The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, July 22, 1921, Image 7

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*«e* vj ;i .oMiwnoM yaour - ’ a** ia&no “jffip •re two cents a won); Id advance. Special rates wtlf 1 made when-ndtertliementa run tor-a period a rngnthodfnVfre. A minimum charge ot 401 kits made IBKldL advertisement! 1hm. .1 -h ' RfcAD \ USE THEM each Itr-sks U4 luMkfng for * dphdsl *™t of merchandise, .or Want some kind of special serv ice, nroCessionsl dr trades. Tocr ai here at a t H ft Sg <*, j g - WEATHER I Athens and Cloudy Friday. For Georgia; iorth and. phlt •howera In south I- . Weather • Rain Is falling Scattered .* sUtli Louisiana to the llttn. and sbowei Ot cotton states Ipltatlon rred at shavllle. Mow la., and also atg UfllE RESUtT* CETtfilS lOHE fUTH® WVEBTJSJtlG FfELB MM ; ; J q.r'4 Vrf- ■- *- t *-* *-*:-••* FOR8ALE. ^ Wife liim-oAtiiaati* fob Fdrd fctnity: Partly Met. Price rigit. Condition godd. Apply Banner Office. , ’ Alx farms tin Wlntervlllo lir clotnly _—- focal thuddtr- FOE Ion Friday. Ions, 'J J ornlng western South Caro-, irted from OklaTRffh'gJ of one Inch .of the raturo of 10F*OTgrees occurred erday at Havre and 98 degrees Selena, Mont. f > . me Incn Augusta, Florence, Tempers- WANT A| JTES IN COMBINATION Banner—MOrfrttfg Herald—JEvening ■ f * ( 2 Cents-a L Minimum 'charge nee for the price Raven times for Insertions. ord its. Three Insertions, irlce of five )* tf ..Cover both morning and evening clr imlatlon In Athens at 2 cents a word,' combination; rate, trr-rpj- Telephone 1218 Ada. &HE BANNfflf-ftERALD Athens, Ga. BUSINESS NOTICES. Llpecomb'e Specialty ‘^^^Tnsuranos. WHY NOT OrVIOE MY FI HI IN fSOlUNCB WITH JtSTtR? JlyJlc outside the city limits; SALE of Oossard Corsets. Dli • tinned uaadde . at 82.00, 13.00 $4.00.. Raney Moore, graduate softer*!, 12§}4 (Clayton St. sp’-maatmam f'6Tl * EijUjU-Fair Silver Lace Wyaridcrtt and five White Wyandott hens. Wilson, pfedrte 1098. Roy WANTED. WANTED—Good sechndhsnd Kleln- Martln two-horse wagon. Cheap tor cash. Address Wagon; P. O. Box No. 3, Amoldsvllle, Ot. J22c WANTED—To contract the sawing of a large body ot .timer. Write Box 785, Athens. Ga. . , J22P REPAIRING ~ Trunk and sultaane repairing. PfeeVs Auto Top Bervlce Co., 262 N." kin 8L Phone 1500. . SHOE REPAIRING-: , ,- CALL 601-W when yob want first- class shoe repairing. Best of leathe; used aad -guaranteed. work called for, and.- .deJtverad promptly. ^Sas. L Rice ft Co., 198 College A**-, ' ale =?r=n ~~~r~ :~ ( L in the column Both, papers'reserve the right to re- .properiy-jclMsifjrtheir ^toStand- i£ Headers Increases Result Want Ads. i Separate Rate—For each paper one and a half cents a word. • Combination Rat*—Covering Inner- tlonh in boll) papers. Two cants a Sunday'Rate—Two cents a word. ' .«?MYA« YJIAO ,;>l.aNtA VMT X^Aa4 -FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 22. 1921. -7 ■ —-r-.PAGE SEVEN m ^ramfteaHjBl SUMMER EXCURSION FARES GEOB^A itAlLEidMD offers reduced round- trip farts to points East ana West Let us plan 3. P. BILLUPS, General Passenger Af^n£ *\." 4tw Atlanta, Ga. L liifi Ji amfcam—tfrrirf f. Shoe repairing. Beat of laathar used and flrit class work guaranteed. We caU for and -deliver pm /*U FREEMAN & PO— Normal School Station. •••.«. , -v Angle. MONB 1188—We give yon the beat; leather halt soles and rritbar heels for 11.88. Oldham- ‘Shoo Renury. Phorie 1W«.- 67J Broad St Ale FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND 1 KUBALMI8 W. P. Hopson. 888 -Hull St Tele phone 111; sight phone 656. The leading- colored undertaker. J84- FARM WANTED—Two or three rooms suit able for light housekeeping by cou ple'. Poasebsfcm October 1st to 15th. Address F. C. C , hark Banner or, Herald. . . ' J23p \ \ WANTED—Two second-hand showj Must be a ;a««. :, »y J27c »s n ■- WANTED—Scveril’boys to carry thei Banner and erald routes. Sec Mr. Rob- ertS at the Herald dffree be tween 2:30 and 4 p. m< I, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—7 - room house with spacious lot clads in. Possession in 60 days. Good Investment or home. Priced pre-war figure. ERWIN A CO. .Phone MR . LOANS - , I am now prepared to doss loans vary' promptly on well improved farms where the security affords at tractive margin. Apply to C. C. THURMOND 704 Holman Bldg. Athena,- On, Jtl MISCELLANEOUS. Wall papering and decorating n- per from Sherwin A Williams, At lanta, Ga. Bait of work guarSirtacd. See Gordon ft WCodn,'Phone 689-W, 297 Prince AvC.- y JU124C, Where the Best Eat* Are Today Fresh Egg Plants Small Yellow Squash Tender Pole Beans- Butter Beans. Tomatoes Green Bell Peppers Arnold, Abney ft Co. ‘ no .loan commissions-T. U Mitchell. JlySlo DR.- D. ulldlng. Jiysic 217 Bouthem WOOD! WOODI WOOD!—84.00 per truck load, dellvarad. Hanna Mtg. Co., pkona 147. JlySlc INSURE , Htriman IS. Ala FOR EXTERIOR and Interior Palnt- : lag and Decorating Phone 1405. Es timates cheerfully furniihad. Cbas. W. Parr. t m Jiysic HARRY U k dtncco work; estimates fgrotshad- 111 Springdale 8L, Athens. Oa. Tele phone 201. , ga Jtytfe BEAUTY PAR Dressing Parlor, men Bldg. lyrd'a Hair HAVB your old hat made now; coat M small. Also French dry claahtig. -.‘Work called for and delivered 'SftXK. u P airsf ^ ' >' Jiyioc INSURE with Jeeter. Phono 437. ; Holman BnlldlnqJ^ Alo St BUY Liberty Bonds. Jeiter's In- ,'auran^ Agency, 614 Holman Build- 86.760—WILL BUr a' good > 7-room house on Grady Avenue. Hat all cqavaplaiices. Terms get 706 Holman Bldg. FOR SALE—51 acres of rich land, one half million feet ot pine saw (Infber, two thonsand cords o( wood on stamp, saw-mill on place. Will ’sell separate or togetlmr, This land lies between the Danlehvllle and 11a highways, eight miles north of Ath ens, Ga., In Madison county, Ga. For pairticuurs Writs P. O. Box 786. Ath ens, Ga. J22p 84,000 WIU toys ff-room'housa located near the Normal schobl that sold last jeer for fl,200.00. For further Information see or phone Homer SMrk Agency, 706 Holman Bldg. Phone 726. \ Alp BIGHT NOW. 0-room house lor yoj. Rent or Sale. Bargain. 830.00 pgr month rent 33,600 on easy terms FOR RENT. FOR RENT-—Beginning September 1st unfurnished sparmtent consisting of one npatalra room and two rooms and idh ’dt'porches and hath downtsairs. In excellent neighborhood, on car line and in three blocks of poatofflce. For further Information address ”H,” care Herald. J26x SERVE yourself and ha Wen served at Pigglp-WIggly. Ale H^tfrawd-gito iff fed? h t hauling] and transfdrrtng. Long trips a ape- “Cheapest trucks Id town." Cox, phone H6-W. A16e lTBE CBYStAL FL iSFW — me BARgER SHOPS. WHERE sanlUl teay U the paraonal Oo.. Sou. Mi Ara. SET ailon. —.SHORTEN ’n “home-msdc, ,( ‘ Your-Grocet service iknd ebur- itderatlon id CoOhg* Ale MONUMENTS. Honor them with a monument. Man- a lecturers of marble and granUa mon uments of quality. Designs sbu prices submitted won request, j' ' ' BELL BROS. MARBIlE CO. Stt nSsrBL , . .. .'Phone HU. -‘Athene G* ), ..Jifase * FINANCIAL FARM LOAN 'repared to «se loans very I v on WfU Improved farms bo aecarity affords attractive O^c! 7 THURMOND Mon-Tues-Wed-JnI27e - Nhpairing. ^ktTO I TAR gensnKors, uagdVUB, hftrn, and tg nltlon' hrushfs MMUoa parts 228 Prince Arm Telephone 1762. Jlyllc room, central 1804-W. ■■ 4-t —Aange,- tral Teci BO, comfortable istlaoe Phoge if Jtlc ROOMS FOR RENT—Famished rooms for .light housekeeping; also board and rooms. (The Jewel Hotel, 186 East Broad Bt* Athens, Ga. A2p VULCANIZING " i Service Co. Vulcanising, g; worn tires oar specisl- New Tires and Tubes. Phone 142 ,W. Clayton St. , j Mon-TuM-Wed-Jdl27c ATHENS VIBE SERVICE CO. VulcsOtilngLifdtreading worn tires our specialty, "Now tired and tnhes. Phone 611 142 W. Clayton St. J24 Prince Avsbu* Garage s good i age. GenMtsUtorjmaijMf. Prince Arc., Phone 428-W. Ju Agio fixing done by men who kddw how. Track repairing a specialty. Charges, 31.00 per hopr. GEO. N. GENTRY® OARAGE t ThnmRE fit PHaiia 1R 1 748 Thomas flt Phone 1611 Jly22o When yog need, expert gntomobDa repairing dons give us s trial. THOMAS #T. OARAGE 431 Thomas St i Athena, Oa. Jty28c NEEL'S Auto Tog Service Co. Tope fbcdverdd While yob wait General shortly before noon Thursday, repairing of tope, cushions dad cur- four were found dead In bed. - , phone Fancy Iceberg Lettuce Tender White Kalamasoo Celery Arnold, Abney * Co. my»», in ii,-, y- -ec - i'4» Flno Large Watermelona 1 )• Home raised, every one guaranteed Arnold, Abney * Co. Angel Food Cahe 40c \ Fresh Lady Fingers 50c pound x Old-fashion Pound Cake 25c Crisp Almond Macaroons Arnold, Abnsy 1 Co. Parker House Rolls 12c - dot. Milk Biscuits 12c dot. Cinnamon Buns 16c dos. Arnold, Abney 1 Co. ST n4w V&rk ctfrrON. Il-l ftov, i . Uben.^llgh. Ix>w. Clods. Close. ft.-as n-u as m July .12.12 1126 12.10 12.66 12.20 OcL .12,69 11.60 12,62 12.28 12.76 Dec- V?2b§ 'HR' 1S.W 1»» 13.17 Tone of market, steady; middling 1 lllnc. - ‘ NEW 0RLEAN8 COTTON, ' ' Prev. Open, rfigb. Low. Close. Cloe*. fo p sTMM , s'kias as la as Tone of disrkef. Heady; middling 11.76c. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Prev. Open. Close, dose. 675 67# 883 886 860 Jtl 836 *843 .-.163 868 S<» .“.,,.‘.•<70 877 878 market , easy; middling FOREION MONEY. Sterling—3.67H , Freff&- L -7.7I. ’ ; i Marks—1.2914 N. C. Call Money—« per cent. GRAIN AND MEAT MARKET. lx. 4 • '• *•— Open. High- Low. Close. Cloee. wmc»i n# Dec. 1.28 1.2944 1.3414 1.26 1.I6H July l.#6 1.2644 1.2144 12554 1-26 Jidy OR «^ it44i .8354 .6244 Sept. 4144 .6244 -6044 -61 6144 OATS— July .39 .40 .3944 .40 .3944 Sepi .4344 v4144 ,4044 .41 44 .4344 iFORX— Sept. 18.86 18.86 18.86 July U.60 18.60 uly W.60 LARH7 PepL 11.95 11.67 ll.«t 11.90 11.97 11.93 July. _ RIBS— Sent. 10.92 10.62 10.67 10.67 10.62 July 10.80 i.... 16.67 10.60 Jan. , July Aug. SepL , Oct. \ Nov. COTTON SEED OIL . Prar. Upon. Noon. Cods. Close. Jfoc. r 6.06 9.18 MS 6. 6.10 6.32 6.01 6.60 6.66 6.12 6.30 6. 6.03 Tone of market, quiet; sale* 11.606. ldt. 444 2nd. 444 3rd. 444 4th. «w Vie. 444 LIBERTY BON08 887.84 87.06 ot.40 .lie;, 87.22 68.33 CITIEB 8ERIVCE SECURITIES. fife H. A B. BEER'S MARKET LETTER. (Fkrnlshed by F. J. LinneU ft Co.'s > Private Wire.) New Orleans, La.—Coincident will s further reduction of one-balf ot one per cent In the rediscount rata bv the federal resort's banks In the north, the Bank ot England mads another reduction of one-half of one per cent In Its discount rata today, which la now SvS per' cent versus 6 par cant recently and the year's peak Of 7 per cent. The easiness of money In the Unit ed States and In ^EnglanE'-WRl prolr tbly do more to revive , wpfld-wWa trade than any recent development. Larger Interests on both sides ot tho Atlantic have been waiting for cheaper money and cheaper raw ma terlal to promote enterprises, In crease the output of mlUi and fac tories and to extend foreign trade- Another favorable feature was the advance of one pence in London sil ver,-noW quoted at 31 pence, which n rsvnwMe for Manchester trade wltk India and China. . That 4be cotton textile situation la Improving Id America Is noted In NeV YOr|t. reporting -gldghsm. for spring sold heavily, again yesterday, wltk most of tba larger plants now sold. ahead for ot the year, and — many spring offerings withdrawn on| REDS PLAN NRW BANK the markets, while print cloths , sndl Retsl.—The bolahevfst supremo sheetings Were firmer and active, economic council at Moscow plans to SECL ^ (Famished by Henry L, Doherty ft Co., Atlanta and Athens). Mr. Doherty Bays: “An honest and efficient work, without no# Increase In would cure 70 per cent of our tron hies " * (July it quotations) ; Bid Cities service debentures, CltMs aVrvico dcbenturca! 75 “D" 73 Cities.service < per cent prafafred 41 Cities service common. .118 Clttdt service bankers ,. 12 ■ SPOT COTTON MARKET. Athens; steady, 12.60c.' srp-srsy/sb,, ■ Now Orleans, steady, 11.76c. Philadelphia, steady, 13.10c. Norfolk, steady. 11.59c. Savannah, steady, 11.60c Memphis, steddy, 11c. ' Augusta, steady, 11.63c. Asked 80 .78 46 121 13 Washington advises that the ssr finance corporation has.udder coitaM- trade between - soviet Rossis add eration proposals Jpr cotton exports Great Britain, according to advlcaa involving about 100,690 bales .add that 31.350.000 was allotted to the 1 Hi* Orleans Federal - Intereattaftat Banking corporation for flnancta* 25.000 bates for export, agreeing to advance the same bank-SV to-gSROOr 000 as business develops a covering movement of approximately 18,000 bales. Meanwhile the weal . very unfavorable east of ■tppl river, general modem rains continuing, while nr weather Is for the soutbwi. Reports to the department of agrl> culture at Wsshlngton Indicate that the weevil infestation In the cotton region Is the heaviest tor the «t*t seven years, with the exception of the year 1918, and Is nearly aa heavy sa In that year, necessitating tbi es, tabllshment of t number of saw field stations throughout the weavtl-fdtMt> ed territory. tains. 262 N. Lumpkin SC 1600. Jly22c women. Cleveland.—Two- women sad children were burned or suffocated to death In a boarding house fire All The children weer In the arms ot the open a bank in London to further fecelved here. BRIGANDS HAVE ,SYSTEM Mlenchow. Ch(ni.—Brigands near Ora are doing buslneis through mld- permfti for ssfe conduct. 1 rt, m Note Instructions To Want Ad Users uafutiy prepare your ads. rovide ■* ad indexing or subject rite' It jU the first word of your (j.^; ,'vntry.:i‘ ■ r If ft is g Lost and Found Ad make ' of your ad the article _ to Sell, from ag .'awn Ticket, make your ad the article 'Apartments or Real to, make the Mat word the street ...ess or location. If it is Service or Instruction, make tbs first word tbs asms of tbe sab jectvto be taught oi the name of tba advertiser, when It's a service. Otherwise your ad may not appear * lit algebra, “abc 7 ? i represent*,; the fcftoWn; ‘fxyz” the unknown. Likewise in circulation. A. fepreserit* the known plus where it goes and hoW it was obtained. Anything else is the un known. ' ‘ ■ " ■ ;j . .. t'hdrtA Wh^ibuying sjpace, select known circulation. Choose from As B. C. reports and audits. You have then backed yom judgment with undUput- ablefadts. • THE BANNER THE HERALD Morning - Aftonoon ; r THE BANNER-HERALD i | SUNDAY MORNING feth Papers Are Members of the Audit bureau.of Cli m fhe Banner-Herald h&s established a Ciassifled servirt depart ment for the benefit of its advertisers. If you dfesire, you can tele phone your ad to this paper, and after supplying the accessary (data a “Want-Ad taker" will write it up' for Jrpu, so that max- imum results wi^^e obtained; - . WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY OHSELL-FHONE 15 Or 1216 AND ASX FOR A “WANT-AD TAKER” ' . ' # ' r % i A For, the business advertiser, the Service department will show you ■ just how, at small expense, new business can be secured. Spe cial Contract fates rnkaes this a very attractive advertising propo sition., „ ■ ■ adverti|ing HAVE YOU A WANT? THE BANNER-HERALD’S CLASS- FIED SECTION IS ATHENS’ GREAT TRADING MART * . v — , ■ ■■ FOLLOW IT DAILY—AND USE rr WHEN YOU HAVE NEED ^ '1 ,.*• flik-: - Sundjiyi The Banner-Herald THE BANNER THE HERALD f ; ; Morning . Afterrioon