The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 06, 1923, Image 2

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imt-e former emkeror’s wife. to betas for the purpose of in- llhelm's property at not a dull moment In the entlro per formance. What , you hear-and what you rule will Unger 1 In your memory like a beautiful dream. The date la set for Saturday even Ins. WANTED—Help. Household furni ture. pet stock, only one of a thou sand thlage.' YOU can fill your Wanu promptly and cheaply with a Ban- Minor League Star Puzzles Scouts; , James Walker Has Great Record h/’ „ n » n f. Wire Driers (By Associated Press) Gunston Hall y 0 Woman'Gets Prize Essay on “Surrendei Yorktown.” WASHINGTON Was , ton's birthday May Valentine, a nationally known producer. U to sire her production if the great comic opera piece, "Robin Hood.” This will he Interesting news to the music* loving and theater-so- < Ing nubile of thin city, who support v~—, v: —. ,— r ----- entertainment of the kind* thtt Ip Robertson, of Oklahoma, whose •worth While.". f-i (term in the HOuee mtpired Snn- •Robln Hood” Is Reginald De- day. started shit dgtinst her for Koven'n best loved -composition, and $19,000^or alleged Slander, chances are that more English speak.-, —" “ Ing people know Its Songs, love Its infliPmA — IT n. i-t-i d rollicking fun and beautiful jrten..,' PH'^UPHIV D » l b « d For Rent FOB RENTs-OarJen for ' sweet potatoes, etc., with pe«nk treea llfl Mllledge Ave, Minimum - was observed ye»f " .an impressive m» ffle D, A. R. Continental this city, tte familiar rine Band, the cctars by a long line 0 f salon and marines, the IBUBO. Fla.—Walter kay. prominent pub- igo. dled at bia wtn- -Furntehcd or' music of the Hi presentation of tte oo ii-,. ..r so|() . , ■ patriotic K - W tbe ^aciouWS! f the district, KJrs. WHlism rdy, the patriotic addretiS and songs, combined; to form > n, ting tribute to our flrs^eride« The District of Columbia DoS’ ten of the America*' R'-voluti* pfdwnted gold medals to Miss Hi riam Selah and Miss Ktta H Mafhews, of George Washing Unlyeralty for the be.t e«„yf™ “Relation* of the U. % with *5 ICO. Henry White Draper, historisa tinuances aro NOT Tilid. 75 7{ BaNNKR-HRRALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS It reveals Some of the pretty es calades of that merry bandit and outlaw—It takes you back to the days when the Sherwood Forests it Eng-| land were lull ot Jolly bandits, who robbed only the . rich, and between their escapades sang, danced and drank "Brown October Ate.” | Of course you know what the name' May. Valentino means on an - attracr j tlon. It assures you that you are to ^ soo an excellent company, metropoli tan production. You will hear all of those wonderful songs that the whole world loves, Jtnd “never grow old, such ns "O promise Me," "Brown October Ale," "Th$ Armourer’s Song", and | •■St. Swlthens Chimes." which will ( live perpetually and ’ have Set new , lyric standards In 'the musical world. j ( Then there Is 'the beautiful chorus ( „f young Mies and geltlsmen who I can really alng. In fact It la the klndl Of entertainment that you have been. 1 , watting for. la clean, de-|i ivention Train ] The Weather Georgia. South Carolina: Show ers (mb'.possibly oiunrter storms thli.. afternoon nnd probably to- nltEt; .cooler 'tonight Wednesday I PHILADELPHIA — Liquor* sold lo be vatued at more than halt a ; million dollars were seized In a raid on the Brewery of John Frederick, U9 prohibition -agent*. I. WASHINGTN — Provisional census bureau figures for the first nine months ot IMS showed a (le-i cllne In the brith rate.and an In- crease in the death rate. LONDON — Beaters correspond dent gt' Dorn says the visit*!©' • about issn In the savannah party. Eighty members of the Rotary hate signed “P for the trip. A numbeJ Of FOR RENT—nOOM WITH BATH AND BOARD.. ‘Nicely furnished looms, with or without board. 8team heat, hot and cold"water, tub and ahower baths at all times. Rates ress onahle. tGt W. ougherty St. .m-g-e them win take their wives ami there Will be a delegation from'Waynesboro Join the party here. — HOLD ALLEGED SWINDLER reach here today to identify a sus- ; c ° ™* ved . ot the District of. Columbia So ciety of the Sons of the Ameriesn Revolution pttsented f or his chapter and the chaptec of tbs Sons of the Revolution * told modal for the best ezaay on “Th, gurronder'of Yorkfejai. 11 Conrad Nagel will plat oppostta Hope -Hampton In the eereeh vsr. ■Ion of "lawful Lorcency.- FOR RENT— LAROfe NICE ROOM furnished with nr without board, close In, two blocks iron* postotrue. Phono G33-W. in-t-c Lost And Fonnd LOST—Many an article, found by a Banner-lfcraM reader and return-' *2liVW9 owner. Jf you have lost any thing- today try a Banner-Herald FOR RENT—GOOD FIVE ROOM house, lights, water.' Large lot.' shade quiet street, terms reasonable, Box 174. ' ro-l-p LOST — Bannerlierald r route book number 13, finder please return to Bannfer Herald office on Hancock Ave., and receive “reward. * t-f er, then with ific Nev/ Orleans Pelicans. Walker had won 21 game.: nnd lost 11 -with New Or leans. ■ - In. the Southern League that, year were Johnny Glazner, John ny Morrison, C'ydo Barfoot, In dian Yelloivhorse, Thomas Shee* han, Johnny Suggs and Dazzy Vance, all of whom advanced to the majors. Walker was touted as easily prospect of i|ie bunch, a pitcher ready to take his turn as a big league Regular. That’s what Rickey was looking for. STAR IN MINORS. ( A yjar and a half with the Car dinals and Walker had failed for the third time and bafk to New Orleans he drifted. „ When tfhe 1922 pitching aVetiag- os of the Southern League were issued it was'discovcred that Walk er was ‘the prize of the list. Ho had won 10 of the II- games in which he pitched and ho featured with an carned-run column of 1.32 the best pitching record of the sea son for all leagues. ,.u> Five games;-were won by shut oats and ha.-had three one-hit victories. Major league scouts say that there isn’t another pitcher who compares with Walker as a minor league pitcher. But the color changes when Walker tackles the big-time stuff. FOR RENT—TEN ROOM HOUSE Mllledge Ave., arranged in twe compltq apartments, with baths, walls refinished, newly painted. Al bert Davison. ”* m-G-< Why do soma players who arc sensations in the minors fail to delivar in" the majors 7 Why do-other players who meet with only fair success in the bush es develop into major league stars? That has been a deep, dark niys teiy for veers; ti niajoi- loa^ie managers. It will probably remain for forever. It to .peculiar, too, for the rough fundamentals of 'Jho game are the same in the mint's as ip the ma- FOR RENT—MARCH. 1ST. FOUR- Room house with bath. Near Nor mal School. See W. T. Florence, or phone 1759-W. m-G-c. LOST—One note worth *33.00, drawn T-on-"S. B. M." S. B. Davis, 10S7 S. -Lumpkin St. .Reward. m-'f-p FOff KENT—NINE ROOM HOUSE all modern improvements. Large lot, well located. Mrs. F.. T. llano. Phont 371, m-G-f For Sale FOR SALE—CANNED PEACHES Wanted WANTED—A good cook, house maid, butler, chauffeur, domestic help, or maybe Its office assistance, book keepers, . stenogs, telephone girls, cashiers etc. Whatever It la you may jors. * Take the case of James Roy Walker, a sfcriFoot right-handed pitcher of epeed, curves and enough pil:ing stuff,: according to major league exports, to live a long life as a major,leaguer. Walker was given a ,trl.7l with the Cleveland Indians inbout six Vekrs ago. Ho was nottd for con- trol in the minors. In the lean Lopgde ho four-balled his way back to the minors. , PULLED A COMEBACK. Ifi the “filtaers again,, Wnlker re gained his bearings and once more pitched himself to a major leagi.e> trial. In 1918 he became • member of the Chi&tgo Cube. want! Wanted — subscriptions or renewals for’the Atlanta Conatltu- Udh appreciated. Beginning Apt'L de- liwerlea will ha made by seven o’clock ini the morxlng, advised by Clarke lluv.ell, Jr. Phone 1404-W. Maude E. Cbeny. ra-«-e FOR SALE—Black walnuts in outsr . shell. 50 eta par buehel. Addreaa "W.” care Banner-Herald. m 4-c In looking for pitching strength for hto-Cardinals in 1921 Branch Rickey #aa tipped off to Walk- USED CAR BAROAIN8—Hudson Sedan. Ron lees than 10.000 mile*. Splendid condition. Bulck Roadster. New paint. Good condition. O. M, Knight A Bona Allen, Jr., 54* E. Clayton St. Phono 3*7. m-7-c. That is the service performed by the Victrola and Victor Records* Such a quality of service is obtainable through no other medium* Play the following selections, which we especially recommend on the model shovm heremiK-^mie Vifctrola No* 260: Tosca—Love and Music MBSk Catalog Nos. 88075,88192,88487, 74400, 66111 ' .'CC,. Robin Hood—Oh, Promise Me B’ -I®! Catalog Nos. 87255, 16196, 17189, 17806 -v * f FOR BALE—Ford Coup*. C. H PMnliy. , m-7-c. NEW YORK—(By the Assocated Proas) — As firmly imprisoned as was aver a condemned man, Mku- rico Borocco—genial, smiting, ever plugging to give a thrill to the thousands who have Matched him for years, who,-loro to shout his tongue-thrilling* namo was pedall ing away Tuesday around the wooden eauedr tar Madison 8qnaro Garden but Iris heart was some where hlso. -The six day bicycle race to on. When Coburn, his partner was (bunted out to relieve bim in the early hoars Tuesday morning after r-uiy-: bred barked Plymouth Rock Holterman Aristocrat Strain, (no Inbnedlng.) Nina month* Cock erels and settings for tele. Mr* John MEN, WOMEN, salary *75 full time, *1-50 .an hour , spare' time, selling the genuine guaranteed hosiery to drearer, beautiful lint. Internation al Mills, Norristown, Pa. m-S-p Air-Gage Innet Tubes Showing' amount of air preasnrt In Urea at all times', warn against under Inflation, thereby Increasing Ur* mIleal* one-third. Unique demooetra the Sprints, Broooo broken with aa-VR. SALESMEN—*125 .per month “and ex pease*. Experience unnoces SHI send addressed stamped enve-l lope for Information. ROYAL CIOAR OO., High Point, N. C. m-S-p , Catalog Nos. 89102, 89054, 64712, 35012 Humoresque (Violin Solo) Catalog Nos..74163, 74180, 74404, 353<)6 William Tell Overture £ \ Catalog Nos. I 1 Latest Belt Feeds Money Maker.*.’ a All Kinds Mill 4 WANTED—Salesmen to sell cigars {ito pc* wsek and expense* Expert- [enc* unnecessary. Write ror proposl [tlon. STANDARD CIOAR OO., High I Point, N. C.- m-t-p. He Is not ntoch tot speed anymore, to Bnjbctk bat ho stays. It wtsh’f until tote in the Say. that someone learned the truth and then vhey learned well, not much. It wasn’t generally known whether Broccodwas the adven turous son of n comfortably fixed family, or the hard working son of petsatat parents. It Isn’t known now. Brocco doesn’t want to talk. "What can I doT ho asked pity-, tagly half sohb|ngly. ' He knows today that he to on the second day ot i six day grind. Hi’s entered and he’s physically able to go on, and, according to the performer’s code, he most keep on to the end, even though, as Bag- liaccol from bis own Italy sings: “My hear to breaking." Broooo has five more days in a yellow coll with howling, screaming, screeching crowds shouting tn hi* ear every hour and the smell ot battle in his nostrils. I No one knows from what town In Italy tha cablegram came. They only know it said bis mothor is l !o Hull I VI (dty-iu'-t" iOl al*K I J » 7-fiLIPPBR DEC0RATI0N8 a Fan-shaped tongues of pleated ribbon are used Instead of buckles on some of the new satin /lip- Imd ,63SO - 3S12 ?' '^V 351 . 21 - HERE'S your opportunity to build a dignified business ot, your own, while learning the modem principles of eal«*inan»hlp. Working tqll or part, lima. You can earn white wo teach you |b soil our guarontsad Una oil ■ilk. and cotton dree* good*, hosiery,! etc, fTo cash required. Permanent | reeldeau who can furnish, aaUMactory, references, writ* Immediately, Dept.I IL The M. C. STONER COMPANY,' Forsyth Bldg,. Atlanta, Georgia. | Get this music today—at the store of any dealer in Victor products. f vj'Psrk icl.':' Lombard Iron Works Miscellai [COMMUTATION ROAD TAXBS , tor 1123 now duo, and payable m-S-p ■ MEDIUM BROWN HAIR look. i_Jmst of all after a Goldep Glint ATHBNS BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting Save 60% of expenses by at- 1 , BAN FRA&C1BCO. Cal.—>Tteb«- Pinalll, Louis, Fonseca and WllUe . Kamm, thfee Bail Francisco train ed baseball players, were bn (hair way Tuesday to eastern Hhjor ' league training camps. PinSIR and • Fonseca an hound tor the Cm- , clnnatl training camp at Orlando, ‘ Florida. Kaunif win Jotn no Cai- I'cago White BOx at San Atatunth. WANTEU, -marks. Under the lid. Oa itween f‘deliver papers. . r r Banner - Herald w- Hancock Ave. . ly.SW'.P SM^MhdMtoin Box T13, Athens, Ga. Office, Tom Melghan- plans to return to ■HKaai 1-• . ■= Jib*., lilUVIl - If, 'wtt : -j BTjjlwn - tSiSi m&Ffl TO ft *11 Oil r'WM