasionally,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Genr-^he camp,
gia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee. ‘ Scope of Instruction.
Mississippi find lynifsisna. 'which! Scope of Instruction Includes duties
are located within the territory cov- of the private In the school of the
ered by the fourth corps area. soldier, squad, and company; small
Location, Date and Duration. arms rifle practice; guard duty, camp-
It la contemplated holding a cltl-1 ing and marching; Individual cooking;
sen's training camp this summer atjsrare of equipment; personal hygiene,
.Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C„ on or, physical development; discipline and
atont July 18, 1921, for the purpose of morle.
training such civilians as may be; civilians who are Interested and
selected upon their own application, desire application blanks or addltlon-
Prr.bnble duration of enmp. one month., a | information can obtain Rome hy
Eligibility and Qualifications. I addressing letter to Information Offi-
These eligible are physically fit; rPr . civilian Military Training Camps,
male citizens who have passed their p crt McPherson, Ga. .
sixteenth birthday and who nre not, s
over 35 years of age. Applicants must GOOD MORNING, see the other fel-
hove average general Intelligence and | 0W feeling fine and dandy? Hli diges-
.lie of good moral character. No edit- j tion is good, A. L. K. tablets will cor-
cstlonal 'qualifications are necessary rect the digestion; get a few at the
or required. j druggists.. Prjee 20c dozen!—Adv.
Application for Admlsaion. I
Each candidate for admission shall : Chicago police will use wireless
file a certificate from a qualified physi- j telephones In their war on crime. A
clan stating that his health and | wireless is being installed on the roof
strength are adequate for the course; of the city hall for constant com-
of training; such certificate to be on municatlon with fireboats. rifle squadB.
official blanks furnished the appll-j fire engine houses, patrol wagons and
cant, also ft certificate frfim a school-; police stations. Officials hope ultl-
master, clergyman, priest, or rabbi: ; mutely to have every policeman eqnip-
to the effect that candidate is ofjgoo>l| pod with receiving apparatus, weigh- jbelleve in overcoming kidney trouble
moral character a6d average g,-Serai! | n g but a few onnees. I while It is only trouble.
else we have -backache and dull-misery
in 'the kidney region, severe head
achffs, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver,
acid stomach, sleeplessness and all
sorts of bladder disorders,
You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain In the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jari
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine
This famous suits Is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
blned with lithla, and is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
traltzes the acids In the urine so it no
longer Irritates, thus ending Madder
Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid-
hoys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who
.7 N /
Those Boys Wash Suits
Created a SENSATION, and they should have
t?J»ey are suits that have sold for $2.50 to $5.00.
Last Sunday we advertised this sale. Before Monday
was half gone we had sold out. In order not to disap*
point many good friends we ’phoned the manufacturer
and persuaded him to let us have more of them* He ap
preciates our friendship and he sent us thirty-three (33)
dozen, just 396 suits. AVE CAN GET NO MORE.
\ ‘ ; v • V
They are even more'desirable than the first. There are
twelve different styles in many colors. Included are
those most attractive middy suits with long and short
Of course, 396 suits at the price of 9,8c, a ridiculous
price for such fine suits, will sell very quickly, so if you
desire any of these you are advised to come down before
noon. *
the sizes are from 2 years to 8 years and .they are
while they last
The Store Good Goods
Made Popular
| months, until a brief story of over a I Flanlgen. past president of the Athens
| hundred prominent Athens citizens | Rotary club. Past President r’ortson
has been told through these columns. | will head the Klwanis stories and
! Charles E. Martin, for several years j wll ‘ be ‘' wrt 1 tt4n up " Tuesday '
| connected with The Banner, but now ^ r - Martin is a member of the Kl-
associated with the firm of Erwin & j wants club, a big booster for Athens
and personally acquainted with (he
men he will Introduce to you dally,
telling you many, little things about
your neighbor you probably never
Effort Be Made in June to
Bring 1922 Convention to
This City.
The City B. Y. P. U. union will meet
this afternoon at 3:30 in the\ high
school building. The meeting will
be presided over hy Miss Lillian Cate.
The First Baptist union, of which A.
B; Culbertson is president, will pre
sent the program of the afternoon.
Since the union organized more
than a year ago, bi-monthly meetings
have been held regularly. The dis
cussions of the work that have beer
held at these meetings have been of
great value to all of the local organ
izations. One of the really big things
that has been done was the organiza
tion of the Training School held here
in February. This venture was so suc
cessful that an effort is geihg to be
made at Savannah in June to bring
the State B. Y. P. U. convention to 1
Athens in 1922. The three churches j
of the city that are interested direct-j
ly in this work are confident thht it
can be done and no stone is going to
be left unturned to make this the
greatest convention that Athens has
ever seen.
At the last meeting of the union,
held with Bust Athens Baptich church,
the following officers were elected:
Miss Lillian Cate, re-elected president;
John Barrett, vice-president; Misu
Anna <BelI Drake, secretary; -Missj
Agnes Watson, treasurer; Miss Lorna j
Lawrence, chorister; Mir.s I^-nira,
Jackson, pianist; Henry P. Dorman,
publicity Secretary; Miss /Rose Hardy,
junior leader; Rev. F. P. Coile, pastor.
Co., will write for The Banner
rie.s of short articles on the members
of the Athens Rotary club and the
Thn nnmiAt. t - ! Athens Klwanis club, alternating dally
n " m, * r A feuturo to- i between the clubs. The first story «|i-
<tay that will continue for several pears today, a sketch of Mr. C. D
— -
knew before.
! Buy Your Coal Direct
| From Mine—Big Saving
The high cost of coal is a thing of
the past! At least, there are no com
plaints on this account—since the re
raovul of government restrictions—
among those who have learned how to
buy coal. [Che wuy to buy ctyal Is to
get it direct from the mines. This
saves several middlemen’s profits,
saves hauling expenses. *Anycne can
now buy at mine prices, whether a car
load buyer or one who uses only ten
or fifteen 'tons a year. This has
been made possible through a plan
evolved by a largo and old-estab
Halted concern, THE BERNICE COAL
COMPANY, with main oflices at 31S
Como Building, Chicago.
This company has thousands of cue
tomers In various sections of the
United States who receive all of their
coal direct from the mines. These cus
tomers are pleased not only because
of the many dollars they save overy
year, but also because of the quality
of coal they are getting. i.Mnny write
that they never before had coal that
makes so little dHBt, that burns so
welj, leaving so few ashes. If you are
a coal user—whether you use bard or
soft coal, much or little—It will be
greatly to your advo;.lage to write the
Bernice Coal Co. at once for prices,
stating kind and quuutity of coal you
MU RED Still
'ace, Neck and Arms Easily
Made Smooth, Says
. Specialist.
Any breaking out of the skin, even
flery, itching eczema, can bo quickly
overcome hy applying a little Mentho-
Sulphur, declares a noted skin special
ist. Because of Its germ destroying
properties, this sulphur preparation
begins at once to soothe Irritated akin
and heal eruptions such as rash, pim
ples and ring worm.
It seldom (alls to remove the tor
ment and disfigurement, and you do
not have to wait for relief from cm-
barrassment. Improvement quickly
shows. Sufferers from skin trouble
should obtain a small Jar of Mentho-
Sulphur from any good druggist and
use it like cold cream.—Adv.
Phone Your
A Sale of Fine
T owel:
Savings of 25 Per Cent.
You know what a Towel Sale at M ichael’s means. It heralds a sale of
the finest goods jat prices even less than market quotations. The towels list
ed here are all triple thread, woven of the s oftest and most highly absorbent
cotton. There are all white towels as welt as, those with fancy borders in
all fast colorings of splendid shades.
50c White and Fancy Towel, Special 36c
65c White and Fancy Towel, Special 48c
75c White and Fancy Towel, Special 1. .* 56 c
$1.10 Large White Towel, Special ^ 79c
We advise you to buy freely of these values. They are such as you will
hardly see repeated. *
Fetching. Colored Organdie Flouncings.
$9.85 The Dress Pattern, Consisting of
2 yards 45-inch Imposed Ruffled Flounching;
IV* yards 45-inch Imported Plain Organdie;
3 yards 45-inch Imported Ruffling. * ?
This is the most practical way to purchase a charming summer frock,
colors flesh, pink, rose, orchid, navy, b„vown, nile and white.
Value $12.00. Very Special $9.85.
• I
The Store Good Goods
: ; Made Popular
- Y-
Make Michael s Vallies Your
Economy Efforts
V ' • ,
You Will Never Be Disappointed in Your Purchases Here For Your Assurance
Is That You Are Buying the Finest Merchandise at the Lowest Possible Prices.
‘ Fine Silk Hosiery, $1.69-
A true $2.00 value, full-fashion
ed and of pure thread silk with fine
lisle-tops, tops and hfeels, all colors,
black, white, cordovan, African,
gray and neutral, sizes 8 to 10.
Extra Fine Silk Pongee, $1.18
This is that fine heavy quality,
known as Twelve Momme.. It is
of full 36-inch width and guaran
teed as regards wear and appear
ance'. Regularly sold fofc $1.50 yd.
Fine Quality Taffeta, $1.98 yd.
Colors—Midnight blue and navy.
This is that handsome heavy taf
feta that never splits, and always
retains its fresh, crisp appearance.
You will be delighted with this
quality. j
— ' 1 ., 1 » -
Ladies’ Lisle Stockings, 39c
Here ie another value, that wiU
cause you to wonder how we do it.
These hosfe come in only black and
white, and are extra good quality.
- -
Solid Color and Fancy Voiles—40 inches wide.. Special ..
Pepsodent Tooth Paste, Monday Only. Specif
•?>r 1 ' s f *■' '
- ‘ if
' 4
The Store Good Goods Made Popular.