The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, January 10, 1923, Image 1

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ATHENS COTTON: I MIDDLING 26 3-4c i-i:rV'orS CLOSE 26 l-2c Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week. The One Paper In Most Home*—The Only Paper In Many Homes. Dally and Sunday—10 Cents'a Week. , .j . ... JJU t _ THE WEATHER: Continued clear with cool. Little change in temperature, ill. No. 102 Full Associated Press Leased Wire Service. ATHENS. GA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 10, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Centa Sunday. *-+ J. A. .t. 4 4 '4' ' '4' >r. .r. 4 4 v—V ^ *1* *1* *1* 4H* T *1* 4—4* 4 4 •I* 4 "*J # ■ r T t [t| ( .f, .f. A 4 4 . V V V V f. A "4" T Bankers and Merchants Adopt Plan to Aid.Farmers in This Section j. -f- 4' 4 •J*' *i* *1* *1* "f*— A A 4 V •M* ^-4 IS CHARGED WITH LA. TERROR Fairbanks Heads ! New Picture Co. Dr. AndreW M. Soule Out lines to Score of Leaders Situation As It Exists, Today. 5 ESSENTIALS TO GROWING COTTON Use of Calcium Arsenate Alone Will Not Save Sta ple. Other Measures Are Suggested. BY CHAS. E. MARTIN The conference of bank ers and business men called to meet in Athens Wednesday j With His Wife, Mary 11 Pickford, Will Be Producer- | Skeleton Found Near Atlanta HIGH OFFICIALS OF SCOTLAND NECK. N. C.—Much 1 improvement whs shown Wednes- j day morning in the condition of .Representative Claud (Kitchen, j democratic leader in the lower I house of congress, who has been aerloualygUI at Ms home, here since | Sunday suffering with pneumonia, according to attending physicians. I — “S 1 G “ r « ia Representative He spent a very comfortable night ■ KeneWS HlS L>harg6S 01 ATLANTA, Qa.—The finding of a skeleton in a clump of woods near j Decatur a few miles from Atlanta y! Tuesday fa still a mystery. The and his family feel very much en couraged over hie condition today. OF Tl I WASHINGTON—Withdrawal of tho American troops from the Rhine was ordered Wednesday by President Harding. In announcing Prohibition Violations in House Address. j bones are believed to be tbe akel eton of a man dead for weeks and {possibly months. The skull and parts of clothing were found npsr by. There were no indications that the man had met a violent death. Testimnnv 0ftf.eer» of DeKalb county who __ . U, V conducted an investigation, said. SAYS DIPLOMAT IMPORTS THE STUFF Atlanta Declares Many Big Men At Capital Turn “Devilish Bottle to Their Lips.” . SAVANNAH, Oa. — At o'clock Wednesday morning WASHINGTON-—The spotlight of bootlegging rumore and* charges which has been hovering over l s,ewnrt managers In the munlei- Washlngton had shifted back to the J P* 1 olBctlon held Tuesday, In which . capitol Wednesday with the declar- j * her e wa3 a °ontest for Mayor be- ffffB’ation by Representative Upshaw.! ‘ hB discuss flhe f amfiS*®*® 7 th" recall of thb democrat, of OeoVgUa, bn the ta*«b«tM« democratic ***** ‘ at coblons. non , cspeciahy With refe^ | ^ ar ^ t an indication.'' that .no time of the house that “bootleggers ply! and Pa “* ®- Seabrook whose name ... : was placed on the official ballot Offered At Hearing Tuesday of Such a Nature to Impli cate Klansmen. KLAN IS ON TRIAL FROM BALLOT, WINS SAYS Arr0RNEY Dr. Evans of Atlanta Is sues Statement Defend ing K- K. K- and Its JLofty .Purposes. their devilish trade among too many public men In Washington.” With opportunity for reply by once to the cotton and would be lost It was made knotfn .ll 1 .. that the transport St. Mlhlel would lioll weevil conditions, Iaave New York. ^Wednesday or wa-i attended by more Thursday to bring home he bulk of house’ members' to ^Representative ., ' Jnant 0,0 Rhine forces. A few small do- . Upshaw’S speech In which he do- * B,U than a score of prominent ^ cb tK wlll ^ left f«« short clared h0 would tnrn over t0 en had men mainly bankers, time to close out Huai settlements — f ., J • involved in the withdrawal. Sec - from the surrounding ier- ratU Y Hughes also attended the ritnrv lriiarpnt to Athens, conference at the White Honso r.torv adjacent w which praceded the disclosure that Hugh H. Gordon, •!»•» the troops were to be withdrawn president of the Commer- practically at once. cial bank of Athens, pre-! about 1.000 sided over the meeting and discussions were en tered into by practically everyone in attendance. After listening to Dr. A. M. Soule, president of the State College of Ag riculture; Harold Holme, prominent local farmer, and others it was deduct- forcement authorities all evidence placed In hia handa of liquor drink ing by government officials Includ ing members of the senate and tbe house, cut off by adjournment Im- | mediately after he concluded Tues day, this was the next development expected Wdneeday. Because the ueu tupdc . house was not “a justice court” the Mt ™ 1 . Georgia representative said "he The American force, remaining in that area number about 1,000 men, and it waa Indicated that the withdrawal, order would be carried oat as soon as the American Com mander. Major Geperal Allen, could make the necessary arrangements for winding up finall/ the affairs of the grmy of occupation. . A resolution favoring anch with-: drawal waa adopted Saturday by the eenate but it was not apparent Wednesday how far it had contrib- , , , .1 .luted to the president’s decision or cd by those present that b „ w far the administration had jj| j()2St five nlo hnnn litflitanraii hv the eltuatidn were necessary to the growing of cotton under boll weevil conditions, that the application of calcium arsenate is only one of these essentials and is hardly effective if ,tihe other four are neglected. These essentials are ad follows: First—Proper prepara lion of ground,, deep ploughing, etc. Second — Proper .selec tion of seed as to quality* staple, yield and early growth. . Th i id—Intensive fertil ization- Fourth — Intensive cul tivation. Fifth—Use of calcium arsenate as poison. T HFS£ ARE necessary ii .1 , -.npAitiy agreed that alt ,f 1 *i> wore necessary and that ' •' faiiary that cotton conld > merely upon thejipplica- 1 'Ilium arsenate without "ills being employed. Ear- ' miinR of the aeed I* to be de- " r "’ ,n "* •>>' the season. It being ' K ‘ Out it waa of no avail to '■>. lore the ground became ! nough to nush the growth ’ xmng piantf The variety of ' ' -'I chosen um-'l not so much “ I' 1 * a * trom the knowladga of >Turn to Page Five) senators and representatives. who do not practice the prohiblUon which their votea profess,” and he had not threatened this in bis pre vious tpeech on the subject, he said, because he “did ndt brandish a sword,” but “made an appeaL” CHARGES HIGH OFFICIALS' Outside of the membership of the senate and bouse, Representa tive Upshaw declared be bad-seen -some of the highest, officials in Washington lifting ' the' devilish been Influenced by the eltuatidn Sntofte Ruhr°vaHey Ch m ° Ve ' bottle to'their lips.” In tbe evidence date of actual withdrawal he was preparing to turn In. he said % lerttoX ho would include the names of a of ■ the forces will be left to the war department. Officials of the state and war de partments refused flatly to make an explanation of the decision .to recall Major General Allen and hia forces other than to repeat that It was considered expedient to com plete at this time American with drawal from Europe. .... Secretary Weeks was called to the White House early Wednesday and the purpose of the government to withdraw the troops was dis closed before hie return to the war department It was learned that formal order* had not as yet been sent to General Allen to begin the homeward movement although he has knowledge of the plan for rarly evacuation and is prepared to move on short notice. " ’ \ TO TOUCH AT SAVANNAH The transport St. Mibfel will re- turn to the United"^tales wither front Antwerp of Bremen, end will touch first at Savannah, Ga.. vrtere the headquarters and service corn- eighth infantry, with Medli« P*r* panics and one battalion of the sonnet will be landed. ’ The second landing of troops will he at Charleston. S.C.. where one battalion together with two battal ion sections or headquarters and service companies will disembark. by his supporters, after' his fail ure to qualify as an independent, hud refused to sign the election returns showing that Ssubrook won by a majority of the votes oast. It Is expected this will muke a now legal issue. It is possible 'the -KenbrooL forces will try to force the Stewart managers to sign, the returns un. der a mandamus proceeding. Tbe returns are supposed to bo con solidated and presented to the election board by noon Wednesday. It seems certain this will not be done ns at II o'clock there was no indication that the Stewart manug era were going to sign up. The supporters of Judge Sea- brock were very active today in getting votes in the boxes. The women supporters of Seabrook were especially active. The ne groes were voted In some Instances under the guidance of the Sea- brook supporters. But little time was spent at the polls by the ne groes after voting. Something more than 1,000 negroes are sup posed to have voted, but this is uncertain as there was no separa tion of the votes by the races. Seabrook running as an indepen dent after his name had bCcu de nied a place On the* official ballot, BASTROP, La.—(By The Associ- i ted Press)—Addle May Hamilton, l&own aa “daughter of the Klan,” declared on the witness stand in the epen nearing investigation H edpesday into the.,laying of Watt ■MSI and Thomas Richards she was- forced to leave her home near Mar Rouge and was deported from the state by “the Ku Klux.' 1 TO BE FIRST flGT French • Military Units Will Move Into Germany Wednesday Midnight or Thursday A. M. BELGIAN AID IS RUSHED TO FRONT Final Order Was Delayed By Belated Reply From Muasolinknf Italy. Order Maintained. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS MARY PICKFORD LOS ANGELES. C»l.—(By The^ artists. Associated Press)—Douglas Fair,-1 The Dhlted Artists' organisation banks ahd Mary Pickford. his wife, now consists of Miss Pickford, Mr. as the first step In a plan to enter Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, David She named Dr. B. M. McKoln, .-Upon independent production and Waft Griffith and .Charles Ray, and former mayor of Mer Rouge, and distribution of cinema films.made tbe new plan involves closing tb9 party of men who she teatrlcowtkp | by other leading actors of tbe Griffith studlOs 'on Look Island, N. “Plk” Kirkpatrick as two of the ! screen, have .offered Jackin Coogas,' Y„ and the return to, Los Angelos, party of men who she testified child film actor, a contract for tour i Mr. Fairbanks etated thpt jucklo came to bar mother’s home one i pictures, and have announced Coogan Wednesday would bo nf- nlgbt, took ber away and put hcri plans for an expansion of tho Unl- tered a contract with tbe United aboard a train for Little Rock. Ark... ted Artists organization, the'Los Artists, calUng for a cash advance tbe home of her sister. The young i Angeles Times stated Wednesday of $600,000 and a guarantee of 60 woman gave, her age as 17. I The expansion plans contemplate par cent of the profit! of the tint ' the production under the snpervis- 'four plcturei he would make at tbe BASTROP, La.—Tbe state stood i° n ot Mr. Fairbanks and Miss | Fatrbanks-Pickford studio. Four ready Wednesday to press In rigid ' Pickford bf feature films by eight j years ago Jadkie Coogan received manner investigation into charges made by officials Implicating form er members of the Ku Klux Klan lu the torture and slaying of Watt Daniel, and Thomas F. Richards last August with the resumption of the open > earing Wednesday. The testimony ottered Tuesday by former klansmen of Morehouse parish, which Attorney Gea'eral Co co said “definitely fixed tho K Ian's position in tbe present Investiga tion of the outrages in Morehouse" Is only a small part ot tbe evidence the state has to offer, according to this official. The attorney general stated that th* testimony offered ’■'uesday "re vealed in a positive way that Klan or nine of the moat popular screen $76 a week, It waa said. T IN HOUSE REPORT .7*° was elected Mayor of Savannah by returned from abroad some time ago with more than a score of cases ot foreign liquor marked “diplomatic.” Coming on tbe heels of asser tions by tbe local pdlice authorities that they had found indications that liquor consigned, to some of tbe embassies and legations was finding its way into the Illicit fic here. Representative .Upshaw declared in hls speech the problem of "use and abuse” of such liquor Importations was one that "calls for delicate but firm treatment” He declared a former attache of the state department had suggest ed ta him that a “polite, forceful note" by tbe secretary of state on tbe subject would cause g “ready and universal response” from all diplomatic officers here ot willing ness tb aid In enforcement of thf law. Hearing*On K. K. K. . Being Ousted From ' Kansas Is Begun V IN 8ECOND DAY RICHMOND. Va.-Tb«_«mtar- ence of agricultural and Home eco nomic forces entering its second day’s session here Wednesday wae prepared to bear an ’prenatal cere” by Mra RJdgeTard, uch from test discussions centering, on gen- erat work In the 12 states KANSAS CITY, KanBf—Hearing of tita KanAss ouster suit against the Ku Klux Klan waa to begin In tbe state supreme court Wed nesday with C. B. Griffith, newly pworn In attorney general repre senting the case for tbe state brought by RJcbard J. Hopkins, for mer attorney general,, and now a member ot tbe supreme court. Attorneys for tbe defense in an swering brief tiled with tbe court, have Contended that the defendants named are not officers ot tbe klan. The salt to oust the klan from the state followed reports of al leged activities of the Ku Klux Klan In southern Kansu and bitter verbal attack* dpon if by former Governor Henry J, Allen. majority of 1.792 votes out of 7,918 votes In thirteen boxes of the seventeen in all. When the poles closed manag ers for Murray M. Stewart lncom- hent, the defeated candidate In 18 of the 17 boxes refused to count the Seabrook ballots. Several hours later Judge Meldrtm, after application by Seabroox's counsel tf the Superior court for an in junction to prevent Stewart man- agent' from Interferrlng, ordered Jhe count to proceed in thirteen WASHINGTON.—The report of leaden were Involved'in it most the house judiciary committee on active manner In tbe strife which i Us Investigation of the impeach- led up to the shocking tertvyim and | meat charges brought against At- murden ot two Mer R uigo citi-I’tornoy General Daugherty 'by Rep- zens.” > rcsentatlve Kellar, republican, Min- Asserting that there L a ‘ dual i nesota, was submited' Wednesday nature” to the Invisible empire, At- 1 to tbe bouae by Chairman Volstead, torney General Coco said that "the Whether It wlll be called up for klan 1s on trial and the klan will action by the house haq not yet have to answer.” been determined. BARE WORKING8 OF ORGANIZATION “Tbe high spots” of tbe report are the resolution adopted Tues day by the committee virtually J. F. Norseworthy and E. C. An- 1 draws, each on the eland at Tuea- Port® 1 * by evidence and the finding- day’s session testified that they the . ' pec ‘5 l sub-committee ap- were former members of tbe klan; proved by tbe committee, that tne U. S. FAVORABLE TO ■PUNFOR BRITISH DEBT SETTLEMENT PARIS—(By The Associated Press)—The last formalities re garded as necessary before the French troops enter the liuhr val ley as penalties for default in de liveries In kind by Germany under the treaty of Versailles were set for Wednesday afternoon. It was arrangetj that Premier Poincare would Inform tho Gormnn goverm- mert through Dr. Wilhelm Mayor, - he Gorman ambassador In Paris and through the Freiy.h ambassa dor at Berlin of the measures ho purposed taking, beginning.Tliurs- 4®y* Simultaneously with the glvlnr.' of these modifications It was ar ranged for orders to go forward to Goncral Dcooiitte to'send:to Essen a sufficient force to assure-tho pro tection of all allied .engineers and agents who have been entrusted with applying tho measures decided upon by the French government, and which are disclosed tally, it is stated , In tho modification to 'tlio Gorman government. Theso meas ures comprise the .collection'of the German coal, tax for *!’ flf account. the seizure of state'forests to he WASHINGTON— Negotiations looking to tAe refunding of Great Britain’s four billion dollars debt to tbe United States were resum ed Wednesday With the American debt commission ' apparently pre pared to agree if necessary upon a tentative settlement based upon more liberal term’s as to time and interest titan those prescribed by congress. Should such a plan be worked out it could not become' effective, however, until formally approved by' the House and Sen ate. Representative Burton, republi can, Ohio, a member of the Amer ican commission told the Honse and bared alleged workings of the | h°u»e had authority to punishi Mr. | Tuesday that ^British commis- organlzatlon In Morehouse parish. Kellar by Imprisonment Or other- sion had not asked for any leeway Andrews is a brother of W. c.' " l,e lof ? 11 * ebe*. * sub- 'beyond the 26 year maximum per- thc ft?,w , bavI^*w! 0U S t ia ,n “T olt? * r I Andrews, who testified previously 5®®“ * fter h ® bad with- j iod for payment and the four and u ?.? y m ‘ that he was whipped until he 'was , drawn trom th ® eas ®- one-quarter per cent minimum in- pttcations on account of the man- numb by the band which kidnapped „ terest rate .fixed by congress, but ager. falling to agree. j ! ^o^rtr to 'Sw Ke tart I he *» T * notlce thst it «• savannah mab i Addle -May Hamilton, deported c i‘ a i m no .‘ obliged to P r °b* ble th at some proposition rxa • •“ wouu come before tt® principal role In Wed- gorved 0 n.him while a repre- . . . i neaday's open hearing session of „p n .. t i we «„ rontre ,. . nd added- Savannah ha, hung up a new re-i Morehouse parish’s hooded band 8 ' uve * n0 ada6d ' cord. In the rooms at the-court- 1 murder mystery. "Your committee ta of tbe opln- b ‘"° U I Miss Hamilton ta alleged to have Ion that Mr, Kellar waa legally re-1 tuition had become convinced on w election races, jbeen ordered deported from the qulred to obey said subpoena; that i the basis of the preliminary nego- ?L. cl * rk .°V h9 |\ tata of Lou '* lan » « nd «® Bt *° the honse of representatives pos-'tiatism’between tim'American and * t ?«‘ r custodian. | the borne of a retailve In' Little sesaea tita) bower to cans* him to British commission that it would .-.a —a —■ ■ — be impossible to' effect a settle congress garding the settlement of British debt. ' At the same sime, a White House spokesman said the.adminis- ITIPmt 1.0 L. a M.P . ,, . , , IV BVDBtm |U«. |RIWC$ IW WUOC IUHI lu h f* *5® ba,lot f^ 81 ,n the Hock. ATk., with orders that she be arrested and confined in prison U£..£ kI?L. Con * r !?*. n th . B , ' rB, ' l ’ ould return to her moter In (Mer , until he shall consent to testify, district between R t^e Moore, f Rouge by permission of officials such confinement not to extend be- demoernt and and Don H. Clark, | of the Morehouse chapter or the Ku yond tbe term of this congress and C | ark contesting the Klux Ktan._ power to otherwise tfeal with him According to witnesses who tea- no as to .compel obedience to the tlfled the young woman was one of summons.' many persons, both white ' and black, ordered deported l)mu this There was no suggestion as to art defeated James M. Rogers fori parish. bow tbe-Minnesota representative the nomination of Mayor. Rog- Whether her deportation will be might be dealt with otherwise than republican election of Moore. Then there are the ballots used In tbe municipal primary on De cember 12. when Murray M. Stew ere mad a contest and lost. The last election contest was that of Tuesday when Stewart and Paul E. Seabrook ran. These are tne three boxes 0 f elections sealed.up and awaiting a court order ae to what-shall be done with them. This I* the tiret time eo many elec tlona in contested cases bare been la the keeping ot the cleft at one time. linked with the deaths of Watt by Imprisonment nor was there any Daniel and Thomas F. Richards. - recommendation that the house whose bodies were found floating take any action against him. In Lake LaFonrche. a fortnight ago -Some committeemen favor tbe es- ofter the two men bad been kid- tnbllsbment of a precedent in this napped by men wearing black .ease, bat it was a foregone condn- hoods on Asguit 24. last, will prob-, «ioa that if he matter were taken ebir be brought out Wednesday. - iUp oh tbe floor there would be a Other witnesses summoned to long and bitter tight against edopt- teetify are "Nip" Echols. .Robert .Ing the committee view aa an as- (Turn to Pag* Five) ) (Torn to page six) exploited for the b-iuoflt ot tho rep arations fund, and the collection of customs duties on exports in for eign money. .. ’ ■ The French foreign otfico incit ed Wednesday .that the word ’•oc cupation” wa* only rrpHcntle to the operation In the Rohr. '-The French trpops there, it wns sail! will not exercise-the prerogatives of force* -of -military occupation further.than found necessa ry ta furnish protection to nlli«-'l agen* and aaiure the proper r.- cil- Itlea for tHe’ performance <i their jvork. i yf J They will substitute themselves for German authority In no other direction than application or th- penaitles outlined in the notifica- tibn to Germany, it waa dacttSW^'' t(i ' "• .’fiiaSfltfl MUSSOLINI, MR88AGE BEING AWAITED PARIS — (By tne Aasoeited Pres*)The time for lifting the curtain In the latest act, of tha .war dratoia—the French- invasion of the Ruhr—waa 'still a-secret. Wednesday, althopgh' the 'actors their 'places with their parts well learned under the tute lage of the French military oom- biand -Every preparation for the - final order to “go ahead” has been made with clock-like procession. ment of the eleven billions of dol lars of war debts within the limita tions la,d down by congress. The executive was represented as feel ing that a settlement should be made with the British on the best terms possible. At the treasury Tuesday it was reiterated that tho British Mis sion had as yet suggested ho pro posal as a basis of settlement. Members of the American com mission rather expected a proffer to be forthcoming Wednesday. *- —Wta***^ 1 f- tKiYOjJ/ :~ i*u * ’ ’;r oalr. nrwi Mrs- Artie Rmalt ana cWMira. India and Artis wit) return to, At lanta Thursday after a visit of several weeks to ber .parents, Captain and Mrs. J. W. BarnetL . The concensus of oflnlon-hep* Wednesday morning was that the advance woulcf.not begin until mi.1 night Wednesday night or‘.early Thursday. Various ,regions we-c offered in sufipott of thls-heltaf. ‘chief* Among them being the fact that the foreign,office had not re ceived Premier Mussolini's TSPiS- to M. Polncahe'a ■ proposal jJLhat Italy | Join Franco and-Belgium in formally notifying Germany of their intention to Impose penal ties. . Not|c e that tba troops would, leave! 1 theft--' hnneentrattoh < point for Risen Wednesday nUht nr , Thursday .morning was expected to U9 tbrtneomtng os'Soon ae the Italian Premier's answer wee re ceived. - ENGINEERS TO SEIZE MINES A8 FIRST MOVE ~ It was rtMieralty understood that the plan -gs It stood Wednesday called first of ell for sending en gineers Into the Ruhr to take over’ certain mines.' These experts wilt be adequately but not ostentati ously. escorted by the military, u Is thought that th* distraint will be Increased In pnenaration to Germany-* failure to gtf* natlsfae- tlon. “* 4 ,tq.- The military escorts Win be quartered on the outskirts nf am towns so oeoepled qnd the soldier ■ (Turn to Page Five)