The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, July 23, 1921, Image 2

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4 . \ i da ,i- ATHENS DAILY BANNER. ATHENS, GEORGIA. Three-Day Session Full of Instruction and Fun; ‘Scheduled For July 27th, ! 28th, 29th. Eighth •dUjrAct ••• ; Bylaw is the program for the meet*! Jng lot, gffii of the Eighth District! at the A. and M.igchooi, Madiion, on! July 27th, 28th and 29th: Wednesday, July 27th. 10 a.. in.—Chapel. 30:30 to 12—Deimmatrafioa. 12 to -2—Dinner and rest. Afternoon. f 2 to 3:30*-Basketry. 3:30 to 4—Health. 4 to 4:30—Nutrition. 4:30 to, 5—Songs. 5 to 6—Plays and games. Thursday, July 28th. 9 to 10:30 a. in.—Demonstration. 10:30 to 11:15—Health talk. 11:30 to 12—Poultry. 12 to 2—Chapel, dinner and rest. Afternoon. 2 to 3:30—Demonstration. 3:30 to 4—Health talk. 4 to 5:30—Basketry. 5:30 to 6—Songs. 6 to 0:30—Plays and games. Friday, July 29th. 9 to 10:30 a. in.—Demonstration. 10:30 to 11—Health talk. 11 to 12—Club work. Each nlgtit some kind of entertain ment will be provided. The ftr«t two dftya devoted to girls and b&>s and the third day men ana women arc asked to come. on trial Wednesday afternoon, wad decided Thursday morning *b/ the jury in favor of Cheek. v . The case grew' out of some profc) erty in Flowery Branch owned Joint* iy by Mr. Little and John * Henry Cheek, hi3 stepson, who is a minor. Little had contracted with Check to give his part of the property to the minor child when he should have ar- lived at 21 yoarsr of*age, 1 Inlt sought to have the contract declared Invalid us without consideration. Tourists Return Gainesville, Ga.—Durward (‘‘Pete*'! Craig, son of Col. JI. W. Craig *n<l mother of the late Hrltt Craig, and Horace kmitli arff bucl? after a tf?p to Europe. Both will remain Gainesville for sometime. Scant Hcpc For Boy ... With Fractured Skull Gainesville, Ga.—Little John Oliver, 8-ycar-old son of Col. W. N. Oliver, who was badly hurt by a fall Wednes day at his hvtnd at Chestnut Moun tain, is still living, although there Is little hope/of his recovery. Jn t\e fail of about fifteen feet from the stable 1/fft his skull was fractured. The little fellow, remair/j partially conscious, but his pulse is rather feeble. Everything known to science is being done to save his life. First Open Cotton Bolls Arc Seen In Savannah Savannah, Ga.—The first open cot ton bolls of the new season have ar rived in Savannah. They att: ted much attention, as the crop is stilt- posed to be about three»weeks late. Mayor Stewart, in place of the usual Power, was wearing one of the open bolls. ^ Mexican Bean Weevil is Found in Georgia Gainesville. Ga.—The bean and pe crop of north Georgia is seriously ^thenaerd by the Mexican bean weoTil, according to statements by M. 11. /?•».- Wood, of the Uiiltad States depart ment of agriculture. Mr. Atwood, states that although he has been in this section for but ten days, ho has found numbers of specimens of the bean weevil. The Insect destroys all kinds of beans and peas, except \Vi- vot beans and English peas. Form Legion Auxiliary Gilncsville. Ga.—Permanent organ ization of a woman’s auxiliary to the 0.' Bolding post of the Amor- ;kan Legion hero was effected Thurs day afternoon at a meeting In the ^chamber of commerce. As thrf result ipf ini active Campaign, nonrly every ^mother, wife and sister of cx»service ' men attended the meeting. Pretty Elaine Hammerstein will be llie offering at the Palace, today, in. “The Girl From Nowhere” and Mere will also be a Sunshine comedy extra on. Thin Is a new picture that Miss Hammerstein comes in today and I* one of her very best productions. At the Elite today George Beban appears in a new and stdehdid picture, -One Man in a Million.” It has been sometime since Mr.-Bohan, showed in Athens and bis admirers wiU have the opportunity today of seeing him In a real classic. Ho is dtltbe Klije. Also there is at theater, today .Eileen Sedgwick in her ’ invest serial, “Queen of Dlapibnds.' > HARTWELL a. Mr. and' Mrs. Dan Magflt. Mr. and Mrs. r/)n Cobb and J. T. Mugili spent Tuesday in LaYotiia with Mr. aud^Mrs. C. A. Kidd; the guests this week-end of Miss An drey Jenkins. Judge and Mrs. Hodges and.daugh ter. Frances, and Mrs. Fannie Me Carry are ▼ (siting Hon. and Mrs. J B. McCurry in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maglll and Dan, Jr., of Athens, spent several days this week with J. % Magtn, 'Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sorrells, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. J. Maglll. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson were called to Athena on Monday by. the serious Illness of their unfit. ’.•••:-!« , t County Agent Warren Is conduct ing boll weevil extermination demon siratlons all over,.the count!; Hfl re ports large crowds at every, meet ing. Our people arerdvaklng up on this subject. » Col D, B. Zcllara spent several days this and last week at Brunswick with the governor’s staff, of which ho is a member. Inspecting the state troops encamped there for their an nual outing. The friends of M. M. Mewborn. ot Beulah, wlirbe glad to hear that he Is recovering from a Severe Illness. Mr. Mewborn has the distinction ot telng the oldest man in Hart county, having attained the age of more than ninety summer*. Miss Valyne Williams r a plensant party of her friends W nesday afternoon , at a watermelon cutting. Those present were: Sara Claire Thornton, Myra McCurry, Mar garet Vickery,. D»igy McCufry, Sara Brown. Madora Skelton,. Frances Thornton. Glolse. t#mples„’Myra Mae Webb, Rachel Pat*. Christine Car ter, Blanche Kkhf Wldlod-Willlams, Loulae Webb ant} Rose Lee Ander son. . ..S. ' . (■ " is Southern League. Birmingham S-J, Memphis 4-3. * Chattanooga 1, Mobile 4. Atlanta 0. New Orleans 3. Little Rock 4. Nashville 1. American League. OR dsy. National League. Boston f-3, Wttabtirg 14. New York 4, Cincinnati 11. ’Brooklyn 6. St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 1, Chicago ^ Swatters Bath! 8ATU RftXv.'-MJ LY t>. 1921. Mr.A S K •.< *Babe” 'Rnth, right, took Oeor gc Sr Carpcnticr for‘on automobile ride on Long Islancftto'impress upon him'that a good healthy swat at the iajcho>gjeal moment is what makes the public idol (also the money) oth in, boxing and in baseball. . . Bobbed Hair In Athens Becomes More Popular Would you believe It—more than a Athens girls nro having their hair bobbed every day? Tragic, Isn't it? Just think of the Immense amount ““ ‘*; e . « lrl » w «o bayiug^l.clr just on account of some Paris or New York hair-dresser starting this idea of bobbed hair. Continuous? Why, sure! Every girl that has had her hair bobbed has to have it trimmed every week or two, besides having to make a daily visit to the halr-dresser to have her looks curled and the* Marseille pn? in—*nll of which ,cos& several hun dred dollars, so 1 am told. Somebody of monoy that Is being spent need lessly in this project and the awful results that are coming about as a result of It. Frizzly-headed girls— the world will soon be lilled up with them unless something Is done tc stop tills mad Idea that Is sweeping this country. To be sure, it is a good thing from one standpoint. Tile bar bers and hair-dressers arc getting rich at a rate never before heard ot i.afr bobbed to save hair nets. Won der if that person took into consid eration all these permanent waves, curls, marseliles, etc.f No, the writer Is no woman hater. Neither is he adverse to bobbed hair. Just merely taking a glimpse at the ’.situation from another angle anu viewpoint. ? pail to Pay Rent Board Seize Ships i; KvclMn: tje wanneBt days of 11 »•<; folk* ofrnpClfclo cfol redeptft (By Associated P.-asa) New York.— the largest .vna finest steamship? of' the ( United) sights In" Athens. \ *jd, warmest days of sum- ‘Tons. e shrunk icaafiofo' resorts are complaTntng-of the luck of patronage!! WbdJ’s 'the. nap ofgdtrrg to Atlantic City .when* ydii can - bee the. same States merchant marine which have been chartered to the United States Ma}!: ptbamshlp dohipany were seized tpday ,6’v representatlyes of the Unit- p4 States shipping board because ot an,*aEeked violation of contract ami foui; Bidfe no* under charter to tne same company grtll. he', seized on ar rival at Amerlpajj ports; according to Elmir Schlcslnger, counsel for the -boat'd. , ' . » pjallore to pay rentals, totaling about. (;400,600, is given as the prln- olpal r,ea’son for the seizure. The ships are .the tteorgp Washington, America, '«nsquel(aplfa, President Grant and the Agamemnon. F*rom the mannor In which he butta Into other people’s business one would %n led to believe that he was brought up on goat's milk. WEAK', JUN-DOWN adjr Got So Shd Could g.—"Cardui Built Me ! She Dtdares. «, N. a-rlm an. Interest statement regarding Cardui, tha oman'8 Tonic, Mrs. Wesley Mabo, of past hara, recenUy said: “I hare known Cardui for years, but never knew Its worth until a' year dr do ago. 1 was In a weakened, run-down con* dttlon. I became draggy—didn’t eat or Heap to do any good; couldn’t do any thing Without a great effort I tried different remedies and medldhea, yet I continued to drag. - -1 decided to give Cardui a trial, Add found It was Just what I really needed. 'It made me feel much itron# er soon after I began to use It I be gan to eat more, and the nervous, weak feeling began to leave, Soon I was sleeping good. ' ■ "Cardui built me up w »0 other tcnlc ever did. “I used Cardui with ons daughter who was puny, felt had and tired out all the time. It brought her right out and aoon she was aa well as a girl could he. We think there it nothing (Ike CtrduL” * ■ • Do not allow yourself to become weak and run-down from womanly troubles. Take Cardui. Yon may find It Just what you really need. For tool* than 4Q years It has been used by thousands and thousands, and .found Just as Mrs. Mabe describes. At your druggist's. NO-14J \ Elaine / ' Hammerstein V lh the ' / \ "Girl From. * Nowhere”" 9 . -.,-rVtWf *'P " ‘ and I Sunshine Comedy ELITE . \ Geo. Beban v ’ 1 in ; A "One Man V in a Million” - ,Snd Queen of Diamonds , Truck Bargain One ton feeo truck, in first clafss ‘ condition ex press body. Will sacri fice for quick sale. Can be seen ALC. A. Trussed Motor Gty 548 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. A Season-End Selling of Summer Wear Literally offering the savings of a lifetime, for such reductions wijl .npveiy come again. ^Attractive Specials For Saturday; , 90c 39c 24 lbs* Best Self- a |"f Rising Flour wlil4 J14 lbs. Best Granulated .Sugar ; Fallby Lemons, 360 Size ; Dozen pI8 IbSn Best aa Rice $1.00 Fine Tune Peanut Butter f ’ " 10-oz. Jar, 16c 10-Sb. can Flint River ) Syrup 54c arge Sunbeam Mayonnaise, 28c Small Size, 15c r a ALSALECI sold at $1.25, in all good MERY, 79c (iades-^-Special at fe will offer the best values we 1-2 Price Sale of Silk have ever offered today. Beau- , r ., _ tiful gowns at $1.48, $1.98 and and riber sweaters $2 4a ' New' Pajamas for ladies and of£er ‘*?™ e °f the best children from $1.48 to $4.98. ever offered in Athens In flesh and white nansook and a P nc ®- J/Ci-i; .79c All Summer Millinery C1L,)C Reduced to 1-2 Price We offer every child’s and ladies’ * Hat at y 2 price. 25 Per cent Reduction On Georgette Blouses. Beautiful new models to select from. All Voile and Hand-Made Blouses reduced to y 2 price.. , . vJL Any Wrap In Our Stock Take Choice of Any Reduced to 1-2 Price Suit In The House At Pretty Dolmans and Capes, suit- Exactly 1-2 Price able for summer and fall wear, Wonderful values and good styles for fall'year—Navys and Blacks. at a reduction of- 50 per cent. Big Sale of Tafetta Dresses \ ..ogers QuaOity I . Bread Full 16 oz. Loaf,9g h * 2 Loaves 17c 4 .oaves 26c ? ir ffj Getting the right coffee it quite a feat. In fact, some people find It difficult to locate Just the blend that suits their taste. In GOLDEN GLOW we be lieve we have the Coffee that comes very near giving uni versal satisfaction. It is new boins used by many of tho hzird-topleake, who are delighted with it. Yon can try it without any risk, for your money will he handed back if it doesn’t suit you. Golden Glow i'^-. / packed in tins l 35c bS ROGERS a resses That sold up to $50 and $60—On Special Sale at $19.96. 33 1-3 Per Cent Off Lovely Organdy Dresses in a Great Reduction 8ale today at S3 1-3 per cent off In all sizes for ladles', misses’ and children. Beauti ful styles, sweet shades of Pink, Blue, Hello. Nile, Orchid, Maize, Rose and White Just think of getting a beautiful dress at .13 1-3 per cent off. The Greatest Sale of Women’s Handbags Ever , • . Offered in Athens at the Price 37.S0 to 312.50 EGYPTIAN IHIONZE The very latest out In Leather—VERY SPECIAL SALE AT 34.98. One center table full to select from. NEVER SUCH A BARGAIN AGAIN. Women’s Gauze Lisle Union Suits Very Special at 89c Today we offer the greatest value ever offered at 83c in Ladles’ Gauze Lisle Union Suits,-Knee Lenfctb, No Sleeves, Dutch Neck—89c—AU sizes. $1.50 to $2.00 Union Suits, Harvard Mills Make ‘ "V' \ * ‘ I at 98c AU zlzez, ( it ♦. Very special sale at 38c. In While and Fle3h, Silk Taped. Infants’ Gauze Silk Lisle Vests That Sold for $1 Today W« Hr ill sell these at 39c, or 6 for 32.00. You cannot tell these from pure silk. They dfe hare,.In.elLjtfzes up to 2,years, Low Neck. No Sleeves. W. T. COLLINS & COMPANY BIG HALF PRICE SALE OF SKIRTS We will place on sale .about 200 skirts of ilk Faile, Sill: Poplin, Baronette Satin Taffetas, also Navy and Black Serges. This is your greatest opportunity to buy a wonderful skirt at 50 per cent Off. L. , a. ■ For Today Only *V - 16 cakes Palmolive Soap for $1.00—20 cakes Rose Bath Soap $1.00. Owing to the extremely lew prices ot tho above articles, this pureba^o will be strictly LASH AND CARRY SALE. We will take no phone orders or make no dcliverlei. Clearance Sale of Linen Dresses Today at a Re- ( duction of 33 1-3 per cent , 100 •Beautiful Linen Dresses combined with Voile in all the beautiful summer shades. Come early for good selection. t : *.* Imported Gauze Silk Lisle Hose In Lace Clock and beautiful Lace Boot effects, specially priced at $L98 you cannot tell them from real ,9Rllk. “ASK TO SEE THEM.” *“ * * J? Sale of Women’s Ginghams and Voile Dresses, $1.98 These dresses sold up to 310.00 and 315.00. The cheapest wero sold for 37.50, good styles and unuzuat good valuea. ,,, ; ' ' Today $1.98 .-v '^ Sale of Boys’Wash Suits Very special at 98c. We have about 200 of theze aultz to zoll, ages 3 to * years. TBn regular prices ware 32.50 to 33.50. ? 4/ Sale of Children’s Dresses, 98c ' Today we offer the best values we have ever offered In children'! drSeeds, these sold / up to 13.50,. , . ^ * “*■ <• f -.’r tr • "