The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 19, 1923, Image 2

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PAGE TWO THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, UJM/IHI1A Advertisements %AU 1 RATES 2 Cents a Word Minimum charge of 40 centa. Three times for the price of 214 insertions. Seven times for tbs price of five insertions. Ail discontinuances MUST be made in person at The Banner-ilersld Office or by letter. Telephone discon tinuances are NOT valid. 75 WANT AD PHONE 75 BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS Virginia coach Atlanta. Athletic Club Game Closes Cage Season In Athens .1 The Bulldogs Meet The'Clubbers Here Thursday Night In The Final Game of The Season. | The Georgia basketball team hnv- J scenin to’be alive there yet despite ; ing negotiated an even break over I the fact that a grand Jury Indictment ( Merejr in Macon has one more game) and a black eye to Miu-un resulted His Assistant Also Signed ! ’ruila the last week'in February attU to Coach in Football. Old; a S «m«t Dominion Diamond lhe war - d,st,nct * ur i> rl » o Work Begins. The Weather GEORGIA and South Carolina: Fair and warmer tonight and Tues day. probably light frost to the coast tonight. Florida: Fair and warmer tonight and Tuesday, possibly light frost in North tonight. Alabama: Fair ami warmer to night and Tuesday. Call For Your Answers Answers*to the following Wapt Ads are being held at *he Banner-IIer^ld Office. They will be held a few days longer and then destroyed unless | t -» the Macon lies, who, after winning by such a wide margin the previous • evening, evidently expected nothing .......Ttnn.mi. . i hut an ea**y time • in the final game. UNIVERSITY. Va. I‘.a» o. t to lake cognlxanco of ’’Creasy” Neale la to report at tlio U hft manner of the Gen-glairs play- University of Virginia on March 1 ing this season. They failed to rc- to coach baseball for the spri‘1? member how Auburn trouiichcd the I certain similar outbursts (manlike spirit exhibited there lire vie ua occasions, n fN-ttlng uo that If a ref free call on the police reserves tcctlon, especially If the ho is ti ailing the score. “Epur Horsemen” Elite To-Night: Miltph Sills' Special At The Palace Mary Roberts Rinehart Story “Affinities” Tuesday meeting the exactions of grasping hausracister. tk « Another mcidem U today Counselor, w with it in Vienna as a title that Coon Attraction: Jazzmania” Coming. "Porootten Law” With Milton Sills awl John Bower*. It wan written bj Palace Tonight. . Mary Rt,bertn Rinehart. A powerful dramatic photoplay "Affinities" In a sparkling eomcdj' bauetl on a novel of widespread up- love etory of n married woman and peal Its "The Forgotten Law.” tho | a married man who think they are Metro photoplay which fa scheduled affinities, and of a number of other for presentation at tN< Palace today. ] married men arid women who Join In Ha narrative form (t nroured heat- j them on an "affinity" party, cd dlxcustdoii, leading finally to tho j Yeti' can Imagine ».m oi .tie com- repeal of a law which worked ter- [ plications that develop. ter ten o’clock at night for the be lated, and to exact a fee of twen- ■ -ty heller, four cents, for the ser- ' vice. No one minded it; foreigners found it mediaeval and amusing. For two centuries or more the fee,. . _ had been twenty heller, and itaj ln thc “M v.-h n collection through a year \va> dl ' r calling card. | sometimes enough to send the | neription “Frau 1! jartitcr’r. children to school. i A few days ago ult . ..... . Now the hausnieiaters and tlielthe University 0 » Vienna while. Many a somethin; nrhei "'oman rlble hardships on womunklnd. a photoplay the dramatic emphnulu 1 is even' mure pronounced, and ,thc motion picture is riije,.of the strertc- 3t attractions of its Rind In several ease ns. If ybu want to see a really funny pleture. don’t miss this one at the Faiaw Tuesday. FNIAL GAMfc NEXT THURSDAY season. Jack Ryam who was to have had charge of tl* * tft*mon<l candidates lms accent id V big league offer and “Greasy” N’t ale, who had previously signed tip for year round coach heginning in September, has accepted an offer of tho coaching committee to be gin work in two weeks. John S. Kellison, *vho f r five years has been Neale's assistat t and line coach has been s.gned »ip as assistant conch of the Virginia football team next fall and H. I) Thomas, for two years p’I year coach of the Parkersburg. W. Va, High School has accepted in yf- ck pi the f 45 same Georgia's It! and then the, following night the • w against the the ho boys flub fell before the score of :M court of the Rea k'UHhlnKto next game Is i Atlanta Athlctl< Mrthduy flub In other Fridny night’s slump on the part of the Georgians meant but little in their lives,, except that it argued that they would probably beat the stuffin’ out of the team they played Saturday night, which happened in > be the same Mereet out fit. ’’pireetory*' F»odge G. A. M. D. Call for promptly, a a' few days Lost And Found fer to become full time direc* >r of first year athletics. Mr. Thomas is a University rf Illinois man who has had much experience as a player and »o as a coach/,He comes to Virginia with the recommendation of Work 1 Neale and of manv others i* • o knew his work. For two years his high school "team won the \Wst Virginia championship, and bo has turned out winning basketball and track teams. During the war Mr. Thomns was a champion boxer of the Great Lakes training station. Since Mr. -.Kellison has been roach Neale’s assistant tbrougi five successful seasons the coach ing committee of the Athletic Council did not hesitate In secur ing him for line coach of Virginia. And, ;ih usual, police. protection' as needed t»> protect the officiating in the Central city following eat of the lloptUt. Thu pirit represented by one Mr. Hruco the is the final buttle will be Htaged Here next, Thursday night and the largest crowd of the season will turn out to see tlio two teams meet again. Georgia won from tlft* Clubbers in Atlanta Saturday night week by a close score and the Beanhoys arc anxious to get revenge on the Bull dogs’ home - court. The big game gets-under wgiy at S:30 and the ad mission will be |1.00. Tickets go on sale WKednesday afternen at Costa’s and again Thursday after noon. Yates, the Atlanta official of so many years’ splendid refereeing in the South, will handle Jhe whistle. ’Following this game the Georgia team will put In a few days’ pruc- tlee before the tournament begins In Atlanta. Stegeman Will Attend N. Y. Meet ,! ? e c “ula "'•iK the tenants are in x bitter feud. The! the government ,;>a. pri,f«,„ courts have permitted an Increase would hencciortn decline the X! in this fee in a ruling, the loose!and that those now pussesst,i j wording of which has been seized >t had decided to drop it. Since tk Upon by the hausmoiters as ha- tall of the monarchy it j^a l,» thorizatidn for a charge the tor.-j handed out so freely in “ Coach Herman J. Stegeman will ftp to New York immediately fol lowing the basketball tournament In Atlanta for a ''meeting of the football rules committeo oa March 9 and 10. Coach Stegeman was put on this Important committee at the meet ing of the National Athletic As sociation last December And this will be his first meeting. It is ox- Itooted that some important rules will be drafted at this meeting and will be adopted at a later one. This is the first time, It is said, that a Southerner has been re organized by appqintment to this committee and it came as a dis tinct honor to Mr. Stegeman. ints call utterly unreasonable. They are refusing to ;ay it, and in retaliation the hausmeistyrs, on tar. inside of the doors, are refus ing to let them in to their own apartments if the tenant reaches the threshold of his house one minute after ten o'clock. Some tenants are so determined to “put an end to the outrage” that, when i refused admission, they art turn ing to the nearest police station and demanding shelter for the night. Thus it was recently report- ej in the newspapers that in one district of th^ city alone no few er than 17 persons spent the ngiht walks of lit men in ^ the distinction it e that it has !«[ enjoyed. Wanda Hawley’s Divorce Begins LOC ANGEI.ES, Cal in the I of th> V/amlii Hawley, motion against Alen Burton H gun when Judge Char)^ superior court signed an ord«r ft iwilat the U> Rail. „( * in the lock-up in tent tne ngint New York. Ml,s Hawley «h„ 1 preference to cruelty, U In Europe. ' ' w Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate Commission: 3% ON AMOUNTS OVER St,0U3.00. I07» on amounts up to $1,000.00. HUBERT M. RYLEE LAW OFFICES 405 Holman Bldg. Athens, (Is. Rodolph Vdleiitmo t nth, our Want Ad answers they will only be held and then destroyed. SIXTY YEAR OLD GOLFER DEFEATS WOMAN CHAMP LOST — TWO POINTER DOGS, one dark brown, tho other whits and brown spotted. Finder return to ,T. C. Campboll, 223 Miller street.! Mr. Kellison played tackle on West Howard. f-19-p ! Virginia when Neale was on tho .fio-- — — I team. t LOST—silver wrist watch, between | In SPO uring the coaches for next 'Tour Horsemsn” Elite Tonight. A magnificent aereen translation of the story that, ims thrilled twenty millions of readers. Enacted by dhe greatest cast' in hl?t« ry: comprising more than 12,500 including the GO principal characters. Produced at a cost of six months of preparation; a year nnd~a half of ac tion: and Ellghtly more than a mil lion dollars. To miss It is to miss ths world’s greatest motion pl<;tur«. This feature is at the Kilts today only. OIH ORDER III VIERNI PIUS ALL ABOARD Winter Excursion Fares and All Mary Roberts Rinehart’s Story at Palaco Tuesday Special There is a picture coming to tho Palace tomorrow (Tuesday) called “Affinities,” featuring Colleen Moore VIENNA—The recalling of things oa they used to be does not come amiss in Vienna, for in the old days there were many things so pleasant in this city that their recollection and discussion today serves often to lighten the gloom of a dull winter. Take, for instance the Vienna hausmeister, the janitor of Amer ican cities, but a dignified, glori fied, useful and even courteous janitor. It was his custom to open the doors of apartment houses af- A Inham* Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Florida Washington Fli o Prln M“ m,e. M, No h tUy t D n «>i AttWte tried | at Y. JL C. A. f-2l-c I to select men who will work to gether and In Neale, Kellison, and By Condo LOST — HANDSOME BROWN j Thomas It Is thought that a well fur neck piece, last Wednes- 1 balanced staff has been chosen. . day night. Finder call 1553 and I Virginia’s first bssebair game u. receive reward. f-19-p Wanted JVANTED- AN INSTANTANEOUS Si ; gas. heater. W. T. Collins. Phohe 1170. -• Wanted—House to' house -k . -i, , r- o Virginia's first baseball —ill be played against New York University on March 2S. Pitchers nnd catchers began training yes terday under “Pop” Lannigan and Coach Neale will hnve tho ground hroVtn for him when he arrives with over three weeks before tho first game Is to be played. men to | avenutfl j $64.00 weekly, apply 8 till 2 p. m. at, For Sale RAILROAD SCHEDULES FOR SALE — FORD COUPE. I ukcil one year, call 552, between ! 2 end 3 p. m., or after 6 p. m. I $275.00 cash. f-19-P i FOlt SALE—A v'x tur'uig -w^Knlght, or C. h new Packard single car. See Golden l. Phlnixy. f-21-c For Rent—Rooms .SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. v-.ihbnnnd Southbound 9:55 a Atlanta-Monroe l’c’l 6:15 p 2.-40 p AU.-Birm.-Mem. 3:20 2:40 p Norfnlk-Uirh.-N. Y. 3:20 p 7:55 p Atl-Abbeville l’c’l 7:30 '1:24 p Atl.-Birmingham 5:29 11:24 r Norfolk-Wash. 5.29 11:24 p Wilmington-N. Y 5:29 a *— an© /tiR. CH^eaf cone [ > THOUGHT YOU jo\AS(Z TO CHUGQ’S. o A*ys> isos cavn qo o,, ova3i£ ths M^rref? WHfCiS iwe'Rs THtsRS To <a©TH«<5 . FOR UFNT—Two furnished room • apartmenf. Location close in. Apply W. B. Magoy at Bernstein Bros. f-28*c h FOR RENT—TWO LARGE UN FURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, all modern oon venlences, garage. 9S5 S. Baxter street Phone S63-J. f-20-c Miscellaneous COMMUTATION ROAD TAXES for 1923 now due, and payable afcomnilsslonera' Office In Clarke County Court House, M-9-C GEORGIA RAILROAD Arrive Depnrt 7:20 pm ' 8:20 am 12:10 pm 2:25 pm CENTRA! OF OF.ORG!A RY. Central of Georgia Station Depart /nr Macon 7:30 a. m„ 4:45 p. ir.. Arrive from Macon 12:10 p. m., 9:3C p. m. For further Information phone J. Y. Bruce, C. A., phone 640. W. O. Belton, Agent, phono 1661. THE SALVATION ARMV TRUCK, for collection of old. newspapers, , macazIneS, clothing and waste ma- ** terlal, will be in Athens Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th, w 20th, and 21st. If you can help r. this work of helping others, phone " 1481 and the truck will call. f-20-c Auto Runs Over Augusta Woman I AUGUSTA, .Ga.—Mrs. Margaret whcl was Injured In nn nu- tomobllo accident here early Satur day nftemon died at 4:10 o’clock. Ml»s Bonnlo Itncece, who was driv ing the ma/'hfne whif’h ran over Mrs. Laroque Is being held under bond of $10,000 rhargef with Involuntary mm slaughter. INFLUENZA FROM NEGLECT ED COLDS GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedules Leave Athens Arrive 7:45 A. hi.* *6:20 P. M. 10:45 A. M.** **10:10 A. M. * Daily. ** Daily Except Sunday long to produce a apert sensation. It so happens that golf came to the front with the first unuSual happening in sportdom. , .Reference ia made to the recent defeat at Bclleair, Fla., of Glenna Collett, U. S. woman golf cham pion, by “Grandma” Fox. ' In the Bellcair tourney, Mrs. Fox turned in a eard of 40-39 for a 79, while the best Miss Collett SOUTHERN RAILWAY No. 6 leaves Athens 8:00 a. m. arrives Lula 9:40 a. m. No. 8 leaves Athene 4:15 p. m., arrives Lula 6:43 p. n. No. 7 leaves Lula 6:55 p. m., arrives Athens 8:30 p. m. No. 50 leaves Lula 10:05 a. m. arrives Athens 11:40 a. m. G. B. AHll®** c - A ” Athens, Ga., Telephone 81. For Economical Trans portation CHEVROLET “TERMS” RHODES MOTOR CO. Ston your coughs and colds be-1 f Biro they become serious. If neg-(! lictcd they lead to influenza, la grippe, asthma and bronchitis. Thro generations of users have testified to the quick relief given hr Foiey’s Honey and Tar from coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest and bronchial trouble. Largest celling cough medicine in the World. Mrs. S. L. Hunt, Cincin nati,-Ohio, writes: “Foley* Honey and Tar cured me of a hacking cough, wheezing and Fain in chest.” Refuse substitutes. Sold everywhere,—(Advertisement.) For Health and Vigor Eat BENSON’S ,j. Wholewheat Bread Your Grocer Has It ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE Rookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting Save 60% of expenses by at tending this school. The grad uate^ of the Athens Business Collate always get the best po sition. Every Graduate em ployed. Write for information today. Box T4S. Athens, Ga. EKAY - JOT?, (WKTWr ' Fine Painting and Inteno- Phone 280, Athens, Ga. Year Tourist Fares TO Georgia Havana Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi New Mexico North Carolina Oregon Sruth Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia VIA Georgia Railroad Atlanta & West Point R. R. Western Railway of Alabama Liberal time limit and stop-over privileges. For further information applv to J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A*& 714 Healey Building, Atlanta, Gd. -1 - • m 1979 Banner-Herald Subscribers Have a $1000 Accident Policy 'fi Are you insured against Travel Accidents? AUSTIN SIAM LEAGUE BY SPIRIT If you are a subscriber to the Banner-Herald you can get with out extra cost to you a $1,* Travel Accident Policy Free c ST. LOUIS.—Jimmy Austin Is to again be a member of tho Browns. His Hiftnori contract lias Just been received at the offices of tho local American Longue club. rant 40 years Tf age. having out lived his usefulness as n regular, Jimmy Austin la still regarded as a most valuable asset by the owners of the Browns. IIow come? Business Manager Bobby Quinn, who directs tho affairs of the club, explains everything in a few words: “The spirit of Austin makes him a valuable man to tho Browns. A player like Austin means much to a tpatn. In victory he fights, in dr feat he fights,even harder. "The spirit of Austin becomes the spirit of the Browns.* Austin is car ried because he Is an optimi3t who believes only in victory. Ills cheery words on the coachinu linen arc of-, ten far more valuable to the ip/>rale of a ball club than a cluster of base hits." • There you have the reason for Jimmy Austin’s presence In the line- % up of the St. I«ouIs Browns, hto fighting spirit. The case of Jimmy Austin should serve as a model for every ambitious youngster breaking into the majors. Never u groat ball player, Aqstin mad., himself a most valuable .man because- ho was always trying, giv ing his bent. Stribfing Declared To Be IneUgible The Banner-Herald pays your premium as long as you are a sub scriber to the Banner-Herald and not in arrears /on your- subscrip tion. . If you are not insured, in vestigate this offer at once. It costs you nothing. ATLANTA, Ga.,—Coach W. A Alexander of Georgia Tech, arbitra tor for the Georgia Inter-scholastic athletic association in regard to the eligibility cf \V. L. (“Young”) Strlb- ling of Lanier high school, Macon, made ppblio his decision Saturday. He declared that Stribling Is Ineli gible to r!a> with his team In Indi vidual game cr In the coming tour nament. The ground for the decision were given n * the fact that W. L Stribling cannot qualify as an amt under the rules of the (T. f. A. Call up Phone 75 and ask for circulation manager.. He will be glad to tell you about the Banner- Herald plan of insuring its read ers against Travel Accidents. HAS FOX RANCH Prof. P. O. Vaonattcr of Ath ena lias received an inteftitfng clipping from the Philadelphia Daily Record discussing tho rapid Society to Conduct “Reign of Terror” SACRAMENTO. Cal.—An inMr .caret fn 0 rinal the Mr X £ in Canada. Mr. Vannatter's ne-1 l0 eorry on , M ter . phew, Blake Vanaatter. Is a widely I ror, intiodin* muImUm of jurku nnd known fdfc rancher. An exhibition j bomMss of * boiidinc « ■ nun. or was recently held In Toronto, IQO | «|>c«lin* _ t. W. w. prosecution i. w. E. sliver black ftmes were shown. Of ^T^ J£*£"S I, £ e ^ an estimated value of perhaps ai M ^ g«ard»TntL t,i»i m fire million dollars, demonstrating tbslHL. charred ,w«?nr , K c» growth of she industry. forala coeuncrelsl ,ya4lc*-;n set. , Hie Banner-Herald 75 —