Newspaper Page Text
of guarding against the breaking down of
as a means
f -resistive powers of the body. Therich, energizing quali-
ties of Scott’s Emulsion are quickly digested, and it,
is surprising how a few bottles build up and strengthen
the whole body, fie sore that you bay Scott’a.
Emulsion ! tmu a sown., sioomtiguL n. j. 22-n
You fin f«tore the color to Ivory- \ War "
handled knives and forks when they |
have beeome discolored or old by 1
rubbing them with very fine sand- I Broad street is regaining Us prei:
w**' vr emery. * | tlse as a business center. Only
store and that will
Charles De Roclic. who tears a
striking resemblance to Georges
Cnrpcntier, hao completed his roll
ns lending man lh “The Law of
the Lawless,” In tnat v lie is a
cypsy. CarpenUor recently com'
pleted “A Gypsy Cavalier.'' They
look like twins in their plotting in
ono vacant
soon lie rontod.
rich pompons mako smart
lings hi mu,til ham nf
or taffeta, h'lowers are be In;;
lively used on small felt huts.
brides aro
to America with the troopers who
.noil. This U. 8. infantry sergeant,
is shown with wit* and child as
farewell to
1 arrival in
■Don't forgot that meeting called
^ the Chamber of Commerce at
f.'-’tional Association of Real Es-
| 'ale Boards, which has been adro-
jating home ownership to strongly
ilinv he glad to know that the home
owner has about 63 changes'dor
success to £2 tot the renter^or
investments a Oood Indication
Other inveetmenta help too. The
man "With no investment, or only
one, has 46 chances for success,
as compared with 64 for the man
with two investments, and fi tor
the one with three or over, Life
insurance, which piay be eontldtr-
Od a farther investment, gives a
Survey Reveals th
Factors Which Aid
W in Achieving
IHR Life’s Goal, g
47 for the man without it , '%*
"These nine item*, considered
basic factors'in the determination
of sucesie, make possible a high
score of 606. That is, if an in
dividual ranka in the highest class
in each of the nine divisions, and
the success points allowed in each
of these high classes are added, his
score is 606. If he ranks in the
lowest class in each division, his
score is 464. ’ The chances of suc-
caas of the first ihdlvidual as com
pared with the second are there
for* as 606 to 464. Host people
Taimadjre Bros. & Co.
saith th
ago enspg on Mmt Know, then,
that yon are just entering the age
bf’gtMteet value to yonrself and
th* world. Th* chances of year
success between *83 and 38 are
about 64 out of a hundred, as com
pared' to 49 for the youngster of
28 or Under. From 24 to 82 the
chance* of success increase to 68
out of a hundred. After the prim*
ot life then is a decrease in
chances, to 63 ont of a hundred,
and the man over 46 has just a
fair gambler’s chance, “fifty-fifty."
Experience a Big Factor
Th* avenge young fellow just
out of college or high school feels
fit to lick the world. He dsssn’t
often do It, for the first few years,
bat if enthusiasm wen the only
ingredient of success .he would
■tart at tha tan.
Taxi Service
Day and Night
some divisions and in the lower
daises in others. Half way be
tween tbs Ugh and low scores
should b* a fair “passing grads."
That is 680.
Then will b* exceptions. There
wilt- be those who will violets
every rule and succeed. But for
the average individual, with aver-
tiv* individuals—Without th* in- , This* figures, and the charts
held tbs o(flc* of Exalted Grand
Whooeis in any of that* organ!-
dividual.! knowi
being surveyed.
Wen studied, el
companyiug them, will aid ariy
son in calculating'the odds for or
against Mtavslf in the race for
success. Other elements enter
which have not been tabulated of
oourao. But thoea tabulated an
sufflciently fundamental and suf
ficiently powerful to be considered
the controlling factors in the life
of the avenge individual.
rations, or in all of them?
Seriously, your chances of suc
cess an bettor if you do- Tbs
tables compiled by the Phoenix
Mutual Life Insurance Company
tlU-fT 49 AfiE.
their worldly suecn
▼enience in compiliin
bfi the subject the
age mental equipment, ambitions,
and reactions, a score sofhewher*
above 680 la going to mean a bet
ter chance to succeed than A score
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance
Company boar out, with mathemat
ical exactness, what men just out
of school have almost invariably
discovered. Enthusiasm must
have'the backing of that sober, de
pendable fellow. Experience. As
a team they an almost unbeatable.
The man who hoi been out of
school nine yean or under has no
chances for success, in a new fi- '-I,
show that th* individual who be
longs to one organisation or Isas
hka 43 chance* for success out of
a hundred, whereas, belonging to
two, h* has 68 chances; to three
or four, 61 ehaneee; and to fin or
over, 68 chances. This member
ship in organisations, as tabulated,
is considered without relation to
any of tho other.cicmcnts enter
ing into tdic&tij t lyua undeyMapdr
among Men affiliated with
Tanged in group* of on^qmdred
ich. And soma startling things
no A
While this survey, like intact
somewhere below,'' ., ; VsES
How do you score? Count up’,
OVgMlMWuti Agitations Vatu*
VAN you a “joiner?” Do you
belong to the Amalgamated
Brotherly Flock of Sea-gulls?
Audvtq tho Jyathrontaca Society
and see.
Nothing succeeds like success?
Perhaps so. And then again, per-
any other, and stalling also that
there were certain definite factors
underlying success, the Phoenix
Mutual T lf » Insurance Company
during a period of yearn made a
eurvey of hundred* of represents-
.. l of the 95 in
- from Dandruff or
. just try Mahdeen, for
you perfect iatl«faction.
,. authorized to cheerfully r*-
', the coat of a 12*ot. bottle.
. hop*. Hair Dreusing Parlors,
• . .rtment Stores. Note—4t*i
. Dliferent/*
Jlcf from Indigestion,
ntirxiess. Flatulence
full! Digestion stop-
-uiii nt you chew a few
''Pope's Dia'pcpsiri" your
feels fine. All the feet,
ir.ilignstion, . heartburn,
tightness, palpitation,
ei'F'yr gases, or sotlf-
. jr - tomach nnd correct
•litm for a few cents
ilii Unless! Any drug
Immediately After Cam
paign Is Over Here;
Round Table Discussions
Will ‘Be Held.
Campaign Director, American City
resting the Uve-wir* type of
ot Commerce. I pointed out
tbe tint eaoentlel
*»■ to mek* workers out of the mem-
0"*. The dlfferonco between an or-
' .tlsatlon with a hair down moil
uolng all the work and an organtas-
tlon with 200 men actively engaged
!n rnmmlitdA wrnpfto in oka J ***—-— —
Chamber a
n committee work Is the difference
ietween the live wire and the other
YettenUy I described the “Mem*
l>er» Forum*' which la probably the
moat successful method of gettlnf
and keeping the Interest of the mem*
hern. Today I wish to take up a
second feature to be Installed in the
Athens Chamber of Comitoerce, and
It also la a powerful factor In bring
ing about active committee service.
It Is the “group meeting*' plan of
developing u program of work.
A Chamber of Commerce should at
all timea be guided In Its work by
community growth, and a program of
mlljr ... _
work as developed by American City realities,
organisation*, represents T- a
clear vision of things that hmst be
done to bring about expansion lt>
wholesale and retail trade. Industry,
and civic Improvement*.
The feature of the plan for dcvel
oping this program is that the gen
eral membership itnelf furnishes the
suggestions for the community-wide
program. How ure the suggestions
obtained and what 1m doif* with them?
Immediately after the camnaigii.
there will l»e • a lied u series of
“round table" group meetings. Ev
ery member will lie invited to these
meetings, and if a member misses
one of them, he will be Invited to
others, as It Is desired that levery
member lie present at one nfcetlng
at least. Forty-five minutes ary
given to a general discussion of
things that the Chamber of Com-
merce\ should do for the community,
and at the cJoat each person Is hand-
blank wtlh (wo questions t
arnwer. They are: -
What do you want the Cham
ber of Commerce^o do to aid your
line'of business 3f profession f
What ft a cRIte n do you want
tho Chamborof Commerce to do fur
th, general welfare of thV common-
ity? 14
These Answers are sorted, end
'tnsslfied. and arranged odder suit-
ibl* headings. They show that cer
tain things of general Importance
are desired as major activities of. tho
Chamber of Commerce. In addition
there are many minor activities, and
definite program to provide for I finally many fine suggestions by fat*
present -and future activities. VI-1 seeing snen that will require years of
slon is an essential In bringing about 1 education before publln sentiment Is
■ms mmss-HESAm. arasNs, ceskm
rsaiTy to make Ove suggestions into
. A fafe and sane but far-seeing
program of wt>rk Is drawn up from
this "thought survey" of the mem-
berahlp. and it is made public after
the board of directors has passed on
It and made what changes or modi
fications are necessary.
After this Is done, the officers and
director* know what the membership
as a whole desires the I'hamber of
Commerce to do, and they .know
what each individual member l»^ m<
Interested In. In making up the
committees for chamber «f commerce
work*' the speciul members file In
consulted and under each heading, it
can b« ascertained what men are
most desirous of seeing the activity
IN question vigorously handled. Those
meg aro named on the special com
mittee for that purpose
Standing committees are abolished
under thf American City bureau
plan, and all work Is put In the hand*
cf .special committees, hut |hls will
be the subject of the third article.
It goal without saying that the pro
gram will be am broad a* community
life, and will include activities in
bringing about agricultural expan
sion. industrial, and trade extension,
better co*-t>peration w|th the educa
tional Institution*, conventions, pub
licity. good road*, tourist travel, and
„*lvlc. matters of all kind*:.
-Tim *ubject of tomorrow's article
will be the Special committee *>**•
Bob Ely To Feed
Rotary Delegates
Given an Honor
Louie Morria, editor-in-chief
of the Hartwell Sun, onu ot tho
bust weekly papers in the state,
lias been honored by the program
committee In charge ot the mill
In the build! _
be on hand as It is a very impor
tant gathering/
Our travelln.<: salesmen report
that business improves at cvety
trip and tho trntlu of Athens now
reaches far across- the Savannah
into South Carolina. It is alto
winter meetiPy of the Wli^-^^—^h'"
1’ress Association which meets in
Savannah on the 23 and 24th or ,, ,
this month. 1 Mr »' <"•?“«<' * «“'*
The Hartwell editor, who is well •*«““*, r t '°T 8 I n 'l 1°
known In Athens, will deliver tho 1 ¥“* er
response (o the wBloomlng address | fi. “ It •
of Mayor Scahnook and will also | T h '* '• * T’Pnlar sjbur
speak before the meeting on the! ban TC,ort for la ' lleK
subject. “How 1 get Business.”
The Hartwell Sun carriea pos
sibly as much Jbusiness as any
other weekly pener In the entire
state and the rest of the editors
want to know from Mr. Morris
how he does It.
Much Interest
In Kiwanis Meet
The meeting of the Kiwania club
Friday night at the State Normal
School is beng looked forward to
with a great deal of Interest by
the members of th* club." The
A real estatf denier says ho does
not know If.o vacant residence ip
Athens suitable ter n person nf
ordinary mean*., an] nearly every
day he has applications for homes.
Physicians tag the flue bns left
ue nnd the amoral health 'of Ath
ens was never better titan at th's
time. .
You now see a number of nhw
automobiles on the street and they
are mostly new cars. This is n sore
pointer to a return of imiwrity.
A gentleman from Banks tells
Vie the oil excitement lias reread
meeting will convene at 7 o'clock from Franklin Into hie county, nnd
Reunited on the St. Mihiel
«<’!>, Ill
pin. M
on cartl
■n n out your bowels with
ristiF or evcrnctirfr, take
Rick hcadach., bilious-
ron, iadiRcstion, sour, up-
inch, and all such distress
morning. Nicest physic
i for grown-ups nnd chil-
■c a hox. Tnste like can
is a Prescription for
Colds, Fever and La-
Grippe. -It’s the most
ipeedy .remeay we know,
preventutg Pneumonia.
—(Advertisement >
lor Better
You Can't Lose
Bed Seal shoes lata twice
« long. Adc your dealer
how to enter th* contest and
■in a pair of Red Seal shpes.
J. K. Orr Sfcoa Cot
Atlanta, Ca.
and will belthe regular weekly
luncheon of the club.
The glee club of tho school will
furnish tho njaln events for the
ST. PETERSBURG. Fla.—When l>™S r am while the Kiwanis 'Tm-
oprual Russian Quartette will rep
It comes to feeding great gather
ings of people. Bob Ely of the local , r ' , * e " t the , ®? l,he I lkl elen > ent of
Rotary Club lays claim to all | ^ 0 / ga " , " Uon '^ S !Y e . r ?! T U J t ? r "
honors. He pins leather medals all j th ‘® * l,e,ts of the r ** ulnr
over his chest and signs all his m nil)a rs.
letters with the title of "Champion
feeder of the World." Ely has the
nlcnsnnt Job of catering to more I | 1 n< 1 W T i
than a thousand Southeastern [ L-.OCHl rlCK-UPS |
"Rotes” meeting In convention |
here .March 23 and 24. His friends '
will say for him that Ely can tako !
core nf 1,000 dinners with dispatch
strong indications of a deposit of
petroleum are seen in sections
Blue Grass Beauty
- ./
The exodus of negroes has stop-
lied in this section. Those remain
ing hare found work and say they
jiave no desire to leave.
turned from a twi. weeks’ trip to
Chicago and Peoria, III., and reports
business Is good Hi the middle west.
T. L. Oiintt has been confined to
sit them down to one long table j his home and lied for several davs
and have the entire- gathering' with threatened Jaundice, but he I*
frved at the same time from i al, le to be up now and hope* to bn
grape juice down to the finger I “bout town soon.
bowl. 1 ■
Several of the luncheons to be, A' lady of our city suggests that
arranged by Ely are to be in the j the overhanging limbs of trees on
open air nnd no the waterfront.' "Ur sidewalks l>o trimmed. Since
Every large auditorium and dining' the recent snow and froezo, the
room in the "Sunshine Citv," has! limbs have been forced down so
beta engaged for the Rotary meet.! that it la like going through a Jun-
——— m ] gle to navigate some streets. And
70 BOX cars BURNED it gives our city a ragged and reg-
LAKELAD;-Fia.—A fire that raircd J lectcd appearance.
through the night
Coast L'n* railroad yard
stroyod seventy-five -mn-.v t-.x ,ar*. Th ® conundrum now oxercislitg
The loss is estimated at 170.000. our people is, "Tho name of the
' fair Maid of Athens who will bo
POLISHING Ivory j ri’osun as Queen of tile Whit#
Royston Girl
Admits Theft
TAMPA, Fla.—Leila Kellum.
former Royston, Ga., girl, who was
arrested here last March, while
employed as a saleswoman at the
Owen-cotter jewelry store in this
city and charged-with the larceny
it Jewelry and novelties to the
value of several thousand dollars
appeared before tbe Crlmina’
Court add pleaded guilty to grand
Judgi Gibson, after her plea, an
nounced that he would defer sen
tence until February 22, and Miss
Kellum was released on the tame
bond on which she bus been at
liberty since her arrest.
i Gladys Hicks, winner ot tbe American Legion beaniy
in Louisville, Ky„ ha* been east as "Miss Columbia” in the T
which will Introduce tho legion’s fllm,'4“Tha Man Without a
When you allow your strength to rundown and your 1
becomes weakened and susceptible, that Js just the time j
a invite the cold and (tough that follows ger
i your body strong end well flourished — take