The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 21, 1923, Image 2

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33 Classified Adverti ■ ■ INT1 RATES ^ 2 Cents a Word ‘ Minimum charge of 40 cent*. Three tfmos for the price of 2H Insertions. Seven times for the price of five insertions. .1 Ail discontinoances MOST - Be mode in person st The a if . Oanner-IIerald Office or by letter. Telephone discon tinuance! srs NOT valid. 75 WANT AD PQONB 75 BANNER-HERALD WANT ; ADS GET RESULTS EWS If . Speedy lee Skaters Break Three Worid’s Records INTEREST IN IU. GA. ATHENS HI T( v f * ; The Weather Eflilu \ — • GEORGIA: Fair and slightly •‘waVmer tonight; Thursday cloudy. 'pHiHhbly rain in South. ^ftstifouth Carolina: Fair and slight , Iy‘ wanner tonight; Thursday in- . rctMalug cloudiness. Florida: Increasing Cloudiness .and,,slightly warmer tonight, prob- ,itj}bty followed by local rain Thurs- , i, Alabama: Increasing cloudiness „• .Slightly wsrnier tonight, probably mfollowod by rain Thursday in South kmy-ijj,.: • tost And Found LOST—ONE WIRE WHEEL AND t -f} tire, for Overland 90. Return to tt. Singer Sewing Machine Office and .•a.jget reward. f-22-c ted—lie 11 ■ — ■■ ■ — i ftOST—ONE $10 BILL AND FOUR $(p bills Monday afternoon in the -'i business section. Return to Ban- - ..ntr-Herald for reward. £■’?WANTED—Help u. WANTED EXPERIENCED [ SOWS lady in candy business for -»_ our jjew place, corner College yfsfWHtie end Washington street. ■ f .vAthfcns .Candy Kitchen. - f-21-c ed to enter into a written contract for the faithful and prompt perform ance of the same and guarantee it by filing bond In inch an amount an the committee may demand. Bid* mutt be upon uniforms Iden tical in atyle with that now in in the achonl, and the material c poring Ita various part* must equally good and auLitunilttll) the same as that now in use or better in both kind and quality, perfect fit*' interest in the Northeast Geor- and prompt deliver) must lie gunr ! g | a Basketball tournament which antecd. \ ■ w m be held here March 1-2-3 hi The committee rSservoa tho right j growing. The list was swelled | ed basketeer* are working hard to reject-any <.r all bids-or ports i f with last minute entries so that j new for tho hard games they will the same, or to .award parts ro one | now the largest field that has ever Play later on this weak. They bidder and other ports to others, entered a , high school athletic, have a. rough road ahead of thhm There will be no radical departure event are now registered In this And they will have to hnfitld In or- blg tourney. Due to the largo der to come out right on these By HAL JACKSON i Athens Hllth's crew of undefeat- from the uniform now In use, flcatlomt will be furnished by an (bid* must be addrcsHcd to .lor Pound, President, State N< School, Athens, On. Feby. 14-1N-21-26-2X Mrh. 4-7-1! rl all BANKRUPT 3ALE There will be add tn February 21th. at twelve o'clock wxn. at the office of the Referee, ftiuthern Mutual Building, to stock r.f g mkIp. notes and accounts of M.' Link bankrupt. The Inventory of the Trustee is af follows: Stock of merchandise ....;. $34,019.37 N’otes 30,9*j'.'.a v Open accounts 30,441.78 Live stock 150.0(' Automobile 500.00 Terms of sale cash. All bids subject to confirmation or rejection by the •ourt. Merchandise can be inspected by calling on the undersigned.* BABNE8T MICHAEL, Trustee. W ANTED—TWO YOUNG LADIES j. fnr sales work. Must be free to ’’(ravel. Apply to room No. 3$, Harlan Hotel, from’8 to 9 A. M., 4 to 5 P. M. f-22-p UW Wanted SELL US—YOUR WASTE PAPER .~_b8oKfi and magazines. Phone 1817. We will send for It. f-22-p WANTED — TO BUY WASTE l>apor, pasteboard, iron, brass, copper and nigs. Phone 1847. f-32-p NOTICE TO MATERIAL MEN Federal Aid Project Np. 303—Clark Co Healed proposals will !>«• received b, the State Highway Department o Georgia in the Henatu Chamber, stat* Caplto^ Atlanta, Georgia, until 12.0*' o'clock noon. Central Time «n th~ first day of March, 1923, for the fur nishing of approximately 5000 barrel; of cement to be used In the construc tion of Federal Aid Project No. 30o— Clarke County. Pride bid to--to F. O. B. Athene Georgia. Bidder should state re bat dlowetf on empty sacks returned, an ! discount allowed for cosh within ten days. Cement to pass Bute Highway De partment of Georgia specifications. Right Is reserved to raject any and nil bids and to waive all fonpalitle* This the 15th day of Februnry, 192: W. R. NEEL*. State Highway Engineer. JOHN N. HOLDER. Chairman 8tate Highway Board NOTICE TO TAX PAYER8 The board of City Tag Assessors - for the City of Athens will bo In WANTED—salesman FOB DIS-' geS8 | on a t the city hall for tho next TIHCT man on new product. Dcm-1 , pn u a yg t from February 22nd to onstratlon will prove this unusual op- jjarch 6th. 1923, Inclusive, for tho portunlty. Very email capital requlr- ( „ urpoBe 0 f going over the tax re ed to begin. Address "Salesman” care. t - arng an( j mag | ng transfers, hoar- Bamicr-Heruld, «t«sg phqne number. | |Qg compIa | n t B or making adjust- i ments In said returns where claims I appear to be Just, and for giving such information to persons who have made returns as is desired. The hours at which the .session* will be hold will be'-from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from 3 to 6 P. M. J. H. PATMAN, Chairman, . G. S. CRANE, A. iM. DOBBS. m-5-c MAKE YOUR STATE AND COUNTY ~ TAX RETURNS Tho tax books of Clarke county arc now opon for receiving tax returns for 1S23. Please call and make your returns and save the rush. • J. H. DORSEY. Tax Receiver. Clarke County f-27-c Wanted—Rooms WANTED.TO RENT-THREE OR I V. FOUR room house preferably \ near Air. College. See O. C. Chit- Vrood 724 S. Lumnkin St. f-27-n ROOM AND BOARD—NICELY furnished, rooms, excellent meals, steam heat, hot and cold water, tub and. shower betha at all times. Very reasonable rates. Apply 256 W. Dougherty St f-28-i> amount of contestants the com mittee has decided to have two brackets. Twenty-seven teams are In the tourney. ( Enthusiasm throughout the sec tion Is running high and indica tions arc that record breaking crowds will attend the jousts this fall. Last year when only eight teams engaged in the tourney the crowds were very large and with over three times this many In the tourney this fail the attendance should he record breaking. The Banner-Herald will give a gold basketball to the player moat useful to his team and the Y. M. C. A. will award" the winning team a handsome trophv. FEW SCHOOLS KISSING Nearly every high school quin tet within a radius of fifty miles is entered. Mntiy of the quintets gtmes. This afternoon In the Georgia Cynf they play the Georgia Fresh men at four-tblr(y. \ The game will be a practice battle but ktlll a line game is expected. The Conover lade are in excellent, shape and feel confident that they can drub the local trew easily. They will meet however .stlffer resistance than they are expecting In the Wiehrmen. Following the game with the -Presides the locals will battle the Y’.’ lightweight aggregation Wed-' nesday nlglit In tho Y auditorium.' These two teamu are about evenly matched and a good scrap is ex- pected. The Y crew Is cnmiKited of a crew at ex-hlgh school stars and they have come of iiic best high school !•' ,yem In the state among tholr ranks. Tiiuv 'inter only been crganlrtd a little while J? per cent as the prospective' crease In the acreage under ran this spring. At 12 o'clock. OctoS stood « 15.6*. or four poln^ot, yesterday's close. 11 Open high low close p r Mar. 28.88 29.09 28.87 29.001 2Mn .May 28.85 29.0ti 28.M4 2x ... -fillv 9ft RR 9ft oo t .i _ *H oil summer k-’l UUP H.00, LEFT TO RIGHT: DONALD BAKER. MISS GLADYS ROBINSON. MISS ELSIE MI'ELLBR? The Ice speedsters refuse to take hack seal when It comes to smash' in£ records. At the recent skating meet at Kn it City N. Y.. three ■orfls were made, two *»f t e fulr sex. Donald Baker of Brooklyn ^ta. , viV e r„n'’.h b .”Sis5! n,inu - , “ = s2 - r> f - r • ii »- for t(i years. The old marl: was 13 7-s beating the old mark V 7 1-3 seconds, made liy George D. 1'hllUp.i In ISIS. ' onda. ,,rn 1 " n<!Gfp " tc, L ln hut th V ere . etermlned to down l elr present campaign and when , belr fonm . r „ ammates. there clubs tie op tilings are go- ! »ng to be lively. Many teiniH who ' ojuiy one wore not In lhe jouata la«t fall nAV >c dcct fall l:ayo mado a ranid advance in j li,SIT G ;: n " art> ,,u ' 14 C °P Only a one night's rest ror the h T„ C ^o„'..1 f ‘ l >' . .ii . Wiehrmen and then they tarkle noI o-noM if V S'T °mi th * tour : the Invading Gainesville High Frl- IV iJ i i, Tliere arc at- day nls , ht Th)g e wm m- play i,o . , “ vorlles n , n 1 d , to P‘ ck ed In the high school gym at eight Le vt l,!, ) I,0 ,' n " »‘ clock - T" 6 invaders have a nlf- possihle. The quintets have been pointed toward the jousts all seas on and no doubt be at their pinna cle of condition when tho games start. When they journey over to Athens all thoughts of tho past ty quintet hut they have already gone down before tho locals In Galnesvlllq recently. A good game Is expected at this time. Tl>9 Wiehrmen'*, fourth and last -onson will Be forgotten and only "l|** ke thoughtless of the. tourney will be I * kk ** a, „*A e k kk school on their minds. - I s k«>no JjMl Competition will be unusually ; 8 frame with Bo- keen and some of the best games gart High. fans ever have the opportunity of I The schedule for tho week is witnessing will be played. The ‘ Athens High vs. Georgia Freshmen team that wins this cup this fall Tuesday at tho Oa. Gym. Ath- wlll certainly know they lave been ens . High vs. Lightweights, Wed- through the paces. Great endur ance will be required to stand the terrific pice of so many battles la succession. / Tournament drawings will be hold at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday morning. The following teams will take part in the big athletic event: Athens. Daruln. Greensboro, Ar- ... . ..... noldavllle, Wlndar, LawroncevlUe, Monkey fur Is used effectively Bogart, Baldwin. Eatonton, Mays-'°P the new spring wraps as fringe .villa - , ’ Jefferson Watklnsvlllo, a h°ut the bottom or the garment. Urasloton, Lavonla, Commerce, Col or t0 m * ke elaborate collar naff bert, Cornelia. Wlntervllle, Ila, Statham. Elbertnn. Royston, Carnes vilie. Grnvson. Hartwell, Eastonol- lee and Washington. nesday night at the Y. M. C. A Athens High' vs. Gainesville High it the high school gym Friday night. Doable hdndcr Saturday night at the high school gym. Girls vs. Begirt High and the Boys vs. Lightweights. ON 8PRINQ COATS cul shades of cinnamon and blege Is also greatly fancied for coat trim ming. , jf Pitching Horseshoes Vies With Golf For Southern Popularity For Rent—Rooms . (FOR RENT—10 ROOM HOUSE ‘ iMflledge Avenue; modern con- tnleaces. suitable for two families sasonable rent Albert EL Davl- in. f-22-c .For Rent Jptt BENT—MARCH 1ST, FOUR- 1 house with bath. Near >t . Scbool. See W. T. Flor- ice, or phone 1769-W. f-26-p l-L-L. FOR RENT—THREE ROOM HOUSE ' wMh hall In Barbervllle. Also two q-horse farms In Madison county, ily Jno. C. Sorrells. 487 Ruth SL f-13-c For Sale’ FOR SAIsE—A new Packard single •lx touring car. See Golden Knight, or C. H. Phlnisy. f-H-c FOR SALE—ONE FORD TOURING Car and ono Ford one-ton truck. Cheap for cosh. Phone 114-w. f-23-p FOR BALE—GAS RANGE FOR . half price. Also oak Davenport. Phone 1524. f-23-c -JoR SALE—ONE OAK BEDROOM suit, odd dreftftera, hatrack. ward robe and beds. Phone 302-W. f-23-c Miscellaneous 9MMUTATION ROAD TAXES 1923 now dne, and payable Commissioners' Office In Clarke County Court House. RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LIVR AY. Nnrthhoimd Snnlii bound 9:55 a Atlanta-Monroe I'c’l 8:15 p 2:40 p Atl.-BIrm.-Mem. 8:20 p 2:40 p Norfolk-Rlch.-N. Y. 3:20 p 7:55 p Atl.-Abbevllle I’d 7:80 n 11:24 p" Atl.-Blrmlngham 5:29 a 11:24 n Nnrfotk-Waah. 5.29 a 11:24 p Wilmington-N. T. 5:29 • GEORGIA RAII.ROAD Arrive * Deport • 7:20 pm 8:20 am 12:10 pm 2:26 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Central of Georgia Station Depart for Macon 7:30 a. m., 4:45 p. k. Arrive from Macon 12:10 p. m. 9:3C p. m. For further inrnrme.tlon pkonr J. Y. Bruce, C. A., phono f.40. W. O. Bolton, Agent, phone lttdl GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedules Leave Athens Arrive 7:45 A. M.» *5:20 P. M“ M-9-c j t0:45 A, M.*» ••10:10 A. SI ' Dally. *• Daily Except Sunday ..... ’ ! Mine Elsie Muellc broke the ........ I R ° “' n :?. n of Toronto, I for 230 yards by ncgotlatlnx tho dls- In a mile event with .Miss Rose John- tanco In 28 1-5 seconds, bettering the son established a new mark of .1 old .mark by 4-J of a second » , , COTTONSEED Oil NFW YORK—Cottonseed closed steady. Prime )..((.,. is.oo nid. Frlmt 10.00 asked; Februarv - March 11.10; April 11. lj Vl!' 11.41, Jtme 11.46. July n',7, 5 . Aug. 11.57, Sepiember n',o' bases Id,boo. ' 1 NEW ORLEANS SPOT NEW ORLEANS-Spot cottas steady 37 points higher rales „„ the spot, ,1019 to arrive ■>joe. low middling 28.69. •Middling“as, good middling 29.27. Reuim, 4,029. nteck 170,655. P v NEW YORK SPOTS NEW YORK—Cotton spot quiet I Middling 29.45. 1 LIBERTY BONDS ; T '’URK—l.ihertv Bond, , Closing Liberty 3 1-2 101.56, First j • -B.OO, se corn! 4 1-4? 98.34 Third 4 l-4s 98.72. Fourth 4 1 -Is , 98.52 U. S. Government 11-j, 98.38 Barrett Clarifies Recent Position and starred In the defense. Tho line-ups follow: Athans High Georgia Freshman Nicholson (17) .. Richardson (17) F. checked business Increases. SAVANNAH. Ga. Judge W. H. Barret of the City rourt. it is un derstood, advised F. D. Dismuke, prohibition enforeement officer, yesterday In the conference over Judges lidrretfs decision relatin* to tho stopping nnrt searching of automobiles that this decision did By HAL JACK80N close, hard foUght basket ball fracas yesterday tho Georgia Freshman aggregation defcate(l tho Athens High live lust night by tho score of 40 to 27. It was a" fine game and was witnessed by a good sized crowd. Although It was on ly a practice gamo for both teams still at times It was close and bard fought. The Conover proteges matched an early lead, amassing some eight tallies to nought for the high Open high low plose P. C. Mar. 29.00 29.38 28.96 29.33 28.80 „„ May 29.22 29.48 29.19 29.43 28.77 Smith (6) Satlof (16) ( J u ly 28.68 28.8? 28.02 28.79 28.42 Uradbcrry (4) ...‘ Harris (6) } ReV 25 88 Ills 25 73 25 85 IT 53 ' p I, 0 . vcn ‘ tl ’° haI,lnK of c ucc - ‘-O.J3 25.73 25.85 25.53 b y officers, providing they have Mapp .’ Hitchcock! fj£W ORLEANS cotton reasonable cause to suspect they I Ntw OHLtANS COTTON are transporting liquor, itfuh,,,. vinM, ! NEW ORLEANS — A slight riso 1 " p Q T,ppen in spot Prices in the Interior put Referees: Stegeman and Ben- ^Wn market/to new kigh nntt . : levels for the season on the old ‘crop positions today. March rose to 29.02 and the first l)alf hour of \ continued the prohibition officers the session brought gains of 10 to | wops advised. This will give pro- 25 points to the list Points in the tectlon to the officers In the die- western belt wired In "that limits [charge of their duties. It Is point- on all offerings of cotton had been ed out. - - raised 30 points over night. Realizing by longs over the holl- doy tomorrow caused recession of Judge Barrett says there is no conflict between the rourt and the prohibition officers aA.tpfhe right of search. But the promisuous stopping automobiles must not be FOR LOCAL mi about 15 points on the most active | months. -The tone remained steady Another new hiirii record was es- B “ ma,1 >' messages from the inter! school crew. This margin was cut ta L|j,hod l v loc a | cotton today ! or t0 16caI brokers stating that down quickly however when Ath- wh t ^ middfin- grade 8 P°t shorts were having difficulty ens High hit her stride. The Fresh[. was quoted at 29 3-™conts a paund < n getting the cotton needed and mnn crow uncorked some fine shoot a J van ce of a quarter of a cent! at 12 o'clock March was back op ... -- «*•- —'- 1 — a pound aver the price that was.‘° 29.00. New crop months were tirdi Ing just as the period ended anil were sitting on tho long end of a 17 to eleven count when the period ended. —* The second half was almost KJMEDIUM BROWN HAIR looks best of ’ all after Shampoo. • Golden Glint AUTOMOBILE—BUN VOUR FORD- 5t> miles on a gallon gas. Dodge 40. j SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tho ( VIX way. Demonstration thin. ' g leaves Athena 8:00 a. m.. week. Agents wanted: Walter | arp j ves LuU 9:40 a. m. ■29*h°p. 2-23-p; No, 8 -leaves Athens 4:15 p. m. arrives Lnla 5:43 p. m. No. 7 Waves Lula 8:55 p. m.. arrives Athens 8’3i p. m. No. 6 leaves Lnla 10:05 a. m. 0 NOTICE TO BIDDERSg... V On or before March IS. noon, the Teleuhnno 81. \q Uniform Committee of the Board of - *Ttuit«es of the State Normal School, Athena, Oa.. sill recolvo bids for fur nishing amlforms to the students of the Bute Normal School for the year that /date and ending IK. beginning • March II, 1*14. “ to be understood that tbk tee will Incur no financial Ob- j .lions in swarding this "contract, b It will use Its Influence to j students who are In need <d uni- j FI -forms to purchase new uniforms or • r paru of uniform* from the Success- ,::: w-v..- ,»r the sh-csusfW bidder lust deal directly with utndsnts *c- . . ...» ^ u.c --wm of the school, successful bidder urtO be eipjcf at rr :»»•{»> iivyln fit WU. - ATHENS BUSINESS COLLEGE BMbkeepIng, Shorthand and Typgwrttliif Sava SOW of axpenteg by at-' tending this school. The uatea of the Athens Bi College offered yesterday. NEW YOR'K COTTON, .... NEW YORK — Tho cotton mnr- ,mn* n'Li'nitn h kct showed continued Btrdngth dur o riVnHo*?nn ho^h^histi schnM ln * today’s early trading with near and a r^aHatlon by the high school montlJ| , mah | Bg new high records: niobo-iTl ra im/ .ho ml.hoi «>• "eason. Liverpool • was no SI o 8 .ho sno!? leJd better than expected but there was irrat ra. i^nd JuHuiin! buying on tho strength of sterling. ?hin r Ihov* d I bullish over night advices from i h . n amfih raI„?,'„d 1 n'linn„ H rtu, 'the Southern simt markets and the Wch S JDhi!ii^nv2 J imi at thhi 0 hini I flrni °P enln 8 ,ono ot the stock eio rnilind I market, first prices were steady at tnre t^e Red and White flic rallied. , 1|n a g vance 0 ( (| ve to 15 points and ri'cTes tun marc (active months soon showed net faster AND more igains of 10 to 15 points with March CONTESTED i selling at 29.07 and May at 29.28. , : Trade Interests were again credlt- Scvnral mld-conrt casts by | ®d with buying March and there Nicholson and Smith found their »as further covering by shorts In mark and the game then became Anticipation that deliveries would somewhat faster and more closely fb® wanted on ontract next month, contested. Both clubs exhibited i b «‘ the advance met considerable some nice pass work In this period i scattered realising and there wap with Richardson and Satlof of. tho ™”«> Southern selling during the (VAN-NIL Is a synthetic vanilla of rare Savonrlog eoatsat, aoa-tlcoliellc.) Its allnrlng fragrance tempts t VAN-NIL" 1 “tSltoto Freshmen nnd Nicholson and Mapp starring. Substitutes were injected by both clans ns the time wore on. For the Freshman aggregation the work ot Nolan Richardson and Sstlof wss outstanding. Harris 129.36 opd October at 26.27. early trading. March sold up 29.23 before the end of the morning or 33 i>olnts net higher, while later months showed net advances of about 12 to 18 points with May selling at May also performed well. “Rich" and [contracts at this price made an "Sat” tied for scoring honors each advance of 113 points ftorn the low hnvlng n total of sixteen markers nrlco touched on the'reaction at from the field. This trio ot Har- tho boginning of tho month and rls, Richardson and Satlqf is some ! there were setbacks of a few points scoring outfit | later In the morning under rcall- . For tho Red and White crew j ing. The volume of business taper Smith, Nicholson and Bradberry ' ed. off decidedly and the market were .the bright' lights. Capt. I was steady at midday with prices Nicholson Continued hid great work 'only two or 3 points off from the and was tied with Rlbhnrdson for best. An advancing spot basts scoring honors of the day. Smith was reported In the Southwest'and who. only saw action In tho last New Orleans reported a very firm quarter, performed well and con- spot market' trlbuted three nifty field goals. Manchester quoted yarns flat Bradberry covered the floor well and aald the higher price aaked PlGGLY - WIGGLY To give' our-customers the advantage of some sugar that we have bougrtt back we will sell Thursday only. . .* . The nad- nsmeit. more skill. Ao* elimination tournament will bo held the first part ot th« spring, land the five beat pltcbera will ho named aa tho Atlanta Society Horseshoe Pitchers, and challenges Issued to like teams In Birmlng- batn, New Orleans and other aouv them cities, ' ; Tho craze originated at the win* iter resorts In Florida, and Atlanta .m|ases, returning from their ani • nual soJonrnMn tho pleasure haunts | of the southern Rivera, were so en t-w i TO RIGHT: GRACE MA- thnslastic about it that they Im- SO.N, NELL MARTIN mediatelyjmt uliout, forming clubs ..m .,, !ln Atlanta. More than 15 clubs ATLANTA, On. — Pitching already have been formed and horseshoes is the latest fad among more are being formed- doily, society’s younger set In Atlanta. "!■« the greatest sport I ever Alrealy a number of teams have [tried, and I’m Just wild about It: been formed, and at the Piedmont Miss Nell iMartln declared. “I Driving Clob. ono of the efty'a think that we can form a world- most exclusive clubs,.matches are .beating team la Atlanta and noxt |held almost dally. - [year when the Florida winter seas Miss Grace Mason, daughter of on opens show those women from the city attorney, one of tho ardent tho east and west something new ?f „thp; latest fad. In this ancient game. It looks easy " more but r tell you It takes real skill to 25 lbs. Domino Sugar (cloth sacks) .' (Below Replacement Value) $2.09 Fresh Country * y 'Eggs 29c NC0-JSAME Coffee, QO r Pound (We recommend thle sc THE VERY FINEST) Town Talk Plain Flour,* 24 Lbs : $1.19 Wesson Oil- Quarts 45c •THURSDAY ONLY PlGGLY bonosboefc cornctlfi*'