The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 23, 1923, Image 1
;• VOI. 9' investigate Today! To Regular Subscriber* of the banner-herald ji.OCO Accident Policy Free. IN City Court Does m Honor To DuPre Noted Scientist In Ad dress Here Says Men At Capitol Not Awake To Our Needs. DEMAGOGUE FLAYED IN EECH External And Internal Defense Discussed. He Was Guest of Civic Bodies Here. City Court adjourned shortly after noon Friday .in order that court officials and attorneys might attend the funeral of Dr. Dan )!. Dupree. Cour will recen until Monday morning when the criminal doek- ■ J will be taken up at 9:30 o’clock. The case which consumed part of the morning was that of tho Brunswick Phonograph Co, vs. P. H. Durden. lEIUDEW mini 9RIEBSI NUB-HEIB Temporary Armistice Reached In Filibuster Which Has Blocked Sen ate Since Monday. AFFAIR IS SETTLED Publisher Puts Aside First Wife And Will Live With Pretty Macon Actress. TO HANDLE MINOR BILLS SATURDAY After Two Hour Session Saturday Morning, Sen ate Will Vote On Presi dent’s Pet Measure. end WASHINGTON—An senate whipping bill r«#ht appeared near at hand today through an agree ment made behind eloaed ooc.*a for a Apathy of congressman to the ni-odi of the nation waa scored Iasi night by Dr. Hudson Maxim, internationally famed scientist, ; „ho spoke to a large crowd of; Athenians at the Colonial Theatre 1 NEW YORK — The separation on •External and lntenulDe- ! ,al ‘ «f Mrs. Eleanor V. Brewster temporary armistice, m me filibuster. ( i enie •• against (er husband, Eugeno V. which has blocked all business sines I)r Msilm was here ss the meet Brewster, publisher of Motion Monday. -•"** picture magostne brought because In executive session, the senate Of hi* attentions to Mlu Corliss asreed to adjourn tonight at S o'clock Palmer, formerly of Macon, motion, t “ k « »p minor blMs for two hours to- picture actress, boa been settled., morrow and then proceed with the Mrs. Brewster's attorneys an-, rhippins 'bin. hut with the poeelbimy flounced today that a 150.000 home of » v °te in the ip Mn tlme for recom at Rotlyn, L. I., with furnishing mittai. valued at M0.000. and alimony had After the agreement administration Legion. Dr.xIc.'wiiitVfir^,^" «*»•» to thelr client -Mr. | conred^ th« the .hip b... Of the PI At Bantlst church. 1 Brewster receives tho custody of w “* “* «°°° »» oeno. not asr n wnltK.I,.mi a boy three year* Old. |lh“" tomorrow nighty It wna said, the , CnI ?'„ W .'J?.* her 0f 0,8 Dnl Brewster has franVy admitted tote on recommittal would come and his Infautatlon of Miss l'almer. ‘he bill would be Interred with prop- I er obaqulea. Convicts Finish . Cavalry Field The coudty convicts finished tho cavalry drill field Friday- at noon and the force and eoulpnwnt waa immediately moved. The grading of this field gitos- not only a splendid drill ground for the cavalry but afford* ample parking space for automobile* for athletic contests on Sanford Field. It la sufficiently large for polo matches and on effort is being made to have a number of polo ponies shipped here for use by the nolo team Butt Will represent Athena in games played in the South. All -fiat is necessary is enough money to pay the freight on these onies to Athens and an appeal as been made to the civic bodies of the eity jto raise this money. SBEcimm liifc ■HE Dill Twenty - Two Captains Busy Selecting Six lieu tenants Each For Great Campaign. WEDNESDAY IS BEGINNING DATE nr the city upon invitation of vari ous civic bodies. He was Intro duced by Will L. Erwin, attorney. Seated on the etate were Dr. Will Moss, president of the Athens sec tor Association or Army Officers, Henrv H. West, commander Allen Fleming Post of the American FORD AMY RECEIVE DEMOCRAT OKAY Possibilities That Auto Maker Would Receive Endorsement For Presi dent Good. and varsity of Georgia. Pointing out the Internal darg- rrs lo the country sa a result ot tho "political demagogue,- crimi nal classes, the human paraslto and destructive Insect pests, the r.eaker also directed the attention of tho audience to the peril* of unpreparednett for external de fense. congratulates GEORGIA STUDENT* He congratulated the south tot having bare “the tree Nordic type of manhood to rapport the back bone ot the nation” and pralaed the R. O. T. c. at the University al iening that -it was the second finest body of young men he ha* reen. » To meet the needs of external defense the speaker advocated a large merchant marine, Mg navy and enouah officers to train men In time of war. He urged military training In every school la . the (Turn to Pag* Three). BELIEVED CAUGHT 5300.000 LOSS IN ITHREE PERISH, NINE FIRE Blaze Which Swept a Suburb of ,Pensacola, Fla. Finally Brought Un der Control. Under The Name “Dr. Coppage,” Man Who Gave Bogus Checks Here, Nabbed In Macon. Going under tho name ot “Dr. roppog*'' the man who fleeced throe Athene merchants out of $M hy passing bogus checks here Moa- day. is believed to have been ap prehended In Macon. A. a. Johnson, secretary of the Merchants Protective Association there, telephoned the Athena po lice from iMacon Friday morning stating that a “Dr. Coppage” had hecn detained there end answered the description of the V. McClure’ “'ho operated In Athena this week. county Officer R. A. Say*, Jr„ aecormanled by an employee from one or the concerns where the had 'hecks were passed, left- imme diately for Macon. They carried with them warrants for the Arrest of "Dr. Coppage” If he prove*'to he the men wanted here. Representing himself aa a rail road conductor living at “ISO Boole vard” here, McClure ‘ bought ent ries of merchandise from three Athens stores Monday and gave cheeks ot large denomination, re ceiving In exchange cash totalling 190. He visited other place* and *'>uld have made a bigger haul, police believe. If om of the mer chants bed not discovered that Me ■'lure wee a confidence men. He bed left town, however, before po llen were notified. McClure waa very particular about the condition of articles he bought upon their arrival at hie fake address "i»0 Boulevard.” TIMELY TIPS TO ATHENS MERCHANTS Tht Cash Register Remark* The bass take* small profits,/ hut I rln* up to many sate* I* take* the v whole multiplication ‘•hit to figure the total rake-off the one of the month. Civ* your buelnte* a real Chino* in do whet you’re running It for -attract the public. Honest service. Honest advertising “•ooedleg tpttornoxaa of auassewAe ennoTs and several hundred barrel ■ of turpentine were burned end- prop erty of the company destroyed. The blase is have ori ginated by sparks from' a loco motive. i .. At a late hour lest night the fire waa brought under control though it waa hours before the flame*-were entirely extinguished. All of Pensacola’s fire equipment was put into action and several Louisville A Nashville engines were-used to haul away endanger- •d stores# Rolling off of burning barrelr iy,volunteers saved 3,500 barrels >f turpentine in storage' tanks im aesl from destruction. FOI01. HI ME Prominent Athens Phy& cian Laid To Rest After Imp: Frio restive Ceremonies day P. M. Fnnsral services for Dr. Dan H. DuPree, prominent Athena physi cian who . died, suddenly errly Thursday morning, were conducted from Emmanuel Episcopal church Friday afternoon at four o’clock, A. O. Richards, rector, assisted by Dr. J. C. Wilkinson, officiating. A large concourse of friends nnd relatives gathered,to par dnsl tri bute to this highly esteemed Ath enian while the floral offerings were gorgeous and .profuse. The members of the Clarke Chon tv Medical Society, numbering Dr. DnPree'a fellow professtcnal friend*, acted ae the hqporary es cort while the members'Of-thd T. Hi C. A. hoard of 'directors: of which he waa a member for a long of time, fellow.member* of — W imi. Big Loss In Human Life Feared In Blaze Which Destroyed A Rooming House. Tax Now Due KANSAS cm. »U“--Thre* persons were burned to death-and nine other* were reported missing in a fire here early today which destroyed a two story brick-and frame rooming home at 911 Kan sas avenue. 'Between 20 and 30 persons oc- floor**jMlwliuiidtng. Seventies- I Commutation C *!rhe firJ U flo<3r*of the building waa the H. and H. Garage, in which about 15 mo'-br cars wsr* destroyed. Chief John McNary, estimated the total property dam age at $20,000. A transfer man escaped- with his five year old daughter. He was unable to bring the rest of his family out Mrs* Ella Ssi _ from the building with her seven year old daugh-ar, said she was -positive her son and mother-in- law had perished in the fir*. Mrs. Sargent raid she was awakened by her motb*r-inlaw’s screams, pleidng up her daughter, Mrs. Sargent ran through the flames out of tha building. She a last raw her mother-in- king up’ ter son nnd that ' not amir out No trace fouiM of the six mem bers of Ae Brown family. that Henry Ford might be endor sed sa the party’s presidential candidate in i924 overshadowod nil other business before Michigan democrats when they met In state Indications Are That A Large Number Will At tend “Greater Athens’’ Dinner Monday. :'-W MORE BLOOD SHED IN RUHR AS FRENCHKILL ONE GERMAN and BAdly HURT TWO OTHE ■r-f on no won M Dispatch Says Free State Arrested Prominent Ir regulars. Doyle’s House Burned. \ LONDON—A Central news dis patch from Dublin, reports a ru mor that the Free state govern- Twcntv.twn rant■ in. ... mur oust Vue p-reo Slate govern- ..Boling M, lieutenants each for the rre t a£d*u7£^ E * m ° n °° V ‘ big Chambv of Commerce which will start next Wednesday morning. Thr menu division of th* team organisation w.l Icon slat' at a i*l four majord. twenty-two and 1st lieutenants. This :es a total of 15S men. Added to will be special committees, and a woman's division. It will be on# at tho greatest team organisations ever formed In Georgia. The captains are Hugh H. Gordon. DETROIT, Mich. — Possibility ,r " c - Trussetl, Frank H.-Hards- . M. J. Costa, Morton b. odgaon, H. If. Hinton, John R. Nnrthcutt, David Michael, Arthur Uooth, E. c. Weston, L U Stapleton. U. F. Vteph- enson, Hereebel Carlthara. Milton W. convention here today to adopt a *• *; “US'’ * r '• A 5IL2‘ platform and nominate candidate* £ \ D £ 1 ^ u jr;* nd , ley ; V’ ~ , Crook J for minor state offices to be filled !*■ *• jjloodwocth, Joel a. w*ir. end at thd spring election. i°' r ' p * ddock - Some ot tha party leaden frank- Col. D. W. Ryther Is th* colonel of ly expressed the fear that the pro- I "jalroiT jV James mu, posed Ford endorsement might j cause a split and turn tho convtn- I , HoWen ar Vv* ai_ n _ A-maJ-ir, “ TC-1 The captains met yesterday at the tlon front • Jolllflcation Qv*r thl 21ot*l Georgian to oe!®ct their lieu* party* success last Novambar in- to a divided camp. I h . Mnran^ITv *• beUeved Efforts were made before theHjj" ror 'in^rartinn*.™' id—*-• convention to Iron out the r„, Ath E cultiee. leader, holding clo^ eee- ?P°° i la at a Detectives of th* Irish criminal Investigation department, the dis patch lays, made several impor tant captives early today. The men taken Included five ot the principal Irregular leaders. The dispatches were extremely retloent as to the result of the operations, but it !• rumored that DeValera and Lynch were among those taken. > It ie understood the orrospon- dont asserts that the rregultr army council was surprised while in session a bouse at Drumcooda. DUBLIN — Tho Freemans jour nal says that among the Irregulars captured at Bromconre this morn ing was Zean Fitzpatrick, describ ed as the acting commandant of the Dublin brigade or irregulars. The residenoe of Michael Doyle, member of the Dial Eiroann for Wexford. wa* burned to the groan i last evening at TagouL Nicholas Williams, a member (he Dublin defense force, was dead at Brumcondrm teat night *d the she dental School Cadets Stage Parade With the officers displaying their newly acquired Sam Brown belts and every cadet shouldering a rifle, 'the High School R. O. T.. paraded through, the principal streets Fri day morning. The parade waa led by the bend with a special motorcycle officer detailed u the pathfinder. The R. O. T.. Is under the enpervlston of Major Hunter Harris U. & Army retired and the training given by Major Harris Is already helping the hoys as shown In their soldier ly appearance. Mach comment wee heard on the street on tho “nappy” appearance of the boy*; all dressed In regute- 1th overseas tlon. uniform with overseas cap*. MRS.C.6.TW6E DIES EARLY FRIDAY Fatalities Occured French .Fired Into Jeering Mob At Building. TRANSPORTATION TO BE BETTERED Difficulties Are Threat ening Allied Customs’ Ring As Result Of Ber- Jer. w Gloom Cast Over Entire Community By Death of Prominent Athens Wo man. DUSSELDORF — (By tbs Asso ciated Press) — Blood has again been shed In tho, Ruhr in the course of a French "dlgring In” process. One German ciyilian was killed nnd two others seriously In jured at Bochum yesterday when two French soldiers fired upon a crowd that had gathered to watch tho occupation of the courts build ing. Observeip said the shooting was done by Poilus who wore ob viously Irritated by tho Jeers of the bystanders. The decision of Premilm Poin care nnd Theunls to operate the railroads through an allied civil nflmfr.fsf rntfrm fa soon finnt «« « wife shooting was aoci- S Wells Talmadge, . Talmadge, died Fri- ir ot d*y morning at 8:30 o’clock, fol- shot lowing an Hues* of several days L it i and a delicate operation test week. delicate i Friend* hag t> her. condition i' anxious ID became very sion for th* purpose deciding upon H course that would assure bar- a course that would assure bar- 1 mony. Opponent! of tha proposil felt It was said, that presidential Indorsement should be left to the primary. Mr. Ford was selected by.Weyna ' v ', d8 county democrat*- to head the del* Cation of 137 In today** conven tion bnt few expected the manu facturer to appear personally. No •atement has been made by Mr. Ford’* close friends as to hte atti tude on the political situation. rate that InSIcale* a groat [ crowd Mondoy night, according to at- flclaU 'at campaign headquarters. A report la/expected toda$ on the ac ceptance of -a very distinguished Georgian that baa. been Invited to vide tho time at tin meeting will noted Chattanoossn, Uhaaipa V. I to dt- ; 4 Judge Webb hf Athens Visitor KD US EM HSU serious and. at times had hope* of her recovery hut she grew gradually weaker until the end came Friday more . ornlng. Before her marriage to Mr. TSlmadge in Baltimore in October 1903 aha ytet Mist Lucy Marian Wells^daughtor, of .Major and Qne Has Been Dead J^or ; m^TrosT smith S? Attest a ei*: A Week, While The Oth er Is Frozen And, Hungry. * | admteistnrtlon Is seen here as a transportation move to Improve conditions although General Payola asserts tho railroads already opera ting under French nnd Belgian supervision are doing their work. Details of tho now plan will bo worked out nt conferences among General DoGouteo. General Pay- tte, officials of tho "French ministry of puhllq works, rpresentatives of the Railroads, and Paul Tlraql, president ot the International Rhineland commission. DIFFICULTIES FACE CUSTOMS RING ; The functioning customs ring Is threatens! difficulties In consequence tin’s order that no to tho 'occupiers. Such the FMere! minister of to W« decreed, will not be and the government German customs been reminded of their bltity to the Relscb and 1 and tetef to Balti- ernments confidence During Mrs.' Tahnadge’s iqd the' Wells family moved Commutation tox payable In Clark* county is now, dot accord ing to an announcement mad* by Tat* Wright, clerk of the county oommteiionera. This is a road tax and to assessable against all males . , , . of age living outside of the cor- e*ceped porate limits of towns of the . — .. - coun ty, .The amount of tha tax te $3.00 and if not paid the esieei* 1s liable fpr ropd duty. , . tMwtn YniM-Wahh fcroth^!P 0 * 8 ,h * e«®e.back to ! ™si»t keisnre of their Judgo Edwin YsiosTWobb, broth entering e cottage at Dayton Ken-1 j, Br 0 j,j to live when (be waa u much firmness •r of Mr*. J. A. Darwin, left fot tuekr. test night found Mr*. Marla 1 married. Her" father. Major shown hy Industrial Florida Friday morning alter spend L. Mansflold. 17 half ftmuhod ““d wSte/died aiwsralyssrs apoHc Meanwhile the Fr Ing a few day* with tho family df helplera lying in bed beside the wra weil knovm here snd n; ' Mr. and Mrs. Darwin on Mtiledfn froeen body of her sister Hp Mar- many visits to Athens. Ho™ The authorities today we deavdring to dttfcrmine the of the fBe." sw origlr s FLOOR LEADERSHIP on i eturtwifit after University whp honored htitf u.i devotion to «>*m Ini hill connection with the Cniwfoni. Wt Long innrma | T' ®*®t^>» ey^ a>H, Wlaagt, for an sirma Nu fretemltv, ot wWi warn member. Univertlty « fin faculty members all Joined with hte personal friends, hie reto lives, tb* members ot the Em- m..i church and those who es teemed him as a citizen In the pro- cession that led from the church to the grave in Oconee cemetery. The active pall bearere were. Morton S. Hodgson. John S. Tal madge. Jr.. H. H. Gordon. Jr. An drew C. Erwin, O. A. MAIL Vf. B. Steadman. Dr. Andrew M. Bottle and W. T. Forbes. Rnrvivtn* Dr. DuPre* »«. hi* HOWARD EUL06IZES| DEO. WASHINGTON avenn*. dec* 1 Lenhain, U. Both woman were Judge Webb was formerly a fully clbthed. there was no heat food member ot the United States Con- .or srater In th* boust. grees. He Introdaced and wse co- I Coroner W. a Hughe* nld he be- author of tho Webb-KeOyon blU M«v*d Mrs. Lanham had been dead op SURVIVORS, which brought about tho prohtbi- for perhaps a week and that death' many . consulting engineer for the South- aan church. Meanwhile the FrencL that their customs barrio cure and' that the course many’s economic life i been diverted. LARGE NUMBER tlon amendment to tlon. constltn- White Man Tried For Killing Negro ’AMlij waa due to pneumonia brought on by ■tanratloo and cold. The Germans on their elan through the press that . are adamant in their dotermi tlon not to yield and point Itie* as the *: ■Y J. D. ALLEN With a glowing address In which ho paid tribute tb the sterling character o( our first preeldenL Hon. W. M. Howard, of Augusta, greoaman from this Alabama Senator prominent barrister, was th* prln elpal speaker at the exerelees held at noon Thursday In tho University chapel to commemorate the natal day nf Oeorge - Washington. , “It would he a misconception .And th* Purpose for which ere have gath- of with see eradd taking ot test!- j mony continnad this morning 'In the trill here'Of Joe Jenktas, whits ! man charged',with the ihsrder ot "cox” Jpaefe, an Old im. *t Mil- haven December 30. The Trial was begun last night, and court ad journed about 10 o’clock until this morning: • c n ta ogpected that attorneys for _ the state and defease will make official statement which has been _ their appeals to the Jury same- pnp ared under the direction of the former Con- time this afternoon and 'bat the cam paign executive committee for district and cue will go to tho Jury late this t |, e expansion movement It'has Surviving Mr*. Tmlmadrs are, in tha immediate family, Mr. Tal- ’such penalties a* tho expul Mrs. Manaflsld refused to bo uksn madge, Two sons, Coke Well* and German fnnetionaries only ntreng- to a hospital declaring she rad' her ; Marian Lyman, and two sisters, i then the German position. sister bed "never beUeved in physt-IMrs. A. B. Patton of Athens nd pulsions of the Rohr-and Rh Mrs. H. W. Bchnltx of Baltimore. —* * — ™ two uncles, Mr. E. I. Smith of Athens end Mr. Robert Smith of Lag.Angelee end Mr. Tklmadgu’s IS DF TRADE BODY '-.“What will th* expended Cham ber of Commerce dor This question ta answered In an Wife Go To Europe. Rob- r,^’^mJTSa^n. add to 1 inson, Arkansas, ceeds Him. Sue- WASHINGTON — Senator Un derwood, of Alabama, has dosed hte service da democrat floor lead- we might ear would add to th* luatro or detract from the glory which sur rounds the name ot Washington. PRAISES EVERY WALK OF . LIFE "As a general, as a legislator, as a president, as X husband, as a friend all the splendid things that have The of the senate minority leadership new Congress. today virtually fen upon Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, who I* stat ed to be chosen Is the next Con gress as the successor to Snnatcr Underwood, who an nonce) test FirorTo Here Ft v 9Q«lo her of Commerce.” . It ta accom ft mOUI* panted by a tetter from the com- J. W. Ftror, newly elected County Agricultural v Ag*«t (or Clarke will taks up Ms duties htre February SS, soordlng to a latter . hs wrote th* Chamber ot Commerce, received her* Friday. Mr. Floor, now (Wh llie A.' B. V A A- railroad I* enld tb 'Ke 'of tho out- been pat In a four-page printed pamphlet and 1s entitled. “Tb* Plans gad Purposes of the Move ment to Expand th* Athens Cham- mittee anting every dtisen to put hte Shoulder to the wheel. Th* alms of the greater organisation and a picture of Its field ot activity are given la the opening statement as follows: Itutaf 'experts In thjs country. He will aid er or the senate. Aceompanled M L,,. _,. UB8hou /„." ?!! ;TL“ section of ,. Mr*. Underwood, he has left here . t . bw _ ^ greatly in finding'miMiet* for ex^rit " pS h «Ja? # OTwT ^ ,ood ^ ^ lar npprbpriution bills or ibs stai- aSssBfsasuwseflk.’B as ed, because'he stood for freedom, lor justice, for a government represents- .... ... Uv# of all th* people sa* devoid or __ * ® MW| on that savored of monarchical pow- COLUMBUS, O*. — Dillard Ow- AIM8 OF EXPANDED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Be He ring, that Athens, baa tmu- raal possibilities tor development in'trade, commerce. Industry and edicatloo* and that thew posslblll fullest mew ties can ha attained In fullest mew ure through qrgsnjfed.eBurL^the Reviewing at length the anceetry and th* boyhood Itf* ot Washington, November that he would retire SfJSSSS ^‘^.“^,^..^0 from the leedersMp with the end cchteremeeu at hi. uter rear, to of the closing Underwood’* health hw been some whet impaired by fftost trouble and his physicians have advised t long rest to me tors hte speaking POST OPPICE RAIDED ■ DUBLIN—A. Unps’band of men armed with rifle* test evening •* Louth village wss sml- the strong character formed by Itf* experience In th* Indian Wart and to the Virginian culture in" which Us lived. That Washington waa not a gnat scholar, and that today every |con*** student Is educationally bel ter prepared for tho duties of life than he, wen striking points brought out' by th* speaker. "This Is not said la order to dis pense education.*' 'We: Watsfin • I -But Washington educated. himaelL In •Pit* at unfavorable etmieneteneu educated himself fo zettlstnahlp' and (Turn to pqge eight) ■' isis’SSsi.uSiSs Killing Brother movement which. If earnestly ra| have 1U to by tho commuc .Vi reacning erroct upon —r. , — „iowth and prosperity. ens, charged with murder in coo- Thle movement lnolod** foi nection with the death ot his broth lowing alms: j er Perry Owen* on Christmas era j i. To organise In tb* moat of night, ww declared not guilty by fectlve way ton citizenship of Ath a Jury In Superior court here Fri- day morning. To etlmntata among our dti- i greater appreciation ot their Mona as citizens aid of their Mrs. Simmpns Dies In Atlanta ny the c ens and vicinity. 2. To stimulate sen* a _ obligations opportunities for constructive leadership through a modem Cham ber of Commerce.' $. To develop and adopt an "Ath ens program," a comprehensive lire. Natalie Chandler Simmons, of plan for thn upbuilding or tha city £ r - 11 - - - died St a.huspitel there Fri I rnlng. ' Mr».r Sjnimpps has ta* trial. : survivors )a Athens: Ck tural. ', me brother, Mra. RlehaM nd Mrs.. James Park, two of nmercteL il To attract tho'most ipodern , (a death hw cwt >ra. of wdnbss over all Ath- . Besides being a member of one of 4he city’s most prominent families she had hundreds of per sonal friends who friar* her death. She ww a leader among her social friends and ww just in the prims of womanhod. She ww a member of the Presbyteri an ihurch. FUNERAL SATURDAY. The funeral will be conducted Saturday aftemon at five o’clock from the residence, 1275 Prince tend df officiate already total - the Germans allege. Fire In a Tenement Forced Three Persons: To Leap To Safety. In cendiary Origin. NEW YORK — A woman of 80 n?*? t“wfn 22S‘F tfB “ d 1 men J um P C( i ™ri y to- £ PtmhvtnrInn' I da 3 r ***** window* and fire esciiiMs fSJPr 1 ' In an Bast side tenement house raS? , eeSto^ t#rmeBt W “ l "I"** «>•«•"<» S’thepollco"to have The palllbeareintrill be, Messrs. werelSriotute hurt*' 11 ' A " lian'c v U Stiweli, F 'Pral I ^wore^persons were rescued James^anow 1 and’ C.^H. S'S gS^ji Dorsey’s te in charge of th. ar- SSftS ,he range rtlents. ms hue MOiFK Tho fin ww the fifth that ocour- red within a radius of three block* In an hour. The four others were quickly discovered and put out with small damage. All were be lieved to have been of Incendiary origin. Meager Details Say That All Workmen Were Re moved To Safely Unin jured. . WALLACE Idaho.—The Here- cules min* at Burke, north of here, rted on fire shortly liter 1 this morning. Tha mea ger messages'received here stated that all miners were on* of the mine and that a helmet drew ww ig to enter and locate the Industries hy and effective •MU 000. , totalling more than’$14,..., AJead-silve- ore is mined. thousands OF DOLL 9LLAR* Will be spent Saturday In th* •tore* lu Athens fee the regular weqjc end shopping; both by our •wn eltlxene end by netrby nsigh- bere. Saturday ha* become’ ths mm eheppln'g day fee theuiands —/ .net a portion at thtst Saturday week end Shopping Dollars that will bs (pen* In Athene tomorrow will bs guldsd chlttly by th* store nsws In BEFOR’VOV SHOP IN THE STORES SATURDAY; SHOP FIRST TONtOHT IN THE BAN- NER.HERALD. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRY'IT.