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investigate Today!
T Regular subscribers of
, j0 Accident Policy Free.
Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
Dafly and Sunday—10 Cants a .Wade,
Full Associated Proas Loss id Win Service.
Starts Copies 2 Casta Dally. S Cents Sunday.
r, lU ! nationally Known
ici.tist Reached The
City From Atlanta. This
COLONIAL, 7:45 p. m.
Distinguished Visitor Is
Carried Over Athens. He
Reviews Ga. Cadet Corps
Hudson Maxim, internatlon-
known scientist, arrived In
Min ns today and wilt address the
people of Athens tonight at 7:48
. k at the colonial Opera
.Maxim was accompanied to
Athens by Mrs. Maxim. The fa-
i arfunttst will speak on pre
paredness. "External and Internal
National Defense.''
Arriving In Athens this alter-
nmiii Dr. Maxim was taken for a
ever the city at 4:30 after
which he wfas scheduled to review
the It. O. T. C. at the University
of Georgia.
Family Cook Breaks
Down In Grill And Im
plicates Others. 'Promi
nent Girls Perish.
ATLANTA — Two men and two
women, all negroes are held In Jail
here In connection with the burn
ing to death of Willie Mateo and
City Schools, Postoffice
And Public Offices Clos
ed Here. Hon. W. M.
Howard Speaks.
Senator Shortbridge
Speaks At Capital.
Haynes Sees Nation En
forcing Phohi Law. v
Athens Thursday fittingly obaerv
Public schools were cloaed for
Marian McDowell. 16 and 17 year the day out of respect for the mem
old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John ory of the "Father of Our Conn-
M. McDowell, of Decatur. Qa.. ear- 1 try.”. All banks were closed and
ly Tuesday. | the post office operated on holiday
Authorities brought the negroes schedule, delivering only one mall
to Atlanta for safe keeping. Che and holding the stamp window
arrests followed a reported con
fession by Dipple Nix. former cook
in the McDowell
home, who broke.
Kiwanis Meeting
Delayed By Death
Of Dr.'Dan Du Pree
Due to the death of Dr. Du-
Pree, who was a prominent
member, the meeting of the
Kiwanis club scheduled for the
State Normal School Friday
night at .7 o’clock has been post
poned until next week, accord
ing to an announcement made
Thursday morning by President*
J. W. Barnett.
Mr. DuPree was a member of
the Board of Governors of the
club and took an active Interest
in its affairs. *
Nation-Wide Organiza
tion Is Perfected At Ses
sion Just Closed In At-*
Acute Heart Attack Ends
Life of Distinguished
Citizen. Was On a Call.
Funeral Friday.
Dr. Dan Hughes DuPree. pro
minent Athens physician, died and
denly Thursday morning at 1:66
open from 12 to 1 o'clock.
The State Normal School, writer
ahort exercises Id the-chapel de
down under severe grilling last vwted the day to field exerctaea.
night and made a statement to No special program was condneted
officers Implicating her husband, .at Lucy Gibb Institute.
Johnny Nix. his brother, Bnd Nix I Hon W. M. Howard, of Augusta,
and several other negroes, accord former congressman from thle die-
Ing to the offlcera. .trtet, delivered an address at the* HoiDlta ,
Ethel Nix. wife of Bod Nix! is! Unlveralty oi Georgia chapel at i H [ s death came
held without bond as a material, 12:26 In commemoration of thw (hock to h | g
Federal State And Private
Agencies Aid New Body
Iln Maneuvers Against
avers in the
forces of the
juxviges of
ATLANTA—A scri s of man-
warfn.c ot combined
the nation against the
Mexican boll weevil
has begun in earnest with the
perfecting of the nation-wide or
ganization to aid in pxtcrminatljrt
of the pest.
The organization was 'complet.
ed at the session of National boll
weevil conference here laat night.
Coal Supply To Neutral Countries
Is Cut Off By Germans As A'*
New Move In Resistance
At Retail Clothiers Ses
sion, Athenian Is Named
National Director of
Sk“n’g rZfckVaS- f • body ha. pleoges of support
gina pectoris, an affection of the fa the campaign from Federal and
- - .... state an< ) private agencies.
heart, while on a visit to see
patient at the Athens General
address will be delivered at
in order that tbb crowd will,
an apportunlty of seeing the I ” grg * a
'««* laaf night, while Dimple Nix j NATIONAL CAPITAL
al the .Moss Auditorium which will i V i. —..C.I „„ 1 OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY
She and her husband | birth or General Washington.
were taken Into custody !>v otfl-
ln K at the Colonial ends at 9 nevenge upon the McDowell’s
was the motive which prompted
Johnny Nix and the other negroes
Implicated In the act because of
the discharging of the servant, ae-
r. Maxim will be Introduced to cordln * to the-alleged cont.anlou.
nians by W. L. Erwin, well * _ . — —
U. S. Flag On
Pari. City Hall
known young attorney and former
army captain.
Arrangements--for- Dr. - Waglm's
visit t<> Athens were made by Dr.
IV i„ Moss, president of the Ath
ens Sector of the Assodstibn ot
Army Officers of the United States
The imitation was extended the
noted scientist on behalf of the
various civic bodies here.
I)r. Maxim, who attended the
national conference lor cxtermlna
non of the boll weevil In Atlanta
this week, will remain hero orer-
nlght going to Birmingham Friday
On February 3rd, Dr. Maxim waa
vonty years,old. Ha was born In
Maine and bad a boyhood of almost
hlt|er poverty. He waa bound to
have an education, bowever, and
managed to go through the Maine
Wesleyan Seminary at Kent’s Hill,
lie Invented “Mnxlmite,"• tho first
hlsh explosive to be fired through
armour plate, and has made other
Ininortant Inventions' dnd Improve
ments. He la consulting expert for
the Du Pont de Nemours Company
a> Wilmington, Dataware, and haa
an a member ot the Naval"Con
sulting Board sinco 1916. He has
written a number of scientific
huoks and many articles.
PARIS—An American . fl«f flew
from the Parle City Hell today* In
honor of Oeorfre Waehinvtnn. Tho flag
won presented by W. A. Alexander of
Philadelphia through the Rrenrh cm-
hasny ut Washington. It won accom
panied by letters from Prealdent
Harding and the Uovemors of 32
Mr. Ira Thornton
, WASHINGTON—Federal gfjv-
eminent activities in all branches
with' the exception of Congress
Were suspended today for the ob
servance of Washingtons birth
day. Both the Senate and House
remained at their task of clean
ing up the legislative jam before
adjournment of the session Murob
The ofricia! celebratbn of .the
day here-centered In ceremonial at
the WashlrigWh "monument ut
which the governors of a!i states
had been nvited to listen in by
radio Laying of wreaths at the
base of the memorial by Secretary
Week: and other high government
officials as well as represents
tlves of ‘a* .number mt patriot or
ganizatloni and the paying of mil
itary honors to tha memory of the
first pretidend marked the cere
monial program at the .monument
,' n!
"The meeting must end by 9
o'clock," Dr. Maxim declares. ”1
"nut to see the basketball game.”
Mr. Maxim, at seventy, has the
muscles of an athlete. In spite ot
'lie fact that be has only one hand,
lie plays tennis and other games.
x " admission will be charged for
Dr. Maxim's lecture.
Mr. Ire Thornton, a native of
Center, but who haa Uved In Ma-
eon for the past six yean, died in
that city Wednesday and tha re
mains arrived In Athens Thursday
and the funeral and Interment took
place at hla old home Thursday af
ternoon at 8 o’clock. ,
He waa the father of Mrs. J. W.
Moonhead ot Athens and Is sur
vived by five sons and one riangh-
Lanier Manages
Gulfs Station
Correspondent For Lon
don Paper Says Disinte
gration of the Republi'
cans Has Set In,
Mr. I). W. Lanier haa. been ap-
imintcd manager of the Gulf Re-
Dnini* station in this city. Re
"i" associated in the gasolene
kusjnes* in this city for a number
years, recently moving to Bir-
•■‘inirham, Ala., where be waa con-
m, t.'.l with the Gulf people until
r> Vansfer here laat week. -
ID 1 succeeds Mr. Parham, who
■ keen transferred to Brunswick
• ;s manager of the plant in that
Mr. Lanier, has many friends
" and his connection with the
d 'i' company will be welcomed
to those who have'dealt with
1 "i in the past.
that no
but that
"'ll be spent tomorrow in
' le store* in Athens for the
"'talar Saturday week eod
-hopping, both by our own cH-
""ns and by nearby neighbors,
hviurday has become the big
-h' i>:>ing day for thousands of
Danner- Herald
l< a* safe to say that a large
r(,on of these Saturday
•"•end Shopping Dollars
siH be-spent in Athens
»iH be spent in
LONDON (By U« Awjjlj
Press)—A non-committal view or
the pacification of ItelAnd *? '•
cautious but undoubted optimism
among well Informed residents Of
Dublin, la reported by the correa-
pondont of the Daily Mall, who
has lust returned from the Irish
city after an absence ~
months. I -i i’.
that peace la in .*^ i ' ed ^
etni has set In and. that a fresh
agreement fa In the slnyuiir hope
that Great Britain- will nwrikrtj
with .tie republicans over theWU
*f.vw!n!r ■w-"*"-*
disapproving the burning* an*
SmL according to tha writer who
adds tha'J Republican emissaries
quite recently were sent to Inter*
jvtosr Soviet politicians in Swite-
Senator Shortbridge, of Califor
nia was the principal speaker on
the program Of exercises arrang
ed by the local chapter of the
daughters of the American revo
lution at contitential memorial
hall, with other societies partici
pating. Among thoao making the
annual pilgrimage today to Mount
Vemon were 1,600 Washington
boy sconts to lay a wreath on the
tomb. A floral tribute from Sit
Auckland Gedaa, the British am
bassador was placed on the tomb
yesterday by Chairmin Chilton,
counsellor of the Embassy acting
for the ambassador who 1* con
fined with Minus., Mr. Chilton.
waa accompanied to Mount Ver
non by Mrs. William Cumming
Storey, honorary president-gener
al of the D. A. R., who also placed
a wreath in the inner tomb.
In a statement on tie occasion
or friends in Athens and all-over
the state, where he was well
known and universally popular.
Wednesday he was feeling unu
sually well and remarked, upon ar
riving at his office at the Crawford
W. Long Infirmary on the campus,
of the fact. He had planned a
visit to his old home at Danville
for Thursday. Wednesday night
he stood an examination for a ma
jor's place in the Medical Reserve
corps and about 9:30 was called
Into consultation on a case at the
General hospital and It was while In tho plan,
there that he suffered the attack,
first about-Wn-:p‘sl*sli,- Madias'
The National cgmpsgn for boli
weevil control is launched <aa an
independent movement incorpo
rated under 4he laws of Tennessee
having among its members repre
sentatives of all branches of the
bf the coton industry. Dr. Milef
Rese Hutchinson of New York,
managing director of the cam
paign is president of the corpora
Educational and research work
in connection with tho establish
ment of governmental and inde
pendent agencies to be carried on
under the eupervision of the
board of directors is provided for
aid was administered and by mid*
night It was thought that he had
recovered and no serious thought
was given to his Illness. He bad
never suffered any heart trouble
whatever. However the physicians
(Turn to Pago Three)
Interest In 'White Way
Is Again Be-
Popularity Contest Is
Great Polo
The incorporators will select a
permanent exdcutivo board com
posed of representatives of each of
tho cotton states and every branch
of tho industry, proceeding with
the fight against the weevil un
der the leadership of Dr. Hutch!
ATLANTA — The Georgia retail
clothiers and furnishers association
at their convention which dosed
here late Wednesday unanimously
elected Howard Muse) of Atlanta,
president Atlanta was chosen for
the annual meeting In 1933.
Other officers elepted wore L. C.
Adler, first vice president; Roland
Neel, second vise president, and
H. C. Chapman, secretary and
treasurer, all ot Atlanta.
Aaron Coheir, of Athens, was
named national director.
Game Tonight ,
At 9. O’clock
The Georgla-AUaiita Athle
tic Club game begins tonight
at nine o’clock, duo to tho
speech of Dr. Hudson Maxim
at the Colonial theatre. A pre
liminary game between tho
Freshmen and Watklnsvllle
will be played prior to tho var
alty gams. >
Former Minister of For
eign Affairs Meets Sud
den Death Late Last
S Governor Thomas W. Hardwick,
of Georgia announced at the doe-
ing session of the conference that
the governrors of Virginia,. Ala
bama, Florida and Qklahoma h
already wired their acceptance
yaerve on the committee of which
pe is chairman for the formation
interstate treaty pmong the
(Turn to Page
ing Talked.
Federal prohibition Commissioner
Haynes declared that from tbs
character of George Washington
the American people should draw
a lesson of patience and confi
dence in overcoming the forces at
work against the well-being of Hie
nation, particularly in regard to
■prohibition enforcement,
"With aroused public opinion
honest administration and real co
operation" he said, “I am confi
dent that Amarica la equal to the
task for which the father of the
country so ably laid-the founda
tion, and who waa thoroughly im
bued with faith in our institutions,
faith in our people, and faith in
the ultimate, outcome of our fight
of evU*'
.with these great sources
Edward Soule
Getting Better
Edward'Boole who was injured
in an automobila accident on thaL
Athens-Attanta - highway Monday
morning'afid who was brought to
local hoipital for medical at-
Athens Rotarians will ,sponsor
Miss Laura Mae Hammond of the
Athens. Railway and Electric Com
pany in the White Way Popularity
Content, it was decided Wednesday
at the weekly luncheon held at
the Agricultural College Cafeteria.
Miss Hammond is assistant to
the secretary of the Rotary Club,
J. B. Baling. All Rotarians have
entered enthusiastically into the
contest and declare. 'Miss Ham
mond will be leading when the
final votes are counted. The first
prise is a Ford automobile.
The Rotariana were addressed
yestterday by Dr. Frank E. Jaynes
representing the American City
Bureau in the Chamber of Com
merce expantion_t>rogram.
Major B. L. Burch of 1ihe Uni
versity of Georgia military de
partment outlined the plan for de
veloping a polo team at the Uni-
versitiy stating that the govern
ment will exchange polo ponies
for horses already here ir the
transportation charges are paid.
Major Burch sought ilie aid of Ro-
tanans in raising money sufficient
to pay the freight charge.
The club was entertained by
speeafl music program rendered
by Miaaes Dorothy Moran and Lola
Calloway of the University of
n English authority says tha
world’s greatest department stores
an to be fonnd In Chicago, Phila
delphia and Toronto.
Only thosa womed in Clarke
county who register and vote will
' to pay poll tax this
be required to pay poll tax this
year, it waa announced today by
J. H. Dorsey, tax receiver.
Last year, ac
I by the'
enacted by the 'legislature in 1921
ail women between 21-89 were re
quired to pay poll lax. The new
law was passed lest August.
PARIS — (By the Associated
Preps)' — Tlicopllo Dolcasse, for
mer Minister of foreign aftatrs.
died suddenly at Nlca last even
ing. ■ ll * ' . . *,
He left.bla hotel during the day
to convey his sympathy to minis
ter of Marine Bfilbertl. op tho oc
casion of tho death of tho minia-
tor’s mother. After this visit M.
Dolcasse apparently In good health,
returned to the hotel where he had
been panning several months.
Death came suddenly In the course
of the evening.
DelCasse worked and Uved mnch
to himself and made no confidantes
Even his associates in tha minis
try knew little or nothing of how
he waa shaping foreign poUcles
relating to the war. Gradually it
came to bo felt In the ministry that
ho was too eveloalva In hla meth
In October however he took oc
casion to deny the truth.of meny
ot the statements contained in the
memoirs ot formal’ Emperor Wll-
on is Fin
As a part of the reorganisation
Effect Of Ruhr Occupa
tion to Be Felt By Other,
Nations, Is The Latest
Plan. ., V* t , |
Cases Of Sabotage Along
telephone And Tele-
graph Lines Continue.
Orders To KiU. ^1
Press)—Stops to make the
of the occupation ot the Bui
by neutral countries have
taken by German mine officials
part of the passive resistor
part of the passive
program, according to
Mon in tha hands of tha
program of the Chamber of Com- f At a meeting in Bochi
merce Invitations have been sent
out for a "greater Athens” dlnnpr
to be held at the Georgian hotel,
next Monday night from 6:30.
It Is expected that several hun
dred loyal Athenians will attend
this meeting and dinner.
The invitations lent out to as
"Tho executive committee for
tho expansion campaign of the Ath
one chamber of Commerce re
quests the honor of yonr presence
and that ot the adult member* of
yonr household at the "Greeter
Athene" dinner to be given Mon
day evening, February 26th at the
Hotel Georgian at Slx-thlrty
o'clock. Plato* 91.00. No pledges
will he asked.”
Anyone not receiving tide Invito
tlon but deeiring to attend can for
ward their reservation to the
Chamber' of, Cothtaeree.
ed by the coal mine
the entire district, it ' __
to cancel aU coal contracts with
Holland, Switxarland, and or
neutral eountirea, it to stated.
The mining officials agreed I
would supply only tfiie local nt
of the Ruhr districts hereof
Ibis means that much leu
still be mined and
Police Search Man Who
Is Believed To Be Brains
In $)13,000 Bond Bank
The activity of the securil
lice against the. French
Frtmch it apiftara, are di
to put them out of commtosion
have ordered tho dissolution of
organization which is com
of former non-commissioned
cets in. tho Imperial, army.
Germans are making effon
Iceep the security police In
ty. Dr. Grnetzner, the 'pres!
of tho district who was
last week and who has csi
new headquarters at Elborfeli
on the edge of the occupied
has ordered ihe members <
force to stick, to their post
Cues of sabotage, chiefly
the telegraph and telephone
are 'continuing greatly to t
communication by the French
Belgians. The soldier guards h
been ordered to shoot on tight
individual caught in the act
cutlng wire*;.
WARREN. Mau. — With Frank
B HERL^(B^h^UaociaLi
Press)—A dispatch from Essen
L. Taylor, prealdent of the Pintthat General DaGontto lias
.. . . . . . mmml . *1 aSHti _ ■> ■ /n.LUJIn,. nn
Taxing of City in Which
Cladh Recently Occured
CaUed “Brutal Excess”
In Official Note.
All men between 21 and 60 must
pay poll tax except blind "men and
crippled and disabled Confederate
veterans, says Mr. Dorsey.
The t»x receiver direct* atten
tion to the opening of the tax — —
books and urges all cltlsena to whan two French Gendarmes and
make their return* now an- avoid » German police sergeanh were
any confusion which wouljpresult wounded. The sergeant died later.
BERLIN — (By the Associated
press) — The German Charge 'IT
Affairs at Pari* has presented to
the French government, a note In
which the German government re
ports the actual occurrences at
Gelsenkirchen on February 12
if they all wait until the
before the books
Hays before the books close.
Last year the receiver was
forced to employ several addition
al clerks to bring in fifty per cen(
of the citizens in Athens who fail*
ed to make their ifeturna before
the.hooka closed. He did this to
save them from being double
taxed. The law says that a citi
zen who toils to rive in his re-
tarns shall be double taxed every
■ ‘ • ’ n arid
year until he comes in person
gives in his returns. .
* hope j tention, to reported to be doing
isolate nicely and (lowly Improving.
hw lstoh government” !* «•
. -or** “holds evidence that in. re-
sorts, “holds evidence that
Skit*? .
■ Irish
United States
CMrlie Joel who waa operated
- " appendichii torsi
on Tuesday for
ap reported to w teasing well,
following the operation.
Confiscate Late
Ruler’s Property
Rotarians Will Celebrate Their
18th Anniversary In Athens
International Rotaty Club
18 Years Old. Local Club
Commemorates Third
BUDAPEST — (By the Associat
ed press) — The property In Hun
Tha Atheny Rotary dub which
to to celebrate the 18th anniversary
of the birth of Rotary International
and tha 3rd anniversary of the
■try of Count Michael Karolyi, ’local clnb this week to onset the I
Hungary's first and laat president, Itostt dubs of the organization in
ipttce of Importance in Rotary
t cage haa been go | along with older dubs of the conn
tag 'on for too yea fa. Tha court, try and to rendering a service to
found Ksroli guilty of treason. Un- [the community that ts Invaluable,
der the sentence he will lose sev-1 The local dub was organised In
1920 and baa grown steadily
ttot ne tite U {iS!to ^*The trial oflht
membership leading business and
professional men from nn at the
city’s main businesses and profes
sions. C. D. FUnlgen was the first
president and he was succeeded
by Abtt Nix and following Mr Nix
came Morton 8. Hodgson, the pres
ent Incumbent ,
The s-ccompltohment* of the or
ganisation’since its mdmUon in
Athens have been numerous and
for the great good of the commani-
ita ty. Interest'In boys' welfare . and
boyb’ uplift baa consumed a great
deal of tha members’ attenliop and
ot the
The note calls attention to the
subsequent measures undertaken
by the French authorities, refer
ring to the Imposition of a One of
100,000,600 marks and-the arrest
of members' of tha poUce force.
The communication alleges that
the latter step- was "attended, by
brutal excess” on the part of tha
French ttoops. . v
“The Ottoman government note
continues stating that tho clash
with' the'lndlriduil.officers of tho
Schutz poUst, earned by French
gendarmes, waa considered by the
French occupational forces as suf
ficient reason to. proceed age
the entire dty with forceful mc_
pree. the severity of whlbh could
hardly 'bq exaggerated. Even In
case blame bad retted with the
German offlcera the punitive ex
pedltion would have been a serious
violation of law aa not even la war
do acts of individuals permit the
imposition of penalties upon
entire population.
“The French govern moot
psrently approves (he action of
the local commanders as these with
ont restraint are continuing tire
maltreatment ot the dty. Protest
ing against the acts of violence, the
at reserves the
fall satlsfsci
t this time tbs re-
officer* still nil,
National bank of Warren, under
arrest In Chicago, local authorities
today turned their attention to a
search for Joseph B. Marrlno, al
leged to be the brains behind the
disappearance of $313,000 In bonds
and securitise from the bank’s
vaults. The institution was closed
yesterday by order of the bank
reported to have boon
mining since February 12, eras be
lieved to be on his way to South
Amarica, otfldato said. Hla true
name, was said to be Joseph B.
Blata, who. It waa declared, was
being sought for similar bank loot
ings la.two Calafornla cities and
of the Mechanics and Merchants
bank 0t Philadelphia.
It waa Mardno, bank examiners
and detectives working on the case
safd, who placed Taylor In the
Warren bank aa president Mar-
> and Abraham Goldman, of
Chicago, said to be the fotmer’s
father-in-law, purchased the con
trolling Interest In the local fostltu
tlon tost January. . Taylor was In
stalled as president a short time
later. J$ waa later Mamed that
Taylor was also Interested In the
Nlagre Life insurance company,
ot Buffalo, N. Y„ aa a director.
Mardno was sajd to have pur
chased control of that concern a
year ago. It to now in the hands
of gre store Insurance department.
issued an order forbidding, the
try of German cabinet mlnisi
into tho occupied area. Thb C
era! has, instructed the polio
other authorities to arrest, i
minister disobeying the order
bring the offender before tho i
itary court.
Failure to comply with tbit
tree, the dispatch adds, will'
.suit In the infliction of
SS’sd 0 "
the cities or
a nr is
Lucille Haynes
dies Thursday
. Lucille, the four year old daugh
ter or ntr. and Mrs. C. C. Haynes,
died Thursday morning at 11:16
at the home of her parents follow
;.an Illness of two days. She to
survived by .her parents, two sis-
d stand-.
ten, Leona hbd Jewell and _
mother, Mrs. J. M. Lewis. Funeral
arrangements will be aneonneed
Infernal Machines
Sent to Officials
BirtMPBOT — Infernal
have been received by the nppoeltion
leaders In paritomeat, Herr Plat, sad
Deputy tleSiey. editor ot tho oppoot
tlon newspaper. Being • susptrlbus at
the contents ot the parrels they call-
ed In experts, who opened them. Each
parcel contained a bomb and »-oard
bearing lbs Wards "hearty greetings
committee ot' one hundred
an* one."
The news of the attempt <m
lives of the deputies aroused a
hijflS. —
Mae Murray Star At
ace/Theatre. Buster '
ton 1 Comedy ‘An
"Jasimanla,” Mae
latest, picture to by far the
that this unusual star haa mud",
and It won frequent outburst* of
spontaneous dpplsnso at the Pal
ace theatre today, when It was
shown for'- tha first tinrn. Mias
Murray's most .ardent admin ™
agreed that her now picture I
perior In erary way <
Boao,” "Fascination." o
Altar," extraordinarily
No one can possibly say of thin
photoplay that It follows thu
beaten track. It to one of tb
original stores seen on the
picture screen In a long Urn
originality Ilea In the fact
combines many familiar i
in s novel -manner. "Ja
hhs the flavor of the best 1
ray pictures In one; yet it la total;-
(Turn to Pngs Six)
YooTe hired”— , ■ .tjafl’Jl
But tkU hire and Are ei
can bo ent. short, and
the formula.