The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 14

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II MX CK/PAW’S AD •it \ i iu„Lv.>r «y EJto* FRECKLES l_Iu 8 *** momenta \hcre were at least a dozen blocks towering up fatb the air. Jack thought he would get the pile twice that high when, all of a sudden] a wee little baby doll rushed up and gave the ■tack a push. There was a loud rattle ai> the blocks crashed down find all the dolls laughed. thought that it was foolish to build the blocks up only to have ettbfn knocked own, but when the policeman doll explained that that was the only real fun the babies had with the blocks, he again started a tall tower. This time he made it like a castle and tha dolls let it alone. ‘-ENS.r . • • T T. ■■ • . > . . • • » A Little D isap^ointment Ti ifsmmim J\c*z <* Sam Changes His Mind r THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley , ! When the last block was placed in position the dolls started clap- ! ping their hands. Then there came a sharp bark from nearby. Turn ing 'around Jack saw Flip chasing a toy poodle dof. They wete headed right toward the block house. In an instant the blocks were bnce more toppled over. (Cotnniued.) Ml.9 ..... ■■Ml i 1 a IAd ventures , m qf> Jm MR. STAMPS TELEPHONES OUT OUR WAV -■ MA KSSYICS AUNT SARAH PEABODY, LEADER OP THE SOCIETY FO© SUPPRESSION 0,r PJPBSMOKINQ; IS EXTEND/NCy HER. WORK AND, HERE AFTER. WIUi_ ^INCLUDE ALU KINDS OF PROMISCUOUS SMOKINQ. „ ^ THE 'Tr AMP iwi _ JI DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A Poor Demonstrator BY ALLMAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE “Yea, this la Nick,” said .the little bey. 'en •(By. OLIVE ROBERTS BATTONi : One day the telephone rang in the!little hickory .tree postoffice Where Nancy and Nick were work' Kalins—a—ilna " It weui ana tamps answered it. he said sharply, for he waa busy and he didn't like to be Mttiered. Besides he was pretty aurp that it was for 8trldealong Longgtride who waa always getting nailed up. "Hello Hello Hello ” he shout, ed again more sharply than ever and rattling the receiver up and down as though he would like, to •math the whole business. •4SM, operator!” he yelled. ”8ome on* Called us. *nte bell rang and rand as thouah wa were all deaf salt—What, that? Long distance! Ob, for goodness sake, tell them taltnirry up then! I haven't got an day to wait. Hello! Hello! It? Whof I said. 'Who It 10 wants Hickory (IT? Yes Hickory (IT. Yes! Yea! goodness sake, hurry up! are you? Yes, Ibis is Stamps. I said 'Ittampa.' stlckum a. Talk a little louder! Talk loueer! Louder! Who ly Nancy and Nick saw ipa put Us band to Us and fall oown In a faint. 'a lard bad news!” cried springing up while Nick e Nine Room House Milledge- Avenue for t. Possession at once. G-rfAMBBOUGH Phone 516 grabbed the telephone receiver to get the message. Mr. Btampa opened one eye, then tbo other and alowly sat up. “No. not bad nawa,” he whisper, ed. "B—but it’s the Fairy Queen and I was aaasy. I—I'll lose my Job. Honestly I didn't know It waa her—the—or I wouldn't have been so—you talk to her, Nick.” Nancy and Mr. Btampa listened. ■Yet. tUa is Nick.' said the lit tle boy. 'Yes, Your Highness. I'll tc II Mr. Stamps you couldn't hear him. He'll be sorry. I know. No. not as busy as last weak. Mr. Rtrldealong Longstrlde la back and there Isn't much for Nancy and me to do now. I beg your par don. What place did you My? Mix- Up Land! You want us to go an-l help! All right, we'll come to your place for orders rtgn: away. Good' by." “It's ail right, Mr. Stamps,” ho said. ''Don't you worry! But sgyi Naijcy and I will have to be leav ing you soon.” (To Be Continued) GO TO ENGLAND NEW YORK—Jess Swcetier, na tional amateur golf champion, and Francis Oulmet, former national and open champion, will be mem bers of the American team that will go to England tbit Spring to defend the Walker cup, the New York Timea today aaya It learns on good authority. ItdjgdYour Health PS5ZS&- Jnriir . Ijo, l 'CA*JT Ifck'E OFF MV WRAPS* i MUST be eouJcj. ohcav.tmd ITBLLVOU-'MRS MEELS Mas a mew setcf dishes* SUE CERTAiMLV heeded THEM* AMD HE STILL DRlMKGOUTOFIHE SAUCER. the BurifcMER Tells he SUE OUL.V BUtfB LIVER, AMD ALVJAVS SAVstfTS fortUe orr-l FotWD our. site Gcrr-nur coffee percolator W CDUPbkls» DOTfeLLME, \ MRS. GARUEV~ HOW DOES MRS. UOLVAvJGEY ALOtIG WITH HIS PEOPLE ? I HEAR TflEV OULV SEUTHER All iRoUlklQ PAD FOR A VMEDDlUG PRESENT- WHATB HER BROTHER, DOlkkS MOW?- WOoW/theVsk/ he speaIYau. ITHE Ui< P I ifeAR MRS. ROBBlkVS BABYlS HAVIKiO SUCUAKl AWFUL TIME CUYflMG TeeTU*THE poor child, i feel for O'* I REMEMBER WUWA TIME 1 HAD CtfTtWff M/ auwsvvt 1H«^MRS.GARUEV, -ru' doorbell 'eUcVCLOPAEW* SHE COULDAGOLEiil A CIRCUS A UWG -time ago DOlUG OUE OF THOSE SltWM DAW HaUgiMG act's. SHE caH Tell Vou i vJUAT MoaU smb ib \ TH'MULES GOIkljS -tU'rSUlSPUUK' ; RS. GARUE^TUE NEIGHBORHOOD L1BRAR.V — i ■" bitftfteMdiyiiiililtijf