The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 9

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- Investlflate Todiyl ( T , Regular Subscriber* of the BANNER-HERALO ji oca Acident Policy Free. A CONSOLIDATION OF. THE SUNDAY ISSUES OF THE ATHENS BANNER AND THE ATHENS MRRAl.n \ (91, No. 21 Full Associated Press Leased Wire Service. ATHENS, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1923. - --- ~ - Single Copies 2 Cents Daily.' . 5 Cents Sunday: . LI an** mail' by ill" \<;o — Whether the Ku ii shall be permitted con an institution in America ! i Min'd other issues con- ili the hooded fraternity :,,.shed out tn the United nate when an attempt is I. in- a seat to Senator* aide B. Mayfield of Texas n iree that he was a mem- ,iiil was actively supported Kinn. i in-nt aimed to keep May- nf the Senate is definitely ay. says Gray Keyes Rut- dilor of the imblication, r, here and secretary of rican Unity League, an or- iii claiming millions of 1 and devoted to combating mil racial Intolerance. ■ans that Mayfield, who s run the gamut of legal opposition tn his election in Texas fonrts .III the ground that his cam- niirn i vpendltures exceeded the legal $111,000, a charge he denies, till fare further obstacles when be reaches Washington In March. | hundreds of hostile organizations | throughout the country will be held J at Chicago, O'Donnell says. “The Mayfield case is only the start of onr fight on the klanhe says. “We shall push our light to the end through pitiless publicity and political battle.” When Mayfield ran for the Sen ate there came whisperings that he was a klansman, that the klan had pledged him its support and that he had addressed klan gather* lags In the robe and hood of the order. Totem: thn A» religions “KLAN NO I8SUE” jlrcailv SEVEN SEATORS enlisted But when Mayfield was asked to come out flpt-footedly on the Ku Klux issue he said that it had no place In his campaign, declaring his issue was the repeal of the Esch-Cummins railway legislation. He repeatedly refused to state hiB position on .the klan. Later Mayfield asserted he had been a member of the Austin klan, but that he had resigned in Janu ary, 1921. James E. Ferguson, Mayfield’s anti-klan opponent, declared dur ing the Texas campaign that high officials of the klan had written ters endorsing Mayfield and declnr Ing he was a klansman in good standing long after that date. Seven western senators who can not now lie named have pledged themselves tn demand that Mpy- lieM he l.nrred, say Rutledge and Patrick O'Donnell, lawyer and fjemtlve'chairman of the Ameri- ran Unity League. "II. I). Lindsey, former com* rainier of the American Legion, haw is In Texas gathering informa lion regarding the Texas election which will be presented In the Sop ate ns Die basis of charges for Mayfield's ouster.” says Rutledge. The method of procedure, Rut- Vdgi- hints, may be along the line Morton, Officer Of Peanut Assn. mm stsai (By HARRY HUNT) WASHINGTON — MIs s Hazel Hite, of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton and other Ohio points, has shouldered the job of “putting across" the National League of Women Voters fourth annual con vention at Des Moines, April 9-14. Heretofore, it is explained. League leaders wno were sche duled direct the actual work of the conventions have been worn to a frazzle in advance by $lie neces sity of themselves looking after all the arrangements details. Wo men orators, expected to sway the conventions with their elo quence, have mounted the platform hoarse and exhausted from the strain of arguing .pleading and co ercing baggagemen, printers, hotel manugers, decorators .entertain ment! committees and all the doz ens of others whose efforts are necessary for a convent.on’s suc cess. WHAT THEY MEANT. . the ALBANY, Oa.—Permanent or ganlzation of the. Georgia Peanut Growers co-operative marketing association formed here Friday will be perfected by executives appoint ed at a huge farmers meeting ad dressed by Aaron Sapiro, market ing expert. "Hundreds of planters, business men an dothers interested in the future of one of Georgia’s leading erops attended. The legal plans have been placed •with Colonel R. E. L. Spence, chairman; Jas. W. Morton, presi dent of the Farm Bureau Federa harge under the corrupt prac T . r „ ... ticesart. Thus, since Mayfield Is £52.*1;.“‘"t t £St i Democrat, the Democrats will have mi their hands ft parallel to Hu- rase of Senator Newberry, Re- I'jliliVun. of Michigan, "Wp claim that because of 'May- (plil's alleged membership in the Ku Klux Klan and because of the hlanendorsement of his election, le rannot take the oath of a sena tor,Rutledge says. "We believe this la so because every klansman. Is..awom hot to reveal anything corictrnlngthb ac- tions of n brother klansmafi aftl because the so-called klan kralt tenets innke every Ku.Klnxer an to the religious and other freedom of American citizens guar wired under the constitution.” • PSOTESV MEET Before the Mayfield .case Is heard, a giant protest meeting of antl-klan delegates representing dent of the Georgia Farmer's' Union vice chairman. Signing up of peanut growers' and putting the machinery In mo tion tor standardization, packing, branding and marketing of the crop has been left with this board. Gets More Than Sued For v- BALTIMORE, Md*—A- .luJy. 'in' superior court'hepo Friday thought Mrs. Hagerty was humiliated to such an extent that they awarded her 1600 more than she asked in her suit against tsador Lakeln, n jeweler. Mrs. Hagerty alleges she purchased a ring from Lakejn and when aho went to the establish ment to tell him It was not what it was guaranteed to be, she was ■cdected forcibly. She sued for 61,080 and was awarded 81,600. After these experiences. League’s executive Commute de cided that ut the nos Mofnes con vention no such weary work should l>e premitted to sap the energies scheduled for headline prominence, and dull-the inspiration of those Somebody else would have to be— well, "the goat.” Perhaps they said "convention manager,'’ but anyway they meant the same thing. Tho ability in organization and handling detail displayed by Bliss Hite In managing the campaign for tho election' of Judge Flor ence Allen of Cleveland to the Ohio supreme court’ immediately mark ed her for the job. And she grabbed it, eagerly. For that’s Just the sort of variegated, high- pressure job the little, black-haired Buckeye woman likes. LOTS OF EXPERIENCE. After a girlhood In Cincinnati, Miss Hite conducted a . general country store in Missouri for eight years. Then she became, organls- d financial secretary of tho Dayi _ soewtion ther'S'ahd cffgarilzee for the state of Ohio. After the suf frage victory, she was executive secretary of the Qlrla' City' Club of Cleveland. League leaders predict that Miss Hit's handling of the Des Moines convention arrangements will be so succssful that shf'will have es tablished the Jcb of ' “convention manager" nj a permanent fixture among the.' “efficiency” Joba which women hereafter will excel. MICHAEL'S The Store Good Goods SMade Specially Prepared for Tomorrow— A Very of Stunning Values $6.50 to $7.50 Hats of Hair Cloth Hats of Roleo Hair Hats of New Fabrics Hats’of Straw Cloth Hats 1 'of Straw Braid ” 'j Colors—Poppy Pearl Almond Green Navy Brown Copenhagen Beige ' Strawberry | . . , Black . . ;/ teBgBBWBg *•- MAIL ORDERS FILLED THE DAY RECEIVED HUYLER’S . Ready to Serve <|X)COA, 25c artments SPECIAL SALE' Infants’ Rompers For the little ones—a sale that should bring joy to mothers. Here are dainty rompers of good quality linene in blue, pink and mais with appliqucd designs—dogs, rabbits, cats, etc. SEE YOUR SAVINGS Special $1.18 SPECIAL SALE Kayser’s 16 Button Chamoisette Gloves Between season no article is more need ed or appreciated than the Chamoisette Glove. Here arc Kayser’s Imported Long Chamoiscttes in black, white, sand, covert, mode and mastic—a $1.25 per pair value, for Special 98c FINE HAT BOXES New Shapes—New Features Perhaps there is no article that gives one more pleasure while traveling than hat box. New ones in a variety of shapes and sizes, with 'and without removable trays, will prove of interest to you. They range in price from SPECIAL SALE Kayser’s Italian Silk Stockings Embodying New Features Kayser’s Italian Silk Stockings have friends by the score and now the number will be greatly increased for you will be able to get this fine quality of Italian Silk with LISLE TOPS and FEET. This will insure longest wear where the strain the greatest. Special $1.95 Black only. All sizes. SPECIAL SALE Ramie Dress Linens The Ramie Linen it a hardy linen woven for hard wear and “it delivers the goods.” For rompers, children’s dresses, ladies' dresses, fancy work, ctc.,Jt is unsurpassed. Shown in orange, lavender, green ; brown rose, pink, Copen, light grey, dark grey, yellow and deft. It is 36 inches wide. Special 98c SPECIAL SALE Hand Embroidered Shirt Waists The shirt waist is coming back into ita real place and Is making its entry in mod els that are lovely to look upon and still more charming to own and to wear. The' shirt waist section is making a special showing of hand embroidered models trim med with Baby Irish and Filet Lace done on fine voilea and dimities with Tuxedo and Peter Pan colors, at $2.45 $3.45 $4.48 $5.00 Regular and Extra Sizes. SPORT SKIRTS Of the Newest Sport Materials Skirts that make you long for out-of- doors—that embody the very latest mater ials and styles are shown in all colors, also black and white and combinations thereof. On display in the sports section—ready-to- wear department. lepartment. THE PRICES ARE LESS THAN YOU if- WOULD EXPECT. .T>3-l/.A A Sale of . New Spring Dresses Selected from Our Regular Stock SPECIAL SALE Hand Made Night Gowns Special Sale $19.75 Special Sale We have assembled a rack of dresses—Canton Crepes, Flat Crepes, Taffetas—in lovely models, clever styles—all new and all desirable’, that afford the thrifty a bargain feast. You will'find all sizes in the lot and the colors are blacks, browns, greys, etc. We advise early selection. '.75 Lw&ii -L 1 -F-if-y. Permanent-Colors Fast Everfast Suiting has gained a permanent place—it is now indispensible to those who sew and want to be sure that the garment will not fade. We guarantee every yard to be absolutely fast color, whether it is the delicate pastel shades or the hepvy colors like black, navy and brown. We will replace every yard of material that fades free of any cost to you and BE SIDES this we will pay you for all trimmings, threads, buttons, etc., that are used and ALSO pay you for the cost of having the garment made. Everfast Suiting is now on display in twenty-two different colors. SPECIAL SALE Fine Shrunk Dress Linens The Linen Section announces the arrival of fine Dress Linens, thoroughly shrunk and ready -for the needle. Made of the very finest flax and bought'on a low Linen market—the price now enables you to make a worth .while saving. In colors rose, coral, maise, green, orange, Copen, lavender, henna, peach and deft, 36 inches wide. Special.. j. .. 98c Bad Weather Wrings You Another Chance to Save Because of the bad weather last week we will ex tend the sale of Orange Blossom Face Powder to Mon day and Tuesday. Highest quality Face Powder, reg ularly 75c everywhere, at ... .. .. .. ,. 29c Use the Coupon Below The Coupon Is 'Wortli To 49c You Sign it and present it at Toilet Goods Counter with 29c and secure a 75c box of Orange Blossom Face Powder. * Sign Here . i,M ’.V Address .S ... In flesh and white, fine quality Nainsook. You will find lovely hand embroidered de signs that make these night'gowns lovely to behold and lovely to own. Some with scalloped necks. ' Special $2.48 SPECIAL SALE Slip Over Wool Sweaters For early spring and year ’round wear the Silp-Over. is'almost indispensible both for style and service.. These clever models are shown in solid and mixed colors with V or round necks and long sleeves. All sizes from 36 to' 46. A .7 SPECIAL SALES From tKe'White Goods Section 16 Inch Red ahd Blue Checked Glass Tow eling ., .. ..... ,. .. I9c ,16.inch Rid.and-Bine’Checked Linen Tow eling -. .. .. .. .. .. 33c 48c Hemstitched Union Linen Towels . 39c 86c Hock and- Turkish; Towels .. .. 19c SPECIAL SALE Imported French Kid Gloves For a fraction' °^ er the actual cost oi duty levied by the new tariff you are able to buy a rqal ioft French Kid Wrist Length Glove in novelty designs. These gloves are shown with self and contrast stitching ini black and white, sixes . G 8-4 to 7. Special $1.29 SPECIAL SALE Fine Leather and Silk Bags Newly to arrive in the bag section but' not long’to stay will, be-these now bags fashioned of leather and silk in new shapes novel designs. Thera art also dainty paTty and canteen boxes in various colon shapes, different from those you have i. Valnes to $4.50. ial 98c SPECIAL SALE EXTRA! < EXTRA! Ivory Soap and Ivory Soap Flakes This# items need no Introduction to yotr but in order to introduce them'to our toilet goods section we offer an EXTRA special bale of 6 Bate Ivory Soap .'. . ’. ,v @ 10c— 50e 1 Box. Ivory Soap Flakes .......... 15c. For 49c For Monday Only No;jC. Q. D. No Phone Orders. J f SPRING FURS Again Hi.. Fur choker is dscreed as the proper neck fixing and they are most charming. A special showing of new Fur Chokers at reduced prices— Grey Squirrel .. .. .. .. fi2JS0 Single Stone Marten $35.00 Single Baum Marten 147-66 Double Stone Marten 675.00 Double Baum Marten .. .. 676.00 Platinum Fox .. ^.j,. ....... .. $95.00 riremubmi mi’ll rrTrnmi iiiuLmiimuiiiig]