Newspaper Page Text
If all the small birds wet ? destroy -
•d in Athens and its vlclm >\ in ten
ears' time not one green thing wot.'d
>0 gorwing over the entire area thus
deprived of bird life.
A few years ago a body «.f faint
's In Australia killed every bird *n
the area of land they were cultlv
church Friday evening at the home •
of Miss Estelle Wilson. Misses Es
telle and Marie Wilson assisted in I
entertaining the guests. I
The rooms were beautifully deco- |
rated In Valentine symbols and rod 1
and white erepo paper in very offec- I
} live arrangement.
I Several Interesting contests, hunt-
I mg the heart, and others with the
Valentine Ihjx afforded great pleusute ]
The friends of Mr*. Coke
madge will regret to leurn ■
critical Illness.
Three year* later that area Ju»d and amusement. Mr. Mario
as the
i called
unt of 7
f Mrs. tJeorge *
Office J20J—Ry MRS. ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832.
land acre fo,
ve elsewJ*-.
^ ^i^ve•.! by aerioiui
roubles; u»r nightly— .
<Jit! 17 Million Jan (Jltd Yoailj
Blow. Uluw. thoi
Thou art imt h<
Ah benefits forgot;
Thy tooth is not so keei
tflou axe not seen
breath be
I Tb
Most ofl ns eat too
hastily and Ido not
chew our food'enough.
If people realized
how much more good
their food would do
them if properly
masticated, and followed up
with a bit of WRIGLEY’S to
assist the digestive process,
we’d have far better health.
Keep teeth clean, breath
sweet, appetite keen and diges
tion good with WRIGLEY’S.
WRIGLEY’S is the perfect gum,
made ol purest materials, *
In modern, sanitary
The Flavor
The Great
Freeze. Freeze, thou bltte
That doth not bite mo ii
As benefits forget;
Though thou tins waters warp,
sting is not so sharp
I As friend remembered not.
1 —'#3—
Health Iuim been an all important
subject in the course of study in The
Mary Ann Lipscomb Elementary
The first term was devoted to an
interesting Journey to Heulth land.
The Health Rule* were faithfully
kept by the majority of the children,
and the fifth grade were the success
ful winners of the race, their weekly
records showing the most faithful ob
servance of the rules.
The interest of the children and
the spirit with which they have en
tered Into.this work has been most
gratifying. That they faithfully jKjr-
the Health duties Is shown l»y
their increase in weight from month
month, and their Increase in
height since September.
The work for the second term Is
The Modern Health Crusade. Tills
liegun this week, und will close
l the last week of school. Then all
those who have performed ench
week the minimum amount of re
quired Health chons will be award
ed at the commencement exercises.
Pins, certificates and tiles of Squires.
Knights etc. No Crusader of old ever
entered Into the fight with more en
thusiasm or determination to win
than has these Modern Crusaders of
Lucy Cobb entered Into this fight
against disease and germs. tEven
the youngest little girls In the scln*ol
are working with all their might,
and we know that victory is in store
for them.
As an introduction to their Health
work they are presenting next week
ft. delightful Health Progrnm in three
Part 1. Modern Health Crusaders.
Part II. Med Piper of Health.
Part III. A Day !.i Ilappyland.
Those plays will be presented In
the school room and because of lack
of space for a large audience two
performances will be given.
Thursday. Feb. 22 la the day. This
being George Washington’s birthday,
will be n holiday for most of the
:hildren In the city.
There will be no holiday at Lucy
Cobb. The school hours of the Mary
Ann Lipscomb Elementary School
will go on nsjjsual. But at twelve
• o'clock the regular lessons will be
I suspended and the rest of the school
| day given over to the presentation
.of this charming Health program.
' This performance will bo given for
children only. No grown people will
bo allowed. An admission of ton
cents will bo charged all children
except those enrolled In Lucy Cobb
and It is hoped that tho children
of the other schools will bo able to
attend and enjoy' with -these small
Lucy Cobb girls the great work of
That the parents und older friends
of tho children may see what they
are doing in Health work, an after
noon performance will be given at
five o'clock for their benefit. Only
udults will 1*. admitted to this per
formance. no children, npil the ad
mission will be fifteen cents.
Every one who attends will be en
tertained by theso Health plays, and
all are urged to attend to encourage
the children as well ns enjoy and
beoomo interested in the work of
There Is up expense Involved In
purchasing Health material, hence
the sninll admission.
If the people of South
and Georgia had. conserved the na-J
tlve birds, there would today be m* .
pest of Im.II weevils.
. We must care for the birds. learn
their habit*, encourage them to stay |
with u*. and be their true friends |
not only because they will save «»uf .
farms, orchards, and, gardens from ! '
pests, but because they will j
distributed th<
dque way. Thirty guests enjoyed
e lovely party.
Mrs. Golden Knight will entertain
her bridge club Monday night which
will assemble the members for a
lovely social occasion, when the usual
delightful} hospitality of the home
will be extended. /
tame and gentle as to give 1 Whatever we lacked of joy in the
us the Joy of their trust and intimacy. J Lenten season is at hand. For Mrs.
A blue bird felt so sure of *he good i Edward Brown arrived Saturday to
will of a little girl in Worcester, 11* the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Rich-
Mass.. that it would light on i ef, ard Johnson. Atlanta has never
shoulder and sit there, without fear, j quite accepted the fact that Mrs.
The little girl actually went through I Brown is no longer one of us and
every room of a large public seined j "It* waiting luttiently for the day
with the blue bird nestleji peace- | when her radiant and beloved pros-
fully on her shoulder, and the tiny ence will be counted once more
creature felt so sure of Its nufety as I among the city's assets. Of a brll-
to make no effort to fly away. There | Haney of intellect. « personality
are many, many instances like this J which glows ami engulfs all else,
wherein the birds have been famf'iar j Mrs. Brown bought to her every
Blends with persons patient, gentle, j task of leadership (by the way. these
ml kind enough to “**“ 41 * t “"
in th*;lr confi
donee. They have l>een frequently
known to perch on the hand or tho
shoulder and to take a bit of sugar
or food from the lips of some one
worthy of their confidence.
Tho bolntllnk, so prized i:»
England for its ecstatic song, iii
southern rice fields where it Hops on
Its migration to feast ou the ric-- is
killed by the hundreds—or used to
be—and served on the table as a
duinty morsel.
The owl Is said to avoid the i.glil,
but I put up a box tn a tree near
my house, which a young screech owl
took possession of for his dwelling.
Every afternon about throe o clock
he would sit in the entrance, wrh.cli
faced west, and watch the sua de
scend tho sky until it disappeared be
low the horizon.
'oiihtantly thrust upon
while she made her home In Atlanta)
a perfectly winsome manner which
made humble or great equally com
fortable in her presence. Social, lit
terary and art circles will welcome
the sight of this magnetic woman,
even In a stay however brief, and
th«i ; charitable afafirs will recall her un
failing helpfulness in tho furtherance
of their ambitions. The Needle-
workers* Guild, which annually dis
tributes thousands among institution!!
of helpfulness in Atlanta,' was or
ganised In the drawing room of Mrs.
Brown's home In Peachtree street.—
Sunday American.
Dr. Paulin of Atlanta is in the
on professional business.
Birds In the summer season destroy
many hurtful insects; but they do
even a greater service In winter by
eating tho eggs of certain Insect
pests concealed In the bark of trees
M. A. B.
. A very enjoyable social affair of
the past week was tho pretty party
given for the young people's mis
Mrs. Edward Brown of Washing
ton, D. C. t has returned to Atlanta
accompanied by MIsj Natalie Bocock
who will visit Mrs. R,chard John
ston for several days. Mr*. Brown
wan the guest of Mrs. YT. II. Bo
cock while here.
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. FitzGerald of
Boston have arrived In the city for
and Indefinable stay. Mr. FitzGerald
will open a recruiting station for the
Navy* in the Post office building.
The friends of Mrs. F. L. Slnymak-
er will regret to learn of her con
tinued (lines?!. She won carried to
Atlanta Monday afternon accompan
ied by Cap't. Slaymnker to consult
a nerve specialist. Their little child-
slonary society of Oconee Street ren left for Montgomery. Ala., to be
Children’s Garb Recalk Quilting Party
Mrs. Gordoji t'an-o* who
guest of Mrs. Rosa D.lHnll \v.
to Savannah Monday! ott ac<
the death and funeral
J. Baldwin. Mr. (’arson was asso
ciated for several years in business
with Mr. Baldwin In New York be- j
fore he retired last year. 1
—UP— • 1
Friends of Mrs. George J. Baldwin,
formerly Miss Lucy Harvey Elull at J
Savannah will he saddened to learn !
of her death In New' York on Hatur- {
day. The funeral will take place
Tuesday In Savannah. Mrs. Baldwin
was a relative of Misses Annie and
Lucy Linton and Mr. Hu! Linton, and
frequently visited here.
Mrs. Lula McEntfrc <'fail* ft of Dal
las. Texas, who Is the guest of Mrs. ,
W. M. Smith and other relatives
leaves this week for Charleston to
visit Mrs. Calllnrd Indore returning
Mr. John R." Northeutt returned *
Sunday night from Atlanta.
•Mrs. Roy Brooks of Monroa 1* the
guest of Mrs. L. E. Brooks.
I ... .. '...—SB—.
Mbs Eva Dye and Miss Lurllnc
Barrptt spent Sunday with Mrs.
Weehunt of Oconee Heights. ]
—EH— '
Mr. Ed Houle who was serloftisly tn- i
Jured In an automobile acrldcmt Sun-
day afternon was resting comfort
ably Monday morning at the Geaeral -
hospital which his friends will be * I
pleased to learn. ^ ■
Cnptain and Mrs. Wester of Klber-
ton were guests of Mr. und Mrs. Win*
der Wester Sunday.
Friends of Mrs. McBride Howrell
will regret to b am of her Illness at
her home on Milledge avenue.
. —®—
Mr. Ed Turner has returned from
Mrs. Davis of Oxford Is the guest
of Mr. nntl Mrs. Glenn Davis on
Cobb street.
PALACE- Tuesday
From the popular story by
Mary Rouerts Rinehart
Colleen Moore and John
Here’s Your Chance To Laugh
Milton Silk
Alice Terry—Rodolph
"The Forgotten
“The Four
elub In the State of Georgia, and rhalrir
keep up tho fight until every whlto
man ami woman Iii your community
lx registered! Lose no time. 'The
King’s business requlrcth haste’! Be
^ , 100 per cent registered and ready to
The friends of Dr. and Mrs. Jerre vote on any subject and for good.
Pound are sympathizing with them j honest, sober, Christian officers,
In the death of Mrs. Aldlnc Pound ‘ when the time comes." This Is the
of Atlantu on Sunday. The funeral i clarion call gone forth from
vlll tuke place in Uarnesvlllc.
Mr. E. R. Brooks, of Marshall. Tex.,
and - Mr. Gordon Brooks, of Corbin,
Kentucky, have returned to their
respective homes after a visit to their
parents,. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brooks
of Arnoldsvllle.
i ,'V
not too late
Women who have lost their complexions need
not despair. See what proper care will. do.
The best way known to keep complexions is
the best way to restore them.
That way is utter cleanliness, plus palm and
olive oils. Countless wpmen everywhere now
follow that way to beauty..
How to apply
The best way to apply those (actors is in
Palmolive Soap. The test of time has proved
that. This has become, through unique re
sults, the leading toilet soap of the world.
It was perfected by experts who had spent a
lifetime in the study of facial soaps. And
nothing else known has done so much to
foster woman’s beauty.
Does two things
Palmolive Soap is penetrating. It goes to the
depths of the pores. That is essential, for
clogging matter ruins skins.
Then it applies, in a modern form, the two
supreme cosmetics. Those are palm and oUve
oils. Those soften and preserve the bloom and
texture as nothing else will do.
This soap has won a world-wide fame by do
ing what you want done.
A lesser soap, used on the skin, does you an
Volume and efficiency _
10 c
Palm and otic* oU*—
nothing else—give
Nature's green color
to PolmoUve Soap.
The newest, smartest, piettiest
dresses for Utah* girls recall the
products of the o:d-tinic quilting
The materials are crepes in ddep
rose, Chinese blue or gold color.
The only trimming is the littl**
white tuft* of tied yarn, making
« regular pattern.
Among the many now garment"
for tho little tines are romper
dresses—like tho one sketched—
with short bloomers »lmt show «»
tumod*back cuff beneath tho skirt
The plain coat Shown Is of cam
els-hair; the dress-up coat fit u
State chairman of American Citizen
Lot us go to Romo with our DIs-
trlrt 100 per rent registered. Every
club that can go to Comer next May
with Its community 100 per cent will
receive a badge of distinction. Write
me your plan If you succeed that
tho Constitution may publish It fot
the benefit of other clubs. You are
steward!! of a priceless treasure—
American Citizenship— In the exer
cise of which, every noble condition
of life Is met—public, domestic, so
cial, spiritual.
Study your community problems,
and do your best to solve them. Your
community owes you protection, lib*
erty and the pursuit of happiness.
In turn, you owe It compensations.
, In no other way can you serve P
Sanders, District qu,t " “ cff,c,cnI,y “ the "° ,,s '
As i wrote you before, use tot
your course of study this year ths
one arranged and edited by Dr. T.
J. Woofter, Unlversty of Georgia,
Athens, Ga. The Woman’s Homs
VAN-NIAL Satisfies
Eighth District
Club Women
100% Registration
Chairman, Urges That
Club Women Get Active
Along This Line.
In order to stimulate Interest in
the American Citizenship campaign
being waged by the Woman’s Club
of the state Mrs. 0\ M. Sanders, of
Monroe, chairman of the Eighth Dis
trict committee, has sent out a warn
ing to all dnb members to get busy
and In a communication to the Ban
ner-Herald has the following to say
to the club women of this section:
"To arms! every federated woman’s
citizenship aaa.1 qtmr«
She cannot watch over and di
rect you unless you report to her.
(L*od citizenship requires that wa
sawedly and wisely watch the mov*
ing pictures until they have been#
purged of evil. Let dub women M-
cure the co-operation and confidence
of tin* exhibitors. The movies art
here to stay. They have a most
telling influence on our communities*
Lot iih make them educative and up*
lifting. _
Charged With
Accepting Bribe
WASHINGTON—Carrol F. Rhodes,
an auditor In the Income tax unit of
the Bureau of Internal revenue was
held in $5.00 bail by the United
Star s er mmlssloner here late Satur
day. v Larged with soliciting and ac*
ropting a bribe to Influence him Id
his decision on a tax case.
If yon are 1 of the 95 in erery 100
who suffer from Dandruff or some
companion has a most helpful page scalp trouble, just try Hahdeen, for
each month on citizenship. Bogin 1 if ft fells to give jroa perfect satisfaction,
your preparations to observe Citizen• rear dealer le authorized to ebeerfonrre*
ship Day. July the Fourth. ILOO, the cost vt all-ea bottle.
: /. . , ,, I At all Barber Bhope, Hair Dreealnj
Arc you striving to .each the \ Drur mnd Department file
"Standard of Excellence" tv.* adopt- ‘‘Somethins DiffcreaL**
ed at Madlaon last May? Remember I
(his l.i our goal. Do not forget tl.e f ,, ,7
rufiitir that you must report t> yeut ! VAN-NIAL Never Disappoints
$5.00 to $15.00
Sport Hats $2.50 to $6.50
Tile Style Shop maintains the Urgent ami most complete
stock of millinery to be found anywhere. Whether it be a
stylish hat or a material or novelty to adorn it with wc have
Sec Our Spring Showing—Outclassing All
Our Past Efforts.
The choice of Women Who Know Style
buy ,where the Best Hats are made.
We Remodel Old Hats.
221 Clayton Street
SMichael Brothers
‘ ’ I
February Clearance Sale
of all (none reserved)
. *The Entire Stock is Offered .
Less 20 Wer Cent
This discount of one-fifth is from prices that hav
existed in our regular stocks 'all season. The prices for next
fall are much higher. So your savings 'will amount to
about half of the new values. Thp there are many cold
nights yet to come if you buy noia and store away for next
fall the investment 'will be a profitable one.
COTTON and WOOL BLANKETS—All Colors-Designs
Cotton and Wool COMFORTS—Silk and Satine Covered
‘TRADING-AT-HOME”—Helps to build your city.
• ‘Mul hrtr insffliQ'1 pnH * { f ' *
The local merchants "deserve your'sitjfpbrt.