Newspaper Page Text
Classified Advertisements
2 Cents a Word
Minimum churn of 40 cent*.
Three time* tor the price of 2H
Insertion*. Seven time* for th*
price of five insertion*.
Ail discontinuances HOST
be made in person at Th*
Banner-Herald Office or
by letter. Telephoa* discon
tinuances are NOT valid.
Scant Hope For
British Mediation
In Ruhr Is Seen
Continued from page one)
O^FIOO Diamond Candidates
Report for Practice Monday
. Winner
Georgia Has Chance To Win
Series Against A. A. Clubbers
The Weather
South Carolina -and GEORGIA:
Fair tonight and Wednesday, little
change in temperature.
Florida: Fair tonight and Wcd-
neadny; slightly warmer tonight.
Alabama: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday slightly warmer tonight
near the coast.
French step, but that opposition
apparently could accomplish little
or nothing inaimuch'as the pride
'of F.ance in forcing the Germans
I to terms has been aroused. lie
'pointed out that France already
had refused to look kindly on in-
; tervention by the League and sug
gested that , she would hardly be
amenable to sueh a step now.
Mr. Lloyd George, whose sojourn
in the wilderness. has resulted in
no impairment cf hm parlinlontary
presence, declared that the French
With Promise of Warm ^dr a ' keU and the " what hap '
Weather Coming Coach' up went the Bulldog elevator
White Sends Candidates
Thru Light Practice. Saturday n:gnt iraeas, 29-28.
Now following this dope Geor-
If Georgia rucceeda in taking
the game with the Atlanta Ath
letic Club Thursday night ut the
Moss auditorium n record of
many long years’ standing will be
smashed in that the CltfbUeis will
have dropped both games against
the local collegians.
gin is scnmuieu to score -aoout
minus three gcals next Thursday
mght. ’mat is unless the rteshics
get in there and hand them
clean licking belore that time.
But is the last game at home
its one of the biggest on the
schedule and there is no law re-
... . , , , ; uuiruig them to lose one nignt ana
Georgia won the game played in win the nex t so maybe tnat oiu
Atlanta by the score of .14 to JO j lnx w „| t,e tumbled oli and some
but according to the style of play
Lodt And* Found
■tiro' for Overland 90. Return to
Singer Sewing Machine Office and the '
;g*t reward. f-2Z-c by the U
action was both,short sighted, un- *** th * ,?“ Tldo * a
fortunate and unwarranted and! '"° st t , h ? u tf aa0 " thc y . ,,rc du <‘
that the way was open to disaster. /["" ont> _V? e^ry'Other-gania
1 $6 bills Monday afternoon in the
business section. Return to Ban-
nor-Herald for reward.
young lady in candy business for
Opr new place, corner College
avenue and Washington street.
Athens Candy Kitchen. f-21-c
"for sales work. Must be free to
-travel. Apply to room No. 38,
' Marian Hotel, from 8 to 9,A. M.,
•4 to 5 P. M. f-22-p
books and magazines. Phone
1847. Wo will send for It. f-22-p
Wanted — to buy waste
'paper, pasteboard, iron, brass,
[ copper and rags. Phone 1847.
[ FOUR room house preferably
. was ope
He asserted that the
reparations appaietly was not the
only object France had in view.
Going for the motion, the for
mer Prime Minister said he was
asking Mr. Bcnar Law to take im
mediate and with the cooperation
of the United States a step calcu
lated to save the siutation. Weal
thy America he declared still had
share in the responsibility for
present conditions, because moraU
ly it had Accepted the entire situa
tion.. Mr. Lloyd George 'expressed i
that Frame pstitipn-l
United States and Great
Britain could not fail to listen to
nations that had put her in,the
position o^fa conqueror. He en-
tricated the government to take
the iniatlve, first by approaching
the United States- and then with
that country approaching France.
Although the sentiments em
bodied in the joint amendment un
doubtedly were approvi J by a ma
jority of the ousc, its passage
would have represented censure
from the government and' would
therefore have meant the govern
ments fall. ,
Wide sashes of satin ribbon, with
enda that reach below the hem of
the aklrta, are worn on the now
black satin and lace frocks. Near
ly every gown. If It la dark in
tone. Is brightened by some vivid
touch of color. Jade green, coral
and Alice blue are tbe most popu
lar shades for these sashes.
NEW YORK—Sterling exchange
mounted to another high record
today, demand bills being quoted
at 4.70 13.18.' This represents an
overnight advance of nearly a cent
and is the highest rate recordod
new Ag. College"See 0;'<TChlS'•>««• «» . aBMdwiment of th*
- wood 721 S. Lumnkin St. P-21 -1> pegged rate’/of 476 fn March 1919.
r—i — The normal) or par rat* la 486 6-8
' furnished ' rooms, excellent ■
| meals, steam heat, hot and cold |
water, tub and shower baths at i
' ell times. Very reasonable rates. |
Apply 258 W. Dougherty St. f-28-p
rooms (or light housekeeping
refined couple with
-reasonable, by rerraca
X*on 14, box 867, City.
furnished rooms, excellent meal*,
steam best, hot and cold water,
ib and shower baths at all times.
* 'Yery reasonable rate*. Apply
~ West Dougherty Street f-18-p
For Rent—Rooms
Yorthbomid Southbound
0:fi5 a Atlanta-Monroe l’c’l <5:1S p
2:40 p Atl.-Birm.-Mem. 3:20 p
2:40 p Norfolk-Rlch.-N. Y. 3:20 p
.7:66 p Atl.-Abbeville l’c’l 7:80 a
II:24 p Atl.-Hirmlngham 6:29 a
11:24 a Norfolk-Wash. 6.29 a
11:24 p Wilmington-N. T 6:29 *
Arrive , Depart
7:20 pm 8:20 am
12:10 pm *
slumps Thursday night
This elevator stunt on the part
of the Georgians started when the
basement was hit against Auburn
in the. second game of the series
which was played in Auburn und
the Plainsmen won handily by
about the score of 46 to 1C. On the
following night the Atlanta club
was beaten in fairly easy style and
then came the Mercer series.
In the initial game last Friday
night the Baptists had the Geor
gians completely at their mercy,
holding the Red and Black to three
ut that old iignt that showed it
self against Auburn here, Mercer
Saturday and the club in Atlanta
will come to the surface again and
the season will close with u glori
ous VKtoiy over tne old time At
lanta opponents.
A set-up affair for the Fresh
man team will probably be arrang
ed for 7:30 and the b:g fireworks
will get under way at 8:30. The
cardboaids will be 21.00 and the
few hundred reserved scats will be
offered a couple of hours at Cos
ta’s Wednesday utternoon at 3
o’clock and again 'ihursday after
There’s only a limited number of
reserved seals. Don't delay.
By M. S. COOK'
Over one hundred juseball as
pirants for tbe benus on tbe var
sity and freshman nines reported
to coach Bill White Monday.
Light setting op exercises on
Sanford Field, Monday afternoon,
on a college diamond in the sontb.
All of tho three players Just men- I
tloned batted well over the covet- ‘
ed .300 mark Ip 1922 and with
unusually fast in tue outer gar
Pat Powers will shoulder the
major portion of tbe catching du
marked the initial workout of the ■ ties this year as Eddie Rawson
candidates for the varsity nine, failed,to return.
These exercises will be continued Joste Watson and DeLacey Alleh
for a few days until the men get are well known on tne Southeru
In shape. . [college diamond und both are capa
Coach White waa satisfactorily I ble and fast men on the infield,
impressed with the number of men I With such a haraf schedule
dut for both the varsity and fresli- ahead Coach White isieavlng noth
man nines. |fng undone In the training pro-
Wlth the exception of the first a " d '*' B n ee, "K « V *J*
and third base positions coach |f? ad da l ' a 1 * T 1 8n l ;
White has almost a veteran squad 8 * 10w whet he has in the lino of
John Fletcher, of football tame,
Philpot and Mlddlebrooks are some
of tbe many promising candidates
for the Infield position. Much
By M. 6. COOK
Coach White Issued hla call for
iMUleCge Avenue; modem con-1
dance*, aultabt* for two famlUee i
oliable rent Albert 8. Davi- :
For Rent
level land, new fonr-room house,
nty wood. Not far out J. T.
demon. Phone - 846. f-10-p
Room house with bath. Near
al School. See W. T. Flor-
or phone 1769-W. 'f-25-p
For Sale
ilaht. or C.
FURNISHER) rooms, suitable for
•keeping, all modem con
. garage. 986 8. Baxter
one 863-J. f-20-C
SALE—A new Packard single
touring car.. Bee Golden
“l N. Phlnliy. Lll-e
Central of Georgia Station
Depart for Macon 7:80 •. UL,
4:43 p. m.
Arrive from Macon 12:10 p. ul,
9:3C p. m.
For further information phone
| J. Y. Bruce, C. A., phone G40.
FARM, i W. O. Bolton, Agent, phone 1661.
Leave Athens Arrive
7:45 A. «.» *5:20 P. M.
10:46 A. M.** **10:10 A. M.
* Dally. ** Daily. Except Sunday
No. 6 leaves Athens 8:00 a. m.,
arrives Lola 0:40 n. m.
No. 8 leave* Athena 4:16 p. m.,
arrive* Lula 8:46 p. pi.
No. 7 leaves Lqla 6:55 p. m-,
arrive* Athena 8:80 p. m.
No. 60 leaves Lola 10:06 a. m.,
arrives Athens 11:40 a. m.
Miller. C. A., Athens, Gi-
Teienlmnn 81.
Reporta from MacMl incident to
the freo-for-somc-figkt that fol
lowed the winning of the basket
ball gamo by Georgia over Mer
cer are both humorous and other- —
wise. 'candidates for tbe 1923 Freshman
It seems that the Instant tho nine, and sixty nrst year men re
blank shot was fired ending the sponded.
game some two or three leading A hard schedule Is now In the
Mercer players hopped'on Marshal process of making, in which the
the referee, and were In the act representative freshman teams'
of cuffing him right and left when throughout the South will be met.
‘‘cooler” beads intorferred. !. most of the freilDnan nine of
o,.. 1928 will try for tho varsity next
»u?on* enneh n i# P^ P, ~e«ioii close attention w.ll bo given
n ‘nf nn hi. h h« t n u M whne’.™fn* ^ 1,18 fre,hmin team this spring.
nrnreeJ .id «# and * ■*»»* flr,t fetT t8am W|U
p r<rte, ct tho referee and get the be put into the field
maddened crowd off the floor. Th« majority of the freshmen
.u Cl ^ nnt ? ne ’J’n C . h,D * •.'* battling for bertn* on this year’s
the Bulldog baseball team. Is sa d nlne hM , already bad much ex
to have emerged from the audl- perlenco which was gained while;
torium at a two-twenty clip and either at tho prep or the hlgbi
some kindly “old stude" seeing the schools. Some of the men are:
Goorgia colors floating from his Richardson. Gaines, BloUnt, Brown,
lapel hailod him from a Packard Oliver, Nelson, Russell, . Tippin,
with the noerty. “want to ride ‘ and Satlof.
down towh" and “Panny” 1* 01- - —
leged to hdve replied, “No thanks,
I’m In a hurry.”
Marshall was escorted to . the
hotel and was catching an tarly
train about eleven o'clock but tho ' new YORK.—Four negroei
departure of that Jacksonville grandmother, daughter and two
limited meant nothing In hi sper- esndsone—perished In - a Brooklyn
turbed lire until two of Macon’s * *", a '
| .. it . |4 — — —.. 'rniinil On i tOtttl Of firO lUtlllltlCK III (fOAtCF
burliest policemen came round to New Vo rk dulna the coldest week-
escort him to tho depot. Some ofI end of the winter,
those athletic events In Macon are j Twenty-five perished if the Man
great events, if you' don’t weaken. I h»tt»n etsta hospital for (he Insane
Georgia is said to have had five , nn w * rd * 1 ** and ' J
fouls called on her while Morcer A wom » n dropped .dead from heart
available for this spring's cam
Those men on last year's team
who are back are: Powers, catch- „„
e I’-.'Y ataon ’'.?. ? nd base; Alien, credit and prestige is due Coach
shortstop; Cl«rk r centcrflohl; white for his remarkable lrtndlnig
, Tl . 1 . 0 .f n ?.f on ' 'Jsbtfleld; EldHdge, | D f the Georgia nines during the
leftlleld; and Pantone and Sals ; f ew years he has coached at Geor-
pitchers. | gia. Coarh White's moBt rp-
Rawsra, Hutchinson, Thomas, markable feat was his rejuvenation
Boney, Dekle and Frost are the ‘ottthe Georgia nine which won the
ones missing from last year's nine. 1 8 l. A. A. baseball championship
of these Seth Dekle, Georgs 0 f 192"
Thomas, and Jack Frost, all burl- |
era. were lost by graduation.
Coach White's most difficult
task is to And a third baseman
capable of Ailing Hutchinson's
shoes. However there is much
promising material on hand and
tho Coach expects to And little dlf
Acuity in getting the right man for
the position from the list.
J. D. Thomason may be switched
from the outfield to the first base
nosltlon and his outAeld berth giv
en to one of the'candidates for that
In Cliff Pantone, Fred Sale and
Andy Chambers of last year’s
Freshman nine. Coach White pos
sesses a dependable trio of hurlers
hard to be-t. besides Delng able to
rail upon “Padre” Clarke and J. D. I boys from Dacula and this game
Thomas to perform on the mound ended with a score of 30 to 17 In
V Accessary. ' favor of tho visitors.
Tho ontAeld which composed
ST. LOUIS. Mo. - The air
of national aeronautic :i«seiij
will take place here Oc tober 11
and 13 according to thr word W"
,» , celved from headquarters of ih"
Rolf*, slant Newfoundland whd I association at Wisconsin '
is ribbon in bis class at
oner Dog Show In New
won the blue:
the Weatmln*
York City, is shown her* with hi*
mistress, Miss Olodys We'stbr.
Bogart Girls
Defeat Dacula
BOGART. Gae—The Bogart I
Girls' basketball team added an-1
other laurel lo their long list of I
victories by defeating tho strong I
Dacula team here by tbe score of I
16 to 4. Tho first Aalf ended with [
the score standing 8 to 2 in Bo
gart's favor and the local subs
were sent In nt the beginning of |
the second half.
While the girls were winning I
the boy'.s team was having Its I
measure taken, however, by the I
Tom Mix wins
chariot race In “Romanee Land.'
Utilizer trophy race Ik Iic|,| in ’
Junction with the meeting.
, «. MADRID — Gcronlmo Jiminer
four-horse one of the leading Spanish compoj
ere, died tjHlay.
the S. I. A. A. championship nine of
1922 remains Intact.
, Georgia’s outAeld which consists
of. “old tlmOh". Eldridge, “Padre"
Clark, and J. D. Thomason Is one
Your tlnw.rr will keep much l>et- I
ter If you wash II In hot. soapy water
and dry !l with a towel. Drying II
on tho stovo darkens it. und mime* ]
of the best that has .ever played times melts it
'H<SUjO i HCht t 0 i —
Four Negroes Die
As House Bums
This valuable,interest-compelling
book will be sent absolutely without
charge or obligation on your pdrt-
It tells. In plain language, bow
fruit and vegetable growers can in
crease their profits. Tells bow to
dispose of goods in a market that
consume* 8,446,900,000 lbs. of
food studs annually. Explains
selling methods employed by i
moat of tbe large shippers.
Tells how tome concerns in
creased tales 900% or more.
Points out how to receive
the full market price for
your fruits and vegetables. WW
Explains bow toget your money
within twenty-four hours after sale.
Tells how to eliminate rejected cars, ettf.
More Dollars for Fruit Growers
is the title of this interesting book. It it a veritable encyclopedic on the
subject of selling farm products. No matter whether you ore n grower, r.
shipper, a receiver or dealer, you will find this as instructive as n text bwh.
This edition is limited. So write us at once if you wish n ropy. Or lin-
' Without oblifatinr me, kindly •ent.hwil
1 charge, a copy of your hook "More Dnlkn for
J Fruit drawers.
J Name
j Add raw.
j City.
J Stats
was penalized for a total of eight
In the game that cauaed the fight.
But. but GEORGIA won by one
Marshall Is alleged to have been
a great 'official Friday nigbt—re-
ault, Mercer 31, Georgia 11.
The nrrordinn-pteated skirt evi
dently la to take a prominent plart
In aprlnt and aummer fashions, li
Is seen with Eton Jackals, and with
jarquettit blouses and awMtars l>
silk or In wool era pa a.
disease at a fire In her Bronx home.
A throe year old child loat her life
whan a bias* swept a G-story tene
ment on the upper east aide. The
charred body was found In a crib.
NEW YORK—A new hick record
for eterllns exchange since March,
lilt, was made In the local market
Saturday, demand Mila aelllns at
449%: It caht above the previous
record. Further Improvement In the
trade balance combined with tba -sen
timental effect of the United flutes
senate’s approval of the British debt
funding bill Is responsible.
Recruit Refuses Big League
Berth; He’s Not Quite Ready
for 1082 now due, and payablo
t commissioners’ Office in Clark*
ounty Court Hmise. M-9-c
Ford fifty miles oa a gallon gas,
'ce 40. The VIx way. See dem-
•tration. Wednesday* Agent*
^wanted. Walter H. Bishop, Dtstr.,
> Athena Motor Car Co. f-20-c
For Economlcal Trans-
for collectioa cf old news papers,
ntzlnes, clothing and watt* ma-
al, will be In Athena Monday
lay and Wednesday, th* 19th,
. and 2Jst It yon can help
raids work of helping others, phone
S481 and th* truck will call
i :For Health and Vigor
1 f Eat BENSON’S
Wholewheat Bread-
Your Grocer Has It
jg ^7;
HK- i ihLri VfrAv ia
! Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
I Typewriting
| Sava 6076 of Ixpensea \sj at-
: landing till* achool. Th* grad
uates of th* Athens Business
College hlwaya gat tho beat po
sition. Every Graduate em
ployed. Writ* for Information
Bos 748, Athena, Ga.
Drawings By Bill Holman. Verses By Hal Cochran.
r kaauv lx thx goal W svsrr ’Is Ik* year, .bat
.IfriAer. | bud whrx fW mm
Thr Major
■mbftlaur ball
A cbrrcr la wla a berth on a Mt Imam _,„ r
■uolly Jumped at at Ik* Me | n Ike M* minor of thr west ft> terny
praamard rapidly
cloned bn leaked
Ike heat zones ball player developed
Fla* Painting and Intcrio
Phone 280, Athens, . Ga.
It setdem harpena that a Blutr turna
dawn tho ehanc* bcMuat bt doaan’t think Griffith watched Wright for W-
rea*z t. make Ike great Is in*' JfJJ* «ke sad tkea male an offer
wrj«w. , Ikat Dan Johama a
Sueh a player L Glean WtahL km. three playera. while
.City team
He wind
Then he un he will ha certain to 4b»|
liver. . When Wright heard of It to
- - - - -
City eluh, aaya R
player la Glean Wyioto, am^ '™*V»“»“; J*
a* etortelap of the Kaceas i 8 *** J* ij?** -
of the Amerlesoa AeerlMlaa. —*» **M66 •*< playan. Ip
one aura year la ttomlnuta., *■** ** "•* ■ «f money and
■yi to will to eertale to fe-lwan a* took atom the rffe.
A number ed major
eiaba ItehWbaek and teM kba to weald rather
Clarto eeaud* la Ik* neenrlallon eaotaer year
‘*“1 the* to *a to the nujora before to we
Iritd to prtheee tbe younaater.
Griffin of Waaklaatea le raid
efibmd lie.eeo and- tine* pk....
immediate ^delivery. I West fee -IM*. whkb to ih_
Wrlxht k a prodeet *f Mtooert UnL taraed down 4to-1 WeeMostea ML
He. wm eeM to dm ketok a MekMock keUevn iWriaht . will play
Tteaal. toll la Ito qm..toi.a
tmuaaln that to Win brtag a
vanity, rie^waa earn t»l dm
City. Be stede'e let *4 tsltlak*
Thia,plumber is a handy mail, .<•.
•I JflKfelWilSf' 8 P® ak * *
For he’s the follow whom you call
When pipes begin to f
1979 Banner-Herald Subscribers
Have a $1000 Accident Policy
Are you insured against Travel
If you are a subscriber to the
Banner-Herald you can get with
out extra cost to you a $1,000.00
Travel Accident Policy Free.
The Banner-Herald pays your
premium as long as you are a sub
scriber to the Banner-Herald and
not in arrears on your subscrip
tion. If you are not insured, in
vestigate this offer at once. It
costs you nothing.
Call up Phone 75 and ask for
circulation manager. He will be
glad to tell you atyout the Banner-
- Herald plan of insuring its reatl-
eta against Travel Accidents.
The Banner-Herald
> o
Phone 75