The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 06, 1923, Image 3

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THE B4NNER-HBBALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA' TUESDAY, MARCH 8, Sm Irene Castle Society Drama-and Screen Fashion Show Palace To- r: night; Anita Stewart Wednesday 1 n x* -- .Iill a ■ ■■■■■■ Charlie Chaplin’s, Newest Comedy- Thursday Visums: Halt It with 'I'yfwf Dr.KINGS NEW-DISCOVERT . ~tUfmify cough symp 1201 — By MRS. ALICE* ADAMS office Mr. John j. Wilkins, fllr. J. War ren SmlA, Mr. WIU Erwin and others motored to Atlanta Mon Oar for the banquet given by the Metro politan Life insurance Co., of New Yorkr> Palace for 10c to ecc Charlie Chaplin la "The Pilgrim." HAPPINESS ppleass '•»' » k « a crystal. a ij- and exquisite and dear:' ken in ;i million places, * uttered, scattered far and near, and then along life's pathway ,,, soma shining fragments fall, ihere*are so many ‘pieces, one ever finds them alt. Vain to choosa or graxp unduly Broken la the oeridM ballf ' And there are ao many places. No one erer finds them all. ' Yet the wlae. as'on they journey, • Treasure every fragment dAir; ^ Pit them as they may togethkr.i Imagining the shattered sphere, Learning even t& be •thankful, Though.Spelr (hare It I, emiui. ' VAN-NIL Never UnappomU The new Irene Castle picture. I "Slim Shoulders," which opened at the Palace today Is one of the ipoet f teHalhiag screen - productions l>f whic-Utils charming star has ever! , Mrs. 'castle does*', a little of etery- tmef In this picture. She , ’ CORNS Stoptheirpain Mrs. L. J. McElhannan, of At- lndSa, Is yisltlpg her nelce, Mrs. L. A. Burns. I" ’ ■ ■ V ' JJ Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lewis, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. DuBose. The frlenda^o® Mrs. R. T. Du Bose will be delighted to learn she is improving from an illness of three weeks. . Mrs. P. N. 'McCorkle left Tues day momng for Oraenwood, 8. C„ to visit her daughter, Mn. Sidney Isom. , mar find a hit of bettuty. .i an honest share of wealth, ,,i.. another Juat beside you : uhcr. honor, love*pr,health. wears is clothe..; rides horse- drives a fast car. It la oho of the heat pic ture. .Pivr 1 thnwn m ' ' tha Dnt,,a Now!—you can end the pain of corns. In one minute Dr. Scholl's Ztno-pads will doit—laftlyl They •remove tjte raws—friction-pres. sure. Thus you avoid Infection: from cutting your corns or using corrosive acids'.' Thin; antiseptic, waterproof. Site* for corns, cal- louses, bunions. Get a box today St your druggist's or shoe dealer’s. DXScholl's Xitio-pads Putoneon-thepalnU gone! j ,L. Irana’l OIUUT l*leR0«»0 Own w IWfc of Parle ami London, tho fair Irenes LEA0UE MEETS WEDNES photographed In the windows of q A y 4 P. M. .'v smart shopil depicting her as the | , ^,| 10 ,mdy classes of the Si Tlte mivance'sale of ftexets will start at tha Colonial Theatr* Ion Thureday morning at IS o'clock when ticket, for either the Monday at Tuesday nlgbt performances may be secured. Thq. IMS- Frolics wlU no! ■'"*** — r w - • , J * 1UD BtUUjr UUOOt-o Vi ms® < world’s leading exponent of * a **“ on , league of Emmanuel churc i As a matter of fact, thev photo-1 me(fl Wedneg(la y afternoon , graphs show Mias CasUe wearing her j„ jj, e parish bouse. American designed gowns Buyer* , I from foreign soil are now coming Co this country to secure tMIr etylee. (The demand for Irene Castle Original, [Models Is beyond tho comprehension dot those who have come to aocepti I European stylists as the arbiters of .'•he world's fashions. This demand Me. lit Wet. far greeter than the aup- Mrs. Emmett Moore of New York pleasantly remembered here as lilss Hele. Seppard, arrived Tuesday aft ernoon to visit Mrs. Walter Hodgaon- doubt be one of the biggest society! theatrical, of the present season rivaling tha Jr League Frolics of| Atlanta In so far a spretty girls, elegant costumes and special scenery! are concerned. The D. A. K. of Ath-I ens for whose benefit the IMS Frolics' are being presented are to be con gratulated upon the success that Mr Get bur prices on Seed Irish Potatoes before buy ing. ■tarring Anita HtfewarC, comes to tfie Palace \Vednosday. “A Question of Honor” was adapted from the fam ous Ruth Cross story of" romance, adventure and conflict. The story of ”A Question of Honor” stirred up a nation-wide In terest when It ran serially In the -People’s Home Journal a year ago. Combining virile action with subtle satire and tense drama. It affords Anita Stewart wonderful opportunity for good, human characterisation and Stirring .emotional portrayal. Mrs Murphy CAn^ler, Jr., and lit tle daughter. -Edith of Augusta, arc tho guests of Mrs. Jack Goodman. The Nafitahala F. T. A. will hold Its regular monthly meeting Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. A full .. attendance is. desired. Tuesday In “Slim Shoulder,," bring- —Us ing with her many gorgeous and wou- gewiNG CIRCLE TO MEET derfiri gowns. WITH MRS. 8IM0N —a— MICHAEL youno college set Mrs. Simon Michael will entar- orqanize BRIDGE CLUB tain her sewing circle Wednesday A congenial group of the young afternoon which will assemble the college set will meet with Miss Elisa- / members for the usual lovely hospl beth Arnolds Tuesday night for tha tallty of the gracious hostess, nurnoee of organising a bridge club, / —B— to meet every week which give* MR8. WILLIAM J, MILLER 8 nremire of being one of the most PRETTY PARTY delightful social organisations in the Friday afternoon Mrs. William ■ * . innin.i. Misses j. Miller entertain' J at the second CRUCEDALE Phone 1286 Mr. and Mrs. E. IJ. Hodgson went over to' Atlanta Monday to spend ten days. Shouse of Atlanta, was guest of her sister, Mrs Charles N. Dennis after ft visit of several weeks with her mother. Mrs. J. H. 'Watson, leaver this week for Alexandria, La. Charlie Chaplin Palace Thursday Thursday and Friday of this week thg. Palace wlU present Charlie Chap lin In his latest four Set comedy riot of fun "The Pilgrim." On the same bill will be seen Florence Reed In her greet dramatic society drama "At Bay," making one of the best dout||e programs presented at the Palace thle reawn. On Friday another pop ular children's matlaee -will be pre sented when all children under 11 years of age will be admitted to,the* Now is the Time to enter the Red Seal Shoe contest, and win a free pair of the famous Red Seal Shoes. Ask your dealer for an entry blank today. J. K. On* Shoe Cow Atlanta, Ga« i, Kath- of a lovely series of small parties I Louisa at her attractive homo on Morton prances! avenue. The bright) decorations of dy Wat-} spring flowers gave additional Sill Ful-Icharm to the enjoyable tea. which it. 'such was one of tho season's most beautifully planned social events. gj— MRS. JAME8 PAINE, JR., ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB WEDNE8DAY another Mrs. James Paine will entertain y even- her bridge club very delightfully ch gives Wednesday afternoon at her home success, on Dealing street, which will add ilsh the v ery happily to the small social be Mr. affairs of the week. fr*°and MEET8 8 wLi A mee'Hns of Volture Number 499 of Clarke County. La Society 1 des 40 Homipea et S Cheueaux will meet at the Elks Hall Wednesday evening March 7, afl 8 o'clock. All P. G.’s are requested to bo pres ent for the Initial ceremonies. • .. .... Uniform to be worn Is top oat H 15, ' and Prince Albert i. First —B — iln the The j r | enflg 0 f Mr. Marlon Ar- Maeeh no j d w m regret to learn of bis lea par- con ynued Illness. mber Is gj Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phlnlxy spent George the wee)t on( j ( n Augusta with Mr. arry B and Mrs. C. H. Phlnlsy, Jr. - —gj 0 ... Mr. S, BernsVeln la having hla gad beautiful Milledge avenue home —- purchased from Mr. Ben Comer , remodelcil beforo taking posses- H- slon fit It Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H Flatau will make their homo with |H Mr. Bernstein ami family. ¥0 Miss Blanch Stcppacher. of Now 'iff York. Is visiting her sifter, 'Mrs. ■ Charlie JoeL ■j gj ||| Mr. and Mrs. Louis Futkcnsteln !-'• went to Macon Tuesday morning Get our prices on Seed Iriab Potatoes before buy ing. CRUCEDALE Phone 1286 use tne wt on tired nerv rr~ it means trou< Mrs. F. S. Shouse of Hamlet, N. Is spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Pennock. Mrs. Walter Bishop went over to Atlanta Monday afternoon to visit Mrs. Rutherford Lipscomb. Mrs. A. W. Ashford an* Misses Ashford of Watklnivllle were visltorr here Monday. * WfientHS aa/g wotk is fwhl, yo^c&t ^ ' jnake it easier with stimulantfl. \ , ( „ Ask any doctor for i^e ncht '! ,* You can’t over-draw energy without . paying. Coffee contains the nerve-stimulating drug, ,4 ^caffeine. When coffee is used to overcome fatigue, it means whipping the tired nerves .,J/.|nto a tun. You may seem to get added strength— but there’s a settlement coming for ah over drawn account V, . TUmcare! [:. Rest is the cure.for fatigue. Health lathe : 1 equipment for hard tasks. ‘ Rest and health are interfered with when * nerves are pver-atimulated., , MICHAEL BROTHERS Mrs. Miller Porter returns to Wash^ Ington. D. C.. Friday after a vlslti to her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Miller on Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hodgson and little daughter of Crawford spent the week-end with Mr. and‘Mrs. J. M. Hodgson. —FB— Mr. and Mrs. J. P, McCall. Miss Maitle Sue and^LucIlle McCall, mo- ..BEGINNING TODAY Remarkable Sale SEX PARASOLS tored to Elberton. Oa.,''Sunday. MIm Mattie 8ue remaining over for the Athena HI basketball game. She will be Joined Tuesday by Miss Fannie. May Teat . Every One Guaranteed— .. These fine quality Silk parasols usually sell for $7.50 and more. They are made of heavy, tape edge, im ported silks with fancy handles, tips and buttons. Every color is here and many black ones. The value is a most unusual one. , Michael’s—Main Floor Laying of Water Main Approved by Council. Concrete Bridges -For Wood Ones. ~ Laying of a water main on South people do you know who say, “I have to go slow on coffee; it keeps me awako nights?’’ How is it in your own case? Have you counted restless night hours after the evening cup of coffee? pTreat your health sensibly that you may mast your taqk capably. y Don’t .try to draw strength from over driven nerves. That way lies weakness. Don’t in crease over-woik by using stimulants. You are merely postponing and increasing the penalties. Be fair to yourself I For a. hot, comforting beverage, .drink Tostum and let nerves have their natural rest There’s charm \fithout harm in Post urn —a delightful, satisfying cereal beverage; rich, seal-brown in color, delicious in flavor and lire pn»wu«i» w 7-7- localfty «u formally approved by city council Monday night. TO* request for a main was brought forth by Cptain J. Hi Rucker, of tha Third Ward backed by a peti tion from resident# of that sec tion. At present, they are de- pendant upon a two-inch pipe pri vately owned, it war -•-'-d Requests for a all ment on 0-"***' iFIfth Wat_ — — oilman Wallace Bell. ^p°o vately owned, it was pointed out was*made by Coun- A commit tee will investigate this and re port Wedneaday night for. action; Council algo authorised City En gineer J. W. Barnett to replace the wooden bridges in the city with concrete^ structures. Abou^ Daily we are iqaldng beautiful buttons. , Our machine is the most modem one. The service is very fast. Delivery same day as ordered." * ' il |£ Every mother dreads that horri ble sound—w croupy cough. You need not suffer that hor ror. Give the little one Cheney’s Expectorant, and if you have call ed the doctor there won’t bo much for him to do when he gets there. You should always keep Cheney’s Expectorant in the house,'for you never know when you may -need it to gave your little one from suf fering. Cheney’s Expectorant is for sale by all druggists and in smaller towns, by general merchants in .'!0c and COc bottles.—Advertise ment. Every inch a Victrola Thii’porttble Victrola No! 50 is as compact tad handy as a week-end grip. It IS just an easy handful, yet you carry with it the whole world of mniic. Every inch S Victrola, it makes music readily available in distant mountain cottage or the motor cruiicr'a cabin. | Our Special payment plan makes it very easy to own this Victrola. Come in and hcarlt. - lulation, now use Postum anti praise its iforting goodness. , q The road to health is a good road for' 'anybody to follow. -1a— • Your grocsr sells Postum lit two fotnsct Instant Postum (in tins) prepared Insttntly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (In packagoo) for those who prefer to make tho drink while the meet Is being prepared; made by boiling folly HO minutee. the coming spring and summer. Thp main one will be the completion of the Danielsvilie read opt to • point one and seven tenths miles from the city limits, another fit about a half mile on the Prince ton road and the third on tbr Jefferson road. i The Princeton road bag already been paved to Princeton and an other half mile will be constructed beyond. (Material is now being put in place for this work which will begin in a few days. Bernstein Bros. Victrola Dept. Phone 376 There's a Reason 5 by Postum Cereal Cd, Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan 278 Clayton Street Athens, Georgia