The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, February 23, 1923, Image 3

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    r ni”‘" * ■
Office 1201—Hy MRS.
ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832.
ramcrct! sweats i Th ?, regular meeting of Jhe Ath-
Lhcmvlu^',,’ tr R Woman’s Club will be held
the mystu..*s (Monday afternon at four o’clock
• at the home on Prince avenue,
ic vine ! / X ' h . ir> meeting will be in charge
... ... of the music committee who an-
r 7f I c'u ha-.; the nine ‘ d “ rUte "o»w« that Mrs. Dowman, vice-
llican na.e no pine. j president of the Atlanta Music
i .Study Club, Mias Evelyn Jackson,
district chairman of the Junior
I -t others have the map'c troes',
Willi all their garnered
Let others chose
of Ic iky oak retreats.
I ll give lo o 'jicr man the fru’t
lif cherry and the vine.
1 love it for its tapering grace.
Its uplift straight and true,
1 it lor the fairy lace .
It throws against .lie blue.
| love it for i‘.s quiet strength,
Its hints of dreamy rest
As stretching forth my weary
I lie here as its guest.
So Persian rug for priceless fee
Was i er so richly made
A< (hat 'he pine hath spread for
To woo me to. its 3hadc.
No kindly friend hath ever kept
More faithful virgil by
A tired comrade as he slept
Beneath his watchful eye.
Bui best of all I love it for
Its soft, eternal green;
Through all the winter winds that
It ever bloom? serene,
And strengthened souls oppressed
by fears,
By trouble* multiform, ,
To turn, amid the stress of tears,
A smiling face to storm.
Thursday February 22nd, being
Washington's birihday and a le
gal holiday for most of the child
ren, however, not a holiday for
Lucy Cobb, but a more noteworthy
occasion for the Mary Ann Lips
comb Elementary School so beau
tifully and skillfully directed by
Miss Carrie Walden. A«f an in
troduction to their Health work
the children presented a delight
ful and charming Health program
in three parts.
Pr.rt I.—Modern health crusad
Part II.—Pied Piper of Health.
Part HI.—A day in Happy land..
For the benefit of children the
first beautiful play was given at
12 o’clock* and for the parents
arid older -friends the play was
given in 'ho afternon at 5 o’clock
The children hava entered with
a fipo spirit and co-ordination
withl Miss Walden in thir. cplcn
diil work, as In every thing else
attd 'under her magnificent train
ing have long aga exemplified her
wonderful influence, day by day
in their amazing progriess and
The play was very entertain
ing and the work has been great,
ly encouraged by the. increase in
weight from month to mon-'h also
in height since last September.
The dancing , and singing by the
lovely children deservos especial
mention, each and every one doing
remarkable work.
'Music Club and Mrs. Michael Hoke
oil of A Janta will address the
club, while one of the ladies will
entertain with a musical selection.
The purpose of the meeting, is
*o organize a Junior Music Club
in Athens.
•Mrs. Dowman, Miss Jackson and
Mrs. Hoke will be the guests of
Mrs. Lamar Rucker while here.
AT 3:30. .
The regular monthly meeting of
the Woman’s Club will be held
Monday afternon at 3:30 when a
very interesting program will be
an enjoyable feautre. The music
committee with Mrs. John Morris
chairman will be in charge. Mrs.
Charles Dowman, pa..t president of
the Atlanta Music Study Club and
Miss Evelyn Jackson of Atlanta,
will be an additional attrac
tion when they will addresa the
meeting and will contribute musi
cal numbers, Miss Jackson will
speak on Junior music clubs. Ev
ery member is urged to bo pres
Oner l7JMon/m Uni Km*
Mrs. Rucker Mason of Com
merce: visited relatives here Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Alexander,
Mrs. A. C. Carson, Mrs. Aubrey
Williford and Mrs. Lois Haley of
Commerce visited here Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dcadwyler
were visiting in Athens last
Thursday.—Maysvilic Eft erprise.
Mr. Will Wood, of Athens spent
several days hare this week vis
iting his children and friends.—
Meysvillc Enterprise.
- -Mb 1
Mcsdnmes M..P. Dcadwyler and
Robert Carr, Jr., were visitors to
Athens Monday.—Maysvillc En
Miss Blanche Rogers of Athens
spent the week-end here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rog
VAN-NIAL Never Disappoints
Apathy of Men In
Congress Is Scored
By Hudson Maxim
Continued from page one)
country such aa is carried on at
the University and High School.
Speaking of internal problems
Tho uniat, of tho rare esteem in
which the into Mrs. Loliie Belle
Wylie f .Widely-known southern
-wriKrr "sirrn prominent Atlanta
club woman, was held by-many de
vote* frionda, hna been caught and
beautifully expressed by tho At-
lsntaSfwar’s club in a resolution
lamenting Jber'ddath which cc-
currcd.last Friday.
The tenolut'on rec.-.llz to many
Atlnattafi her sweet natiro and
the hpUEM ’influence which bus,
^Tion r kites, proved nn
. .to hundreds of others
i 'Will long endure. Her
d self-sacrificing dovc ;
ere has boon touched
upon wHh .tbc.clear undcrstnnding
of fiiends who for years have iieen
asso-iatad with her in her work to
develop literature ill t'ic'scuth.
Mrs. Wylie was chariler mem
ber of tlie club, and for tho last
five years has been its president.
Tho resolution was sent to the
memoers of Mrs. Wylie’s family
as an as:;urancct>f sympathy and
of grateful in which
she is held. It tvas also placed
on the minutes of tho • Writers’
ciub. The resolution committee wus
com iosed of Mias Mary Bren:
Whiteside,' Dudley Cowles and
Miss Lillinn L. Hugiley.—Journal.
Thursday evening Mrs. Earnest
Potts entertained very delightful
ly at a beautiful rook party when
nix tables of neighborhood friends
enjoyed the lovely hospitality. The
bright decorations emphasized
George Washington's birthday
very artistically in all the pret-
ly details, with red hatchets and
cherries giving a colorful note in
tho score cards and dainty re
The charmingly planned party
added moat hnppily-to the affairs
of the'week.
—gg— > ,
Judge J. D. Bradwcll -will ad
dress tho Y. W. C. A. Friday eve
ning at 8 o’clock on ‘Titles, Deeds
and Abstracts, which will be the
third'of the series of lectures.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Shultz of
Baltimore woke coifed hore on ac
count of the death of Mrs. Coke
. Mrs. A. M. Chandler of Maya-
yille and Mrs. H. W. Meadows
and little daughter Luella of Toe.
coo who have been the guests of
Mrs. E. B. Wood returned home
The death of Mrs. Coke Tal
inadge - Friday morning at the
General hospital brings inexpreu-
iSle sorrow to her family . and
friends. The deepest and tincer-
cst sympathy goes out to the be
reaved lumily in their great sor
row and irreparablo loss.
Mr. and Mrs.^Hugh While an
nounce the birth of a son, Thurs
day night, February 22nd.
Misses Nina and Susan Scuddcr
returned Friday from a visit to
Dr. and Mrs. James Bloomfield at
their winter homo in Sarasota,
j -
Miss Annie Mas Smith of Com
merce who is teaching in West
Point was a visitor here Thursday.
Mrs. W. L. Weston and littlo
ton, Warren of Halifax, N. S,, will
arrive Friday night to visit hat
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V A. Scud-
.dgr, and will be most cordially
welcomed. Mrs. Weston
...i ; . w.
Eton Jacket With
New Spring Suits
Mrs. Claud Mcaders was a charr
ing hostess icet Thursday after
noon at her home on North Broac
strcct,-to the Rook club, tho hon
or guest being 'Mrs. Clarence Jack-
son of Athms.
The living room, where the
gu-’sts were aeated. was effective
ly decorntcjl with cut flowers,
while large red hedr-b hung in
'Taceful festoons about the /win
dows and mantels, carrying out
the valentine suggestion.
Mrs. Headers
guests wearing i
• s pring model cf black taffeta,
with paisley bodice.
•Mrs. Jackson was handsomely
frowned in an afternoon frock of
black lace With Alice blue trim-
Rungs. . . !
The color scheme of red and
white was carried out in the re
xes hmehta, big block cream wish
fed heart center* and white' and
red shsj
' eluded: Mesdames
i join
ed in Washington, D. C., by her
father, who will accompany them
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bowen have
been called to S.andcrsvillo by the
death of Mrs. Bowen’s father, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Whiting and
Miss Blanche Boone of Maysvilie
vifited here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Betts and
Misses Victoria and Fiona Betts
motored to Ainta Thursday for
the day.
Mrs. J. C. Turner, Mro. S. J.
Smith and Miss Ruby Hancock of
Jcffctsan were among the visitors
here Thursday.
. —
Mrs. W. T. Wills, Ralph Willi'
-and Nathan Ayers were in Athens
Saturday, tho former to visit bet
daOfehtcr, ’Mfso Lillian Willi, who
is making a very enviable reputa
tion in' her class standing all' the
SUto Normal. At the recast semi
annual examinations Miss Wills
mode ‘A” on every test, which we*
received her exceedingly gratifying to her par-
very- becoming ents and friends^—Jackson Herald.
Miss Lizzie Lou Locklin of Ath
ens has been the guest during tho
past two weeks of her ann-V Mrs
J. L. Doolittle, In her apartments
en-i Washington street—Jackson
Herald. t
Miss Bonnie Brock of Athens
High School faculty spent the
week-end with Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Brock. —Jackson
Flounced dresses are back again, and businesslike.
he mentioned the boll weevil. Dr.
Maxim ckme south to attend a
conference oit eminent scientists in
Atlanta for tbe purpose of discuss
ing means of exterminating tba
boll weevil. He suggested that
beginlng on the Atlantic Seaboard
a strip of land 150 miles wide not
be planted In cotton for one year.
He eald tbe government would
have to foot the bill for this and
pointed out tbe necessity of pay
ing the farmers tor loss of their
cotton crop tor that year. The cot
ton-less zone could be moved for
ward 150 miles each year until the
weevil is uusbed out of the coun
try, ho said.
Creation of Joiis to repay politi
cal debts waa (cored by the speak
er. He also declared the county
bas gone too far with the suppres
sion of state’s rights. Tbe govern
ment is becoming too centralized,
he said. He mentioned the race
problem In tbe south and admitted
with a smile that “we of the north
are understanding better now that
you know how to handle the race
oroblem. We are learning more
how to handle It, too.” Ho refer
red to the fourteenth amendment
“What an Idiotic thing it-was.” he
ha] J.
Dr. Maxim and Mrs.,Maxim ar
rived In Athens Thursday after
noon from Atlanta. They were
taken for a ride over the city dur
ing the afternoon and later Dr.
Maxim reviewed the University R.
O. T. C. Last night tbe visitor
saw the Oeorgia-A. A. C. basket
ball game. He enjoyed it, too. Dr.
and Mrs. Maxim left Friday morn
ing Tor Birmingham.
Of Columbia University
For poached eggs, with aspara
gus tips and sauce, a good lunch
eon or supper dish, take:
Six eggs, an equal number of
which crusts have been removed
n can of asparagus tips, a cup and
a half of milk, three tablespoons
each of butter and flour, half a
teaspoon each of salt grated cheese
and an eighth teaspoon of pep
FiraJ make the sauce, melting
the butter and adding flour, sea
sonings and milk. Cook until
smooth and thick, then add cheese
and keep hot over water.
Poach the eggs in’the' usual yay
and head the asparagus tips.
Place the toast on a platter or
individual plates, cover with par
of the sauce and on it place the
eggs. Pour the remaining saute
over thweggs and servo asparagus
tips between the eggs.
Sprinldo with paprika.
Emmett Small Is -
Acting Macon P. M.
Legal Men In '
WASHINGTON — Probably tbe
moat distinguished * gathering of
tbe. legal profession In the history
of the nation asiembled here to
day tor tba conference called by
the committee on tba establish-
srent of n permanent organization
for the Improvement or the law to
oonoHer formation of an American
law institute. Prjmarly the. time-.
Uoa of the Institute, as dearribed-
wootd be to remedy detects In the-
law and 'Its application ,by 4
An lay ties) critical .and conserva-
New spring Zulu show variations
of the Eton Jacket.
One model bas bell sleeves
reaching only slightly below tho
olbow and may be worn’ with a
short-sleeved slip on dress of the
sort favored for three-piece salts.
The other has undersleeves,
shirred at the waist, and nn under
vest resembling a blouse gathered
on a wldo, low belt In this model
the undersleeves and undorvest al
most always are of the ramo silk
as the lining, giving the effect of
bright, silk blouse worn under
tailored sML
MACON, Ga.—Tho appointment
of W. Emmett Small, president!-of
the Georgia Casualty company, aa
acting postmaster of the city of
Macon was confirmed by the Post
Oflko department at Washington
Wednesday night, according to a
telegram received by local post-
office inspectors. Mr. Small ai
turned charge of the office todsi
succeeding the late Hiltyier Rud.-
sill, who committed sulcido last
Tbe ocean's depth at any point
can bo ascertained now by echoes
obtained through tho Instruments
used during the war to locate mb-
tho Manchester. England, Royal
Infirmary reports the case of a
man whoso heart continued to beat
for five hour* after he had ceased
to breathe.
Silver Is being recovered from
the waste hypo used In developing
film*photographs The Loo Ange
los yield averages close to $10,000
Flounced Frocks in Style
Both intln and crepe frocks, for
wear, sad twill and tric-
1 the street, are being da-
Ith from two to six deep
forming the entire skirt
Of '
■ Tho dross with the deep bib cot
tar la an afternoon affair of taf
feta and chiffon.
. E? “W frock m * ke * *“ °*Wo
rn tious display of double ruffles
at the wrist—a mark of extreme
Eats Meal While
Bulletc Fly Fast
SEATTLE, Wash. — Eating
breakfast while bhllets .crashed
through the hious'o she occupied
was the experience of Mrs. Ernest
Thompson Seton. wife of the
Naturalist, during tbe occupation
of Canton, by troops of Sun Ynt-
sen, deposed president of South
China. Mrs. Seton arrived hero
yesterday on the steamship Presi
dent -'McKinley from a visit to tho
“I was .he only white woman in
Canton proper when Sun Yat-
aen's troops entered the city and 1
ate my breakfast amid the tattle
of machine guns which kept up
constantly until the city was en
tirety under the command of the
victorious troops.” Mrs. Seton
said. . ,
Sennett’s i
qA ^Beautiful Romance of Youth and Love
University Suspends
Ip Honor Of Dr.
Dan Du Free
Classen at the University of Ge^r 1
gin wbre suspended Friday morn- !
ing from 11:40 through tbe remain j
dor of the day in dofereqee to Dr.
Dan H. DuPree. whose funeral was
conducted Friday afternoon.
Dr- DuPree in addition to being
a Georgia graduate waa the physi
cian in charge of the Crawford W.
Long Infirmary and In that connec
tion was a member of the faculty.
Urge numbers of the faculty mem
ben and students attended the
funeral services.
The world's popuplatlon at the
beginning of tbe nineteenth cen
tury was estimated at 700 millions.
Now It 1* pnt. at approximately
16(0 millions, having more than
doubled in 120 yeata.
A fork never-should be* jabbed
Into n frying or grilling steak or
chop; it lets the juice out.
A big London hotel boasts a danc
Ing floor resting on 240 splml
springs, which are "tpned up” j
every ten years. . .
Below 1000 fathomkjfhe teMpera'
ture of the ocean never varies... I
l v f'H “ V ■+?>.
Davison- Nicholson Co.
Boys blouses all sizes solid colors and stripes, regular 75c and
$1 values for 59c each.
GfTod quality BAtEi TOWELS 15x30 inches, each 15c
Extra hedvy BATH TOWELS 22x44 inches, each ......... 49c
81x90 WHITE ROCK SHEETS, good quailty $1.39
BATH MATS 86x^0 inches $1.75
, BATH MATS 24x^4 inches - - - $1.98
73 blue striped TABLE DAMASK 85c
72 inch white TABLE DAMASK 85c
C retone SOFA PILLOWS, round shape 89c
Children’s ROMPERS, regular $1.25 values for 79c
Good quality 104 brown SHEETING 49c
32 inch fast color QINGHAMS and ROMPER CLOTH 25c
36 inch RATINES, solid color and stripes ^ 45c
40 inch WOOL TWEEDS $1.50
40 inch CANTON CREPES, new shades ......) $2.50
LACE BERTHAS, new styles 50c to . . 7 $4.00
Fast COLOR SUITING, guaranteed not tq fade under the most
trying tests’, all colprs 45c
Davison-Nicholson Co*
’ ’ -IN OUR-
175 Clayton Street
t (Two Doors From Kress.)
W E BEG TO ANNOUNCE that we have completed the transfer of our stock of
drugs, pharmaceuticals, druggists’ Riundries, stationery, toilet goods, etc., cigam,
cigarettes and tobaccos, together with our large soda fountain and accessories
to the bqilding at 175 Clayton Street, just across from our former stand, and invite our
patrons,^friends and the public to visit us in our new quarters.
", > To The Ladies And Children '
We; fcave provided special souvenirs—hundreds of beautiful toy balloons for tha
children fcntf.ask.them to call during'the hour between 10 and,U A. M. and receive one
We wish^to fhank our hundreds of patrons in Athena and this territory for their
favors in the past, and to assure them that we will be better prepared than ever to
render them a larger and more perfect and satisfactory service in our new quarters.
175 Clayton o,.
Phones88 Andll87 ,,„„ „*
'It,Ini baa anitais*! ufi
. „ . aailrmfoG
i Athens, Ga.