The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, March 06, 1923, Image 7

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IARCH 1 ■”-T ! lower then formerly. More people can afford telephone* than formerlyand thle la the chief reason for the abnormal demand. More than flS5.00t,000 Was ex pended In additions to the plant of the Bell System last year. In the three and a halt years since the property of the Bell Bya- temswaa turned fack by the Gov ernment. more has been spent in plant additions than In tne ten years preceding the war aad at the same time many Improvements in apparatus and method* have Keen Introduced. Burlng the year 1922 over 600,- 00V stations were added to the Bell System. This was a larger Increase than In any preceding year. 'itOrOOOO STATIONS 1; therefor© %n a permanent and sound foundation. In the interests of tne stockholders and the public** Is de scribed by President H.' B. Thayer GENUINELY GOOD \7A1U KJ|| GENERO IN QUALITY. V Atl-illL |N (VAN-NIL la a ayalketlc etallla »t tar* Savouring cedent. fin the annual report gf the Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph Com- 1 pany. i It was In general a year or steady [accomplishments In the undertak- 1 ' > fthe Bell system but marked , ..... - sensational demand In many System and how they are related toisecticns for telephone service. We- _ _ " ‘ j-lphorfe rates have not advanced In ,.av.:c ?- ratio MB Individual incomae, vice, satisfactory to the public andt hence telephone safaa are remuve:y i I : L_ ■ ' 400 was outstanding nt th eend of the year.' The Directors recommend the authorised share capital be in creased to fl.OOO.OOO.ODO. to xa:to caro of present conynltments and future ■ requirements but- they an nounced that no now stock ottering Is contemplated for 1921. Agricultural College Pres ident Will lie* Speaker At Swine Growers Con vention Next We$k. eJLBEUTON, Oa.—The program for the two-day meeting of the Georgia Rwlnn nnwm’ iKimh. Ion, s< C;, __ 15. has just been announced. business sessions will he held In 'ibe county courthouse, as dodge Walter L. Hodges has agreed to adjourn Superior Court during the •wo-day session of the swine meet ' jingo i The various of/the Bell [by u YOU FEEL WINTER’S COLD?, | the general plan, “Intended to pro duce an Institution -for public ser- President Considers ; Court Membership , A Move For Peace - .WASHINGTON —\ President Harding looks, upon-the court of International justice . as “one of the greatest advances which world society has made toward conditions in which at last the -rule of law may be. substiutted for the rule of force” he wrote Lieutenant Governor Earl D| Bloom of Ohio. Monday in response to a resolu tion of the Ohio state senate com mending him “for his courageous stand” in urging American parti-1 cipation. Build up your vital forces with rich, body-wanning and wiriahing emulsified cod-liver oil Lcthhelp you avoid e.frequent colds, coughs and bronchitis' or other weak- 3S<of body induced by .exposure to WinterVcold. { i few Pleasant Tablets, unt Stomach Relief!! Rockefellers Recover From Illness leorgla Swine a rowers' Assoe|a- - r , —.Juled hero for Wednes day and Thursday, March 44 and 15. has just been announced. The Something dyer 14.040,080 statlonn or© .now connected with the »sy©« tem. v . The Investment of th© Hell Fy»* tem in plant and equipment, in cluding construction in tiregress, uus shown by thj oook.4 on iiccein- ber 31st to be $1,754 Continued progress him been made .it Ihe construction of llte . plan: which would r*i free twin storm cent of tne is a/quicKly-assimilated food-tonic, that la rich in wtamjne- ■ batting cod-liver oil to.warmaind energize the whole . system. Tens of thousands take Scott's Emulsion every day, as e protection against Winter ills. I i -Be tare that you bay a bottle of Scott’s Emul• 4tes*.fftion today! ... acounammc.'hkna&aid.M.j. un Acid stomach, heartburn, full." ■e». I f you feel bloated, 'sick or unconi tol lable after eating, 'here is harmless relief. “Pape's Dia- pepsin” t ottlcs ' the stomach and corrects digestion the riioment if reschcs the stomach. This guaranteed stbmach cor iteLvc costs but a few cents at my drug store. Keep lt-Tiandyl-4- (Advcrtisement) ' . Invocation. Rev. • W. A. Wray,/ oaator First Baptist Church of El- berton. Welcome address, 'Mayor John T. -Dennis. Address. Governor-elect’ 'Clltford Walker. Address, C. A. Cobb, editor Shc- them Rurallat, on. Co-operative McNary Declines Recess Position /amage, over - . __ — vires of the Bell Pyitrn I’elng u»yt umierp uml. , . Twenty-five associated companies -arne.! 6 0 per cent on the hook cost during It.'. Not Including Its .'.On- li, tho undistrltioted iironis it Uw nssocL.f.i ciimpur.iex. tlie Arterwan Te'cplvto nnd Teiegrupn >'ci/i iny eaitit i 11.14 iter cel t on. WASHINGTON — Jamos a. Mc Nary. of New Mexico, whoso nomi nation for Comptorller of the Cur- ency failed of confirmation by the senato was tffered a recess appoint ment to the ptuce Monday by Proa- Ident Harding, but replied that ho could not accept. Its Average outstanding capital stock. It la conservatively estimat ed that the equity in the business represented by the American Com pany’s . stock. Including tho recent Issue, now equals approximately 6190 per share. I Growing Hogs In Georgia. AV. H. J Peacock, president American Du- jroc, Jersey Breeders’ Association: t The Cow, Ah* Hog and the Hen, by Roland Turner, agricultural agent. Southern Railway. The Ralroad’s Interest In Geor- | gin’s Live Stock Industry, by Jesse I'M. Jones, i ■ J —* *—■ GRAIN EXPORTS WASHINGt6n—Grain exports from the United States last week amounted to 8,740,000 bushels compared with 4,361,000 for thf/ Week previous. * ■ AMERICAN IS LARGEST Of all Amorlean corporations, tno American Telephone nnd Tclegrnpn Company hns the largest number nt dockholders and tho widest dlstrl- bulfrn of pwnorshlp. On ixwmiJiv 31st the number of stockholders was 248,925, nn Increase during tne year of 02.583. the largest Increase in n ypar In the history of t*.. -nmpnny. Tho average number of shares held Is 20. Approximately 16.700 of the stockholders or record aro employees of the Bell System, The report shows that there were 14.060,565 telephones In the Bell System at the end of the year, an increase of 070,000 dtfHng tne year. The number of connscttaas made dally, was over thirty-eight million. Miles of whto oanndstlns She Betl- ownod stations Increased to over Mrs. Mildred Pipkin, of R. F. D. 8. Columbia, Tran.; says: “My experience with Cardui has covered a num ber of years. Nineteen years ago ... 1 got down with weak back. I was run-down and so weak .nnd nervous <( had to stay in bed. Ireadol general development agent. Atlantic Coast Line Rnil- • way. . I Automobile tour, of county, visit- ling up-to-date farina, granite quar ! ricj* and. finishing plants. j EVENING ; session Both John D. Rockefeller and his aon-were slightly Indisposed oi their whiter estate at Ormond Beach, Flo. Now they havo recovered and this photo shows them after a mils walk returning from Sunday services in the Ormond Union Church. 1 Address, George T. Betts, presl- :nt of the Georgia Association. Business sosson. DgOWONaiES MORNING 8E8SION Why ho Farmer Failed, and the Farmer 4>t Tomorrow, by J. W. Vaughan, president Bank df Cnr- tersvlllo. * - Address, Dr. Andrew M. Soule, president State College of Agricul, Taimadge Bros. & Co. Distributors - Drawings By Bill Holman. .Verses By Hal Cochran and sent lor 1L I took only one bottle at that time, and it helped pie; seemed to strengthen and build mo up. so (hat is hdw I first know ol Cardui. Alter that, A. when I began to flit weak and ‘no accodriV, v rsan* • right for „Cardui, and it npver tailed to help me."'|3j li you UpWeflk and suffer ing Irom womanly ailments, Cardui may ba just what you need. It has helped thous ands,'and ought to help you. , . EX07 ifure on The Proper Fartn Program, j Barbocue. ^ jAFTERNOON | SESSION . | A rale* of pare bred mt TONIGHT -PALACE-TOMORROW j AWtla” of pare bredrhogs at auc- Itlon, and co-operatlvo sales, com- imence at 1:30 o'clock. The Gorgeous Society Drama and Screen Fashion Shoui NEW TURBAN A smart turban Is made entire ly nr folda of green moire ribbon nqd trimmed wldh a folded how A MAN’S or A WOMAN'S Which is the greater Everyone must answer sooner or later ANITA STEWART does in ^ “A Question of Honor” that breaks the severe, .line and adds a certain-touch of frivolity. } CLOSING OUT SALE Going Out of Business Sacrificing my stock of' fine wall papers, CHAPLIN’S - New Comedy Riot - THURSDAY Sacrificing my stock or line wau papers, paints, varnishes, stains, glass, , and picture moulding. * Also All Store Fixtures. V ... Everything Fresh and New « , £ All Prices Greatly Reduced 1 Sale Starts Thursday, March 1. : |f JOHN L. ARNOLD Corner Clayton and Thomas Streets^ • ■ 4 Athens, Ga. The sheik is quite a classy man Who lives, in other lands. . Perhaps he is the gujr w*ho made The ^footprints on, the sands.” By Coxtdo EVERE.TT You TeM/tNrs MC/AN IvHCN A -but x don't! 1 T °^t T 'i ~ RUNNIN» THIS A shoe manufacturer whose store in New York City is in a rather out- of- tbe-way locality recently called the at tention of the reading public to these familiar lind; “If a man can . write a better book, preach a better sermon, or makp a bet ter mousetrap than Ms neighbor, though,he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.” F6r many years people liave beaten a path to this shoe manufacturer’s door. He has proved the truth of this famous aphorism. j And where did he publish this .quota tion which he applies with, such pride to is business? ■’*' Why; in an advertisement, to be sure —for this manufacturer U a consistent and regular advertiser, and when he has anything to say, he says it through his advertising. It may fairly be assumed that he would not look for a thriving business in the best, of mouse traps, or shoes, if people were not told about them .as people^expect to be told —thrbugh advertising. j .. • Of course, people do find out which are the best mousetraps, die best shoes, the best tires, the best breakftast foods, and buy v them in preference to others. And people today are pretty well aware that when a manufacturer puts ALL ABOARD Winter Excuraiqii Faroe and AD Year Tourist Fares Alabama Arliona Arkansas Britiih Columbia California Florida Washington * * hio'Re V/RVii ■ ■ ■■ r — . HSAT, AMO I fa You' (won't XAKC TOfe HINT. tvHGN WB POONO rm THty PiPtss, ive’Lc pouwd thc Tmfl-JANITOR « CGT'S S£S FRICTION tuON’T * <5. UortS HtSAT'SJ Mississippi Georgia Railroad Advertising back of the thing he makes “he is telling the world that the path to his door is a broad highway. " Jjy&y you ordersiignr make sure it is IARArTQ U N SAtABT j DRESSSNO You always J ivanlmore I ;. Granulated, Tablet; Powdered. Confettionerj, Brown: Golden Syrup; Cinnamon and Sugar; Sugar-Honey; Molaises j » j M0* 0 <1$00 10 Cone Sugar CjncSnjjr.; Granulaied Crjnul.lfrd -