The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 04, 1923, Image 14

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i 'T/'?-' • urntwfvt mob six {'MICK DAW’S ADVENTURES 7^' SALESMAN SAM TUB BAKNBR-HBRALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA A Real Bargain, But T\ ^ Ytrtlft- W«') \ SHOtiWtME. ^ ONUM^2—VLU StM SLUNG FOR*® ' rais bung m' LUST PNR.# JSStgSm (Ml HSWL-Mtn FOR ^ DUilNMS (V*; ONLH *Z . Jack, of course, likin'I know Just what the nlr traffic lawa were, and he | Wax willing to land in 'Balloon Leund and dxpluln thin to the Judge. “But.** , shouted Jack to the pollccfnan balloon, who had started away. "Kow am 1 I going to set to Balloon Lund 7 I haven't any control over thene balloons." \ CtRTAtfiLN KHOU & TOM. BMI6MN WHEN 1 StVOME- TtV WfW, WHf.T’S REhSOttOF StLUH TrtlS UM>T PAIR 30 CHU\P,T*0 1 ’ ) .SUNDAY, MARCH,, 1>M - By Sw^ feSb FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Jackie to the Rescue •Tiled 1 * VOh. I’ll fix that." , ,v|ry shorty Coppy returned with r. I *t • I t hold of the strings and Jack Kitting in. L «oon Jack'ii balloon ship wan nesting «b and nee." And, sure cm.ugh. policemen and they all'took kvent the ball«x»ns and pretty! 1 the big cloud. t * 0K. Bv Blnsser DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . A Big Time for Danny BY ALLMAN [OUR BOARDING HOUSE ST By .Ahern TELL ME,DANNY>DO YOU LIKE VUDGE? AND DO YOU LIKE ICE CREffcM ? YOU DO? WELL,HOW WOULDfj YOU LIKE To COME OYER. TO MY HOUSE AND WE'LL. - MAKE SOME? ^■'KIN YOU ' MAKE IT? I { / "Here wo .sre/'shouted Coppy. "Hop rlgbt**-ut on 'Balloon Land and i*wil Itake you to rte Judge Balloony." "Why I ain't Hand on a cloud." r«- plied Jack. "I’m sure I would go right through anti full hack to earth.' Thin made Coppy laugh and then he wild. "Don’t worry, be wifo." Continue!.) . YOU JUST BET I CAM MAKE ICECREAM- YOU GET YOUR, nighty and come over With ME AND WE’LL HAVE LOADS OF FUN - WE'LL GOTO A'MOVING PICTURE SHOW TOO - GO AND ASK VooR. MOTHER IF You CAN GO? I’D LIKE To! V. allright! 01 ■J s '‘ FADVaHTURE-S c. *OP TH6*TWINS I V CtLa Ralxrl/ Barlrat. & J} f Ail busTcr, m’lad * mv Heart 13 LM5EI4 WITH ‘DISCoNTEKIT! = • MV PLACE THIS MlUUTfe SHOULD -Le in-the-tomb of king TUTJWKHAMEU * THE EGVPT OF "THREE "THOUSAMD YEARS ago is au open book is me!* think of what VALUE I would be in the Work of I EXCAVATtoU, DECIPHERING AMD EXPLAINING THE USE AND ORIGIN OF EACH ARTICLE Asrfis BROUGHTTb LIGHT/ YOU'D LIKE TO BETH' FLOORWALKER IN OL 1 KING . Tirrfe t&mb,eh2 I’d like to be" "THERE AN’GET CHUMMV WrrH f SOME OF THAT GOLD' AN 1 / J -rfcv.tei c.1. . THOSE CaNTs V KNOW WHAT THSV'RE DOING, ’ M ATbR * TH ’oNlV "THiN/3 YoU COULD Tell 'em tHaT'd Help would be, 'well gentlemen, THE AUTO WITH W.INGS ^W1^crrHER,CAN l GO / / /v/en -rr» nnSK'C uni “ rJUl ntK| vHcl i^vjy Y j q! over TO DORIS’S HOUSE/©HE. 1ST FOR A VISIT? SHE IS /WELL SAY, GOING TO MAKE ICE (/THAT OUGHT \ CREAM AND FUDGE *)To BE A BIG AND TAKE ME TO f <*TIME FORYOO- A MOVIE AND . U GUESS I'LL EVER/THING'/ HAVE TO LET -n. ■ -, ** ^AGlYoogo! U I’LL CALL YOU Y~5 UPyHELEM? ^GOODBY, DANNY' AND DON'T EAT TOO MUCH ICECREAM- GOOD EY,- mother!. v - A Away went the Twin* in queer automobile. clock,*' cried Nancy, "Let's atop.** the "That'11 too bad" sighed , tly clock. "Since everything here Is It was queer bc^auii it bail W'ingt) Instead of wheels. Ilut then. Ufere.were queer ii MIX-Up Land. j/ VYdu’ll have to guldo.' sold tno autoihubile iu Nick, mo Nick tat be* hind itho big wheel and turned It this way and that, while Nancy beside him. ' u’Now be eare/ul!” warned the OUT OUR WAY mixed up 1 have to tell time with iuy feet. And a dreadful time thltifs i»iun ihut^huve i»f It, for feet travel tsstei than hands. What lime Is Itr* "Ten o'clock*' said - ths automo bile. "Mornlys or night?" “Momlthr!" | "Ooodness!" i 1 •• V.. ^"wimam, the old home town By Stanley sluhfd the clock "Now I'll have to turn myself back •WUHtioblle. "and watch where you twelve hours! going. All Hortn of things stick up la the' ulr In Mlx-l’p Land. *4- "Ob they do everywhere." mild 2>uncy. "At h:;me Baddy has :*• watch out for lelegru;>h poles, mid fences, and fire Plugs, ana tnrnsa- ing machines, and all sorts, of things!" "What you sahl Just now is very funny." said the nutonu'bhe. "Don't you know that in Mix*Up Land tho fire plugs uiul telegraph pole# ptlck down into the ^. ound and the things we must be careful hit are deep wells, and cellars and cistern.'. , Lookec, there's a well right 111 rront '•C. us. a iriic high, with a pump on top. If we hit it (| we’I smash to •pllnters.’' • • / "AH right, .I’ll be careful" said Nick, guiding the automobile away from the well. Suddenly they heard a ec*md. "Ding, dong. dfng. dong!" it wen:. 12 times. "It’s a clock." cried Nancy. "Let's ■top. I'd like to see It." Ho the aO- tomobie lit on a tree balancing It-, self like a bird. "I thought you'd stop" said the clock. "Have you any extra hands r* "Only two apiece, 1 ” said Nirtt. * (To Be Continued tintiilVonr Health 8Bbm> pREvmivxrwilubi UrnTUMJM. KK (.'■) It V L. CO X E Transfer Co. Lon, Trip, Oar (Specialty. ChtapMt Track la Tow*. 600 Thomas St Phone 1351 Plenty of Money to Lend<On Real Estate Commiaaion: 1% ON ABIOUNTS OVER tl.000.0*. 10% on amoonta np to 11,000.00. HUBERT M. RYLEE / x LAW OFFICES 10.1 Holman Bldg. ~ USE SUCH LANGUAGE BEFORE"-- * HUSH UP .THIS VERY MINUTES*/ DAKIN IS ONE PERSON WHO CANT PVT ANYTHING- Oi/Ef? ONTkE OLD CROSSING- Athena. Ga. 3 PUT ANtTHlNG O/ER ON "THE OLD CROSSING- 1 i i WATCHMAN WHEN IT COMES TO. KiODINGr. ,_i. lilliWi'l^W mI li’i-.iriwfXiWrt r l-.-i , ■ .n * 1 MARSHAL OTEY WALKER/WHILE ESCOKT/f4& , AUNT SARAH PEABODY HOME FROM A COCIAL/LOSTL^ OLE O HIS OVERSHOES/N THAT PUDDLE ON LOWER BEACH STRSBT-