The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 12, 1923, Image 6

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I JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES ftjr FJtiv Piv -<«£ freckles and- his friends THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS. RKORCTA ' r&m — —— MDNDAT. FF.rtRi >IiV " Jack didn’t have time to stay any lomrcr with the baby dolls. Ho thought he had best get Flip and make him realize that all the other toy animals in tli? department ttore were his friends. So, shortly w ho was introducing his dog to bears, kittens, monkeys, elephant# and lots of other animals. 1 laEli II One ef there was a cuto littl- kitten \vh"> stood r,p on top of a reunter. “I went to got down on the floor," meowed this little fuzzy ball, ‘but it’s do iar I'm afiaid to jump." “Flip will help you,” re plied Ja-k, an'd Flip then stood up on his hind legs and gentlv 'ifted the kitten to the floor: " Spsiiliiafi Mia as i: e'l ill ti'iri liiifi; |!i|! till isrS \5i-To/u- “Now you arc safe and sound,” said Jack. But the tiny kitten wasn’t so sure of that, for no sooner had he landed on the floor than a small mcchanieal toy went sailing by and almost ran over his tail. “Whore are you going?” shouted Jack to the driver, “To the races," came the reply. (Continued.) OP Trt& TWINi Bartcw. A NEW ADVENTURE 'V_ HE Lucky Guys ABB EXD&TlNS YoU AND UATELTo CONE OUT AND SWMD A TOM /MdTWS 'HfTH US-yiB 'NOWtTAlfE NOFOB AN ANSWER. EnUEB-UETOS KNCANTlMEoF . ATONAL. MSBTtWLX } itS-s ;t au\ost 'P.s. BPIN6 .TUE BOYS' I , ALONG. The- Magical Muihroom met them at tha gata. Back to the Fairy Queen's place It may make you powerful!” went NatiCy and Nick, their Green “’«*!’ crlde Jack Straw. ’Thanks Shoes whizzing them through the Tour 'Graciousness. I'll go homo air like little airplanes.' at once and make myaelf kind, for Very soon they arrived All out I'll wlab everything In Apple-Pie of breath, but looking fresh and Land to be changed. I'll call Is rosy after their ride. Mix-Up Land. I’ll be King Jack Tho Magical Mushroom .met Straw.’ them at the gate and took them In- “Aqd now!” continued the Fairy nd tc to the large room where the Fairy Queen sat on her throne. “Here they are. Your Highness,' said he, scraping a bow. “Oh, I am to glad!” exclaimed the royal lady quickly, ‘'children I want you to do something for me. There Is a queer corner of my kingdom called Mix-Up Land. It’s called that because everything is mixed t p. And the reason tor Vis a long story. “Mix-Up Land used to be call ed Apple-Pie Land beeauie every thing was as orderly at apple pie. The ruler waa called King Even Steven because he liked every thing as even and neat as prial- Me. "But someone was Jealous of him. It was a poor cobbler called Jack Straw. One day Jack 8traw was called to sole some shoes for Eena iMoena. the Magician, and he did it no well and Eena Meena was so pleased be gave him a ring “Taka this. Jack,’ said be, ‘and whenever you put It on your left thumb, anything yon dislike will change at once and be mixed up. One Nine Room House on Milledge Avenue for rent Possession at' once. E. G. FAMBROUGH > Phone 516 Queen. “I want you Twins to go and get ttykt ring off Jack Straw’s left thumb, so that poor King Kyen Steven may have Us throne arain and the poor country be ret to rights. “Tho Magical Mushroom will show you the way.” (To Be Continued) (Copyright, 1923. NEA Service) DAILY RECIPE By BERTHA *. SHAPLEIGH Of Columbia Univarsity To prepare a mixed grill for one person you will require: One thick lamb chop, ona lamb kidney, one sausage, one tomato, one mushroom cap, and butter, salt, pepper and Worchestershlro sauce. Prepare the chop for broiling. Soak the kidney in cold water, then cover with boiling water for one minute; remove akin, split and mate In butter for live min utes'add Worcestershire sauce. Cook the sausage; fry tha toma to, cut In halves, In butter until soft; saute the mushroom cap (this may be omitted.) Broif chop, place on the fried tomato, which previously has been put on a-hot plate. On one aide of tha . chop place the kidney, and the other side the aauaigc. Place t£e mushroom, If Included, on top of Um chop. To a Tittle melted hitter add mon Juice awl Worcestershire sauce, pour over all, and serve at once,- SALESMAN SAM ,—i ( _5Pc£0IN& tHV?- I'LL MTE.HO TO VOM ChS- LMEK- THROW vmiHTrV •SAFIE. CELL WITH THOT OTHER ttOM Sam Makes a Promise W * r 4| .. # ,£- BvS\ AM OFfKtft- lb THAT GOT. GONNA (HTVC -SAME- GILL WIW ME VT»? T - H'LO TT TVJNJ-StHDTWV ft .ZOO BAIL RlOUT DOwij I'LL TKOmt HOT To £>EE I’llLtH T0>\2 wftu L\KE 10*1 5MD>"i 0 . Ilf/ THE OLD HOME TOWN mm in By Stanley t^/TSAYed , , Tr^ I Iijcr VVHAT ') (WELL I , ^^IxouQoin/Ahadnt C i to Do WITH M THOUGHT) allth'-hme 1 Nog LL SAVE HO-NO-ODST WAIT "DLL HESEES^, Hiscuyiwe^, i' stamlby EDWUfeSLEB/WHODEUVeteS WASHINGS FOR K.'S WIFE, HAS SENT AWAY FORA SET OF PATENT FISH HOOKS THAT YCU ONLY NEED TO BAIT ONCE A SEASON, THEREBY SAV/NG QUITS A V BIT OF TIME - .. - OUT OUR WAY DOINGS OF THE DUFFS BY ALLMAN An Unexpected Caller HOW HAVE YOU BEEN MRS. DUFF? I WAS JUST/I'M GLADYOO DOWN TOWN TRYING TO J DIDMRSTINEY -GET SOME MONEY OUT /HOW DIO OF MY HUSBAND AND / V OU COME "THOUGHT I’D STOP IN /OUTP DID FOR A MINUTE t ^ kE H(M DOWN FOR SOME? lC \VV(V mm yi P F PR up n nr ITS AN EASY MATTER TD GET COAL. IF YOU X. ’‘HAVE. A PIECE OF ROPE AND CAN CATCH jj. Rw ,| “THE OLD CROSSlNQr WATCUMANr NAPPlNCf. lAhft OUR BOARDING HOUSE YES, I KNICKED HIM FORA TEN SPOT-THE LITTLE y WART IS-GETTING SO rWELL.I GUESS TIGHT THAT ITS LIKE j YOU DO PRETTY ’ PULLING TEETH TO ) WELL. AT ANY GET HIM To LOSEM UP.X RATE A UTTZE - '( KNOW Fh-r;-THESE MOW® -JY6 PASS UP A LOfTOF GOOD CHANCES* LIKE T&DAY-TWEY HAD ME DOTH' PART OF A MUG NT A BIG SOClETV WEDDING „ watching -m' present©. « I THERE WAS A HUNDRED GUYS \ DRESSED IN DK3NnV XXJTG AS l GUESIfe'THlNKOF-TH'sWELL \ SCENE IT WoUlDA MADE IFTH I DIRECTOR CALLED FOR A FIGHT AN* LET ME <ETEP IN 1 Virtu MY EDUCATED FISTS AN’ . polish off tw'whole, crew » - y'canVhelTW OPlN_^M -IHATFATVEAD'. You’re right Vs lD - ITS AcTioN Y TW'PUBLIC WANTS') t CAN SEE YoU NOW IN THAT SOCIETY SCENE cracking ALL-TH' BOILED SHIRTS - THATb BEEN A RIOT 1 I SEE YOU HAYE A \^o E A L u,eli?^' 1 MAID NOW, MRS.DUFF-J so pAR-fVE. ONLY HAD HER ABOUT A WEEK- HOW LONG DO YOU GENERALLY KEEP „ A MAID, MRS.TINEY? HOW DO YOU LIKE HER? UNTIL THEY BEGIN SHOW HOW SORRY THEY ARE FOR MY HUSBAND! THAT FATHEAD' IFTHEY MADE A MOVIE OF ROMEO £ JULIET He’d wantth'sceue Tb HAVE A SCRAP wrm ROMEO ON-tH' BALCONY! SCENE OF t3IGNiNi5TW ueclaraTc qV iiJDEPB -DrUCE.Hr HAv’E 'El DRESSED PUGS SIGI articles • FIGHT! rn Jli/ rUK ILWNU WIUUULf UirNO It-r TecNUlQUE-Tb -TUB gcENARios tn>az /