The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 20, 1923, Image 3
r,jisictL, ,t •imt/i .tni<4&H-aaviv.Aa ,;.gr TUESDAY, FEtftUAHY Mf IK, fragrant „ard£&1fib!ha6 Jr fre^KlO ttU.f (Ml L<fc 3■«» fern, BurrouncXeU by four small silver ! General hospital where he wan <>l»- utm of the name, flower*. eraled on Friday mornin* for appen- Mrs. Hollins Sanaett. slater of the I dlcltla. hoKteiut, poured coffee. Mrs. Holiest* n was ’gowned In henna lace. Those present were Mrs. Haden Jones, Mrs. I'hll Gravi Ullkt 1201—By MRS. MICE ADAMS—Residence 832. tint tinder President Roosevelt's |n.vplm- tlnn. only 41 American cities had cs- tablihhc'l- supervised ; playgrounds , Idist ; year t02 t itles # maintained I 4.554 . tduygrounas and recreation ' inters v 1th ' 1T.0?!» f saUrlcd play ItMulerv. Thus . selfgiustahilng local movements Tor the n^lntcnance of playgiMund and recreation centers ••an be maintained, to gcconiplisu mis •miavnaly Important work, ‘If only i>ro)i4r encouragement la assured. The APNorlatlou's# department for • • . . . Paysical Kducatlon Service Is effec* f n- iter guests J tiyelv helping to prnmoto physical r-dity. Iii win- • nifuVation of’ boys and girls through with wafer:: '•>' j tin- public schools. In View of Its -K- ; ,re «f doubtful vul tlMir’Iiest will- all l>ecl off fo test • i., s t and best is the pure trun «"ld, ‘ i.rfrhier^grows as friends groa vher And to our • h|IUren we As family treasurers Mrs. fi. L. Moure. 465 Meigs St ■-r — COPV 0^. MMIDENT HARDINO'fLL'ETTER written for chilIrsn's WEEK OF, 1fW. ,• The White House. Washington. Mur. 6, li*22 M> dear My.jLee: Along With all people who love and uri . i:,t. it-«urd iii children, f ha vs j„c, pleased'to note that the week. twenty-ninth t<* May eighth l:a> i.-’on selected by the Playground ar.<» Keereatlon Association for speci al effort in behalf of boys and girls tvi. . need <»ur> apodal thought in or* lies’ tlut they may be Insured a fair , ha nee is life. We arc all too sadly (amiliur with tho great number of accident* to- children playing In the nr*-ts. because they have no other l>la<e to play. We are shocked to U- t.. d. <>ii good authority. that •’•more th;*half of America’s school child* rrn suffer jmtlcul defects.’* We re ran the grim war-time experience, through which tve learned tliat "one- thud of all tho young men examined by American army draft boards were rejected because physically below normal.” Fortunately, we know how much can In? done to remedy' such eulv When the Playground und Recreation Association started Itn work here in Washington in 1906. gr«<«e value tr» the oncoming gene ration, j earnestly recommend, par ticularly during Children's Week, the most generous co-operation with the effort to glvo the boys und girls a chance to develop Into’ the happy und useful citizens our country needs. Very* sincerely. WARKKN G. HARDING. Mr. Joseph Lee, president. Play* I ground and Recreation Association 1 of America, 315 Fourth Avenue. New I York City. did DR. J. D. CONNOLLY i ORGANIZES AUXILIARY m l I TO. D. A. V. I «ast Saturday afternon at three In;/ I o’clock at the Woman's Jiuildlng i there was a meeting held under dl- on. ! rection of Dr. J. D. Connolly, for the *>t/ ! purpoiie of organising an auxiliary to [ tho D. -A. V. Dr. Connolly opened ire. j the session by explaining the pur«- db< | pose of the organization, that is to »neourage the World War Veterans a! to renew thjir War Risk Insurance und to promote the social acquaint* **id J ance or their mothers, wives and daughters. Miss Martha McAlpin, social «]!• rector of the Woman’s Dulldkig made those present feel wolcont* there, and extended them an Invita tion to meet there whenever they wished. She also gave a very help ful talk stressing importance and necessity of correct standing and sit ting posture and of systematic aih- IR leal exercises. Mrs. W. M. Lowry then tool: charge and Miss Pauline McKinley wan elect* * temporary chairman with Mrs J. Boone temporary secretary The following !>ermanc»t officers ere elected: Mrs. J. it. Farr, president. Mrs. W. L.* Austin, vice president. Mrs. W. J. Boone, secretary. An invitation extended by Miss Molina Michael to hold the next meet ing at the Normal School way ac- pled, and it wan decided to meet Winnie Davis Hall on March 10th at 3:30 p. m. All wives of disabled American veterans are invited to be present on that date and become a member of this auxiliary. The following became members on Saturday? Mrs. J. R. FiyT, 124 Baldwin St.| Mrs. J. L. I vaster, 147 Virginia Ave.; Mrs. B. R. Pearson, 170 Baldwin St. Mrs. W. L. Austin, 170 Baldwin St.; Mrs. o. C. Chitw*nod, 724 8. Lumpkin •St.: Mrs. F. C. Randall, 132 Spring- dale St.; Mrs. W. *J. Boone, B. Clover hurst. II norary members—Miss chael/ Normal School: Mil McKinley, 660 Itcese St.; Mrs. -J6. D. OUUIIU, 1,1 i Molna Mi lls* Pauline it. but relief U often brought by— VAPORUB 17 Million Jan Uttd Ycarlj Satisfies VAN-NIAI Alexander. 9C0 S. Lumpkin St.; Mrs '**. M. Lowery. 126 Jfampton Ave. Refreshments were served by Mrs \ M. Lowry ai.d Miss Lucy Wood. MRS. ROLLESTON GIVES OR I DOE-LUNCH EON. An Interesting social affair of Fri day was thq bridge luncheon given by Mrs. More ton Rolleston at her home on Muscogee Drive. The living room with its huge open fire, and masses of spring flowers, presented a sccno of liveliness. The luncheon table was adorned with n large silver basket of pink hyelnths. r ... Mrs. Col- quit Coles. Mrs. Cosby Swanson, Mrs. “ in* E. Allen. Mrs. Harry John son. Mrs. (*aul Dobbins. Mrs. Wll- Harnett, Miss Maud Rolleston. Mrs. Joseph Slattery. Mrs. William Ander son, Mrs. PJaul Dobbins. Mrs. Wil ling Mathers. Mrs. Wallace Daniel. Mrs. Ltlllam L. Henry. Mrs. George Bellinger. Mrs. Hugh Doray. Mrs. IRck Gray. Mrs. Wlllian; Candler.— —Journal. —ffi— MRS. F. E. HUBERT CELEBRATES 78TH BIRTHDAY. Mrs. F. K. Hubert was giv«u a surprise on her seventy-eighth birth day Sunday by her* daughters, wh.» entertained at* a lovely family din ner party at flood In her home. ' The table was beautifully appoint* ed and centered with a large birtn* day cuke topped with a white candle for each year of the honorle s life. A color scheme of yellow apd white was carried out In the dining room, buttercups and jonquils bunk ing the mantle und buffet; the other rooms were graced with spring bps Covers were laid for Mr. i E. A. Cook und family, Mr. D. It. Teal and family. Mr. and Mr**. W. B. Gunnells. Mrs. Addle Tent nn.1 family, Mr. and Mrs. Ira S. Teat and son, Mr. R. M. Hubert of Coco* Sola Canal Zone. Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Hubert and son. Miss Junlnu rim- ny. Mr. Chas. Teat and Mr. Arthur Colley. Many friends of the honoree called during the afternoon to wish for her many nappy returns of the day. ..I- r ‘"Uirrr‘- lnaAthens. Mi*« iCuy- j tie# SJaaTrteiognll^drn* .one bt tho Turkish Women imnutli'a ot her debutante lessen Continued f.-cm page one) '.In New York City and la aald to ' closely renomblo Mrs. H. H. Smith, — who will- be recalled ’aa 'a noted Hanoum. She is reported to have beauty ot lier day. brought him n dowery of 1,000,- 000 Turkish lyra or approximate ly $650,000 at the present late of exchange. The ceremony was in, Turkish style, the two principals taking places before the mufti. Krmal simply declared: j “I have decided to marry Latife ! Hanoum. Will you please neroni Ml». Sarah Swift, of Athena, waa the gueat of friends In Atlanta Krl* dau.—Georgian. VAN-NIAI, Never Disappoints Federal Education Dept. Is Opposed BOSTON—A referendum tskenjpjj g jj necessary ceremonies?’ recently by the chamber of com- ^ Mufti then a( i ( | ro r.Fctl the! merce of the United States result- J woman, saying: | $ GALVESTON, Texas — (By the ed In a'decisive vote against the j «‘j) 0 y Q ., accc pt any husband, Assorlated Press) — Any one pf creation of n federal department j Ghazi jft U8 tapha Kemal F«shi in Mm thousand odd eye witnesses to of education, the Boston chamber rre j urn f ol . a jrjft from him of toil the anti-air craft program of the of commerce affiliated with tne jdmms of silver and on condition sixtieth anti-craft battalion slmu- National organization announced l a nU ptial idenmity as agreed | | ul j nf: warfare with swiftly towed today. itipon by ycu in event of separa-.kites, representing enemy bombing tlcn?" ' | The re|Mlcs concluded tne cei*<‘ mony. Body Of Sucide Is Identified! «. ?r qA Remarkable Sale LADIES and MISSES \ HANDKERCHIEFS 19c Hand Embroidered Irish Lawn in white and colors. Exquisite designs and beautiful [ handwork- Such' ker chiefs usually are sold for 35c. Pure Irish, Li nen *w* broiderech Kerchiefs. This is the most won derful value we hare seen in years. You should buy these by the dozens. ' The regular value would SMichael tyros. DR. AND MRS. PRESTON BROOKS ENTERTAIN PEABODY CLUB. A very interesting and enjoyable occasion of Monday evening was tne delightful meeting of the Peabody Club with Dr. and Mrs. Preston Brooks. Mr. Walter Hill son of the late Chancellor llill addressed the meeting on school problems In Geor gia. His wide range of knowledge which his position as state school commissioner of education enabled him to give a wonderful fund of In formation. which was greatly appre ciated by every one present. Fol lowing the splendid program a charm ing social hour was enjoyed and de licious refreshments served. —05- ORATORS FOR MEMORIAL •DAY, APRIL 2fTH. Gen. W. A. Clark of Columbia. S. C.. will t»e the orator for Memorial Day. The dinner for the Veterans will be as usual given by the Laura Rutherford Chapter. Dr. Lcn O. Broughton of Richmond. Va.. has consented to give a talk to the vet erans at the Lucy Cobb Institute Just before the dinner and any friend will l>e ^elCome. The public exercises at 3 o'clock will be at the octagon .by courtesy of the University authorities. planes, la«t night had but to clone his eves today to renew the thrills ! which were afforded the multitude ! of soectntons who stood on the §ea-‘ j wall outside of Fort Crockett last j night. » Major General Edward M. Lewis j commander of the eight corps are. j l**fore hjs depnrture today to in- Macon yesterday was established; Th friends of doloncH*oect the fixed defense* at Fort today when it became known thut; . . . iS™ Jacinto and Fort Travis, said today wnen ^ John T Hollo . j Telamon tujrter who ! t i. at tfo M. m on»lr,tlon wa, among way. a native'of Marylnnd. The Jf° m . ‘Jlf Asia of 1893 w 111 be glaS ! the 1 hav0 s( ’ en -' body in held here for word front' the Law CIms of189 , | Amid the glare ot six nearch- relntives. Hollaway’s legs had hcenjto ‘bat h > recovering fiv0 throwing beams ot gashed and the signs were that he,Mias il in an auto- , ,! >rco billion candle power and one He l[,t ” "“"iSiirS™ 1 " towed MACON, Ga.—Identity of an j Bfidei’Maid Hlirt elderly man who is believed tc V have committed suicide and whose! JU1 vladll uvllvl J! 1 ” 1 ' I Hedy was found in the woods near «d Mrs established thedeicased V(as Joh^T* IIoUo-1 Jelamon tuyler. who ... i i i a «. ot... hm n t l>icli in the nieht air. across tjm ; y'rglnla, last week. Sho hid been demoliahed. one bridesmaid to o^ cousin nml A to: , notller . by two .eetlona of |C a°nd P two y ;lVamemw“r a n-!^^*'- ««»*• <»eh containing Former Athens Girl Is Buried B u„.,. VS1T& monU Counlry nub ut n late nom | TWO KITH-g WERE CUT LOOSE Long Wrap Popular For Spring CHAPTER F. MEfiTS TUESDAY IN VESTRY ROOM 4 O’CLOCK. Chapter F. meets Tuesday afternon J In the* vestry room at 4 o’clock. All members urged to be present. fg— MISS JULIA ROGERS TO ENTERTAIN FOR MISS MARGARET ROWE. MIS3 Julia Rogers will be the charming hostess Thursday after noon at several tabtar-of ‘bridge in hBpnr tf Mifrr Margaret Rowe whose marriage to Dr. Lauren Goldsmith of Atlanta will be a brilliant social event In April. Many beautiful pre nuptial affairs #rih> being planned for the lovely honoree, which will add most happily to tho social activities o( the early spring. (£? MRS. CARL FOWLER TO* ENTERTAIN BOULEVARD ROOK CLUB. Mr*. *:uri Fowler will entertain the Boulevard Book Club Wcdneoday at- temoon at the Halm Garden when four tnlden of plnycrn will enjoy her lovely huHpItallty. LUMPKIN STREET NEEDLE WORK CLUB MBETS WITH MRS. P. W. HUDSON. The Lumpkin Street Needle Work Club will meet Friday afternoon with Mni. P. W. Iludnon ut 4 o'clock which will he one of the week'e moat enjoyable Informal aoclnl uf falru or cordial Intercut to tho large memberahip. — ATHENS MUSIC STUDY CLUB MBETS TUESDAY EVENING • O'CLOCK. The Athena Mualc Study club will meet with Mra. J. V. Hodgaon Turn day evening at S o'clock. -~BB w *Mf». A. D. Smith and Mra. Moll Smith have returned to Blrmli)gham after a ehott vlalt to Mr. T. S. Mell, Tim continued critical iiinean 01 Mra Coke Talmndge at the Gen eral hoepltal la of great concern and sorrow to her family and frlenda. -91- Mr. Robert Lily of Auguata vleltlng In the elty. gj Mra. Joaeph Stewart who returned from Atlanta Sunday night, wa» called back Tueeday morning count of the continued aerloue lllneee e1 her little granddaughter. Vao Spalding. The friend, of%ra 8. L. Harrl un will regret to learn of lier 111 neet with flu. The frlende of *Bre. IV. A. Cappe will' be delighted to learn she ha, left St. Mary'n hospital and Is at Per home oh Barber street. Mra Capps was ut the hoapltal twelve weeks. ", L las MathlldeUpaon returned Monday night from Saratoga Spring? und other Interesting point,. —Si— Mr. Joe Mahoney spent the week end In Atlanta. Mieses Katherene Bradwrell am) Sarah Hall hare returned from Hu ron where they were guests of Mlsr Minnie Goodwin Artope for the week- find. 1 W j MIm Kllzalteth Ashford nf Madison r/ho spent tho week-end with Miss ilasel Hodgson returned home Tues day accompanied by Mias Hodgson. Misses Helen jar Lula Ashford nf Watklnsvllte weft"Viscera here Mon- ,: * y ' -a-'- Mrs. oecar o'Farrell went over to Atlanta Tuesday for a visit before returning to her home In North Caro lina. Mra. Frank Lawler has returned ffom a visit to frlenfce In Mr. end Mr*. Cart Tueednv for PlorflASI ueeka ^A, jn*onc of tho model, aketch-1 be sure to havo n Jncnucttn this ed. tho irregular hemline Is very J spring, but ahell. havejt Jn_ <td^ ,mart, Circular line* nlao nr® popul-r Tho other aketch la thit of l wrap with wide ateevc, tliht arc little more than armholes. A deep pleat give, a yolk effect. of. her long f..r' tlon to, not In placi wrap. Nothing can qUi - .':'substuut tne full lerjttb eo it or cap ■ which, covers the whole of enc's frock so neatly. THE AUTOMOBILE DISPLACING THE HORSE th 0. r. Autla • SltHMHn , ' f .i •The National City Bank of New Y^rk -,^-',“1 (fr»m fl,'WEEKLY"TRADE RECORD lumii », Tit Neff,eef*C/f» Seel Mra. Wallace Reid, wife of tho late picture «tor, la to enrr.’ tm hep light against tha drug traHlu which took her famous husband's lift 'Hope she Is shown with Thomas H. Ince, prominent producer, planclns ft picture In which Mr^. Reid will appear. All the proceeds will go to tha' establishment of the Reid Memorial Hospital at Lee Angeles for tho; Treatment of drug artJlctc, mond Counlry News has reached Athens of tho w i, e n tho car slipped on tho . n j Baldwin, of roadway and turned over Into u 1 Savannah, who. before her mar- ditch full of water pinning; all uu-| Twn wore cut Io i, e from rlage. was Miss Ludy H|rvle Hull, der the * r c t _ ' in < n „ _ rooms . Ibeir trines and floated to the of Athens, which occurred In New t^extHcalo'hlm” If vrouml nmld a hall of bulleto. while York Sunday. The fuherel services man managed « "™ u ', „, 0 oth er two were so badly bll were held In Savannah Tuesday. ,* D . d drowned l^re mcy 'hey would not fly. Tracer bul- - , • ted ^ 8 "“Jid | lets, the i.nth of which could olaln- RAPPIA PLOWER* J were rescuMi. th ,, liK lv ,i|»eerned by all spectators, Ratlin flowers, in vivid •»» d “ ' sffMrg Hebry I were used, of red. yellow, and blue, are UM ^.?{, t j 1 ® r ,at ^£»h of Atl'ntn" anil ! Fourteen tlnv livdrogen balloons to trim the im»cket» and :sleeves of ‘ J Jones codnty. Gcor- ,«rter the demolishing of the kites smart dress of white crepe do Bever c . wore released from unknown posl- gla. who were j abou t the field, two being rclnsed nt n time. In onler that each machine gun might have Its own targot. As fast as each bal loon was nicked up by tho rays of the searchlight It was peppered with shots. Out of the total of fourteen, twelve were demolished, one got away and one failed to i leave the ground. 1 The first kite' used as 1 target 1 was n lilx kite, to the tall of which was attached three tiny balloojis. VThe problems^ In this case waa to burst all balloons, which was done. Two of the 14 balloons were de I mollshod at the first shot, an unu- I anal foal of mirkinsmanshlp, ac- ! cording to General Lewis. ! QOE8 TO COLUMBU8 i Arthur Flntnu, past oxalted rulor of Athens Elks; will attend the meeting of the executive commit tee of the Georgia Elks Association nt Columbus Friday. Thornton’s Dinner — Wednesday Vegetable Soup Roast Pork > , Boiled Turnips and Salad Creamed Mash Potatoes Navy Beans Apple Sauce Choice of Pios Muffins and Hot Biscuits , Coffee Tea or fnilk 50 Cents Supper 50 Cents Eggs Any Stylo Broiled Ham American Fried Potatoes Hdminy Grits Sliced Tomatoes Cocoanut Pudding Hot Biscuits Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents That the hone U being slowly but It but surely yielding to the setiri- 1920 with that of 1910. The 1920 sorely displaced by the automobile ties of the automobile and farm census shows the number of and farm tractor is again evidenced tractor. whiU othe^ fsrm ^niasl* horsey notion .1W M i in the ten year January 1, 1923. with those period ending with 1920 while the Tr-ired on Tantmrv l 1723 oi January 1, 1914, it appears that annual decrease since 1920 is pre- again show J a facin’num:. the valS^f horse, on farms of the sumably evej. more ramd Jh.n^th.t ber and been the 1918 while , . . __ . an in<Trease in both number and •neepWm* - value when comparing the figures number^ofhorie. dccrtgicd more arta , aj lb own by the fact that of January 1, 1«3 with those of *•>*» 2,000,000 hi , “ e . while, the number of horses on tha same date of last year. P«™>d. « h, ‘?‘ he c^ber f • decreased 7% in the decade -i V . c , Increased milAon. ci.ttle so- ending with l9a< the number - not The number of horses on farms creased marly 10000^00. The a»- on f arm ,» decreased .46% in the on January 1,1923, shows a fall of erage value per head of horses on decade ending with 1920. ?03,000 as compared with one year forms decreased 36% wnen com- earlier, while cows show an In- paring January 1, 1923 With Jnnu- 1 o-s big fall off In the number of crease of 347A00, other nttle of try 1, 1914, while that of in- horses would probably hare been 373,000, sheep In adv Sice ot&2r creased 10% and shetp 86% per «vcn tf greater but for the^fietjhat Ini ncr lannarv 1. 1923 wbIm tfvtrf iwia r 9 w tmber but in- and the present xmaeration of dorses on farms falls off $29,000,000 creased in aggregate^ value, while horses^ Atlanta. Mr*. John WhB? NWVmrundfjwrJ Tawire Morion of Athena wdre ; jruena In Atlanta rridar.—Georgian. The friend. oofc.'C Charlie Joel win « me iihjtc ugu.c .aow.o. The abovt' nguiejikecejairUy re- ThaMjm JewMsi^ a fall in the number and value ot Hate only to apMnLlf Ott farnis. M „ s - SC 0 f ahto5^WU.with that SStta the vZhI*SmI£ (rom^iyi 1,339 in 1914 to hila (he above figures showing u 5Y'l^a wh”a.‘tjinTw WlQ ,bJ n'i.™.).. t of the January 7 hnmediately pre- move rapidly decreased than that tet«d to the United States ceding the wir nmcesitclear that ion farms is evidenced by a com- ® to horse hi beTn meantime^w-'paruon ofrte decennial census of 12,281,245 i SHOWING —Tonight EUTE JACK HOXIE —In— “BACK FIRE” Special Western “Buffalo Bill” Extra PALACE ‘Affinities’ From the popular storv by Mary Roberts Rinehart featuring Colleen Moore —And— John Bowers Special Sensation “WHAT’S WRONG with the Women” WA LACE—Tomorrow Buster Keaton Thursday «», and swine a gab. cl 5,590.000 eap i lk . Horsts decreased in num- we of the United State* dp not re- when comparing January 1, 1923 |„ r> V aiue and price per capita; gard the horse at a food animal, with Jinuary 1, 1922. The value of , bcep decreased in number but in- and the P re,e “* horses on farms Jails off $29,WOW creased in aggregate value, while horsej is qmI 9**?°™$^*** in the single yekr 1922 while that cattle aud swine increased m out of .by th» M|ural 9f cows Increased $I4,0QD«0 1 other both ..amber and total value in the P r0 “‘* 1r ? the Li5“ i? JSSSRSI- kA's&ix&sr,*" A Special Sale of Hair Nats / Guaranteed Perfect Now On At Our Stores C Single Mesh 7c Double Mesh ‘ > COLORS—CAP OR FRINGE SHAPE ALL You can buy here guaranteed, per- fecfcHair Nets, large size, made of real hair for 5c at ail oUr stores. "-^guaranteed Hair Net at one-third thf .pi'ice you usually pay—another ex ample of our qiiality goodtf at real economy prices. ..DEMONSTRATIONS At Broad Street Store Thursday At Prince Ave. Store IrftTdN.-Irl 1 BMBA ■ -